judentube ago

Investigate Berlin. I don't have the karma to post here.

Alefantis co-owner of Nelu, owner of now closed Dr. Pong seems to be a mossad or CIA operative.


IShallNotFear ago

I'm just going to tag the accounts that wrote some of the voat articles mentioned in my piece. I just want you to know that I appreciate your work. @squashsquash @threehundredseven

Vindicator ago

Nice work, IShallNotFear. I'm giving this the "Potential Lead" flair.

bunnysupreme ago

Brilliant detective work. Kudos.

Heisenberg123 ago

"found the basement yet" It's beyond me if they're still murdering kids.

septimasexta ago

"December 24 2012 Artem shouts criticism for Russia blocking adoption of children to the United States. http://archive.md/nja6J "

This is most interesting. Sounds like a Russian last name. Why would a single gay man be so concerned? Who was adopting all those Russian children?

"Russia is one of the top countries of origin for international adoptions in the United States."

"It also bars any political activities by nongovernmental organizations receiving funding from the United States, if such activities may affect Russian interests, the news agency said, and imposes sanctions against U.S. officials thought to have violated human rights."

"The United States is concerned by measures in the bill passed in the Russian Duma today that, if it becomes law, would halt inter-country adoptions between the United States and Russia and would restrict the ability of Russian civil society organizations to work with American partners," U.S. State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said."

"The bill passed by the State Duma is named in turn after Dima Yakovlev, a 2-year-old boy who died while in the care of a U.S. adoptive family, RAPSI said." https://www.cnn.com/2012/12/21/world/europe/russia-us-adoption-ban/index.html

Sounds like Soros didn't like this law. "Civil Society" was targeting Putin for "regime change." If Hillary elected, we would have invaded Syria to get to Russia.

septimasexta ago

If this is the same Artem, he was "Born in a satellite of the Soviet Union, with a hint of a Russian accent, he has an appearance that I’m sure makes him one of the most popular bartenders around." NSFW http://getoutmag.com/artem-shcherbakov-shameless/ (mild)

followthemoney ago

Remember Magnitsky Act negotiations, Veselnetskaya and 'adoptions. Now you're onto something.

septimasexta ago

Not just about adoptions: "....and would restrict the ability of Russian civil society organizations to work with American partners,"

Remember "Pussy Riot" and other anti-Putin groups stirring things up? Evidently "American partners" were aiding and abetting, according to Putin's thinking. Brings to mind Antifa in the U.S.

septimasexta ago

Wasn't she the Russian lawyer trying to set up Trump Jr.?

followthemoney ago

There's a very specific reason why the Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr. wanted to talk about adopting babies


septimasexta ago

Don't know how reliable "Business Insider" is. And U.S. is is in a position to judge Russia for corruption? LOL! "5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." Matt. 7:5

Sometimesineedhelp ago

"connecting" the dots fyi

IShallNotFear ago

Thanks! I'll fix that.