EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Gennentech has been targeting me for 10 years & had one of their employees register a website to promote the drugging of mothers... Podesta must be good friends with Robert Menendez.

They probably want mothers to have more abortions from birth defects and D&Cs from spontaneous abortions so they can sell the baby body parts.

urbanmoving ago

cover up of JIA clandestine ops

Narcissism ago

I wonder if Tony's "Art" collection will be coming up for sale?

I am sure a lot of people here would just love to have one of those pieces hanging on their wall...

carmencita ago

There is proof that art is being used for money laundering. Many pieces are being sold for insane prices. Here is one I just heard that happened over the weekend. P Diddy has been rumored to have been the one that abused Usher and Usher now allegedly abusing Bieber. They are all involved.


Was this in exchange for something else?

neptunium1 ago

Obama Expected to Lift Restrictions on Embryonic Stem Cell Research http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2008/11/23/obama-expected-lift-restrictions-embryonic-stem-cell-research.html

President-elect Barack Obama is expected to lift restrictions on federal money for such research. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., also has expressed interest in going ahead with legislation in the first 100 days of the new Congress if it still is necessary to set up a regulatory framework.

John Podesta, head of Obama's transition team, strongly hinted that the president-elect would deal with stem cell research soon after taking office Jan. 20. "As you know, he has said something specific about stem cell research, so I think you can expect that what he said in the campaign will be fulfilled once in office," Podesta said.

Samuel Pfaff, a professor at the Salk Institute for Biologic Studies, said he also supports greater embryonic stem cell research to understand what makes them so special that scientists can endow other cells with similar properties.

neptunium1 ago

Bertarelli Foundation and the Ocean https://www.fondation-bertarelli.org/marine/

The Bertarelli Foundation provides global leadership in promoting marine conservation and science. The trustees believe that if mankind is to use the ocean as a source of food and recreation, then it is also mankind’s responsibility to ensure that the future of the ocean is safeguarded.

The United Nations Preparatory Committee process, which follows from the Agreement on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, provides an opportunity to protect huge swathes of the ocean in a part of the world which is currently regarded as essentially lawless. Many experts believe that if international targets for ocean protection are to be met, the creation of international MPAs is an essential step which will help preserve biodiversity on the high seas for many generations.

Maggie Nixon and NXIVM, the John Podesta "14 and fish" photo, and a Clinton email on the Pew Trust,

As described in the attachments, Pew Charitable Trusts is convening a new Global Oceans Commission – to focus on preserving the high seas, which cover 50% of the planet and are mostly international waters – and they are asking WJC to be a “patron” alongside 12 other leaders including David Miliband and Ted Waitt.

On the Pew Charitable Trusts website: Ocean Advocate Sylvia Earle Visits Easter Island to Support Marine Park http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/analysis/2015/10/01/ocean-advocate-sylvia-earle-visits-easter-island-to-support-marine-park

Sylvia Earle > Sea of Hope> Maggie Nixon > Obama https://twitter.com/garuda28/status/987665870225887235/photo/1

Sarah Nixon is friends with our buddy James (see her instagram 3_ringcircus or whatever) - but it doesn't stop there....

Waitt Foundation http://waittfoundation.org/ted-waitt/

Ted Waitt is the founder and chairman of the Waitt Foundation. At 22, he co-founded Gateway 2000, Inc., where he helped pioneer the direct marketing of personal computers. Labeled a maverick by national business publications, he became a Fortune 500 CEO and member of the Forbes 400 by the time he was 30. Since his retirement from Gateway, Inc. in 2004, he has gone on to form multiple enterprises: Avalon Capital Group, Inc., The Waitt Foundation, The Waitt Institute for Violence Prevention, and The Waitt Institute.

Mr. Waitt believes that the depletion of ocean resources is one of the biggest challenges of our generation.

The Waitt Institute is committed to helping small coastal communities develop and implement comprehensive, science-based, community-driven solutions for sustainable ocean management. The Institute is currently engaged with the governments of Antigua & Barbuda, Curaçao, Montserrat, and Tonga. Among numerous other ocean conservation endeavors, Mr. Waitt is a founding board member of Oceans 5, a highly successful collaboration of ocean funders working together to protect the oceans.

Salk board chairman stepping down amid institute turmoil http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/science/sd-me-salkchair-leaves-20170825-story.html

VoatisCIA ago

Bronfman-Rothschild Buy up stock in biotech giant Biogen

Link http://bangaloreweekly.com/2018-05-20-bronfman-e-l-rothschild-l-p-reaches-725000-position-of-biogen-inc-biib/


neptunium1 ago

Former Biogen CEO Scangos to lead Gates-backed biotech in San Francisco https://www.bizjournals.com/boston/news/2017/01/06/former-biogen-ceo-scangos-to-lead-gates-backed.html

VoatisCIA ago

Found Something!

The Healthcare Swamp, Just Look At Genentech

Link https://medium.com/@brianshields/the-healthcare-swamp-just-look-at-genentech-ce8a865a767d

neptunium1 ago

Several other hedge funds have also bought and sold shares of BIIB. Vanguard Group Inc. boosted its position in shares of Biogen by 1.4% in the second quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. now owns 13,544,616 shares of the biotechnology company’s stock valued at $3,275,359,000 after buying an additional 182,714 shares in the last quarter. BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. boosted its position in shares of Biogen by 0.9% in the second quarter. BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. now owns 5,816,485 shares of the biotechnology company’s stock valued at $1,406,542,000 after buying an additional 50,433 shares in the last quarter. BlackRock Fund Advisors boosted its position in shares of Biogen by 1.5% in the second quarter. BlackRock Fund Advisors now owns 4,843,447 shares of the biotechnology company’s stock valued at $1,171,242,000 after buying an additional 71,709 shares in the last quarter. Alliancebernstein L.P. boosted its position in shares of Biogen by 0.7% in the second quarter.

neptunium1 ago

Great link. Thanks!

VoatisCIA ago

Anytime mate!! Cheers

Did you see this???

**"Lobbyist Anthony “Tony” Podesta filed his final papers with the Department of Justice earlier this month chronicling the last work performed by the once-powerful lobbying firm that bore his name but which is now defunct following its entanglement in special counsel Robert Mueller’s wide-ranging Russia investigation.

The Podesta Group’s 28-page closing foreign-agent registration filing - made three months late due to a "computer error,” a spokesman said – marks the firm’s termination of work for foreign clients including Iraq, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia, and suggests an end to Podesta’s 31-year run at the intersection of politics and influence in Washington."**

Link https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/lobbying-firm-shuttered-tony-podestas-fate-mueller-probe/story%3fid=55298024

ben_matlock ago

Hmm, if podesta filed the papers 'earlier this month', why is it just being reported now?