S3v3n007 ago

Excellent work!!! Wow, this is seriously disgusting. The 11 picture, with the ketchup being so prominent in the picture? It's very suspicious, as are the other pics & info you posted.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Wow, great post.

djklbd ago

What is the name of the Rothschild woman who resembles James Alefantis again?

Stormer-chan ago


DerivaUK ago


SimonRothschiId ago

Notice the finger pointing down like Jimmy Savile used to do.

archons ago

The finger pointing down is a masonic hand sign usually used in combination with another masonic sign but I can't see another sign. Maybe he is doing it by itself here.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle
www.mrporter.com/journal/mr-porter-eats/the-worlds-best-diners/795 Goldmine: James Alefantis owns restaurant in Berlin near Dr. Pong, grew up in Hawaii
www.mrporter.com/journal/mr-porter-eats/the-worlds-best-diners/795 Record for BestaPizza shows "Andrew Kline" 2006 - We first assumed this was DOJ - There is no record of a "Andrew J Kline" on any Besta Docs
www.mrporter.com/journal/mr-porter-eats/the-worlds-best-diners/795 WaPo confirms for us that JAMES ALEFANTIS and owner of DR PONG, OLIVER MILLER are business partners.
www.mrporter.com/journal/mr-porter-eats/the-worlds-best-diners/795 Info on Dr. Pong in Berlin
www.drpong.net New Possible Ping Pong Lead
www.drpong.net The Dr. Pong post
www.drpong.net Anyone find other "pizza" shops where powerful people happen to go?
www.drpong.net DR. PONG, friend of Comet, details how to set up shop
www.drpong.net Got another one for #Pizzagate
www.yelp.com/map/nalu-diner-berlin Goldmine: James Alefantis owns restaurant in Berlin near Dr. Pong, grew up in Hawaii
K6vvx2rHid0YouTube Abortionburger "victim" AMA is a hoax. "He" was apparently a PREGNANT "she" several months ago
K6vvx2rHid0YouTube Interesting, a man posts an AMA on Reddit "I was sexually assaulted 8 years ago by the Pizzagate guy, owner of Comet Ping Pong, James Alefantis AMA! " and it's locked & censored by the mods
K6vvx2rHid0YouTube Another logo that raises alarm bells: Infant Welfare Society of Evanston: Openings Now Available for Infants and Toddlers. Apply Today
K6vvx2rHid0YouTube The link between podesta and clement freud
K6vvx2rHid0YouTube Pizzagate: A Primer

nnfx ago


Funny that Alefantis spells the adress of "his place" wrong. It's Prenzlauer Berg, not Burg. "Berg" means "montain" or "hill", "Burg" is "burg" or "castle".

Rigg5 ago

When daddy-Rothschild and your CIA buddies keep buying you properties, it's safe to assume you forget a few details.