Vindicator ago

@Shartistryinmotion: Can you please direct me to the linked source for this part of your submission?

DynCorp a la Cerberus Capital, the PMSC of choice for this administration (Feinberg appointment as head of Intelligence Advisory) is and HAS BEEN the corporation hired to manage Child Protective Services.

I am not seeing proof of this in the links you provided. I am giving this the 24 Hour Grace flair per Rule 2 so mods don't forget to verify this. Please reply to this comment if I've missed the link, or if you edit this post to provide the evidence our submission rules require. Thanks.

MAC712 ago

ShartistryinMotion and Esoteric this may seem odd - it does some to me but - this morning I’m feeling the need to say that i apologize for being so sassy and apologize for my part of flipping Ill will around. We are all angry it seems. Sincerely hoping and praying for healing of our individual lives, our country and our world. Trusting it will happen.

ESOTERICshade ago

MAC712 ago

Clarity comes with exposure. It’s coming I think. Prayer helps for sure. If not your practice then just reflect or meditate on less division and focus actions towards attaining unity. Which is why I chose to apologize this morning. This is not winable online. Nor by getting in each other’s faces personally. Somehow someway we Americans need to relearn how to sit down and work together and at times allow compromise. It’s obvious we are split on the solutions.

ESOTERICshade ago

Prayer helps for sure.

Only in your mind, but if its working, keep doing it :)

then just reflect or meditate on less division and focus actions towards attaining unity

ummmmm, NOPE. You Q people must be eradicated from the system. You must be purged out.

MAC712 ago

By the way Shartistryinmotion, President Trump was trying to change up and protect these kids from what has repeatedly happened to them in the past several administrations. Here is an article about what happened in Obama’s. But I’m sure that HW & GW Bush and Clinton aren’t far behind. They’ve been supplying pizza gate for years. It’s time for the light to shine on this. Thank you for your efforts President Trump.

ShartistryInMotion ago

Name one elite Trump had arrested.

septimasexta ago

I must admit I am getting a little impatient.....


"EXCLUSIVE: Miss Movin' On! Huma Abedin ditches her old apartment for new digs and is spotted laughing with mystery man and sporting a new pink frock and a $3,000 Prada bag"

Nana66 ago

How many have stepped down or committed suicide?

MAC712 ago

Suicided: Spade, Bourdain, Princess of the Netherlands are the ones alledgedly so far. Reportedly there will be more.

ESOTERICshade ago


Another Q reporter. Call us when something actually happens. Otherwise, .............................................................................

MAC712 ago

Trump has so far arrested 6000 pedophile and rescued hundreds of children. Your writing has much good info but it’s pointing in the wrong direction. There are now likely 40k sealed indictments awaiting adjudication. He is working either in alignment or collaboratively with the International Tribunal for Natural Justice against human trafficking and child sexual abuse. Here’s the link - President Trump is mentioned by the justices. He’s a good guy.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

He has done nothing and he is one of them. Rothschild saved him and own him. They are the controllers along with other families. Rockefeller is another one and he owned the controlling interest of one of the fronts for the CIA and MOSSAD that they funded. Grow up, he is a NYC billionaire occultist who partied with Epstein, Clintons and was a media fixture, CIA runs media. You're a child.

ESOTERICshade ago

He is working either in alignment or collaboratively with the International Tribunal for Natural Justice against human trafficking and child sexual abuse.

You are a moron or a glow in the dark CIA spook.

MAC712 ago

And Esoteric shade I cannot even wait for your buddies to experience the PAIN Q has repeatedly told us is coming. And voila! Soon.

ESOTERICshade ago

PAIN Q has repeatedly told us is coming.

Q says a lot of shit. roflmao, sell Q T-Shirts somewhere else.

ESOTERICshade ago

Trump has so far arrested 6000 pedophile and rescued hundreds of children.

Trump has done exactly "jack shit" about this situation.

MAC712 ago

Not wasting my time showing you graphics and facts. Not interested in answering more ppl w your temperament.

ESOTERICshade ago

Not wasting my time showing you graphics and facts. Not interested in answering more ppl w your temperament.

You are a shit stain on the truth movement and I will no longer entertain you.

ShartistryInMotion ago

Trump has so far arrested 6000 pedophile

None of whom are (((elites))).

and rescued hundreds of children.

Only the ones stupid enough to be found. Any (((savvy))) pedophile is going to want as few others operating as possible, since it reduces the risk of them all getting caught. It also provides a good smokescreen for covering his own behavior, like those priests who preach against gay people then get caught playing "hide the salami" with their alter boys.

He is working either in alignment or collaboratively with the International Tribunal for Natural Justice against human trafficking and child sexual abuse. Here’s the link - President Trump is mentioned by the justices.

A very convenient distraction and cover.

He’s a good guy.

He's a well behaved goy

Trump wasn't mentioned in the link

bayoubelle ago

The elites will be taken down by chipping away at the low level pedos. Just like drug trafficking. Evidence has to be immutable.

MAC712 ago

Agree Bayoubelle and their symbolism and addiction will b their demise.

MAC712 ago

TRUMP IS MENTIONED. Watch the opening plenary session - approx 50 minutes in length. Trump is mentioned I think twice in the second half of the video by the primary adjudicator tribunal member from the United States. Since this was held in April, this is before President Trump made as much progress as he has interesting these assholes. Why don’t you watch the video. Trump is a good guy not goy.

ShartistryInMotion ago

Name one elite Trump arrested.

MAC712 ago

No one yet identified. But Q asserts they have all of the evidence. The current IG Report is fact filled. There are at least two more inspector general reports to come out which will be covering the Clinton foundation, the Clinton global initiative, uranium one to name but a few topics. It’s interesting - the picture circulating uf congresswoman Sheila Jackson. It doesn’t appear that I can post a picture here. But you might go look at pedophile symbols. I know the FBI website has them. Look at the one for boy love. Then look at Miss Jackson’s sparkly ring design. Coincidence? Maybe. But then she went to Haiti a few times with Hillary and so did Maxine and Nancy. We will be learning there’s an awful lot of Haitian orphans who just up and disappeared. This really is huge, awful and unbelievable except —-. Again please go watch that international tribunal for natural justice video and learn something. This is not Democrats versus Republicans. This is good versus evil.

ESOTERICshade ago

No one yet identified. But Q asserts they have all of the evidence.

Peddle your Q T- Shirts somewhere else.

MAC712 ago

Esoteric my my my - for being so obviously of the tolerant clan you would do well to stop brushing with fluoride and open your third eye. Q is right in front of and all around you. Soon you will know.

ESOTERICshade ago

Esoteric my my my - for being so obviously of the tolerant clan you would do well to stop brushing with fluoride and open your third eye. Q is right in front of and all around you. Soon you will know.

Fuck off Q T-Shirt salesman

MAC712 ago

Sweetie pie honey bunches of oats the third eye is associated with the illuminati it’s also I believe the eighth chakra it’s located in the forehead right above and between the two eyes it is thought to be a source of great wisdom therefore you wouldn’t have one and it also represents the pineal gland which many in your Tolerance Clan kill babies to eat. You will find out and if you have any sense at all you will feel the disdain and disgust that I have since finding all of this out. First suggestion for an eye-opener, go search these three words. Podesta art collection. There you will find a disgusting assortment of disemboweled bodies of children tied up and half naked and disgusting sculptures mimicking Jeffrey Dahmer’s bodies. Enjoy!

ESOTERICshade ago

Sweetie pie honey bunches of oats the third eye is associated with the illuminati it’s also I believe the eighth chakra it’s located in the forehead right above and between the two eyes it is thought to be a source of great wisdom therefore you wouldn’t have one and it also represents the pineal gland which many in your Tolerance Clan kill babies to eat. You will find out and if you have any sense at all you will feel the disdain and disgust that I have since finding all of this out.

Newbie you are dumber than a box of rocks and an esoteric nightmare. Your new age bullshit. You don't know what the third eye really is and I know that for a fact.

MAC712 ago

Here’s a gift for you esoteric shade. Remember that John podesta was Obama’s Chief of Staff I believe and Hillary’s campaign manager. Here is an assortment of his and his brother Tony’s artwork. Like people hang out together. These horrific people are pedophiles and pedivores. I hope you and yours wake up. If you do wonderful. I’m done here for now. Look at these images! Dare you. Keep scrolling.

ESOTERICshade ago

Here is an assortment of his and his brother Tony’s artwork.

We have been looking at those for a year.

Look at these images! Dare you.

Seen them a million times. Yes those people are depraved. Get out of the Q Hole and catch up with the rest of us. I have no patience for Qbers

MAC712 ago

So O brilliant shady one what is your definition of third eye? I am hardly New Age I am Christian through and through and I am thrilled that we have a voice again. Whether you understand this or not yet this is a battle between good and evil not just Democrats and Republicans. Open your two eyes and turn on your third eye and get a fucking grip because it’s going to get really rocky soon . God forgive me for using the F word but I do believe this man deserves to hear it

ESOTERICshade ago

So O brilliant shady one what is your definition of third eye?

It has more than one definition and so far you are not even close. It means more than you realize. "the secret is 3" You can't learn it until you flush the Q out of the brain.

I am hardly New Age

I apologize for being an asshole, and I have acted like an asshole to you and I know that. Yes what you believe is considered "new age" and it is only surface level knowledge and mostly disinfo. I admire your spunk and I hope you keep seeking truth :)

Whether you understand this or not yet this is a battle between good and evil not just Democrats and Republicans.

You got that right and I knew it 50 years ago. How old are you?

Open your two eyes and turn on your third eye and get a fucking grip because it’s going to get really rocky soon .

Dude, forget about that Pineal gland because you can't do anything with it. THE THIRD EYE IS THE ORDER OF FREEMASONRY.

IndigoEyes ago

I cannot think of a better time then NOW for Wikileaks to drop the Anthony Weiner laptop files of Hillary preforming a child sacrifice. Shut down the phony virtue signaling their "caring about the children" ....

bayoubelle ago

I would love to see their lil' summer celebration of Moloch interrupted at Bohemian Grove.

MAC712 ago

Perfect comment. Let’s add BOH in his Baphomet attire. Lovely.

MAC712 ago

Yes it’s virtue signaling but it’s also smokescreening to distract from the IG report. The left has a wonderful way of doing this. What a coincidence that school and other mass shootings often happen right after something big happens against them. However this morning another possibility came to mind many of them may actually be experiencing with drawl. Trump cut off the financing to traffickers back in December. This week he cut off access on our southern border. These sick horrible people need their fix.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yes it’s virtue signaling but it’s also smokescreening to distract from the IG report.

IG report is a scam. You see a line of people headed to prison? Nope.

GreenDell144 ago

Many times, we have seen it reported that DynCorp is a CIA shell company. the NSA, the CIA, the FBI... local police precincts, the media,

The list goes on and on for things that are corrupted and need to be torn down... exposed... investigated.

It seems like many here are torn between two possibilities:

1: Trump is on our side, working slowly through the corruption and the more of the swamp. Many want this to be true. It may be. It may not. Be prepared for the worst, hope for the best.

2: Trump is on their side; trolling and gatekeeping; taking advantage of the elites that have been exposed, scalping them and cashing in on making them look bad. Hope it’s not true, but don’t be too surprised if it is.

At this point, I think maybe a 3rd possibility is reality: Trump didn’t expect to win. He thought it was rigged, and planned to pull a new reality show platform out in f the election, and maybe launch some conservative pkayland casinos. When he won, he regretted it, but has gone to work. Doing some good on foreign policy and the economy, but totally like a fish out of water; trying to take on the deep state like a kitten fights a lawnmower.

That’s just my hunch, but I’m sure I haven’t covered all f the bases. I’m not ready to totally subscribe to a theory. It’s a work in progress.

Remember, Watergate took years to get results, and it really only brought down one guy. He didn’t even got to prison for that matter. JFK’s assassination still goes without justice. Don’t expect this to be quick. Let’s suck it up and set aside some emotional resources for a pitched war that could take time.

This is God’s battle and ours. It’s not up to one man to fight it single-handedly, less Trump.

The OP asks for discernment on our part and unity. Upvoat.

Let’s gird ourselves and keep fighting the good fight.

bayoubelle ago

God places in power for His will to be done. IMO we are in the dawn of the Tribulation.

MAC712 ago

I’ve been thinking Armageddon actually. I felt like we’ve been in the trip per year is just listening to the liberals and their twisted logic and intolerable intolerance. I just always imagined Armageddon with armies wielding knives are shooting cannons and guns rather than two opposing armies of ideology. But here we are - good versus evil!

GreenDell144 ago

Isaiah describes faithless humans as a stormy see of angry humans in the last days:

Isaiah 57:20 “But the wicked are like the restless sea that cannot calm down, And its waters keep tossing up seaweed and mire.”

When I think of the protests and various such things, I wonder when they will be satisfied. Likely never.

This society was also described very well in 2 Timothy 3:1-7

“But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. From among these arise men who slyly work their way into households and captivate weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.”

I was stunned when I first read that. To me, that describes modern people to a ‘T’.

As for Trump being some kind of ‘chosen one’... anything is possible. Cyrus was a non-believer that was used to fulfill God’s purposes. His actions were predicted beforehand, which is something I doubt where Trump is concerned. When it comes to something like this, I couldn’t possibly know for sure.

Maybe in the end, we all serve God, even those that don’t believe.

Those gravity rods? Insane. Trumps space marines? Also insane.


MAC712 ago

Excellent and thanks. I’ve decided I’m finished researching pizzagate and the dark forces so evident today. It’s way unhealthy feeling and it’s become evident there’s a need to focus elsewhere - like less time validating and more praying. Btw—- Rods from God is not insane at all. We already have rail guns/kinetic bombardment. I’ll find good videos to post. Fascinating. Space Force also not insane. The space domain and dominion/protection of it has been discussed for many years. Plus it seems the current focus is on asteroids and a few have come closer recently. Do a search on both issues as they are interesting.

GreenDell144 ago

I just mean that those weapons and concepts blow my mind. I don’t doubt that they are real. In fact, there are some great youtubers theorizing on footage of outrageous explosions in China.

As for pizzagate: It’s totally understandable. I have to pray constantly to be here. I have to keep checking what I believe and know to be true... so I don’t lose my faith... so I protect my sanity. It’s too much evil and sorrow. If I may hope on a few things for people that are getting burned out and need a break: pray. Check out the Bible... and just keep yours eyes open. Keep an eye out for predators and protect the little ones around you. Inform any that are willing to listen and direct them here.

And if you stumble across something that needs to be shared here... by all means. Come back whenever you’re up to it.

Hang in there.

Vindicator ago

Check out @ThomasWictor on Twitter, MAC72. He has a lot of really interesting, well-written, well-researched threads and discusses the use of Rods on the NK nuclear test site.

MAC712 ago

Newer here. Just found this. Yes I follow and enjoy Thomas Wictor. Thx!

ShartistryInMotion ago

Unless you're a Jewish millionaire, Trump is not on your side. He's throwing your breadcrumbs while sucking off his Jew overlords.

MAC712 ago

Watch and learn. Love that line from Avatar so I think I’ll use it here with a slightly different meaning. I see you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Watch and learn.

Fuck stick, you couldn't teach a dog not to shit on the floor.

MAC712 ago

Suggestion for when the liberal progressive marxist party collapses. Find a library. With real books. Learn to talk to people. Treat others more nicely shadey / it works better. Feels better in the long run too. And yup I’ve had a few dogs who sure defecated on the floors. W effort they learned. And you? Bye

ESOTERICshade ago

Find a library. With real books.

What do you want to talk about?

My Irrelevant Defence

Cant remember if I read this one or not.

hat tip to 2impendingdoom

Justin Davis Files. This one is really bizarre and sad. Justin Davis was on the run from the cult. He posted on facebook while homeless. About the only pleasure he had in life was going to public places he could play chess for free. He was a good chess player. While on the run and homeless Justin posted what he could on facebook in an effort to out the people he knew that were murdering and torturing. They did weird things to Justin such as sneak up on him while he was asleep, drug him, sew threads into his chest coated with poisons or some substance, and clipped the ends flush with the skin so that they were not visible. I rescued this information and uploaded it to

Morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

The Rite Of Sodomy In the Catholic Church vol one and two

Have not read this one.

Sabbatai Zevi [microform] : a tragedy in three acts and six scenes with a prologue and an epilogue

Have not read this one.

Have not read.

Not read.

Not read.

Not read.







Unread. This is a video.

This is a text.

Bill Cooper FOIA fbi files release

MAC712 ago

Trump is winning! Exposing the pedophiles and pedivores. Cerberus Capital is Soros linked. Misleading facts above.

ESOTERICshade ago

Trump is winning!

No shit Sherlock he is building a family Dynasty on par with the Bush family and the Clinton family. You are a fucking shill.

septimasexta ago

"Cerberus Capital is Soros linked." Can you back that up? It is also ROTHSCHILD linked... "Cerberus Capital-backed Austrian bank BAWAG has reportedly hired Rothschild to advise on a potential IPO which could see it valued at up to €5bn."

It appears that the Nathan Roth. branch is having a family feud... "GIRL ABOUT TOWN: Snub for 80-year-old Lord Rothschild ahead of his only son's wedding as the family is torn apart by feud " "Jacob Rothschild son - Nat Rothschild, also (briefly) dated Ivanka Trump."

The Evelyn de Roth. branch were huge Hillary supporters: "The former Jersey girl wants a fairer world and a certain friend in the White House. Sometime during the months after Hillary Clinton had stepped down as secretary of state and before she announced to the country that she would mount another run for president, Lynn Forester de Rothschild said this to her longtime friend: “I just want you to know I pray every night that I die before my children and after you are president.”'

MAC712 ago

Rothchilds and de Rothchilds are about as uneasy as Soros these days. Or so I read.

MAC712 ago

Cerberus Capital is Soros. Search and verify. This writer is likely a liberal script flipper trying to deflect fault to President Trump. Stay the course. Trust the plan. Trump is winning. The awful traffickers and child abusers/sacrificers/killers will be exposed. Winning!

SterlingJB ago

Why do ya think Trump appointed its CEO to his President's Intelligence Advisory Board, MAC?

MAC712 ago

SterlingJB just guessing but .....his rationale might be ..... Know Yourself. Know Your Enemy. Sun Tzu

SterlingJB ago

Yeah, this is the rationale put together and deliviered last year while picking his admin. Still, though, kinda hard to just stick the soros tag on him when he's literally a part of the administration rather than being opposed by the admin. Most of his admin is like this too. Search and reveal. Trust the plan. Follow Bolton. Why ask why, try bud dry. then taste the rainbow cuz I'm loving it. Ba da da da da

MAC712 ago

Angry much?

SterlingJB ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Trust the plan.

NO Q Hole I don't trust the plan.

SoldierofLight ago

Hey Mr. 2 hour old account-- does Trump drink tiger blood?

MAC712 ago

Don’t know about tigers blood but he doesn’t drink infant, toddler, child blood nor eat their organs with the primary love of pineal glands and adrenals full of screaming child adrenochrome. And yes I just registered after reading the artfully written, half truth filled but entirely misleading Wolf in sheeps clothing original post in this thread.

ESOTERICshade ago

I’ve been digging for over a year so I suspect I can match most in fact presentation.


MAC712 ago

Newbie on VOAT. But still way way way more informed and almost laugh at your childlike retorts. I imagine that you received MNFA ridicule training eh? Do check out that link above to the RICO lawsuit: Soros, David Brock, MMFA and more. Darkness to Light. Off now to sell TShirts. Good bye Shadey.

ESOTERICshade ago

Darkness to Light.

Knew you were a Qber. It shows in your lack of esoteric knowledge. There are LAYERS of truth and you are only scratching the first surface. I have been doing this long enough to be your grandfather. Stop smoking the Q and learn some real history about secret societies. My patience with you Q people is very thin.

WALTER VEITH 3 Jesuit Theater, Ocultism and Hollywood

If you cannot absorb the video above from smoking too much Q at least watch this three minute video.

The Cave: An Adaptation of Plato's Allegory in Clay

SoberSecondThought ago

Condescending claims about secret societies, Plato and esoteric knowledge

Heh. Doesn't matter what character you're supposed to be playing, you just go back to the same schtick, over and over.

ESOTERICshade ago

Condescending claims about secret societies, Plato and esoteric knowledge

Heh. Doesn't matter what character you're supposed to be playing, you just go back to the same schtick, over and over.

This forum has already shown you that it does not care what you think. Get back in your clown car troll.

MAC712 ago

Sorry but I don’t like your style. I worked with people in denial for years and you are a classic case demanding intervention but I do choose to accept this mission.

letsdothis2 ago

Something very odd is going on:

This is a story from flight attendant about her encounter with 16 immigrant children who were being separated from their parents at the border on a flight from Arizona to Miami. #WhereAreTheChildren

Tweeted by Cathleen Burke:

Followed by my hero, Barack Obama. Married mom of 2 adult sons & a Corgi. Liberal to the core. Advocate for the mentally ill. #FBR

YogSoggoth ago

I am not buying into this. I watch the news like a hawk. Big six has been pushing this hard prior. There is no proof offered other than suspicious women parading latino girls at night. It reeks of them accusing Trump of what they are doing. No face shots. It is like a group of pedo's got together and came up with a stupid media plan to divide actual research. There will be more on, and of, this I am sure.

exposethecriminals ago

Very odd!

Thirty-two scared eyes looking straight forward dazed

Number of harvestable corneas...?

letsdothis2 ago

I'm trying to look into the Cayuga Foster care centers but because of the new European regulations cannot access some American websites at the moment. Here is a link about Cayuga, please could you have a look and see if there is anything relevant?

carmencita ago

Do we know if this is a true story? I am not saying that it is false but someone posted this on that same Twitter

exposethecriminals ago

Sure, I'll private message you the text of the articles since I might miss something (there are others about Cayuga linked in the margins)

letsdothis2 ago

Great. Thanks.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

These are Trumps connections. [ Title HereThere is no PG investigation. There is only a PG cover-up.

letsdothis2 ago

This is very interesting and I would like to pursue it further as I've made a number of posts about Cerberus and Dyncorp in the past. Could you please provide some source link to validate the claim that Cerberus Capital is overseeing this operation? Thanks.

So far I've found this article from 2007:

EDIT: Here are some links corroborating the Dyncorp connection.. @ShartistryInMotion

Philip May and family profit from Trump’s caging of children in detention centers

Capital Group, the company of UK PM’s husband Philip May, profited from Donald Trump’s caging of children in immigration detention centers. The centers are run by General Dynamics, which is partly owned by May’s investment firm.

General Dynamics has been assisting the US Office of Refugee Resettlement in processing immigrant-children cases during President Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy. As many as 2,000 children are reported to have been separated from their parents in just six weeks under the controversial policy. A distressing audio clip of children sobbing went viral on social media.

Dyncorp and the Child Mind Institute..yup, that's right...

Von Thaer joins [Dyncorp International] after serving as president of the National Security Sector at Leidos where he was responsible for leading the company’s efforts in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), cyber, logistics, and systems solutions. Before joining Leidos in 2013, he worked in several leadership positions with General Dynamics including corporate vice president and president of General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems.

US defense contractors profit from child detention—and you might, too

MAC712 ago

Cerberus Capital is Soros connected. This writer is trying to confuse IMHO

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Here come the downvoats! PG doesn't matter to these people, legitimize Trump is the purpose of this sub. Facts be damned and stop connecting dots, the response will be negative, always is. I should know.

MAC712 ago

DeathtoMasonsASAP I don’t think it’s that people won’t listen here. It’s just obvious when someone comes in trying to act nice and informative but gives us information from sources we’ve learned not to trust. I’m sure you can relate to that, even if you are more of the liberal progressive persuasion. It’s a rough time for us all.

ESOTERICshade ago

You got down voted by people who love Trump more than they want to help children. That is what partisan politics does. Don't take it to heart because you are only stating the obvious. They will down vote me too for saying this.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

A good portion of the downvoats will be from sock puppet shill accounts. The purpose of this sub is to convince people they need only sit back and watch their white hate heroes fight for them. Nothing happens, nothing changes, so Q was created to convince people the fight is going on, you just can't see it. It is coming any day now...

derram ago :

Retired Army general who worked in Pentagon charged for rape of a minor in the ‘80s  - NY Daily News :

            Immigration expert predicts human trafficking will surge under Trump | Reuters :

Sex Trafficking by U.S. Government Contractors EXPOSED - YouTube :

Nancy Schaefer "The Unlimited Power of Child Protective Services" Part 1 of 2.flv - YouTube :

It's Déjà Vu for DynCorp All Over Again | HuffPost

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