abortionburger ago

Since you're so concerned with combing through my post history, here's my facebook too! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009748597137

Have fun digging dirt!

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thank you for clearing that up

Vindicator ago

@armyseer, once again, another disingenuous post that fails to fulfill the submission requirements for v/pizzagate.

If you are going to claim that user @abortionburger is the same person as @FVITEGO, the user who claimed to be a victim of Alefantis on Reddit and here in this post, you need to support your flimsy attempts at smearing with links. The Steemit article you have provided clearly demonstrates Voat user abortionburger trying to get the word out about FVITEGO's AMA's being suppressed on both Voat and Reddit.

Keep this up. You are effectively neutering yourself, and have firmly established yourself as one of the foremost purveyors of "fake pizzagate information on voat."

Removing per Rule 2 and 4. Next time, post your moderating concerns on v/pizzagatemods.

Heads up @Millennial_Falcon @wecanhelp @Phobos_Mothership @gopluckyourself

abortionburger ago

Lol! I just woke up to this. I dunno why he would refer to me as a "he". I never claimed to be a dude. I'm honored to be targeted by CTR!

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

This post is weak. And it doesnt have anything to do with the accuser.

srayzie ago

But the steemit link for abortionburger says "Note: I have personally verified this person's identity and backstory. I obviously cannot verify his accusations. He wishes to remain anonymous." So abortionburger is speaking ABOUT the previous Comet ping pong employee. He's not claiming that he is the one that made those claims. Am I missing something? Besides, David Seamans video said there wasn't a way to prove who it was anyways so Seamans did nothing wrong. So what's the story?

abortionburger ago

This is fantastic. The fact that @armyseer is trying to hard to paint me as a shill/troll means my information is likely legit. Also, yes, I'm a chick, yes, people do tend to assume I'm a guy and I don't correct them because I don't care. And yes, I did have an abortion about three years ago, and kept my username even though it was obviously in poor taste.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Flat Earthers are almost all government employees or assets.

Flat_Truth ago

I'm certainly not a government agent......am just unwilling to believe the earth is spinning at over 1,000 mph, while orbiting our sun at almost 70,000 mph, while the sun orbits in our milky way galaxy at over 100,000 mph, as the entire galaxy hurls through space at over 1 million miles per hour....look it up if you'd like, but those are the statistics science gives as to the motion of our earth, sun and galaxy.....and each star in the sky is a sun in its own galaxy undergoing similar motion.....yet all the stars have held their parallax to each other since recording them began thousands of years ago...with the North Star staying stationary, fixed directly above our North Pole throughout......

If the earth were undergoing those motions...we would not see the same star constellations two nights in a row, let alone year after year, century after century. Draw yourself a diagram of the Copernican model we are taught. Put the earth on one side of the sun and orbit it around the other side......notice the nighttime sky is pointed a completely different direction out into the "universe"? Or on the same diagram, mark New York facing the sun at noon in one season....now spin the earth once every 24 hours and work the globe around to the other side of the sun (opposite season)....notice New York is pointing away from the sun at noon? Our clocks do no lose 12 hours every six months and gain 12 hours the next...as would have to be the case in order for that model to work.....that's how utterly flawed it is.

Then look at those pictures of outer space....everyone one of them is fake. Those astronauts on TV are not on a space station...they are here on earth on studio set. Otherwise....how come NASA says there's a 6-8 second delay in transmission to the space station, but they talk live to the talk show hosts in the "programming"? Or how come in one episode there's an astronaut dry brushing his teeth who explains how even one loose drop of loose water would be dangerous to their vital electronics onboard.....then in another episode we see a woman with her hair ridiculously permed to look like its floating....laughing and spilling water everywhere while doing backflips? Script continuity error is why. And why are some of them wearing loose floating necklaces? OSHA here on earth would not allow loose jewelry be worn near vital equipment and controls.....well if you analyze those videos in a video editor...the necklaces are an added CGI effect.....their hypnotic floating motion to aid in the illusion of being out in space.

As far as whether the earth is flat or not....well, if the earth were the ball in those photos an pictures and diagrams.....a sphere 24,901 miles in circumference....do the math, from the shore 60 miles away across Lake Michigan.....Chicago would be over 2,000 feet "over the horizon" and out of line of sight....but its not.....the same thing is seen when looking across any body of water...although if you watch TV.....there was a recent Stephen Hawking show....where he set up a laser and sent a boat 3 miles out on a lake...then showed the laser rising 6 feet on the boat....to show there is a curve....but that's on TV...go try that in real life.....its simply not true.

Navy uses radar for missile targeting....sound waves that go in a direct line, hit the target then come directly back to the radar receiver.....they us a 2 inch "pencil beam" radar system that targets ships over 60 miles out....ships that would be over 2,000 feet over the horizon if the earth were really the ball in those photos. Same with optics, with both infrared and lens optics, ships are spotted up to 30 miles out....those ships should be over the horizon if the earth were a ball.

Or take airplanes.....do the math on those....a passenger jet would exit the atmosphere and be in orbit in less than two hours of flying straight and level from take off at 600 miles per hour....we are to believe they automatically follow the curve.

Notice every flight simulator is programmed on a flat model? The only one was a kids video game called "Kerbal", where it was built on a scale model of the earth. With the kids game you build a rocket to go into space with....but it does show at elevation what the horizon should look like if we lived on a ball. With the flight simulators.....its built on flat model, otherwise it would not match reality when pilots went up to 30,000 feet there would be a pronounced curve to the horizon.

Then why say its flat? Because that's how everyone had it figured before the Copernican Model (satanist)....yeah, many various cultures had it charted that way through actual expoloration. That conception of the earth is not even known by the most educated....it is kept hidden and the lie told instead that people thought you would fall off the edge. That's not true at all.

Why is that model kept hidden? It was used to navigate accurately by for thousands of years.....and it explains everything we can observe...without error and far better than the modern copernican model, which is so fundamentally flawed that it is purely fraudulent...it is only accepted because of the art of make believe and illusion. So why is there not one mention of the ingenious model previous? Not one mention in academia....instead a fake film shown to college students of a ship going over the horizon and all the mathematical "proofs" and imagery teaching the ball earth nonsense.

I could go on.. but if anyone would like to have an honest debate, you must first examine the previous conception of our earth and understand the mechanics of it......then we can determine which model is correct. There's a reason both poles are off limits and patrolled by UN forces.....and its not because the weather is so harsh. You see on the flat model.....you can go round and round east to west (or west to east)...same as the globe model.....but can't circumnavigate north to south or south to north... and any proof that anyone has really circumnavigated our world......to each of us is only hearsay and imagery...the most powerful tools in magic. Nobody can actually go check for themselves....although some have tried...only be to be detained by UN forces.

Google has taken the flat circular disk our world is, and turned it into a globe......which isn't hard to do with the center of the disk....very little tweaking required to transform the inner part of a flat circle into the top of a sphere.....but the bottom half....on the flat circle, continents would get further from each other.....on the globe they'd get closer.....so check the flight routes South of the Equator.........which map do they match?

Except for one single flight that flies once a week according to the air booking websites......that flight poppped up since this awakening began......in true magician style, they even had John Travolta do a press conference on the Travel Channel....with dancers and celebration announcing the new direct flight.....that does match the flight time that should happen if the earth were globe. But unless you go an take that flight yourself, you will never know if it exists....all of the other flights...we do know exist, because they are used everyday and have been being used for years. Anyone on TV who says they took that flight....or even people online posting that they've taken that flight, or the flight being listed by an airline .....can not be taken as concrete evidence that flight exists....especially not when dealing with those practiced in Crowley's "magick"....or the "art of deception".

Anyways, I guarantee if anyone looks into it, they too will see its all been a ruse for the last 500 years, and the common denominator is satanism. It ties directly to everything being uncovered about the Pizza Place....although James Alefantis is far from high up on that ladder of evil.....and he's sloppy.....James "Achilles Heal" Alefantis is a good name for him, as he is the achilles heal to break open the light of truth onto their cult activities.

Flat_Truth ago

I could be wrong.....but if I am and outer space is real....then would NASA please just turn the camera 360 degrees while up there in outer space? Or even 180 degrees to have a look around? Seems an astronaut on a space walk would have done that just on accident by now.....I mean its been 60 years of going up there.

Or how about attaching cameras to film the entire journey up into outer space? Its common for amateur rockets to attach sometimes several cameras to film flight up to the edge of space.......with all those billions, could NASA please attach a camera to prove where those rockets go after we lose sight of them.

Call me a skeptic, critical thinker....hard analyzer (not in the Comet Ping Pong sense of the term)....but when we watch a big production of a rocket being launched into outer space....what do we really see? We see a large rocket that behaves nothing like any other rockets....it lifts off more like a hot air balloon with giant flaming thrusters and smoke machines in the launch pad.....then we see it go up, level off....and dissappear over the ocean....never going faster than a fighter jet......then the switch to televised images....rooms full of people cheering...etc....... sorry, but from that I can't conclude that rocket went anywhere but back down to earth somewhere out of sight.

Orangutan ago

Well Marty Leeds who created the Documentary "Pizzagate: A Primer" is also a Flat Earther. Strange for a government agent to be pushing pizzagate to that level. Any feedback on that?

Mommyplayer571 ago

So is OP the flat earther or the rape accuser?

derram ago

https://archive.is/Icfes :

AbortionBurger comments on Medical abortion gone wrong. My Story.

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