BraneS2 ago

While you are thinking, the kids abusing downvoat are winning. You are going to be left with only them, and the site will be in jeopardy. Restrict the downvoat to a reasonable cap, or most people you want on this site will be gone.

Darth_Famine ago

restricting votes is pretty much restricting speech, which I thought was something we didn't want to do around here.

It creates a second class of citizens and frankly is a big turn off.

I would rather have the ability to vote however I like without worrying about some artificial cap

BraneS2 ago

restricting votes is pretty much restricting speech

Not at all.

Restricting dialogue is restricting speech. Restricting votes will keep the 11 year olds from abusing this site.

There are too many repercussions. I perceive allowing 11 year olds to control the site is very short-sighted.

Darth_Famine ago

so you would say that votes aren't speech?

To be blunt you are simply wrong.


Number1dududuNumber1 ago

Pre-vote Check

The finer details would have to be worked out, though something like this would force trolls to maintain many active accounts (active for the purpose of this is something @Atko and @Puttitout would have to come to an agreement on) to allow them to brigade.

It means that users who are unable to visit for a short time would need to be active for the period of time required before they could cast votes again, but in this time they could comment still and discuss as well as get a feel for if the atmosphere of the site has changed much in their absence.

redpilldessert ago

But it is also interesting to see how many people agree on a given topic. So maybe we need two types of score - one for how much a comment adds to the discussion, and one for how much people agree with it.

Reow ago

@Atko If you want to avoid the issue with shills, put the same restriction on upvoting as you do on downvoting (i.e. new accounts need to earn the right to upvote). If you want to avoid the karmawhores using an 'upvote this' comment to get their 100 CCP, restrict it to CCP earned in default subs only, then police the defaults that refuse to mod the karmawhoring threads.

No47 ago

Oh noo my fee fees are hurt.

Nogrim ago

he has half a dozen or so aliases amalek kelama are the two i see the most, that idiot is just toxic

Nogrim ago

oh great we can go back to 50 spam posts a day by that fuck tard amalek

No47 ago

Lol, you can't even provide proof. What a fucking loser.

No47 ago

Oh yeah, this current system is shit. *nvm it was fixed 3 hours ago

Lol, you still haven't provided proof. "Everybody knows" isn't proof.

No47 ago

Brigading is organized. Can you show me where a group of people organized to just downvoat you? And @atko hates brigading, if you were actually brigaded, I'm sure you can try contacting him. You weren't censored, you're allowed to spread your ideas, on a new account. I'd love to see where people organized your "brigading", I'd love to see where you got downvoated before you started spamming. So far, you've told people all this huge pile of bullshit "I spam because I'm censored", and have never backed it up with any proof.

Oh yeah, the new school year started recently. I should ask, how is 4th grade so far?

WhiteTigerScream ago

I know there's about a thousand comments, but what about requiring a certain number of upvotes per day/week/month to continue being able to downvote?

OrangeKraken ago

Its fine but moderators will need to start paying attention to how much manipulation is going on.

Frankly it would have just been easier to ban accounts that abused the system and would probably cause less problems. Lurking more and absorbing the sites culture a bit before having a full account is not a bad thing. The second you open the door for people to easily shitposting and ruin threads just by getting a handful of friends/new accounts together it never stops.

Figure out a way to keep your users honest otherwise you will lose the current "feel" of the site. There are plenty of places to post anonymously and act like an idiot, don't let that happen here. Do not entertain these types in the slightest.

Older accounts without access can only blame themselves. Change needs to happen in this world and nothing is going to happen without people doing the work necessary. That means contributing to the site and making yourself useful.

Those who lurk and still do nothing deserve nothing. We all must act.

eras ago

I suppose it's possibly you use (say) bcrypt for associating the IP address - can we trust your competency on this subject?-) If you just use (say) salt+SHA256, the original IP is easily reversible by the reason that there are so limited number of IPv4 addresses.

Now, the story might be different if you supported IPv6 as well..

ill_suck_your_cock ago

Just spit-balling a couple of things here....

IP-based rules can be troublesome for people with roommates or living in housing like college dorms. It is also a problem for companies - you may have users working inside a corporation that all come from the same public IP. You want those people because they may have insider info to share on the corp they work for. (Note - you just want them to be able to use the site as normal from their company, if they are smart they wouldn't post sensitive company info FROM the company's network, but if they can't fully use the site AT work, they may not chose it as their platform of choice. If you are a member of a community, using the site as a normal user at work is a part of being in that community)

Base-lining is critical. SIEM systems seem like they could be of high use, here. I know of a product that got its start in the nuclear energy industry watching small bits of info at incredibly fast real-time rates with tons of data (talking about many thousands of events per second). The product isn't TOO expensive, maybe in the 50-100k range to get started. This product would baseline the info on voat habits in real-time and be able to alarm or take action on anomalies. It can also be configured to look for specific patterns (correlation rules) and take action on those. Actions would include - quarantine the IP for a certain amount of time, restrict voat rights to user(s) or source IPs for a certain amount of time, notify sysadmins, and just about anything else you can think of, assuming you have an API for voat that can be used. It is designed to be open so that it can inter-operate with any application.

I'm not mentioning the platform name because I'm not here to promote a product of any kind and I don't have an affiliation with that company. I have just used that particular product a lot and I am an expert in it's use and deployment and have found it to be the best in it's field. I have been managing SIEM systems for over 10 years and have experience with most of them (splunk, ibm, rsa, arcsight, etc)

This is what I do for a living, so hit me up if you need anything. I'd be happy to help.

Gourgeist ago

Finally! Now I don't have to post 20 times a day just to downvote biased opinions.

Matryoshka ago

SCP? Secure, Contain, Protect?

k_digi ago

This announcement is a good test to see how many actual real users are on Voat and can down vote.

307 real users so far past 100ccp

Alpacalypse ago

In the minute I spent looking at this post, I have seen more downvotes here than in the rest of my time on Voat. Just something to think about.

bscoder ago

Yep, the in-sub restrictions need to go, too. If you want to stop brigading, then stop brigading in some better way than to clip the wings of anyone who's not popular. I'd almost rather have reddit than that.

peacegnome ago

I'd like to point out that it takes close to zero time to hash every ip, if the salt is known, and so you are barely protecting the users by hashing their ips. If you used something like scrypt you could make it slightly more costly, but this would cripple your servers with your current scheme.

peacegnome ago

you'll have to elaborate on that; i have only seen evidence that he is working with all the best intentions.

Frank_Castle ago

Damn, that feature was one of the main reasons that I respected Voat. It's kind of silly that I actually put effort into my comments, and now any jackass can downvote away after contributing nothing.

fighuass ago

Yes! I thought this was the only thing reddit did better than Voat. Good thing it's removed!

Ihmhi ago

I made a suggestion about combating vote manipulation here but it was largely ignored. The idea is a bit too long to write down again in full.

Waffles4Everyone ago

This is very disappointing because us early adopters were taught to use upgoats and downgoats respectfully--after having read and processed the comment. You are inviting downgoats by people who wish to silence freedom of speech based on their "triggers". These same people would have found it difficult to remain in our community long enough to attain 100 points because their ideas and personalities are often garbage. Well, let's bring the garbage in, I suppose!

Bobfish_Almighty ago

What about OCP?

WillyWillyBumBum ago

voting IP addresses are stored encrypted and we have no way to reverse this encryption

Can you please use the correct term? It's called hashing (and I know you know). I have to correct this misinformation all the time on stack overflow. Please stop spreading it, thanks.

bscoder ago

Need to dump the per-sub restrictions, too.

bscoder ago

I also think something needs to be done. I don't downvoat very much, but it pisses me off when I find that I want to and can't. I'm sick of seeing garbage about Hillary's fucking email sail to the top like it was newsworthy or something.

Moderately_soluble ago

This would be great if downvoats are used for their intended purpose. Let's keep this from becoming second Reddit, and remember upvoat means it stimulates conversation, and downvoats are NOT "I disagree with you" buttons.

llagerlof ago

With this new feature, haters will arise.

GeorgePBurdell ago

Again I say that I liked the old Slashdot comment moderation scheme.

You would randomly be assigned five or more moderation points. You could up mod / down mod comments.

They had meta-moderation where anyone on the site could look at your moderation and see if you were doing a good job.

You only had a few points to use, so you would think about it a bit.

Meta moderation kept people a bit in line. Some abuse, but not too much.

And comments were thresholded between -1 and +5 so that the good stuff could rise to the top and crap could be buried.

You could add individual modifications to points. Old users could get a bonus. Foes could get negative mods just for your viewing.

If you got upmodded, you got more karma.

Your rate of getting moderation points was also some formula, depending on your time at the site and your karma (I think).

It had lots of benefits, but then people went to stupid digg which can be totally scammed because anyone can vote then to reddit where people can downvote and make others have bad feels.

RijS ago

Good! Downvoates are a feature of your website that Lurkers use. I think lurkers use this feature more than any other usergroup, and this impedes them. Why would you want less lurkers to use Voat, for the trade off that some of them start commenting? Having more hits on your websites gets more people that contribute on their own.

I find it strange you are trying to solve those problems by restricting the downvoat, because the problems you're giving are solved by allowing people to downvote: A brand which wants to advertise on voat will need a bigger investment* as more people are downvoting bad content (like spam/ads). *The company will need to buy more upvotes, invest in a better designed meme... (A professionally designed "meme" can actually be a good contrbution, it can be funny, creative, insightfull. Whatever the average user wants to see, a company can produce.)

Still restricting votes to an IP is something I still disagree with. What about family's or roommates? As a company you want people to talk about voat offline. It's word-of-mouth advertising and gets people to join voat and to stay on voat.

You were asking for a solution? What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Should new accounts be restricted because they could be malicous? Should people not downvoat as much as they upvoat? Should people comment more?

I think "tagging" can be a good feature. On reddit mods tagged content as advertisement or whatever, with the enhanced extencion I tagged alot of users with "don't believe his lies" or "the real from youtube". Users here dont want to be downvoted because their comment is controverisial; ask people why they downvoated! Adding an extra click to the downvote button already dissuades people. Ask them if they disagree or think the comment is misplaced (Works better in my native language: Dutch, it means "not funny/rude with respect to the context"), malinformed (sortsighted, faulty reasoning or wrong), unethical, spam.

Instead of restricting and censoring, you should warn and inform voaters about bad content and herd them to good content.

Limpingdead ago

The amount of downvoats in Askvoat has tripled in the last 24 hours. This was not a good idea.

stegg001 ago

Please note that you can only vote once from a single IP address

Does that mean that I can only down/up vote 1 time per topi on my pc @ home? Not that I want to do that twice but my girlfriend is also on the same pc......

Gordam ago

Hm, maybe require the user to comment if they give a downvote, but that comment can be downvoted without the same requirement.

Example: I downvote you, requiring me to make this comment. Now since I downvoted you, anyone can downvote me and they don't have to comment on why. This requirement may be lifted after certain criteria have been met for each subverse, such as time of membership, number of comments made and how well you comments have been received in the particular subverse.

1828177? ago

I wish you would just remove downvotes entirely. They're used mostly as a "I disagree" button. And no, I don't care how it's SUPPOSED to be used, that's how it's used by the majority of people. Just let people upvote or not vote at all. Let good content rise to the top without punishing unpopular opinions.

No47 ago

It's not brigading, people were downvoating you because you were fucking spamming.

skilliard ago

Please note that you can only vote once from a single IP address

Doesn't this cause problems as voat grows though? University students are sort of screwed by this, and dynamic IP users are as well.

What happens if 2 people with the same IP have conflicting votes? Or what if 3 or more people from the same IP vote on something, with conflicting votes?

darwin_prime ago

@atko, please don't do this. This is the primary reason I was excited to come here, as well as why I've loved it here since that other place. This rule created more thoughtful discussion and it made a downvoat valuable (instead of it being an easy disagree button). Voat will now no longer have anything in place to distinguish itself from reddit. This will not bring anything good for the site and its community as a whole.

This is just throwing out the baby with the bath water.

draaaak ago

I had no problem with the restrictions. I found it was a good feature to keep people from opening throwaway accounts just so they could be downvoat trolls. It also encouraged me to participate more so that I could gain downvoat privileges.

specialinvalid ago

What if you earn downvoats and have a limited supply? So say, every time someone upvoats your comment, you get a downvoat to use.

Nigs ago

Bad decision dude. If you're going to make a change, at least ask the community first and have a poll.

skalp70 ago

Maybe it would be possible to protect from bot accounts with time measuring for actions: supra human speed? probably not human. -> feed em captchas

To protect from corporations sending armies of shills: look for shared ips and for group-voting: systematically (at 80% or more?) upvoting one another and mass downvoting counter opinions.

Besides, it's sad that "karma" is collected, summed and displayed to users: it creates fear of being downvoted and incites users to express sheepish opinions. It's killing another voat-like site.

pogiface ago

@Atko did you get rid of She yet?

majestic_goat ago

Thank you so much! :D

vantel ago

That pisses me off. I worked hard to comment and add and now you just throw that away. Fuck youm thanks for making me feel even worse about how I waste me life on this site. Jesus, I am almost wanting to go back to reddit.

silentshadow ago

Another idea came to mind how about setting up the system so that no user is allowed to upvoat/downvoat a post without actually clicking on the post and checking it out? Like at the moment if I wanted I could voat rampage the entire front page without checking out a single link or what it's about. It would be great if there was a way to say - No voating unless you actually check out a post.

silentshadow ago

Well I think if you guys add a report button to the posts and have good mods or a system by which if the number of reports about a post exceeds some arbitrary number it will be handled that would be great. I get your point about corporations having thousands of employees, but you forget we're a lot greater in numbers than them. Fear not alpha goat Atko we will brigade regulate Voat, I mean that's a big point of it right? In the meantime why I no can voat on this post?

neonneophyte ago

I would like if all upvotes and downvotes of a user were removed from the entire site when a user is banned. I am not sure if this is viable or not though.

FinestWeirdo ago

You mean all that sweet karma whoring I did was for nothing!? A damn shame I tell you. A damn shame.

FetusChrist ago

Incognito doesn't change your IP it just doesn't store browsing information on your box.

FetusChrist ago

Could there be a ratio by chance? Say encourage upvoting by requiring 10 upvotes for each downvote you're able to use? Sure people could abuse it by giving random ups to down someone, but for the most part it would at least encourage people to look at the bright side before turning negative.

TheTrigger ago

@Atko, I know you've gotten a lot of suggestions and comments.I know I'm late to the party, but please hear me out: why not adopt a system like Slashdot? If there's one thing they got right, it was the way they handled comments. Have a few different tags (that are filterable) that people can mark a comment as. As more and more people mark comments in these categories (make "Troll" a category, for example), people can set their filters to get rid of certain posts and arrange them in different ways. Users can have a section in their profiles that show a distribution graph displaying what percentage of posts they have in what categories. Bonus points if you make it so each comment has a little graph that pops up when you hover over a certain spot, that shows a similar graph, but for the specific comment (so users can still see how (and how many) people are reacting to it). Comments that have an even distribution across multiple tags (where one of which is "Troll" or "Spam") can be labeled "Controversial" and will bypass filters until enough users make a consensus. This method gives you so many ways to sort comments to get rid of unwanted content (spammers, etc).

Highly controversial comments can be instantly flagged for the mods, so they can take a look at, making their job easier.

This gives the benefit of people having a nice little feature in their settings to filter out all comments from other users that have a 50%+ (or whatever) "Troll/Spam Rating". The trolls, brigaders, and spammers would be dead before they even got a chance to get started. People with high ratings like, "Insightful", "Witty", "Funny", etc. would get more visibility; and new users would have all their posts bypass all filters for their first ~10 or so posts until they have an established track-record of what they have to offer (so they get visibility, as well).

Get rid of karma. Two sites have tried to run on this model, and it's imploded them both. Really hope this message reaches you, man. I feel like princess Leia leaving a recording on r2d2. I'm 100% confident this would work.

EDIT: Riffing on the initial idea and added some extra stuff.

farqanator ago

May as well just rename the place Reddit 2.0 now.

Grizmoblust ago

This is you...

Oh somebody posted a thread that said vote me please. GG, system broken. Go back to reddit. GG.

Go cry more, or continue to build a better system. But whatever you do, don't revert back to old changes!

Grizmoblust ago


vanzant ago

I was SOOOOO close.

praguepride ago

I liked the comment/downvoat restrictions as it made alternate accounts less prone to brigading.

Could you create an admin toggle that says "these subs don't count?" so that all these "upvoat me" subs can upvoat all they want but won't actually do anything for your totals?

ajsmth1 ago

Let the VOAT Games now begin !!!

napolean ago

I spent months making comments to get points. This morning I was finally at 98 and was excited to give my first downvoat. All that work was for nothing. fucking pissed and probably not coming back here again fuck that shit

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago


ochanada ago

I down voted this and i don't know why.... this down vote power is too great for this goat.

mukt ago

Ideas? I have a couple:
1. Implement sub-wise downvoating limits and give them to the mods to implement or reject. Global limits were useless as you discovered.
2. Let there be mechanisms to get people earn upvoats. Again, this is best implemented by mods in their own subs. For example, people get the privilege to voat in a particular sub only when their comments get x number of of upvoats in that sub where the value of x is set by the top mod.

1010011010 ago

Differentiate between votes made by accounts above the threshold and votes made by accounts below the threshold.

Add additional content sorting options that disregard the below-threshold votes (and one that ignores downvotes completely).

Implement some sort of karma decay function. This necessitates regular activity to stay above the thresholds. You can't participate in one upvote party and then idle your account until needed.

On the backend, you should be able to see if shills/bots are trying to spin up a bunch of accounts quickly for a targeted manipulation op. Or detect networks of accounts that regularly upvote each other to maintain standby status.

CrudOMatic ago


polkadotgirl ago

Reddit number 2.

kitanata ago

Honestly, solving this problem is super simple. Make downvotes a currency and cap it. Here are the business rules. I'm a game designer, so I am going to use the term "Player" for a Voat contributor.

  1. Players have a pool of downvoats. We will call this the "wallet".
  2. A Player's wallet can never exceed 25 available downvoats.
  3. A Player's wallet is initially set to 0.
  4. A Player's wallet decreases by 3 every 7 days if their wallet exceeds 5 downvoats. (Otherwise it stays at 5 or lower)
  5. A Player's wallet can never decrease below 0.
  6. A Player's wallet increases by 1 for every 5 comment upvoats that player receives. (Keep a static counter)
  7. A Player's wallet increases by 1 for every 3 link upvoats that player receives for their submissions.
  8. A Player's wallet decreases by 1 for each comment they downvoat.
  9. A Player's wallet decreases by 1 for each link submission they downvoat.
  10. If a Player's wallet ever reaches 0, they will be unable to downvoat anything.
  11. No single Player may downvoat more than 50 items (comments or submissions) within a 30 day span.

The effects of this system is as follows:
1. Players are incentivized to contribute to the community to get downvoats they can spend.
2. The system punishes inactivity but never removes all downvoats from a Player unless they spend all of their downvoats explicitly.
3. Players will recognize the scarcity of the downvoats and act accordingly.
4. Even if Player's attempt to "rig" their downvoats they are limited to only 50 a month (if they are constantly regaining them).
5. In this system it would be very easy to spot fraud and abuse or botting to game the system with some basic statistical analysis. And another internal algorithm can monitor and correct that.
6. New Players are not prevented from downvoating completely. They still have to earn the privilege and prove themselves first.
7. If a Player loses interest in the site but comes back later on, they have to re-prove themselves for the privilege to downvoat.

I_am_from_2160 ago

Make it into a game, "Here is another anon user online now with less than 100ccp, exchange 3 messages and they get the option of giving you 25 CPP"

Or "submit something on one of the following 'new kid' subverses"

"5cpp per captcha solved"

"Preform a turning test on this suspected Bot"

"Check out this random post and let them know what you think 5cpp"

Or "pay 5$ to skip " like metafilter does

arcticblue ago

Did you ever stop to think that maybe your posts are just fucking retarded and that it has nothing to do with being brigaded? Because your comments are fucking retarded.

arcticblue ago

I think he is @ididit now

NanoCat ago

Oh for shit's sake, Why don't you just go ahead and bend me over a table and shove a broom up me arse voat, then ask me to sweep your damn floor with it. I JUST GOT MY HUNDRED TODAY

Although on a calmer note, I can often just kinda tell when somebody has downvoted me because they just disagree with me.

Aathroser ago

What about having 10 comments scoring over a +2 or +3 to be able to downvote? You'd then have to have at least a few posts get positive net scores in order to downvote, which would reduce spammers slightly.

There is no "perfect system" as someone will always find a way to game it.

rursable ago

We like the old rule. Please bring back the old rule.

CrudOMatic ago

Taking away the penalty for being a social retard who can't hold a civil conversation? Yeah, it's going to be a bitch. SRS didn't get any traction here BECAUSE of those restrictions. Now that they've been removed, everyone should prepare themselves for the brigades and the ultra-moralist keyboard warrior dogpiles. Bad move, @Atko

BRockShooter ago

Great. Get ready for the rage/troll downvoaters.

Winter is coming.

hairless_rock_ape ago

I started a discussion on it last night, there has to be a way to stop manipulation on this site.

Typo ago

find some way to count active days only rather than raw account age. That could be a bit tricky but it's certainly doable.

I hope he sees this. This is a great fix to a problem that was sure to come up if account age was implemented.

Azriel777 ago

I agree with what you are doing. It was obvious that the system was being heavily gamed. It will still be brigaded and gamed, but now we have it more on equal ground. Keep up the good work ATKO.

On a side note... now what we need is a hide button to hide posts so it will not clog our newsfeed for HOURS with posts we have no interest in.

lens163 ago

Hey @Atco, are you building a community of sheep so that they may follow the highest ranking voats, or a community of goats capable to forage for themselves?

Let the goats find the 'nourishment' they appreciate. Give them a chance to 'follow' whom they like, vote or no vote.

What do you say?

NateThomas1979 ago

that's a good point.

brotoes ago

I would agree that the upvoat brivades damaged the old system, but did not destroy it. It should be tweaked, not scrapped.

NateThomas1979 ago

I really like the referral links because that also keeps people from brigading from inside of Voat as well. However, I'm not sure how you would not run into issues due to people being in /v/bestof or similar and then going to try to comment on the page itself.

Ricwulf ago

An idea for an alternative? Keep the same system for posts that are under something like 70 or so upvotes. This number would rise as Voat gets bigger, but this would allow posts not drop as hard because of disagreement, but spam or marketing doesn't get as high. After a post goes over ~70 (or the limit at the time) everyone is free to downvote it instead of just those that are above the SCP/CCP.

JoeKerr ago

idea: new account can neither upvoat nor downvoat for a specific amount of time e.g. a day, 30 days, etc.

newoldwave ago

I think Voat should keep this restriction to help keep out the trolls. Trolls don't contribute posts and only make snotty comments intended to draw someone into an asine argument.

Klaue ago

I think ideally you'd restrict upvoats and downvoats to like 10 a day. Increase that by 10 for every active "week" (7 days total with at least one positively-voated comment that day) until 100, then remove restrictions.


I have faith that, together, we will create a system that is fair and beneficial to all. Just give it some time. /u/Atko /u/Puttitout and friends We are in good hands.

surprisecockfag ago

This can't end well.

AtomicManiac ago

Give it based on account age. If you've been here for less than a week you get 1 downvote a day.

Something like that.

BetterDeadThanRed ago

"(voting IP addresses are stored encrypted and we have no way to reverse this encryption)"

Is that the case with user profiles, comments and posts as well?

CrudOMatic ago

More mahhhnhood101 spam.

CrudOMatic ago

Canned replies, canned replies. Each one just as edgy as the last. EdgeMaster Edgy Edgerton.

CrudOMatic ago

Oh NOES - dere's dem super edgy image macros again. Regular Edgy Edgerton here. Ah, I'm shook - better lay prostrate to your spam campaign. How much spam do you pump out for your meager subscriber count?

CrudOMatic ago

Oh man, dat edge is so sharp. Ya got me bro. Now go cry about how you're not allowed access to your kids, because you beat them.

pangpang ago

Not a big fan of this. I actually liked how the restrictions made people contribute before they could downvote everything they disagreed with, perhaps even convincing them to refrain from doing so once they had the power.

Radial ago

well this is gonna shit up the front page. PREPARE FOR DOWNVOAT=DISAGREE ECHOCHAMBER SPAM.

BigTimStrange ago

The problem is that any system you utilize will eventually be figured out and gamed. The upside to that is social media uses different "point systems" (likes, faves, retweets, upvotes, etc) and the ways people game it is predictable.

To me the solution would come from randomly changing the way posts make it to the front page, without people feeling like they're being cheated. You can't game the system if you don't know how the system works.

So for example, every Tuesday in August means that posts with the most upvotes 33 minutes after posting makes it to the front and on Wednesday posts that averages 5/upvotes per second makes the front and Thursday the ratio between upvotes and downvotes determines the ranking. Friday what makes the front is decided by the users located in Germany, Great Britain and New Zealand and Saturday everyone subscribed to v/filmdiscussion unknowingly determines what makes the front.

Brah ago

@Atko, a have a small but simple idea and I would like to know how you feel about it. It could be a real game changer and set Voat apart from the competition: remove downvoting, but keep upvoting. After all, the very logo of Voat is the upvote button.

What is the purpose of downvoting? They cause more harm than good. They are easily abusable and can be used by the hivemind to silence or discredit unpopular opinions. They are fairly redundant. Let upvotes do the talking. If you don't support content, ignore it; if you do, upvote!

I personally don't use Facebook, but I think they had the right idea by not including a "dislike" button, which would be analogous to downvoting.

NotAnUndercoverCop ago

The no "dislike" button was so people couldn't go to Cocacola or Monsanto's FB page and give them half a billion dislikes. It looks bad for advertisers. That's the ONLY reason to not include a dislike button.

This is a terrible idea.

Abstentious ago

Make the system so you can't downvote more than you upvote

Or you can't downvote more than your CCP

kugupu ago

As a person who contributed to get 100 ccp legit and somewhat enjoyed it (and it took several weeks), what the actual fuck. Not a good move in my opinion. I think the people who took the time to contribute should be rewarded by having the power to moderate submissions with downvoats, they should find a way to ban upvoat threads instead.

NoneOfTheAbove ago

I don't agree with this. I think limited downvoating was something that made Voat different from other places and it was a force for good. Wouldn't it be possible to restrict or even (with caution) ban those CCP farming subverses? I see that as something that is designed to circumvent the system and is breaking Voat. If my post is even visible in this huge mass, I'd welcome discussion on this.

Milty ago

What about some sort of power level system? Like if you've been here longer or are a more active user your upvoat is more powerful or something? Then you could have two stats on posts, number of upvoats/downvoats and then the collective power of those voats. Voat power could be collected many different ways, commenting and posting among the most obvious, and getting downvoated a lot could nerf your voat power or something. Im sure this would have issues but i think its flexible enough that they could be ironed out...

I really want to be able to say that my voat power level is over 9000.

Aniki ago

I am not using my downvoats until I have earned them. I will wait until I am worthy of them.

maxk42 ago

Here's the one reason I disagree with this policy change:

Yes it's still gamable. But the one thing voat has more of than reddit (ironically) is diversity.

reddit speaks with one hivemind. On voat, without all the downvoting brigades some good but unpopular opinions have a chance to be expressed. I suppose in the long run, that advantage will dissipate but for a little while it's been nice.

Circular_Reasoning ago

Could you make people comment everytime they want to vote? Sure there would be a lot less voting, but on the upside it could make discussion more interesting if users embrace it.

domochu ago

Okay, so now my brother and I have to use separate ips in order to vote? Or am I understanding this wrong?

johnnyracer24 ago

Do you use the same username?

domochu ago

EDIT: No, I think I understand what he is saying. I can only vote on this account from this IP address, not only one account can vote on this IP.

nkuttler ago

I think I like this change. As somebody with 80ish whatever imaginary points, am I allowed to downvote now? But I'm not sure it's a good thing, as it could lead to abuse.

DudeDude ago

Disappointing. Earned meant being a non-asshole. Circle upvoating could b circumvented with a time element. not fair to all, but still means earning and bwing a non asshole.

binglederry ago

I welcome this change. Votes were too weaponized earlier. User moderation is tricky to solve thanks to users being humans.

Please don't just add more hoops to jump through. People who are doing this shit for a living have more patience than the average user. Money is a great motivator.

TheBanHammer ago

RIP my hard work of getting 100 CCP.

Karlsson ago

Why not just let a downvoat cost one (or two - or ten) upvoats? Maybe even let upvoats cost one (or two - or ten) upvoats. That gives value to voats and people will voat more responsibly.

I have 153 CCP. If downvoats cost 10 CCP I can downvoat 15 times and then they are gone. If I want to downvoat more I have to earn new upvoats.

Atko ago

Downvotes are not the only problem - upvotes are equally important.

bubblesort ago

Could you weight people's up and down voats based on how much CCP and SCP they have? Like, if you have 500 CCP then when you up or down voat a comment, that voat is worth twice as much as somebody with 0 CCP? If you have 500 SCP then your submissions might be worth twice as much as somebody with 0 CCP? Those numbers might need tinkering, but maybe it's a start?

Whatever you do, please tell us exactly how the voat system works somewhere on the FAQ, and keep it updated. There was a lot of confusion under the old system regarding how many up and down voats you got for different point levels. Nobody really understood how the math worked.

Karlsson ago

Maybe even let upvoats cost one (or two - or ten) upvoats.

Phoenix_MD ago


Hey brother, this is an unpopular move on the admin's part. This may be a great time to learn the art of gracefully reversing a bad decision. It will win you HUGE points with your userbase for them to witness your humility.

Thank you for all your hard work.

Atko ago

If you go and read some of the announcements and comments I made in the last 2 years, you will see I've demonstrated humility many times over.

Phoenix_MD ago

I'm sure that's true, but 1) this is an entirely new group of users you're dealing with and 2) the positive feeling you have cultivated over the years is the reason why this community is not loosing their minds over the fundamental change you made today. Pao/Reddit treats their users like shit while you obviously care.

I'm a husband and father. I do things right (or mostly right) about 95% of the time. But on occasion I have to take the painful step of admitting that my actions weren't best and have to reverse course. Everyone realizes that nobody's perfect and it's a huge relief to know that the leader knows how to make corrections when need be.

Un3qual ago

DAMNIT. I just got enough CCP to downvote.

LizardBreathe ago

We have a static ip address for my home (business class Internet) and this will prevent my roommates from voating on threads because I already did.

Also, this will prevent folk who voat at work (wasting time, not as a job) from voating as well.

I understand the thought process, but do not like the solution. Hopefully ya all will continue thinking on it and come up with a better solution in the future.

Thank you for your continuing work.

7veils ago

In regards to the large corporation problem: Perhaps it would not be too much of an inconvenience to real user to make them reply to a thread or start a new one, say 3,4 or 5 times before they earn the privilege to upvote and downvote?

inflictedcorn ago

Damn. Honestly I really liked the whole getting to 100 to downvote. I just got there last week too.

RedditSuxBalls ago

Terrible idea, the problem is that if you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. That is it's not necessarily the system that is at fault but rather the idiots abusing it. A better idea would be to just have a ratio of up votes to down votes so that you have to earn down votes, and have a limit to the number of down votes that you're able to earn. For example 1 up vote for every 5 down votes to a limit of about 10 down votes.

I mean you're always going to have a problem with shills and brigades abusing the system, no matter how inconvenient you make it. Just removing features does nothing to address the problem.

FatalXception ago

When working on solutions to this, keep in mind lurkers who don't' overly participate outside of voating.

My reddit account for example, which I logged into pretty much daily, is over 6 years old, charter member, annual participation in secret santas, etc, has only 4 link karma and 1500 comment karma. I rarely comment, usually in small serious conversations (no +400 sarcastic/meme replies for me).. but I would consider myself to be an active participant in the experience, spending time in the new queue, trying to make sure good content is hitting the front page of subs.

Atko ago

Will do. Thanks! :)

Simplicity ago

No thanks.

Pissed-Off-Panda ago

Well, I'm already seeing tons of shithead downvoats. Not good at all for the community, but I trust in the leadership here! Hope we get a better solution to this problem soon.

tex ago

This is just terrible.

ExtremeSquared ago

It's uncontrollable. CCP begging will just move outside voat.

Qlanger ago

How about make a new account wait a week or at least a day to downvote. That should keep spammers and hacks from rigging it to much.

Tommstein ago

voting IP addresses are stored encrypted and we have no way to reverse this encryption

Do you mean hashed? Also, does this mean that the "you have to upvote more than you downvote" BS is gone?

wwwhistler ago

i'm sorry to see that happen.

Atko ago

See, it took you about a month to be able to downvote. At the same time, upvoting had no restrictions and organized groups could and have pushed whatever they want to the frontpage. How is this not a problem to you?

RED-001 ago

That's why you limited upvotes for new users. The old system made sense. Spammers and organized groups had to jump through hoops to gain normal functions by participating with new accounts. Downvote restrictions worked and encouraged people to participate instead of scaring away new users by people who carelessly downvote.

recreatereality ago

Why can't people just be decent act on a personal level? Fucking interest groups and advertising disrupt true thought processing and peer based evaluation. Y'all should add a tag to posts from business servers so people can see fast if it's manipulation or individual thought.

Jivicus ago

@Atko I've said this before: Make the ability to purchase voats. Allow for the trading and collecting of said voats. Charge a certain amount for packs or blocks of voats. Weight different types of voats. This way if a mega corp wants to game the system it will automatically benefit the system and if someone wishes to immediately partake in voating they too can purchse a pack/block of voats and depending on the type they purchases will be able to have certain privileges too. For those that do not want to purchase voats they can submit content or participate for a certain amount of voats. It all benefits the system. But it really works well if we can trade in bulk our voats... Like badges, but differently weighted voats. Say I have a Golden Voat worth about $20 US - I use it to upvoat a certain submission - it is the equivalent of 20 regular everyday voats. Say you have an Unobtanium Voat that you purchased for $50 US and you use it to downvoat a submission - it is the equivalent of 50 regular downvoats. Either way the system makes money and supports the market of voating. A serious "put your money where your voat is" solution.

mscomies ago

The solution to your example problem is to disable upvoats for new accounts similar to how downvoats are disabled until after they get some CCP. I get that you don't want the "upvoat me" threads, but removing the downvoat restrictions won't make it any harder for large corporations to astroturf.

ruukasu ago

voting IP addresses are stored encrypted and we have no way to reverse this encryption

Bull motherfucking shit. There are only 4,294,967,296 IPv4 addresses. If you can do whatever hash algo you're using one time for every time someone votes on something, you can sure as hell do it ~2.15 billion times. Hash algorithms are extremely fast.

Atko ago

Here's the code we use to hash the IPs. Feel free to improve it and submit a pull request if you can do it without having any impact on performance.

Atko ago

It has to be hidden from /v/all because otherwise any sub could abuse this feature and push their content to the top of /v/all since nobody from the outside would be able to downvote.

zippo ago

I can't say I care too much if someone can downvote right away, but if I had to think of a better system, then it would probably involve limiting how much upvotes received for early comments contribute to overall CCP (and therefore the downvoting threshold).

Something like making only the first 5 upvotes count for each comment until you reach 100 total - so even if all comments from a single new user were upvoted, this person would still need 20 of those at the absolute minimum. It would prevent people from just slapping something like "DAE le reddit sucks xDDDD" early on a submission that becomes popular and getting >100 CCP in an hour.

Once the user passes 200 CCP (or any number significantly above the 100 threshold), the old comments could start being counted fully towards the total. It shouldn't happen immediately when the user meets the 100 CCP requirement since they could still get some downvotes and fall below 100 again; all comments counting all points immediately after would prevent this.

DinduShoah ago

This is too bad. One of the largest, if not the largest, non-default sub is Reddit's coontown replacement: /v/niggers. Before each new post would more or less get an automatic downvote within 30 minutes, As you can imagine, lot of people do not agree with the sub. Now any random account with no activity can just go in and downvote stuff? This is already being seen on new submissions that, of course, all of a sudden have a higher number of downvotes then they ever did. It's not being done by subscribers or people who are actually there as coontown supporters, that's for sure.

Atko ago

I understand, but they can work around this by requiring a minimum number of comment contribution points (CCP) in their sub for downvotes. There is a parameter for that in subverse settings.

Makingbaconpancakes ago

Ah. Fair enough. I guess it works both ways.

RedSocks157 ago

I don't like this. I enjoyed downvoats being less common.

ginx2666 ago

This will get ugly. Why do you insist on making voat more like reddit? We came here because we were sick of the latter in the first place!

kahing ago

What about if someone moves? When I move from my current home I don't want to lose the ability to vote.

YayForBacon ago

What if the first (or first N) downvoats on something still require a privilege?

Atko ago

Sure, but only if the same is required for upvoats.

supernatendo ago

Tie the upvoat and downvoat system to a blockchain technology either running on ethereum or something like it.

Then require 100 CCP over the last 30 days. As soon as an acocunt falls below 100 CCP in the last 30 days, remove downvoat ability and restrict upvoats to 20 per day. Require a registration to voat that utilizes a single bitcoin address registered to a single email account and a successful captcha.

Gone_Private ago

Damn, I was 11 points away from 100, now the milestone is meaningless. Oh well :)

lens163 ago

For ask long as VOAT's primary objective is to rank submissions and comments there will be attempts at manipulating the system. Consider the following options:

  1. Drop the objective to rank posts NO VOTING AT ALL (turn the site into an information and opinion forum AND let people follow users whose contributions they value)

  2. If the voting feature is retained then:
    a. make it obligatory for the voter to give a reason for his vote, perhaps from a short proforma list
    b. incorporate the voter's user ID

Link1299 ago

Okay everyone, we agree, we liked the restriction.

we can still do something about this. @Atko has made it clear that this is only temporary while they devise/implament a better system

I too wish they would have kept it up until the change was implamented, but he does have a point, and the consequenes either way were creating problems.

So what can we do? Keep making content and make sure to support good discussion and show that is what we stand for. Utilize this growth in downvoat potential and combat bad discussion really. Use the downvoat responsibly, and report the trolls/alt accounts. And above all, don't let a sour minority kill the mood. @Atko and @PuttItOut have my trust, and from recent events I believe that if they are working to make a system I'm willing to believe them.

Here's to hope and good luck boys.

edit: also here's an added idea, help find ways we can improve the system and post your suggested ideas for how the restriction can be done better at /v/ideasforvoat

I'll definitely be stewing something in light of these events

Atko ago

Thank you for being constructive about this. @PuttItOut is oblivious to this experiment and we'll talk about it tomorrow, but this change is temporary until there is a fair solution which suits the majority of our userbase.

Link1299 ago

no worries

I'm a patient person

good luck and cheers

sec ago

I don't think those are good arguments against it. They only focus on the NOW and not the FUTURE.

Yes, in its infancy you will have users who are "asking" for upvoats. But as your site evolves, the users who deserve/contribute/aren't pricks will be more prevalent

Honestly, I though it was one of the best way to keep shills, spammers, and non-dedicated site users away. I liked seeing less downvoats.

If you are going to stand firm with your decision, please devise a way to reward users who actually use voat vs spammers/brigaders.

A 4 year user with > 5000 CPP should be more trustworthy than a 0 day old account whos only purpose is to downvoat. (maybe make downvoats cost CPP?)


ibepokey ago

sniff.... and here i am with 92, tryna think of something witty to get me those last 8 points!


Darth_Famine ago

Being unable to downvoat has actually limited my participation a bit. kinda hard to get any real feeling for a discussion when you can't voice your opinion. I am glad of the change.

lawofchaos ago

Oh great, the people that come here and fucking whine about not being able to downvoat have won. Awesome. Starting to like this place less and less every day now..

So basically the only difference between Voat and Reddit now is that Voat has collected all of Reddit's trash that no one wanted around anyway. Good job guys, bravo.

Atko ago

Nobody complained to me about anything, I caught manipulation in several subs with "please upvote me so I can downvote others" threads. Did you even read the text of this announcement since your comment is completely oblivious to the issue I'm raising?

lawofchaos ago

I can kinda get the reasoning why the old system didn't work as well as one would have liked it to but does taking that system away altogether fix the problem? At least people had to make a slight effort before, even if it was just through shit posting in FPH. Now, instead of even needing to make a thread saying "please upvoat me so I can downvoat others", people can simply go straight to it without ever needing to participate in the slightest.

Sometimes I wish it wasn't so friendly and open here so that the people who participated in that sort of stuff could have just been outright banned for making a joke of things.

I understand your reasoning, but either way the assholes win. At least before it wasn't as easy as simply making an account.

Atko ago

Thank you for taking the time to comment. The problem was just that - it was easy to upvote as soon as you make a new account but hard to downvote (and only hard to downvote for individuals and not to organized groups). Restrictions must be equal for both upvotes and downvotes, otherwise we're stuck with an echo chamber for organized groups.

lawofchaos ago

Ah there I agree fully. Since I first came here I thought that the restrictions should be equal. But that seems kinda impossible because if no one can upvoat or downvoat without any CCP then no new user will ever get out of the starting block, other then those who already cheat. Apologies for the wording of my first comment, I'm not disliking this place more every day, that was just an over reaction. Personally I liked the system the way it was but perhaps it only really worked properly while this place was still so much smaller. What worries me so much is that people are joining this website these days not because they want to be here but because their shitty bigot sub was banned on Reddit. That is the only reason and one that I have heard straight from the mouths (keyboards) of some of these people. And since these bigots have fled here from Reddit the whole voating culture has been slowly changing from one that rewarded participation and punished trolling to one that uses these little arrows as agree/disagree buttons. I fear that this will turn that slow change into a rapid one.

But clearly there is no simple solution to any of this. Thank you for all your hard work, mr. Atko. I, as a user can only begin to imagine what that must entail. Hopefully an alternative solution can be figured out soon.

Atko ago

I understand your concerns. I just spent the last 5 hours reading the comments in this thread, replying to as many people as I could and writing down interesting and constructive ideas many people had about how to improve the voting system and I hope to roll out something better soon.

lawofchaos ago

And that's what I think I like about this place the most. Even though you don't have to and no one expects it of you, you take the time to listen to what the users have to say, listen to suggestions and often implement them and generally just be awesome about it.

At least that's one thing that I can rest easy about. From what I've seen in my time here so far I can be completely certain that solutions are being considered and worked on and that this will all be sorted out soon. The only possible solution I could think of personally is to supply those restrictions per subverse rather then globally so that if you make 100ccp in your obscure sub, good for you, now you can downvoat in that sub but you'll still have to earn your points in another one. I know that moderators can choose this already but I think it should be a standard by default. Although I'm sure that would just come with a whole new set of problems. It'll be interesting to see what ends up happening. Thank you for taking the time to explain this further.

SuperCarGuy ago

By doing this, you are allowing massive social media manipulation groups to game the site.

A few examples:

Film marketers.

Video game marketers (Valve).


SRS bullies.

GamerGate bullies.

Red Pill / Femanist troll groups.

Various chans (like 4chan).

Vegan bullies.

JDIF bullies.

... and so on.

This was a bad move on your part, and you really should know better and think of better alternatives.

Still, it's nice to know that you are trying to work on the website.

1816686? ago

Alternatively we could just permaban people for obvious karmawhoring or give massive karma hits for it. Trusted moderators could be given this tool.

ripfreespeech ago

I really respect you trying to hone things here. Thank you. That said, I really liked earning the ability to downvote. That's my 2 cents

jard ago

I do not like the idea of forcing people into a 100 different subs. I look at the front page occasionally and then go to the subs that I care about. I think a mixture of total CCP gained, account lifetime, and upvoats given could work well.

Superking ago

If you want to stop the "please upvote me" bullshit, crack down on the "please upvote me" bullshit. Don't just give them what they want.

I am completely against this. One of the reasons I decided to make this my online home were the CCP restrictions. They forced users to be establish them selves in the community and participate before they were allowed to have an incremental say in the content of the site. With the restrictions gone, there is nothing to keep communities with agendas from flooding in and brigading. This will without a doubt hurt the site.

DDio ago

As I said somewhere else: Completely revamp the upvote/downvote system. Upvote/downvote both should make a post more visible (pushing it upwards). After this is implemented you could add personal filters for most upvoted/ most downvoted, % based and so on.

The biggest upside of the system is that it will stimulate environment of "ignore the idiot", where people will learn that sometimes not touching the shit is actually better. This will completely remove the brigading problem since a post is either discussion worthy or not.

At least try it.

Maybe also tie up the comment counts. More specifically some index to indicate the depth of the comment trees in the comment section. A longer branches means more discussions/arguments.

1816421? ago

You're making a serious mistake. I've seen more quality discussions here in the past three weeks than on reddit the past 6 months and thats because of the system that is/was in place. Take that away and the only post to make it to the top will be those that appeal to the lowest common denominator: stupid puns, funny comments. You're going to stifle discussion.

If this is for financial reasons then you could at least be up front about it.

FromThatOtherSite ago

Make upvoats and downvoats only available to those with 50 CCP instead of 100. Small enough for it not to be a nuisance for new users, but large enough that brigade/spam accounts can't do much without being found out.

aristarch ago

It seems the problem this is trying to address is currently a non problem.

Procerus ago

Completely agree! The vast iceberg of the community are the lurkers, for better or worse.

anonagent ago

Why? People say stupid shit and deserve downvoats.

XDvandalDJ ago

Limiting to one account per IP makes this site not attractive to people living together. My girlfriend created an account but we can't really browse at the same time. She'll lose interests and end up leaving.

This will stop multiple users at Coffee shops or any public free WiFi.

minibeep ago

when will the invite only thing stop ?

Taxi ago

Yeah, I rarely downvote anything anyways, I prefer the idea of aggregating content based on upvote vs no vote, and reserving downvotes for posts that truly deserve it. Downvote should not mean disagree. Also I didn't mind the 100 CCP limit, even if I'm still only halfway there after being here for a month, because it's much better than 100 comment/post limit. I hate when forums etc. use post limits, because I really don't post often unless I feel like I have something worth saying. Quality over quantity.

DanielTaylor ago

Idea: There's a limit to downvoats; it regenerates with time.

For example, new users could have a downvoat quota of 2dv/hour. This wouldn't leave them feeling useless, they could start right away, but they'd have a large incentive to contribute and increase the quote which would grow depending on factors such as (1) account age and (2) CCP.

If you manage to balance both variables you can make it so that new accounts with large amount of CCP wouldn't be able to circunvent the limits. To do so you'd need to design an "ideal user growth line". For example:

  • >= 1 week AND >50 ccp. = 2 dv/hour
  • >= 2 weeks AND >100 ccp. = 4 dv/ hour
  • >= 3 weeks AND >150 ccp. = 5 dv/hour

If a user achieves more than 150 ccp but is only three weeks old, he would still fall into the third category. This prevents users from growing faster than a certain desired limit.

Basically Voat admins decide the desired growth curve and cap off extra benefits for users who climb too far too fast, or provide users who're falling behind with some of them.

The same principle could be applied to upvoats, although with larger numbers.

Paging @Atko so he can read the proposal.

Atsu333 ago

Me too. Have a 101.

casper ago

Just make the ccp limit scale with the size if the existing user base as it is the moment if account creation.

TheAwkwardBrit ago

Hey @Atko my previous comment wasn't very constructive so I'd like to put another idea idea that I just thought of out there.

How about making it so that you can comment freely when you first make a new account but cannot initially upvoat or downvoat anything. This should prevent people or companies from quickly making fake accounts just to manipulate voats.

After commenting a certain amount of times (let's say 100 comments for example) in default subverses, the user will then unlock the ability to voat; providing that their upvoat/downvoat ratio is above a certain percentage to automatically filter out trolls/spam. A ratio of 0.35 or 0.4 should be low enough to prevent people from getting caught up in the filter by posting an unpopular opinion.

Alternatively, those who contribute interesting submissions or comments could unlock the ability to voat quicker if they receive a certain amount of CCP or SCP (Let's say 100 of either), again in default subverses to prevent cheating. This would give people an incentive to contribute good quality content whilst also making it significantly harder for people to cheat the system by making (or posting in) free upvoat subverses.

donotreply ago

Welcome to the big time... a real shame that people cannot "play by the rules"...

But then again that is the "rule" for so many nowadays.

festivus2k15 ago

Keep the CCP requirement but also require commenting on the thread you're downvoating, that way if people don't have anything meaningful to say they'll be unable to downvoat as soon as they see an article they're biased too. (And if they spam a comment just to downvoat it would most likely result in a loss of CCP).

dacotahd ago

As a new user it simplifies it for me and makes it easier to access

But knowing how well downvoting goes ehh...Maybe the old way was ok the way it was.

BRAlNlAC ago

@Atko, I have a suggestion: I like the idea of linking voting capabilities to comment creation rather than ccp. It would do a lot avoid the hive mind behavior seen on reddit, but still prevent brigading. Perhaps new accounts have a limited number of voats and can only upvoat on links. The more active you are, the more votes your account/IP is given per day. The trick would be to make it so that you couldn't just create a self-post and make a hundered comments of the word "the" to bypass said system. Perhaps your comments need some votes (whether up or down) and/or need to be in a variety of threads and/or a certain age. I like the idea of making it like credit a system that included average age of comments and number of comments might work well, and later on you could develop an algorithm to discount accounts that went dormant and then start back up. A system like this will never be perfect, but increasing the barrier to entry would probably help a lot.

henrycase ago

maybe giving un x amount of downvotes and upvotes per day as a function of the total ammount of comments upvotes? like if you have less than 100 upvotes you can downvote only 10 times a day? but if you have more than 300 your daily limit is 50. and can work with negatives, if you have less than -1 you cannot upvote or downvote anything. somthing like that?

Cumsponge69 ago

I'd say keep the limit, but lower it to say 50, and make it a site wide rule to not have "upvote circle jerk" threads? This way it still encourages people to participate in their early days, makes it so enough people can downvote so that the thing you mentioned about corporations doesn't happen, and prevents brigading

l_l_l ago

Yea, unfortunately there is no perfect system. With the voteless image boards like 4 chan was, you have total democracy but you end up having to wade through endless drivel. With vote driven systems, you have endless vote pandering and good content often gets buried. I'm not sure the solution. Maybe the solution is to get off the internet. I may try that at some point.

ArkhamKnight ago

This was one advantage voat had over reddit. Why remove it?

chilledmyspine ago

i was so exited that i couldn't stop myself to give the first downvote... :D

JJEvil ago

You are overlooking the obvious. Why not have a system of only downvotes? Everything starts as high as it will ever be, then the community decides how hard to trash it.

Schmickle ago

@Atko , I would consider putting in a notification system if someone down voats 10 or more posts, in the same day, in the same subvoat, that will then notify the user that they can block the subvoat.

Doreen-Lou ago

It was a great idea, and like all great ideas it was abused, warped, and ruined.

xeemee ago

while the new system seems more fair to me, i don't know it will change anything in the long run

to put in place a acquirement that a user must have x number of posts/comments before being allowed to vote will also change nothing in my opinion, only prolonging the inevitable

again, i would suggest dropping at least the down-vote capability entirely and just let users block other users

if you are aware of the fact that paid trolls can have a significant impact upon a posts ranking, then what sense does it make to keep the current system? these shills will be around long enough that any minimum time/post/comment limits will be circumvented while, at the same time, regular users are denied the ability to vote

why not let the individual user decide for themselves without affecting the experience of other users? seems to me this may be an effective way to curtail the effectiveness of paid trolls while protecting free speech and preventing group-think censorship through down-vote brigades

/my .02

Aaaron ago

Whoa, you can upvoat yourself now...

Fiacre54 ago

Downvoated because I can now! (thanks!)

Unicorn_in_disguise ago

Why couldn't the old system stay in place and also ban those kind of threads?

I like earning the ability to downvote and I don't know if it worked this way, but earning the ability to up vote more frequently too is nice.

Alarian ago

I'm personally glad for the change. I've been here quite a while, and spend time here at least once a day but I guess I don't post enough to be worthy of downvoating yet. It actually discouraged me for a while from coming here as I felt like an outsider being allowed to stand in the window looking in at the community.

I personally envision all the people upset with this being the ones who can downvoat already and who all get together and fart into their wine glasses and sniff their sweet farts while feeling superior to all the lessers who are not allowed to fully participate.

To me stopping the downvoat brigades seems pretty easy. If a person has a high ratio of downvoats to very little up or even contributions, its safe to assume they are not an asset to the community and are only here to cause trouble. If a persons downvoat ratio gets too high, give them a warning and if they continue just ban the account removing all their past downvoats at the same time.

Atko ago

Correct, thanks, here's the code that is used for this.

Skary ago

I think you'd need to do something like create a 'proximity' value (based on threads/subs posted in) for every pair of users and have diminishing returns (or even a penalty) for voats in too close proximity.

NateThomas1979 ago

I'm a little torn here @atko. I've been a member of Reddit for 3 years and in one month here I've gotten over 1k CCP. It's really not too difficult to gain the CCP necessary to downvote if you spend time actively being on the site. But the reason I say this is that it's given me a good perspective of some of the good and bad things about both Reddit's system and Voat's system.

One of the major benefits to Voat's system WAS this implementation. I talked about it to friends that you had to contribute to be able to vote on people's posts. That you had to be a part of the community before you were able to help shape it. As well, learning that other people could have a dissenting opinion and it didn't end your world was a great factor as you had to just pass over comments you disagreed upon rather than immediately being able to come in and downvote everything in site.

While you are worried about those few subverses that are bending the rules to their favor, recognize as well that rather than toss the system out let's tweak it!

Some Ways to Fix the system

Some of these are already on here, some might not be but my thoughts are to try to put them together to create a single idea thread.


The idea here is that you need to contribute to be able to shape the forum. Lurkers should not be able to create a circlejerk, nor people who are visiting a subverse be able to destroy/nuke an opposing thought or subverse. I moderate the Colts subverse. If we had the subscriber levels of Reddit's user base, the Colts have 7k users and the Pats have 32k. Should the Pats be able to just come into the Colts subverse and destroy a person's CCP simply because of hatred? Having to interact with the subverse eliminates the idea that you can point out a thread that you don't like and have 100s of your 'followers' or fellow users go in their and brigade them.


While not ideal to allow people to remove dissent, in some places it might be necessary. /v/protectandserve is a perfect example as the creators are wanting a 'safe place' for the officers to discuss things without wanting a giant debate. I'm sure that there are other places too, perhaps a subverse based upon encouragement of others or similar. Allowing subverses to opt out of downvoting/upvoting might help to eliminate some of those issues.


Instead of a CCP based system, why not make it the same as you do for mod limitations? You have to have been a user for 5 days/10 days/30 days before you can upvote/downvote comments. This allows people to spend time getting to understand that you can read people's comments without needing to upvote or downvote.


I'm not sure what it would take, but so much of the issues with any upvote/downvote is that it is used as a disagree/agree button. Why not avoid this altogether by creating that button for those comments that are on point but simply not agreeable. Maybe this might help people to avoid the downvote button when in reality all they want to do is point out their disagreement?

Final Thoughts:

The big thing to me is removing the limitations also removes the learning experience that SOME received about how to be able to allow people to comment without resorting to using it as an agree/disagree button. It limited brigading and made it just a slight inconvenience to get to be able to help shape the places you visited. While some are abusing this, please take a breath before you jump ship on it. I really think it was one of the distinguishing features about Voat that attracted me and created the userbase that is much more civil in their discussions and created much more tangible content.

arisoncain ago

This is the best proposal thus far. Another consideration would be only allotting a limited number of downvotes (perhaps per subverse) for every 24 hours. I think if users knew that they only had a few to use, they wouldn't be as liberal with them. I don't have 100 CCP yet, but I can't think of more than one or two times a day that I have seen something that I believed really deserved to be downvoted, and almost all of those were spam.

NateThomas1979 ago

Which of those four options or some or all of them are the best proposals? I'm not sure which proposal you are discussing. Each one has pros and cons about it that we should consider and go through a vetting process to help make it a viable choice for Voat.

arisoncain ago

I was just speaking in terms of his overall proposal of these options, which he clearly put a lot of thought and effort into. Though I personally believe shifting from a Point-Based to a Time-Based system is ultimately the best of the four.

NateThomas1979 ago

I do see one limitation to the time-based system which is just that people create shill accounts that just sit dormant until they reach the allotted time and then suddenly have the ability to do what they desire.

I'm thinking that perhaps a combination might be best. 10-15 days as a member and received 10-15 upvotes or such which is nothing to get but forces individuals to make comments.

arisoncain ago

What about something like a ratio of 10/1 upvotes to downvotes in coordination with a time-based system? Maybe for every 10 CCP you have you are allotted one downvote or something to that effect, and your downvotes replenish every 24 hours? Downvotes should always be used with discretion, and only in situations where the comment adds nothing to the discussion. I think we can all agree that giving all users unlimited downvoting ability from day one will just turn the discussions here into the exact same discussions that were happening at that other site, which I don't believe anyone wants.

Atko ago

Thank you, I really appreciate you typing all this. Time-based sounds ok as well as minimum posts in subverse to upvote or downvote. I'm writing down key points from all the responses I've read so far and I'm sure we'll have another solution up and running very soon.

NateThomas1979 ago

Can I just tell you how refreshing it is to speak to the person who runs the site vs. having no say?

It's like we constantly have a running AMA with you wherein you are creating and helping shape the site.

This is not a common trait among sites. Whether or not I agree with any other post you make on opinions, for this simple fact. Thank you.

Thank you.

l_l_l ago

How are upvotes not just the inverse of this? They are the same thing, except one is down=disagree the other is up=agree. I don't get how the fact that it goes down is somehow different.

SwiftCase ago

I think we should try it and see what happens. Whether it's a good idea or bad, we'll only find out if we try.

ooli ago

kudos to you to recognize a well intended but totally broken principle.

sun_butt ago

I got 100 CCP in like 1 day please bring back the restrictions to prevent voat manipulation at least until you actually ready to release a new system

Paw_McCatney ago

It took me 5 weeks to get 68 ccp. My comments are generally not worthy. This is good news for the rest of Voat as you no longer have to endure my horrible comments.

JustWonderful ago

About the Edit 2, this should just be reported as spam and dealt accordingly. I think it would be quite easy to spot these, but I also understand you guys don't necessarily have time for that.

Atko ago

It doesn't necessarily have to be blatant spam, it can be something as small as a picture of a cute cat with COMPANY X product neatly placed in the background.

JustWonderful ago

Yes that's true. What I actually had on my mind though is that let's say big corporation comes over and starts to do that. I was thinking about tools which can detect weird things happening such as some post suddenly getting way too many upvoats compared to other ones. In a way detecting unusual behavior if it gets over the set norms. Of course there are many more ways as well to detect unusual behavior. They'd most likely use VPN's and such to hide their asses, perhaps not. perhaps it could be possible to identify the similar IP ranges as well. Just my thoughts but I really don't feel like having open downvotes is that good idea in the end. I do understand it would need much more moderation duties though.

Sciencegirl ago

I likes the restriction in some ways because I felt more inclined to contribute to discussions. At the same time I have been here for awhile and have not made it to 100ccp, and I'm wasn't about to post one of those give me points posts.

NeonMan ago

I got to a point where not downvoting by default was a nice watch.

erowidtrance ago

You should completely get rid of downvotes and allow unlimited upvotes from the start. Downvotes are one of the main issues on reddit that creates echo chambers where people are reluctant to voice opinions that go against the herd .

The other main problem on this site is new submissions only appear in the new queue and often get ignored because no one sees them. This should be changed so they appear in both hot and new as they do on reddit. That's system works far better which makes it much easier for smaller subs to take off.

TheGo2SWATking ago

So now our system is just like reddits, just without the vote manipulation from Pao...

jerengineer ago

I don't like it.

bvanheu ago

I think the problem is:

  • upvoat: I agree
  • downvoat: spam / offtopic / useless comment

But the user interface make it so:

  • downvoat: i disagree

I think the down arrow should be "i disagree", and you keep the "report" button to display different action to take for this specific comments (offtopic, spam, ...)

KleanRider ago

Here are my suggestions:

  • Account must be at least 1-2 months old before being able to downvote.

I think a hard cap on time spent in Voat is a good thing. If you are serious and want to be part of the community you can wait a month or two before being allowed to downvote something. In the beginning it was a big deal because there weren't enough people to downvote spam but now we have plenty of people to help out with that and more active mods.

  • Account must also have 100 CCP but the points can only be accumulated a maximum of 2 per day.

This is to stop people from making ghost accounts and then letting them incubate for the alloted time. This is to insure the accounts are active. If someone is active on multiple accounts then I guess more power to them but this makes it really hard to just make massive amount of accounts to use for downvote.

  • 1 Downvote subtracts 10 (or some other number) of CCP points.

Basically if you down vote something it should cost you. So if you are going to down vote something you better have a good reason to do so.

I really liked not having down vote brigades. It was refreshing to see comments that normally wouldn't be at the top at the top.

Atko ago

Thanks, but what about upvotes? Don't you think that this is a problem:

  • a large corporation which has hundreds or thousands of employees, comes over to Voat and pushes their advertising links to the frontpage at a fast rate
  • at the same time, majority of Voat users has no ability to downvote or has restricted downvotes

That's the problem I'm trying to tackle with this change. Any thoughts on that?

KleanRider ago

A few thoughts.

Problem only fixed by mods?

Hmm, to combat that organically (i.e. the normal user base) would be difficult. I feel anything organized to that level might not be controlled by an unorganized mass unless they are cued into it. Maybe at that point the moderators need to take action.

Attach Flags to Links?

One thing I know, as a normal user, if a link was flagged as "hail corporate" (or something like that) I would probably at least be aware that it is an advertising attempt. It wouldn't necessarily have to be down voted into oblivion but if that flag existed it would devalue any advertising attempt or at least attract enough normal users to take a look at it and downvote it. However I don't know how you would decide to have something flagged a certain way and who would do it but I thought I would just throw that flagging idea out just in case.

Upvote Rate?

Ah, now maybe a bit technical but if you could display the rate at which it was getting upvotes that might help people identify if a link is suspicious. Like if something got 1000 upvotes in 1 minute that would seem extreme. It might be an interesting experiment because certain news stories or events might have extremely fast upvote rates like the explosion in China. However something like a great new product would not have as fast an upvote rate as breaking news stories or a really really cute cat video haha. I wonder if such a statistic was attached to the left of the link, over time people would have a good "feel" for how fast certain things should make it to the front. Anything out of the ordinary could prove to be just enough for users to take a second and more cautionary look at the link. So like the Upvote arrow displayed "x upvotes/minute" and the down vote arrow displayed "y downvotes/minute".

I definitely appreciate the problem you have, I hope the ideas you get from this thread lead to a good solution.

SteelKidney ago

Perhaps requiring new accounts to create 100 comments in 100 different subs before being able to vote 100 times?

Something like this, sure. Although this extend would end up setting the initial restrictions back onto me. But yes- I think that before you're able to voat, up or down, you should show yourself to be an active member of the community. Perhaps even a scaled approach. Contribute a baseline amount to a community through comments and you can start discussions/submit links. Contribute more and you can upvoat. Contribute more than that and you can downvoat. Yes- I think downvoating should be given at a higher participation level than upvoating.


Upon re-read, I don't know if I made this clear, but I mean it on a per-community basis. Contributing to /v/politics doesn't necessarily make you a good contributor to /v/programming.

tapeman ago

what if you need 100 ccp to downvote per sub?

like, I could have 300 ccp from /v/askvoat so I could downvoat there, but not in /v/gifs.

the same with upvoating but a smaller limit.

brbpierogies ago

Sorry @Atko, I love this place, and I appreciate your hard work but I don't think this is a good change.

Atko ago

Thanks for speaking your mind. I noticed several subs organize "please upvote me" threads and worked around our downvoting restrictions. This created an unequal playing field where new users could take weeks or months to reach the ability to downvote. How come you don't think restricting downvotes while not restricting upvotes is not issue?

brbpierogies ago

I feel that the original rules really encouraged participation from everyone. It's a shame that some are skirting the restrictions.

cfl1 ago

Upvoting does not intrinsically hide content.

It does. When only a tiny fraction of the user base looks past the first page(s) of links or comments, grabbing that space with upvotes is just as significant as displacing things downward with downvotes.

spryes ago

It's different, because controversial content gets way more visibility.

+50|-50 = 0 with the current system, but +50 with upvote-only. +50|-0 = +50, so in an upvote-only system they have equal visibility

Jazsper ago

why did they do this? I liked the system before. If it's not broke don't fix it. Now all hypersensitive sissies from you know where are going to flood this place with bullshit.

Atko ago

It can be reversed, but the system was broken. People organized and upvoted each other in order to game the system and push their agenda to the frontpage, while everyone else was struggling to reach the ability to downvote...

Jazsper ago

Oh I did not know that. I feel like a sheep amongst wolves now.

Atko ago

To solve that we could make it so that you don't see replies to users you blocked, but yes, I agree, it needs some thought.

MasterZenith ago

Good. Been on Voat for a while and still can't downvote. I come across so many threads that need downvoting, but I can't.

Now I can downvote without spamming subverses and gaming the system. The limit was stupid and I'm glad it is gone.

JustWonderful ago

Instead of just downvoting, why you don't just answer and start up a discussion? What I hate, just downvoting because you don't like something, perhaps that's not the reason you'd like to do it though? Not attacking you, just curious to get your point of view about it.

MasterZenith ago

90% of the time, the person I am disagreeing with sounds/appears more intelligent about the subject than me, and I just don't have the, um, control nor the vocabulary to convey what I feel properly.

Also, I'm an asshole. I don't care for political maneuvering and using tact, so anything I tend to type out comes out like diarrhea and I nearly always regret saying something in the first place.

Lastly, trying to change someone's mind online is nearly impossible. I've been "online" since the mid 80's on my older brother's commodore 64, and I got tired of saying the same things back in the mid 90's. Quite frankly - I'm a short tempered asshole who is bored arguing online. Best I keep my stupid mouth shut and just down vote.

JustWonderful ago

What's great here is that you ask us, the users and you guys are willing to listen for suggestions to make this place what users want, not what you have in your mind it should be. Thank you for doing that.

Atko ago

Thanks but I did actually make this quick change before asking anyone but I am still here reading the comments and so far it seems that many users are concerned with being downvoted by organized groups but majority seems to have upvoted this announcement. Nothing is written in stone and I could revert this change in 10 minutes if need be. Perhaps I need to give this some more thought, we'll see.

JustWonderful ago

My two cents about this. I certainly understand the concern because it was very effective tool against the reddit style "downvote all just because I want to troll!" which I really, really really hated and what was used both to hide those opinions which were not mainstream and majority just didn't agree and just to troll around (happens a lot in that other place for NSFW mods). Here it has been pretty much nonexistent and it has been much easier to get into conversations about controversial topics and trolling has been more or less minimal (And boy has it felt good!).

So, if I may.. I'd suggest don't limit upvoting by any means, but limit downvoting at least for new accounts. Let's say the first 10 days you can't downvote and afterwards everyone has certain amounts of downvotes per day, perhaps based to their activity / history of downvoting against upvoting. There should be some sort of balance there, otherwise if it's possible to just downvote everything ..Well you know the place this site is soon going to be remind me of ..which would be big damn shame.

Also, one question about the change, does this mean that there is now not that quite annoying daily / hourly limitation of posting new links? While I understand it is on place to stop spam. For NSFW user such as me it becomes quite annoying. I'm used to post tons in that other place, not spam but providing content. Images, videos etc. That would get the subverse a lot more active. Here I have had the problem that I have to wait between the posts and I'm sure you understand it gets tiring pretty fast.

2095conash ago

Maybe having it so that downvoting is connected to each individual subverse. So like in order to downvote in any subverse you have to earn X amount of upvotes in that subverse, which could then be changed by the owner of the subverse, that way big subverses that have a lot of activity might require 100 upvotes to be able to downvote, while smaller subverses might have say 10 or even none. This way as well moderators that care strongly about trying to prevent brigading then have a responsibility to go through and deal with any threads/comments that are "Please upvote!". You could even potentially have it so that the same thing is done with upvoting within the subverses to prevent people from making a bad or neutral comment and then brigading themselves up to be able to go elsewhere and downvote (or perhaps something based on time or number of posts within that subverse). Since anyone can create their own subverse, if moderators or such get too unreasonable with this the community can always make a new subverse that is far more reasonable.

I think the bigger problem is making a universal system, someone might be a pillar of society in say the news subverse, but then they walk into the gaming one and don't fit in at all, them being so important at the news subverse should not in any way carry over to the gaming subverse I think since they are different communities.

escapefromredditbay ago

(calmly waits for eugenenix to stop throwing shit like a monkey)

gramman74 ago

You are fucking up a good thing

eneerg ago

people are so fucking stupid. this is simple. just create an upvoat button and get rid of the downvoat button. it will help people focus on what they WANT instead of making them focus on what they don't want. complaining is always easier than doing something about it. an upvoat says you are shaping voat to become what you want it to become. a downvoat merely means that you're complaining about something that bothers you. but if that bothersome thing is removed, you STILL have nothing if you don't say what you actually WANT.

plus we all know the brigading has started with the downvoat button. we see it all the time on reddit. and we act like it won't happen on here. it's fucking idiocy. if you want to give people a downvoat button, make them EARN IT by contributing heavily to the site. and limit the amount of downvoats they get to ONE per day.

trauma ago

I like the 100 comment idea because then you'd at least have to put some time in. Not in 100 different subs though, that would require people to converse in subs they probably aren't interested in.

escapefromredditbay ago

your not debating.

Atko ago

Yup, IP thing has been here for a while now and this hasn't changed today. I guess I'll just revert this change and restrict both the upvotes and the downvotes with a smarter solution later on. I need to talk with Justin, I'm really surprised that you guys are so afraid of new accounts downvoting you.

hitamhitam ago

May I suggest a "total score" system?

Where when a post get 100 upvoat and 50 downvote, it will get 150 score.

More vote = more participate = hot topic

Yes I know how people who get used to reddit system don't like this idea.

Atko ago

That's an interesting idea, thanks!

fog ago

The downvotes on this announcement are a good example for what people have already pointed out (downvote because disagree/dislike is an issue).

escapefromredditbay ago

oh dear, youve regressed to yelling.

escapefromredditbay ago

"Which is against reddiquette yet in practice it is the disagree button over there."

well, um, were not on reddit.

and as for the last third of your response, "Also: earlier you suggested it because I may have deserved getting downvoted, which was speculative insinuation. So there is that.", the fuck were you even trying to say or insinuate there. you, definitely deserve a downvote.

digitalentity1497 ago

I earned my right to downvoat (100 CCP) the hard way. Since I got it, I don't downvoat at all. Should we move to a upvoat only system? Just saying. 0 means nothing and shouldn't that be enough? What do you think.

emnitahreggin ago

just ban those users who game the system to get ccp and scp. I guarantee srs, may the fempire burn in hell, will be brigading voat within the week.

Atko ago

But that's the thing, banning them would mean "censorship" and we're creating a whole new shitstorm :(

emnitahreggin ago

If some other system is put in place to prevent the brigading than that's fine with me. I love free speech. You'll never find a more staunch supporter of free speech than me. However, breaking the rules ,regarding vote rigging or harassment of subs a group doesn't agree with, of the site is another issue all together in my view.

*Edit: when I replied I didn't realize who I was speaking to. I respect the work you've done in creating this site and your dedication to keeping it free speech. And I respect your private property also. That other sub decided to make rules that I didn't agree with so i've voted with my participation. I didn't mean to presume to tell you what should be done with the site.. it was just my opinion.

sometimessage ago

Maybe you should only be allowed to downvote if you have made a specific number of comments within that sub. That way new users are motivated to contribute and learn about the community, and after a reasonable contribution earn the right to downvote. It also helps to prevent subs from warring with each other. Subs who cannot keep the begging posts under control risk being suspended for some length of time.

Centipede ago

As someone who hadn't yet hit the 100 mark, I still thought it was a great idea to limit downvotes based on ccp. I didn't like the limit on upvoting though, it felt like I was being completely restricted from participating. A lot of the time I didn't have anything to say, but still agreed with someone's post.

Atko ago

I'm seeing negative effects on restricting one of the two. If we only restrict downvoting and not upvoting - low quality content will reach the frontpage because not enough people is able to downvote.

Centipede ago

Wouldn't the low quality content just not get upvoted at all? Maybe if the upvote limit were higher? 10 just didn't seem like enough at all.

Would a time based limit work better? Or maybe X number of days where you actually participate in some form? So you can't just create and account and leave it until you can do whatever you want, but something that actually makes you post over time in order to get full access.

cfl1 ago

Wouldn't the low quality content just not get upvoted at all?

No. This has been shown over and over again.

Centipede ago

Then the users must think it's not low quality, therefore it is not low quality.

Atko ago

CCP in the last 24 hours sounds like a much better idea than CCP overall (as in CCP earned in one "upvote me" thread). Cool idea, thanks!

Atko ago

Nah, older accounts would loose the ability to downvote but that's ok because many of these have "earned" their downvoting ability by working around the system.

Deepfreezed ago

Require new users to gain CCP from sub's that have more than 10k subscribers.

Oknatora ago

I don't like this change. People being able to create a new account and just downvote you is not going to help flourish this site.

Atko ago

Thanks, CCP for downvoting should come from more than one comment, absolutely. But we also need to restrict upvoting if we restrict downvoting though.

Dashippy ago

I have an idea for preventing Voat brigading, but I don't know how well it'll work to stop the disagreement button problem. How about if, instead of needing 100 CCP to downvoat, you need 100 CCP in that sub to downvoat. For example, to downvoat something in /v/gaming you'd need to have amassed 100 CCP through comments made in v/gaming. I'm sorry if this has been suggested. There are over 400 comments here already. I doubt this will even get seen.

Atko ago

Oh it will get seen, but the thing with per sub downvoting is that we also need per sub upvoting in that case. The problem I am trying to tackle is upvoting problem, not downvoting problem, but I guess that per-sub could definitely work. We'll see :)

Dashippy ago

I didn't think of it like that. Needing CCP to upvoat as well would cause a lot of problems indeed.

CarbonBasedMorganism ago

If you're all ears, how the heck are you typing?

Atko ago

I have huge ears :D

CarbonBasedMorganism ago

Ok, and that aids with typing, how? Have you got a kinda aeolian keyboard kinda deal, where you flap your giant lugs, and the air currents are translated into letters?

Yep, I think I missed my meds this morning...

Atko ago

That's a secret. I have an army of AI? I missed my meds too, hence this entire announcement thread :p

CarbonBasedMorganism ago

Well, hot damn! Boy, you done gone impressed me! And the voices in my head! I only have designs on propulsion systems.

Yeah, don't forget the meds.

Firetail ago

The biggest problem with the change you just made is that users can easily find a way around the IP restriction.

You have to couple this change with changes to the way posts are displayed. New posts on subs need to be much more visible by default (instead of just the HOT view) as do comments to posts. The front page should not solely be based on recent upvoats but made more intelligent by taking into account what we personally upvoat and displaying recent similar content based on keywords etc much like a Pandora radio station learns what we like over time.

De-emphasize the importance of imaginary internet points that other people assign to determine post visibility and promote better new content based on our own personal preferences and upvoats. Make voating more personal and not used as a weapon to promote peoples agendas.

escapefromredditbay ago

your dodging the debate and leaping for the ad-hominen.

Zebezian ago

Making this change before having an alternative solution is a bad idea.

umyeahnope ago

I think you should be required to comment on someone's comment before you can downvoat it. This helps prevent it from simply being a "butt-hurt" button, which it often is. This should at least mitigate brigading a bit. Disagree with someone? At least address the issue and get some skin in the game before downvoating.

d_r0ck ago

Does the one vote per single IP address impact having my wife and I voating on the same computer, but different accounts?

Atko ago

Unfortunately it does. Only one of you can vote on a comment or submission. Maybe we could bump this number to 5 or so. We'll see.

FitMachoNaziAtheist ago

Went back to reddit, voat is no different.

FreshieD ago

Could you please instead leave the restrictions in place until the new system is ready, and have mods nuke "can has upvoats, plz?" threads?

gatordontplaythatsht ago

What Irc is that, do you and other moderators have an IRC you all meet on? I'd sure like to see that IRC.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

That's the problem you and other mods all collude together here to try and send out a message opposite to what the users want. It's obvious, you space rosa, 12 year toucan and the others always show up in force to drama thread trying to re-write the narrative. The funny thing is the votes don't lie the community sees through it. You guys wont be in power long here, of that I can assure you.

LaserOstriches ago

Why couldn't you just make it a site-wide rule that "upvote me!" threads weren't allowed? I feel like the CCP requirements were important to fostering discussion. Having to earn the right to downvoat really changed the way I use it. Also, I don't really understand what you mean by the IP address thing. What do you mean by "vote once?"

Atko ago

The thing is - I am doing this in my spare time and I really don't have the time to nuke "upvote me" threads. Oh, and also people don't care and would create these "upvote me" threads regardless of what the rules say. The IP thing: even if you create multiple Voat accounts, you can only vote once on a comment or thread from a single IP address. If you are on the same IP and you log in on your alt account, you will not be able to vote twice on the same comment or thread.

LaserOstriches ago

That's understandable. Thank you for the clarification.

escapefromredditbay ago

maybe those "dissenting voices" just, got down-voted because that's why the down-vote button exists. because they're shit voices, or racist, or shitposts, or a hundred other reasons because your not the master of how people vote, and theyre gonna do it on their own terms.

and "Is there a reason you worship the downvote? Lack the ability to debate?". now thats just personnal. you need to start debating.

Atko ago

No need to apologize. 200 comments spread out over default subs could be a good starting points for the ability to downvote. I'll discuss this with @puttitout.

pmuschi ago

I appreciate this move. For me, it was frustrating to keep seeing non-news in /v/news but not being able to do anything about it. Minor issue, I suppose, but I like that I can help sink non-quality content in my favorite subverses.

Kamandi ago

I like the idea of a comment quota before down voting is granted. It will take a bit more effort than doing into an upvoat thread.

TheBuddha ago

You know she's not going to sleep with you, right?

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

Echo_of_Savages ago

I agree with everyone else.... The downvote restrictions was a nice feature because it forced new people to positively contribute to our discussions. This challenged trolls and only gave them the ability to post shitty, weird Troll posts (which were downvoated to oblivion).

Atko ago

Except several subverses organized "please upvote me" threads and completely worked around the system, rendering it useless. We need something new which can not be broken in matter of minutes.

Echo_of_Savages ago

Mm ok I see. Is that such a big problem that you had to change the entire system though?

I remember seeing those posts in the early days, but I haven't seen one in a while. Again this is only from my perspective, you guys obviously have a better sense of what's going on.

TheBuddha ago

It is not about the rules. It is about fostering conversation and the free flow of information. You don't own the conversation on your sub and, if you do think you do then I do not want to be there. You're a janitor, nothing more. If you want to be a moderator you probably should not be a moderator. A petty rule, enforced inconsistently and with an obvious bias, is a mark of tyranny. That has no businesses being on the main page - at all.

Atko ago

But spamming was always easy and downvote brigading started to show up just a few days ago after several organized groups worked around our system by creating "please upvote me" threads.

erowidtrance ago

That's why you either get rid of downvotes for comments or allow only set number per day for each user so it's much harder to abuse. The answer isn't to give everyone unlimited downvotes which the brigaders will abuse till their hearts content. One of the nice things about this site was the lack of downvotes, that's a huge advantage over reddit. It's much more welcoming.

rothx ago

bowing to commercial pressure. so so sad.

Atko ago

Member for 1 month, sorry I hurt your feelings, anon. I've been building Voat for 2 years and still haven't made a penny and this change has absolutely nothing to do with "commercial pressure". Now THAT is fucking sad.

Atko ago

I do care what users think, I just wish you guys offered alternative ideas instead of saying "this is a terrible idea". Perhaps forcing new accounts to create 100 comments before being able to Vote at all could be a better solution?

programmerguy ago

Preventing a blocked person from seeing your content would open up a lot of targeted abuse.

ginx2666 ago

How so?

SkepticalMartian ago

IP addresses are stored encrypted and we have no way to reverse this encryption

The programmer in me needs to nitpick a little. This isn't encryption, it's hashing.

TheAwkwardBrit ago

This is probably the first big mistake that you have made so far.

Atko ago

Please elaborate. Why is this a mistake?

TheAwkwardBrit ago

I feel like this restriction maintained a decent level of quality posts whilst preventing any old Joe Blogs from creating an account just to downvoat things they don't like, without ever having contributed anything positive to the site. I feel like this restriction maintained a decent level of quality posts whilst preventing any old Joe Blogs from creating an account just to downvoat things they don't like, without ever having contributed anything positive to the site.

Edit: Seeing your comment about the please upvoat me groups, I can understand your reasoning for removing it, since you probably don't have enough staff to police them. I was thinking as an alternative you could make the requirement to be able to downvoat something like, a minimum of 100 comment's whilst maintaining a 0.4 positive upvoat/downvoat ratio. (Enough that posting an unpopular opinion isn't enough to tank your ratio, but high enough to prevent bots spamming useless comments on posts)

HitlerOToole ago

Well I don't like it, but I know this place is evolving. I'm interested to see what the new system is.

TahTahBur ago

What guys? Edit: I'm speaking about /v/adsonreddit for reference of shills

CptCmdrAwesome ago

From what I've gleaned from the code in a few minutes of looking, it appears your last IP address used to login is not encrypted. I don't think I can find out from the code whether the web server logs contain IP or not.

thatLdopig ago

I was so close!

Feeling_my_goats ago

Don't like. It was nice to earn the downvoat

Atko ago

It was nice, but multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. It wasn't fair.

Phoenix_MD ago

To answer your question @Atko: Sure it wasn't/isn't fair. But those people were not substantially affecting the site. You are using a machine gun to kill a fly.

Your action today let's every 13 year old degenerate with a computer downvoat tremendous amounts of user content and engaging comments. That will degrade the entire Voat experience.

Think about it this way: do you want to shop at Walmart where discount prices attracts all the crazies, or do you want to shop at Target where you are gonna spend more but the shopping experience and products are several notches higher. Its the whole microsoft vs apple thing.

yvesmh ago

Please note that you can only vote once from a single IP address

So people who go on voat at home and work will only be able to vote from one place? I think I prefer the old voting system.

k_digi ago

To help the people that find this unpopular... They basically had to do it, after 'incorporation in the USA' they were always going to have to yeild to the NSA goons. This handily allows any sock puppet with multiple VPN to turn this site into the 'safe for limited discussion' place it should be. The sock puppet masters at the NSA (NeoCIA) and thier minions of semi retarded keyboard monkeys stand at the ready..

Atko ago

Wrong. Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

k_digi ago

I see no problem what so ever, in the forward projection the algorithms were working. Because once the keyboard monkeys spent time (and NSA money) they still didn't have free unlimited reign. In fact if you thought I was a conspiracy theorists before wait for this.. I'd take a 50/50 that based on the copy paste nature of this reply that it's not even the Dev on the other side of this account.

TheBuddha ago

I suspect there is an inordinate amount of pot smokers here. I mean, yeah, I might smoke once in a while but I tend to skip the strange conspiracy stuff.

I am grabbing your code from GitHub. I will install locally and get it running and check for exploits.

antuna ago

I have to say, I liked it better with the restrictions. It encouraged people to become members of the community. The only downside I saw with it was that people would start posting in threads and just saying like "I need CCP!!!", which was annoying.

Atko ago

Fun fact: multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level.

antuna ago

I remember those and hated them. That's why this is tough - both options have ups and downs. I'm a relatively new user, but was here early enough to see all the recent reddit waves and the shit posts they brought. Thanks for reading and replying to these comments.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

@atko So maybe remove the front page concept entirely, and simply index sub verses accordingly, once a verse is selected maybe index the contents topically?

escapefromredditbay ago

im sorry, part of an echo chamber is it hides content?...sounds like your vindictive because your content got hid.

weezkitty ago

I personally have no objection to trying this out. When I first started out, the voting limitations were brutal for new users. I am a little concerned about downvote brigaders but I say we should try it and see how it goes. Regardless, the 10 upvote per day restriction below 20 CCP HAD to go. It was very unreasonable

david_j ago

So, I just downvoated this idea, and I don't even have my 100 SCP yet. One of the things I like (uh, liked) about Voat was the notion of having to earn the privilege of wielding that down arrow. At the very least, would you please explain the rationale behind your decision.

Atko ago

The rationale: multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level.

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Welcome to Voat, Inc., people!

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

Sosacms ago

You know what @flussence, if you want me to wear 200 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy there, @Endymion, why don't you just make the minimum 200 pieces of flair?

comoc85 ago

Here at Voat, we want you to express do want to express yourself.....right?

32DDbitches ago

Holy crap. I watch so few movies that I never seem to get the references. I feel like I'm part of the club knowing this one. :D

MrBeast ago

Office Space should be mandatory for anyone considering an office job.

toobaditworks ago

Or a service industry job.

32DDbitches ago

Oh, definitely!

xinayder ago

What's SCP and CCP?

cfl1 ago

Link karma and comment karma.

Merchaun ago

This would also be a good idea. Make the circlejerk/circlevoat threads against site rules because it's voat manipulation.

Howtokillagod ago

I completely agree -- I, admittedly, was one of those that would downvote things I did not like (in addition to poor quality posts). Coming over to Voat and going a month without downvote capability trained me to just scroll past and ignore.

Ica ago

Just when I got enough upvotes to downvote, they cancel the rule.
Well fuck :)

Abe_Lincoln ago

voting IP addresses are stored encrypted and we have no way to reverse this encryption

That raises a question I've wanted to know: If I have an alt account, and follow the rules about voting etc, do you know what my other account is? For example if one account has personal info that could identify me IRL and the other account has porn, do you personally know that those are the same account? Or is all of that encrypted and only used for things like voting? Under what circumstances would the accounts be linked? I never felt comfortable with alt accounts on reddit because even if the reddit community didn't know which was which, the admins knew and I never trusted them.

BHamSandwhich ago

Oh, so now this is the other site.

Neongreen ago

Just make is a slightly smaller limit. It cuts out alt account being used to manipulate vote patterns.

setitimer ago

This is a bad change. Voting and submission privileges should be earned by demonstrating good behavior toward the community. This will make it too easy for spammers, brigaders, and other bad actors to pollute the site.

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

setitimer ago

Well, "please upvote me" threads are an abuse of the system. Not sure how you could automate a fix for that problem, though. But it should be a violation of the TOS if it is not already.

As far as months, I dunno. I don't think I'm a particularly prolific user and I passed the upvote/downvote thresholds in less than a week.

SurvivorType ago

While I understand your thinking on this decision, I am left to wonder if you haven't so much leveled the playing field as enabled large groups to wield even greater power than they had before over the rest of Voat. Every new user they acquire makes them immediately stronger in their ability to affect post & comment scores site-wide. Also, we definitely need that block user functional for the likes of Amalek. In my opinion, it would have been better to make the latest change regarding CCP & SCP along with enabling user blocking at the same time. Having said that, now that Amalek has the power to downvote, perhaps utilizing all his accounts via VPN, I really have to wonder what he will do with all this new power. Nothing good, that much is certain.

Just my thoughts to consider or disregard as you see fit.

EDIT: Fixed a word

frankenmine ago

Bad idea, Atko. This enables downvote brigades, which SJWs consistently use for malicious means. The upvote and downvote restrictions were a solid line of defense against them. Please reconsider.

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

petrifiedforest ago

Just when I finally got therr :(

Atko ago

I agree, but people seem to be terrified of downvotes.

codyave ago

We're terrified of downvotes coming from bad actors who wield dozens of sock puppets.

I'm a noob and even I know how to get around IP restrictions.

If a big problem is CCP-begging communities, then maybe we can make a site-wide rule against this sort of shennanigans rather than relying on a technology-based workaround?

Wonderboy ago

People are terrified of them because they are used to disagree with posts. Currently they serve as a mechanism to gauge the popularity of an opinion expressed in a post as opposed to the quality of it.

Endymion ago

Need a good motivational song to keep going! Any recommendation? I can only think of Hearts on Fire video (Rocky montage).

bloopton ago

Based Atko and de community outreach

Orannis ago

I agree with removing the restriction on submitting content, but not removing the downvoat limitation. I think it's smart to only allow proven posters to downvoat, considering you get banned at 50 downs (unless that's been removed as well?)

Atko ago

That's been removed as well. Downvotes now only have a role in ranking/ordering content.

Calorie-Kin ago

No, cookies are stored in your browser.

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

escapefromredditbay ago

thats, a downvotes function, yes. but, whose to say pure upvotes is less of an echochamber-potential?

Vloorshad ago

Just because something is highly up later doesn't mean it is t violating the rules.

If it's not what the average user considers a stupid rule then it's entirely possible you won't cause a stir. Even more so if you don't have a mod deleting threads about themselves and their apparently selective application of the rules.

In /v/protectandserve we had a rule against police brutality discussion, yet people ONLY up payed police brutality discussions.

This is similar in concept to mods nuking [Meta] threads in subs that don't want meta discussions. Haven't seen one blow up yet, but I'm willing to be wrong. Do you have any examples?

If someone makes an IAMA that isn't an IAMA and it gets to the front page can I remove it? Or do I just let people violate the rules?

Short a brigade of a group shit posting some crap comment, I'm having a hard time finding a reasonable example of where a post that isn't an IAMA makes it to the front page and draws warranted backlash for being deleted.

From the average user, I can tell you that the cause of this is a combination of a poorly worded/executed rule (what is a "question '?' " anyway?) and a mod with shady past trying to take over a flagship sub. Make your rules clear, unambiguous, and evenly enforced and there should be no issues with blow back from deleting any posts that violate said rules. When you do piss people off for deleting something, and it's going to happen because people are idiots, then you can point to the clearcut rule it violated and your evenhanded application of the rules in the past.

TheSoaringShite ago

no way to reverse this encryption.

How long does it take to iterate the lot? @Atko

CptCmdrAwesome ago

About 0.6 seconds for a class B on a single core using standard Python, for me. So if I haven't miscalculated or otherwise screwed up, about 10 hours for the whole IPv4 range.

import hashlib
from base64 import b64encode
def undotIPv4 (dotted):
    return sum (int (octet) << ( (3 - i) << 3) for i, octet in enumerate (dotted.split ('.') ) )
def dotIPv4 (addr):
    return '.'.join (str (addr >> off & 0xff) for off in (24, 16, 8, 0) )
def rangeIPv4 (start, stop):
    for addr in range (undotIPv4 (start), undotIPv4 (stop) ):
        yield dotIPv4 (addr)
count = 0
for x in rangeIPv4 ('', ''):
    count += 1
    print b64encode(hashlib.sha512(x).digest())
print "Total IPs hashed: " + str(count)

time python > /dev/null

real 0m0.607s user 0m0.505s sys 0m0.047s

TheSoaringShite ago

I got under four hours, but I just hashed the numbers 0 to 222 in superior perl. (I think you got a good chunk of start-up time there)

I also posted it on /v/voatdev:

CptCmdrAwesome ago

Yeah I'd agree with what you say about the startup time, plus I was on a VM. FYI from what I can tell, the Voat code does hash a string rather than a number.

Not sure I agree with the use of a certain word in your comment though. I suppose I could have written it in Perl, but I wanted other people to be able to read it, and I didn't want my screen to look like I sneezed on it ;P

Cheers :)

CptCmdrAwesome ago

Typo - @Atko :P

But yeah I share your skepticism on that front. I'm no cryptoanalyst but I don't see how this could be resistant to even simple attacks. Might be worth having a look at the code.

Edit: Unless I've missed a piece of this puzzle (I've never done C# and this is literally 5 mins looking at the code posted on GitHub) it's a simple SHA512 hash so in answer to your question I believe it would be trivial. Also I noticed the database is using nvarchar to store the Base64 result of the IP address hash, which seems quite odd.

blackblarneystone ago

If i accidentally tap a vote on my touchscreen, i can still change it, right?

Atko ago

Yup, you can tap it again to reset it.

blackblarneystone ago

then this all sounds god to me. well, the shared IP addy could be a problem for some users. but i get that its not easy to make a perfect catch-all solution with something like this. this seems like a good step, for the most part.

Atko ago

We could remove downvotes altogether if that's what everyone wants :)

MrHarryReems ago

Actually, that's not a bad idea at all. People are abusing down.

FPHrefugee ago

I still think your downvote should be limited per account for like, maybe a week or so when first making it? I think a timer system would be good at least

Taka ago

I don't like this at all. This is just going to open the floodgates for shills to manipulate content on Voat like they did on Reddit. I highly suggest reversing this decision.

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

Chupwn ago

It's already working against you Lord Atko! They are downvoting you D:

Atko ago

Freedom of speech and democracy at work :p I can revert this change in matter of minutes though, I'm still reading all the responses and writing down ideas people have to better deal with this.

Taka ago

But would that not count as gaming the system? Why wouldn't users who did that just be banned? I think that is a better solution to the problem - if users outright state "Upvote me so I can get SCP/CCP!" then you ban them.

Calorie-Kin ago

Require a cookie to log in. Problem solved.

programmerguy ago

You already need a cookie to log in, and one for the "checking your bits"-thing. It doesn't help:

  1. Open Incognito Mode
  2. Log in with user 1
  3. Voat
  4. Close Incognite Mode
  5. Repeat with more accounts until desired effect is achieved

That's only really preventable with IPs or with browser fingerprinting.

1816427? ago

And even browser fingerprinting can be spoofed pretty easily. I know firefox has an extension for it (not just user agent, effectively all identifying features).

Merchaun ago

Oh please no. Please, no.

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

Merchaun ago

Sure, but I'm a regular user, and didn't visit any of those subs, and had 100 CCP in two weeks, and I don't even comment that often. I actually changed how I use the site because of the 20CCP/100CCP goals. I found myself lurking less, and becoming more involved in discussions. I think perhaps lowering the goals to 10CCP/50CCP might be a better solution than doing away with it entirely.

Murzac ago

I don't comment that often either and have been here for over a month and I'm barely over 50 CCP and while it's true that on the surface the CCP limit for downvotes were a good idea, the entire point of it becomes moot when it's so easy to go around it. Just like the always-online DRM crap that Ubisoft was throwing out a few years ago, all it did in the end was to make the life of legitimate users harder while those that didn't care about the rules in the first place could easily circumvent the issue and actually have a better experience.

SpaceRosa ago

I see there's a healthy respect for downvotes as tools to hide off-topic comments going on here. This is obviously sarcasm.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

That's not a rule here, people can vote however they want, better get used to it.

G4 ago

Well shit. It was nice while it lasted but I see where you're coming from.

Fuvinatro ago

What if I initially vote from my mobile phone, then go back to my computer, and can't vote. The single IP vote system doesn't work

TheBuddha ago

You already voted the comment up, why would you want to vote it up (or down) again?

Vvswiftvv17 ago

I'm going to start using this line ALL the time now:

"Back in my day you had to earn your downvoat and comment privileges. Kids these days just have it too easy, no respect for what they have been given! We did that...... Hmph, we made it too easy for 'em is what we did."

SpaceRosa ago

That's true, as I mentioned vaguely. It's not hard to avoid it, but it's better than nothing, probably.

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level.

k_digi ago

You sold out bro, but I can't blame you, you're a simple human after all, we're all on a path to some greater learning.

SpaceRosa ago

How on earth is any of this selling out?

Atko ago

Well with all due respect, fuck you. I did not sell out, in fact I did not earn a fucking penny from 2 years developing Voat.

k_digi ago

Well at least I know it's the dev behind the account now, respect if this is a legit bad decisions, but sorry you don't seem this stupid Atko, you can take that as a compliment. I.e no one would shoot themselves in the foot like this, you'd tune the algorithms you have first it was working. Sure the Whole SJW spam recently but that comes and goes, all the algorithms needed to do was give the edge to genuine users. And it was basically working, sure it needed some tweaking.

Fuvinatro ago

But the 100 ccp system worked, while a single ip system, would just increase brigading, while limiting users who use multiple devices(for example myself).

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see the problem?

DanielTaylor ago

Cap the amount of CCP new users can get in a single day. They still see the 300+ number but the system only recognizes 10, for example. The next day the user might get 200+ CCP, but the system would only recognize 10 additional CCP.

That way you limit how fast a new user's privileges can grow.

The opposite could be inverse as well. If a user is stuck more than x months with activity but small positive CCP growth during that time, you could give them some privileges so that they don't fall behind.

peacegnome ago

they should use something like a moving log average (if it were base10 then a comment/post total of 10 for the time block would count as 1, 100 would be 2, etc.) and then your total would act like a sum of moving averages. This would reward people for having consistent participation with good content. This is better than capping it, but would serve a similar desire.

Brizzl ago

Here's a bad analogy for what I feel like just happend:

You built a fence to keep animals out of your yard. A racoon figured out how to dig under the fence, so you just decided to just tear down the whole fence.

The system isnt perfect, and probably never will be, but I feel like removing it entirely just because there is a loophole is a very rash decision.

CrowTRobot ago

but you took sides on the /v/AskVoat debacle without ever even doing an investigation.

Proof needed.

Many mods have been trying to get a hold of you about much needed features for a month now,

Proof needed

but yet you are wasting time on picking sides in a petty fight over something that broke the rules.

Firstly, there is nothing petty at about taking action on something that was clearly a concern of a significant portion of the community. Second, there is nothing petty about censorship, and this post

Was clearly an attempt to quash a discussion that was critical of the mods. The grounds for deletion are complete horseshit, since the post doesn't actually break any of the stated rules unless you redefine every single word she tried to use.

/u/she is the only active mod in /v/AskVoat and her request to take full control over /v/AskVoat has been pending for almost a month despite her being qualified to take over and matching all requirements.

Not even @she said she was the only active mod. From the start of this entire thing, @shiny was also active. And you aren't going to be given a default sub when there is significant opposition from the community. This isn't reddit. People have a say in things here.

I'll be honest, in a couple of my subs I am afraid to enforce the rules out of fear you will side with the community instead of having a proper investigation. What you did was a knee-jerk reaction and I feel you owe /u/she an apology.

You don't run default subs, so the odds of your subs coming under that level of scrutiny are few and far between. Even if that were to happen, if you don't have asinine rules, people aren't likely to get annoyed in the first place. Knee-jerk? Apologize? Don't make me laugh.

Spectra ago

Woah woah woah, why not just lower the restrictive CCP threshold?

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see the problem?

Spectra ago

Yea, that is a big issue that I was not aware of. It's just unfortunate for people who did/do it the right way! Thanks for the answer ...and Voat @Atko

heili ago

I see a problem.

I don't see this as solving that problem, I see removing all the limitations as making it worse because now it will be even easier for swarms of non-contributing people to just downvote content because they personally disagree with it.

pingas-9000 ago

God please no.
This stopped brigading and taught users that the downvote was an important item.
Removing this serves no purpose.

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see the problem?

k_digi ago

Yes but that was only to get too 100, or 300 CCP, then your algorithms were working to stop further sock puppeteers, the fact is even if they were doing that it was making it much more difficult, which, of course is why vote was under such intensive attack.

What you have done here is yeilded, possibly took a wad of hot hot NeoCIA cash, and handed the site over on a platter.

But hey.. having said that, it's your site..

pingas-9000 ago

That... actually makes a lot of sense.
It was an unlevel playing field but in the wrong ways.
Still though I hope that you guys come up with some better alternative as I did quite enjoy the system you had in place.

hyperaddic ago

Why? @Atko

Atherz097 ago

As a matter of fact, why does it have to exclude the sub at all? What advantage does limiting the CCP have over other posts?

OneZero ago

Are subverse mods able to set restrictions in their individual subversives or is that completely gone?

Limiting accounts based on SCP / CCP totals makes me very reluctant to participate in this site. I have no interest in having my account limited because I may have an unpopular opinion. Those limits are directly opposed to free and open discussion. Even hiding posts that receive a lot of downvotes like Reddit does has a chilling effect on free discussion.

essidus ago

I kinda wish we had a disagree button, since that's a lot of what downvoats end up getting used for.

Br0k3nsn0fl6k32 ago

This, why don't we have 3 buttons. Why do sites like this default to binary options? Or there could be a scale 1-5 or 1-10 to signify how strongly you agree or disagree.

Murzac ago

If I recall correctly the main reason why youtube got rid of it's star system was because most of the people using it were just rating the video 1 star or 5 stars, rarely anything in between. If people can't be bothered to put enough thought on a rating for a video, I doubt we'll have any better luck with single comments...

I'd rather just have 4 buttons altogether, one pair for agree/disagree and one pair for quality up/downvote though I would guess that it wouldn't actually stop those who disagreed anyways and they'd still downvote it just because they don't like it.

k_digi ago

Agreed the point is the control of info, a site like this had good algos re downvote controlling flow that's what made vote the devs just sold it out fully.

Alias ago

I hadn't reached the CCP yet and I'm not sure if this will be for the good or the bad

heili ago

I really don't like this idea.

Requiring that people be active members of the site who contribute before they get to start throwing around down votes made a lot of sense in that it keeps people from just shitbombing anything they don't like. Blanket down vote capability only enables trolls of all kinds.

Murzac ago

The issue with it is that trolls of all kinds don't care about the rules to begin with so they would easily go to various upvote threads to just get upvoted by people and easily get around the barrier. The end result just screws over the good users while doing next to nothing to stop the bad users.

piratebatman ago

Aww man, I just got the ability to downvoat. I feel strangely let down.

SpaceRosa ago

I thought that users' IP address was used to stop one person upvoting something twice, or himself from another account?

Obviously that's not hard to get around, but still.

HomerSimpson ago

VPN/proxy/Tor makes that restriction only affecting normal users.

Vloorshad ago

[...]in a couple of my subs I am afraid to enforce the rules out of fear you will side with the community[...]

And if you start deleting IAMAs with hundreds of comments/upvoats then it's a conversation that needs to be had.

a knee-jerk reaction and I feel you owe /u/she an apology.

No. It took me 15 minutes to see enough posting history to know that /u/Atko made a good call. Knowing what we all know about the other site, there's no way you can go through her posting and deletion history and honestly say that it doesn't throw up a bunch of red flags.

1982 ago

Bad idea.

SpaceRosa ago

What is the reason for this?

Needle ago

I am sorry to read this. Not saying there was no room for improvement, but earning some positive participation before being able to use the negative was a good idea. Lately there's been a lot of orchestrated news post. I am afraid those accounts with the ability to down vote will prevail even more.

You guys started a good thing. But similar to some other revolutions,people attempt to hijack or spread negative press on it.

Just very worried this will aid only them and not us.

ShitpostingRetard ago



Atherz097 ago

I actually thought that word of mouth and actual sharing would be far more effective, since /v/all is basically most of the subverses crunched into one page, thus making it harder to find an individual sub.

Ihmhi ago

I run a couple small-ish subreddits over at Reddit. Anytime a thread made it to /r/all we would get a spike in subscriptions and page views over the next few days. It definitely helps.

Atherz097 ago

Even on Voat and it's significantly smaller user base? I guess it's better than not being on /v/all, especially if there's no need to restrict downvoats.

Ihmhi ago

I can't speak for Voat but the principle should generally remain the same. /v/all naturally has people who are not subscribed to your subverse so when a thread gets on there a lot of new people will see it and possibly subscribe.

HomerSimpson ago

A lot of people browse /v/all/new which is great for finding new subs.

plumsound ago

Yeah I think that's the best method. I am a little disappointed at the decision nonetheless

Seansean ago

Now that I can down vote, everyone have one except Atko. He gets an upvoat. Jk

1810213? ago

I understand this move, Voat being largely based on freedom. Allowing people to downvoat right off the bat is more just. I suspect this will lead to a higher proportion of newcomers becoming lurkers, but alas, the move is fair and considerate of those less capable of "upvoat-worthy" contributions.

Allowing users to block users (for spamming or the like) will be an essential reaction to this change, I think. That and subverse freedom to opt out of downvoating, as has already been said, would make this a very liveable change.

WarNeverChanges ago

I can see the value in this, but I share the common fear that brigading will become more common.

Notorious_MIG ago

I can say it because her public actions stink. I don't need to know her to judge her actions.

CptCmdrAwesome ago

Wow, this is a surprise. My initial reaction, I'm not sure whether this is a good idea or not. I would have been more in favour of lowering the limits to ascertain the effect it might have, rather than suddenly disable entirely.

Given the possible repercussions of this, could the admins maybe show some love in /v/reportspammers ?

Cheers :)

Edit: Just found this thread which I've found interesting to understand the thought process behind this move.

zwy ago

@Atko Can you explain why this change was made?

TheRealRipster ago

Why 100 CCP for taking over a sub? LINK SCP is more important if you want Voat to ever have good content.

cfl1 ago

I'm not sure removing the initial barrier was such a great idea, but limiting the hidden cap on votes even after you got 100 CCP was long overdue. Votes = engagement, and running out makes you leave the site for the day.

heili ago

Posting comments and submissions is even more engagement than votes are, and quite honestly if people are only here to click an up or down button all day long, I don't actually care if they fuck off elsewhere.

They're not contributing. They're not engaged. They're just consuming.

cfl1 ago

It's this nonsensical attitude that causes people to make 500 versions of the same comment on every reddit thread.

Voat isn't big enough to have this issue yet, but it will.

snipez ago

This was probably the right decision, but still, I absolutely do not want the downvoat button to become something people use for disagreeing with someone. This should be sorely emphasized and there should be penalties for those who abuse it. I don't want brigading and "downvoting to hell" to be a thing on Voat. It was like that on Reddit and it made me not want to contribute.

jeegte12 ago

This is an inherent flaw in the vote mechanic, and can't be avoided with 'penalties'.

snipez ago

If a user is obviously abusing a downvote button, like more than x over an hour or so, a ban from voting for a day or so wouldn't be a bad solution. At least for the interim while they redo the voting mechanic.

jeegte12 ago

I would not be okay with banning downvoters. I downvote often and would not be okay with a baseless ban just because of possible abuse.

IveSeenYouNakid ago

Hey everyone, test your downvotes on me. FUCK GOOK NIGGER PISS WHORE

anonsfuckbuddy ago

Upvoted for publicity.

frshmt ago

Upvoated because you can't tell me what to do.

localbum ago

That's the kind of out-of-the-box thinking we need around here. You're Hired!

CptCmdrAwesome ago

The modlog says it all, man.

Seanrhagen ago

Almost to 100 too :(

sweetholymosiah ago

have an upvote :)

jeegte12 ago

This is why the policy being cancelled. This shit right here. It's pointless because of people like you rewarding 0-effort comments.

sweetholymosiah ago

Well I certainly won't reward the effort you put into that comment!

edit: but I also won't downvote it.

Howtokillagod ago

I will! FWAFL!

Seanrhagen ago

thnx bby ;)

CptCmdrAwesome ago

You are so far away from the actual facts of that situation it makes my brain hurt.

I thought Atko sent a fantastic message. If you apply weapons-grade stupidity to the moderation of a high profile default sub, expect to have the rug pulled out from under you. And rightly so.

Edit: for those who are making full use of their new disagree button ...

you took sides on the /v/AskVoat debacle

While I don't intent to speak on his behalf, I strongly suspect he removed it from default because the outcry from the community was shitting up the front page, signifying a failure of the moderation team.

without ever even doing an investigation

He hit the nail on the head and recognised exactly why the community was up in arms over the recent mod behavior. Something which I and many others already explained in simple terms to the mods yet they still feigned ignorance of the situation.

Many mods have been trying to get a hold of you about much needed features for a month now, you say you don't have time

Yeah maybe because running an operation like this with three (?) guys and no reliable income stream is quite demanding on your time.

/u/she is the only active mod in /v/AskVoat

No, there were 3 active mods at the time of the removal from default (@she @shiny @flux) and now there are 4. (+ @stoic) You clearly haven't even seen the modlog.

and her request to take full control over /v/AskVoat has been pending for almost a month despite her being qualified to take over and matching all requirements.

All the clues you need are here not least of which the -157 IKP.

The whole /v/AskVoat controversy could have been handled if /u/she's request was granted

The whole controversy (at least, the one surrounding removal from default) was because the current moderation team failed, resulting in a massive backlash from the vast majority of users.

I'll be honest, in a couple of my subs I am afraid to enforce the rules out of fear you will side with the community

That's up to you I guess, if you have nonsense rules and enforce them with malice, alterior motives or downright ignorance, then expect to be called out on it. Furthermore, if you're not engaging, and showing some sympathy with the concerns of the community in your subs, you're making exactly the same mistakes that led to the /v/AskVoat debacle.

Disappointed ago

Yes, I felt powerless when I first joined.

sweetholymosiah ago

I just want to reiterate the purpose of downvotes is to allow users to control content. I would prefer using votes rather than giving all power to unreliable moderators. So if you disagree with someone, skip the downvote and actually comment! Keep an open mind, have a conversation, and we might all learn from each other. Keep downvotes to things you would want to censor. Why would you want to censor someone with an opinion different than yours, unless you are a total asshole?

nastymutant ago

I thought that the excess of downvoting was one of the worst things on Reddit, if not no.1 worst thing. Isn't that now going to become a problem here, too? However's it supposed to be used, on Reddit is just got used to try and disappear comments that people agreed with. What stops that happening with Voat?

Atko ago

That feature already exists.

Coroner ago

Bad idea

EIMR ago

I think they can, but then they are excluded from v/all

Mattk50 ago

isnt encryption with no way to reverse it just essentially a hash/checksum.

richard_m_lurkmoar ago

Um...this is a terrible idea...

Atherz097 ago

Is exclusion from /v/all really as bad as implied? I doubt those with small subverses (like myself) would be affected.

poop_lol ago

It limits your subs discoverability.

CowWithBeef ago

A lot of subs would prefer to be excluded from /v/all.

EIMR ago

Well, it would probably stop many from discovering your sub. If I want to see something new I see All, I can't be bothered to search for hours interesting subverses.

SuddenlySel ago

I don't think that is entirely a bad thing either. Why would a niche specific-interest sub want the sort of people who wouldn't seek it out?

EIMR ago

Because if you only show to those who seek it, apart from some who won't think that there is a sub for their niche, nobody can't learn about it, and thus the community will die, because no newbs will come to replace the pros who leave.

sumguy ago

That's a shame. It makes sense to have an "unequal" playing field... those that contribute more get more say and there's Zero abuse by just creating alts for a quick downvoat. Not saying it wasn't without negative merits/arguments, but it sure seems better that Simply "One voat per IP" There's sure a lot less work in creating a dozen alts and routing through a proxy than in creating a dozen alts With enough contribution points.

Is there More to it to prevent abuse of the system?

Oshiete ago

I was almost at 100 CCP... all that hard work, wasted... oh, well.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

He didn't need to the entire situation was visible in the modlogs, she was removing front page submissions over a bad rule. @atko clearly said this, and said that while he wouldn't de-mod her that they didn't deserve to be a default if they don't have the common sense to leave a post up their own community wants. Why the hell would he need to ask her anything? It's all right there in the logs, and @she and @shiny we're all over the threads clearly stating what occurred, @atko took all of that evidence into account and made his call based on what the users wanted and deserved which was good content, something @she was removing over a petty rule.

Skeletor ago

I'm not a fan of this, But I'm willing to sit back and see how this changes things.

songofrebellion ago

I thought it was plenty fair, seeing as how 100 CPP really isn't that hard to achieve, but it helps deter people from making new accounts for the sake of coming in and downgoating/brigading. Still, it's your site, so do your thing.

richieb ago

It might've been reasonable to lower it less, rather than set it to zero.

Abe_Lincoln ago

Or allow users to use SCP instead, some users submit a lot of content but don't comment as much. Or just give an age restriction, place restrictions on accounts under 30 days or something to cut down on some stuff and at least force them to lurk more.

Spectra ago


solaceinrage ago

I kind of liked people having to actually contribute first instead of spending all day downvoting anything they disagreed with with zero input. Even if they were just playing along, for a short time they had to actually argue a point and present their case to get those in agreement to upvoat. I understand why it wasn't perfect since it was easy for fringe subs with enough members to circlejerk themselves to 100 in short order with throway comments like "hi lulz" but it still made for thousands of people digging deep to actually create and express themselves to reach 100, and now I worry that initial burst of output will equal less interesting comments and submissions.

Subutex ago

I think the zero input part is pretty essential. Make it so you have to comment on the post before downvoating? atleast give some input why you're doing it. Give s a chance to say something back or report if they're really out of line or something.

jeegte12 ago

easy for fringe subs with enough members to circlejerk themselves to 100 in short order with throway comments like "hi lulz"

That's mostly what was happening.

OneZero ago

All it did was provide an effective way for the majority to silence the minority. Posting just to get hivemind upvotes does not contribute anything of value to this site. Personally it did NOT make me want to "dig deep" to contribute. It just made me want to go back to Reddit where my account will not be crippled just because I post an unpopular opinion.

AberdolfLincler ago

I don't get how this makes sense to be honest. On Reddit, the hivemind is way stronger than it is/was on Voat, you have to be much more careful about offending the hivemind. People on Voat didn't downvote nearly as much, because they knew they had to respect that it wasn't a disagree button. You had to use it sparingly, on posts that you felt truly deserved it.

I've probably only been downvoated a handful of times on Voat, maybe once below zero. On Reddit, it happens constantly, over the stupidest things too. It doesn't seem specific to me either, because the votes are visible here, we can all see how rarely people downvoted.

Merchaun ago

I was in a special club, but only briefly.

Disappointed ago

Do you think you might be falling for her?

Jeez ago

Yay, i get to downvote now!

EIMR ago

While it is true that Atko shouldn't have picked a side like this, I disagree, She wasn't a good mod. She was unprofessional and didn't mod well.

Calorie-Kin ago

She made rules (that the community agreed on) and enforced them. How is that a bad mod?

EIMR ago

First, She deleted all submissions without an interrogation sign, even if they were obviously questions, and even if they already had hundreds of comments. Then I also remember a few submissions removed because of "Soapboxing", which were legit posts.

Calorie-Kin ago

Yes, she removed them because they didn't have the question mark. That was the rule, and she enforced it. All users had to do was resubmit the post with one.

CrowTRobot ago

Please find for me the lacking question mark.

Calorie-Kin ago

Wasn't removed for breaking rule 1.

CrowTRobot ago

And it wasn't breaking rule 3 either.

Calorie-Kin ago

It wasn't a question, and it belonged to a meta subverse.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

You mean like the one's srs started on defaults they ran to use against users fighting for positive changes?

CrowTRobot ago

It explicitly asks two questions in the title of the post. No meta posts isn't listed as a rule of the sub, therefore it isn't grounds for deletion.

Calorie-Kin ago

You can keep arguing and downvoting me all you like. It was a meta post, and it belonged to a meta subverse.

CrowTRobot ago

I don't have to downvoat you. Other people have, and I'll give you a screenshot if you want proof. Creating rules in order to justify the deletion of a post (which is what both of you did) is absolutely censorship.

Snuff_Dogg ago

I think that taking away the very thing that makes (made?) Voat a good place for discussion is not a good move. @Atko, will any other mechanism be incorporated in place of the vote limitations?

Calza ago

Won't this make brigading much easier for people who want to just come over and downvoat everything?

7SEALS ago

Why am I unable to downvote things now? Taking away downvoting is going to ruin this site. Fix it or I'm going back to reddit.

escapefromredditbay ago

wait, so, some clarification on how the downvoting-IP adress thing works?

what does this mean for people using VPNs or tor?

Vloorshad ago

I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that it sounds bad for people using the same server/exit node, as only the first person will be able to downvoat any given comment. @Atko, can you confirm this interpretation?

Either way, it sounds like I need to prepare a number of different VPN profiles

Edit: Words.

sweetholymosiah ago

Why? Downvoting is the soft censorship the voaters need! Mods should have less power, and the users should vote as they please to control the content.

TrivialGravitas ago

It's a big problem on Reddit in debate subs (which Voat doesn't seem to be big enough to support yet sadly) because the side with more users downvotes the other side into oblivion. Even removing downvotes via CSS doesn't work, the same kind of asshole who downvotes people for participating in invited debate is the kind of asshole who will circumvent the CSS.

Vailx ago

No, downvoting is what YOU like. There are places where it's utter shit. Letting subverses opt out of downvotes is amazing and smart. Plenty of places have "downvote problems" where a few dedicated shits run around on sockpuppets and obliterate comms. Since the things are of niche interest (specific minor video game subreddits, etc.) these places end up totally crapped on, because the normal rate of upvoting doesn't cover the few metatrolls.

I think the ability to block downvotes in a subverse is a huge competitive advantage this place has over reddit. Some places have the mods as god emperors, and others have them as people pruning spam and crap, and the type of subverse determines which is appropriate.

deanna ago

How about if you down vote it's mandatory you have to put a comment in there for why you did it. And I can't be a single word, it has to be a sentence or something like that...? Of course this would be for the subs that have downvotes enabled.

This would also be a good teaching tool for people who are downvoting because they disagree.

edit: omgosh... did i get downvoted because people disagreed? lol. my first downvotes. i'll cherish them.

PropagandaKilla ago

Yeah. I wish people were more aware of the astro-turfing sock-puppets, and 'hive mind' brigades. It is a major problem, and one of the reason I came here.

escapefromredditbay ago

why is it wrong to like downvoting? if its so bad why is there the arrow ight there to do it?

sweetholymosiah ago

Actually I said we should avoid downvoting and actually have conversations. I think downvotes should be avoided, but if we are going to only allow upvotes, why don't we just have a "like" button and pretend we're on facebook?

Vailx ago

Because heaven forbid any parts of the sites turn off downvoting for any of the amazing reasons to turn off downvoting. That will obviously make the whole site into facebook. /s

sweetholymosiah ago

Down voating has a purpose. mods on the other hand...

EIMR ago

I don't like this. This stopped new groups from brigading and taught that downvoting is important, not to be used indiscriminately as a disagree button. I don't see anything good coming from this.

EDIT: @Atko , what will happen with subverses that decide to continue having the CCP Requirement? Will they still be out of v/All?

k_digi ago

comments like this will soon be a thing of the past - this real opinion will soon have 1000 to 2000 NSA vpn monkey downvotes on it, enjoy it while it lasts, hey, when it's buried it didn't happen right?

zambeezy ago

not to be used indiscriminately as a disagree button

How did it teach this? This isn't the rule. There is no rule as to how the downvoat button is to be used. Period. It is up to the users to decide how to use it and some people may believe using it when they disagree is the correct course of action. Who are you to say they can't do that?

EIMR ago

They can of course, there is no restriction. However, when you can't downvote at the beginning it shows that it's not to be spammed, and thus, not for disagreement. Also, if you tried to downvote it showed you a message saying that.

NinjaPoolboy ago

I disagree with you and downvoated you. It was the first time I downvoated. It was beautiful. I feel this way because people that hold this odd ideal that downvoats should not be for disagreement support a ideology that seeks to oppose and chill my simple expression.

P.S. The funny thing is that whenever I post my stance on this subject I always get a lot of downvoats but not a lot of comments. :-$

EIMR ago

Well, the problem is that if you vote based on agreement, you will only see things you agree with, independent of quality. That would make a shitty Voat.

NinjaPoolboy ago

EVERYONE ALREADY VOATS BASED ON AGREEMENT! We are talking about the ability to voat on thing you disagree with. How do you know that unrestricted voating freedom would make a shitty voat? I think that reddit got "shittier" directly from the exact same "anti-downvote" ideology. When everyones standards for conversation shoot through the roof, suddenly people where all whinny about who downvoated who. I feel it's all a red herring for chilling conversation. Because not allowing people to downvote is ALL about CENSORING EXPRESSION. Which is the antithesis of voat.

NeedleInAHaystack ago

Because not allowing people to downvote is ALL about CENSORING EXPRESSION.

There are other ways of expressing yourself besides downvoating, your words for example. You will still have the ability to downvoat, you just have to earn it.

Voat is not censoring you by this restriction. If there is something that you disagree with so much that you feel this strongly about, then maybe you should argue your points and explain why you feel that way (as you are doing now).

NinjaPoolboy ago

Prove it. You have no evidence of that. Reedit became shitty AFTER they made the same rule.

ratherplaychess ago

I don't like this. This stopped new groups from brigading and taught that downvoting is important, not to be used indiscriminately as a disagree button.**


rdnetto ago

I agree completely - the CCP restrictions were my favourite feature of Voat, because they improved the signal-to-noise ratio. The "please up-voat me" threads should simply have been banned by the site-wide rules - they're not a legitimate use of free speech, they're just there to game the system.

The fundamental problem @Atko has is that there's no way to distinguish between a large organized group (who up-vote ech other) and a large unorganized group (who simply share a philosophy/outlook). The actual solution to the spam problem already exists - just extend the existing "report spam" links to apply to threads as well as posts.

EIMR ago

It is easy to just post another, create another subverse, or get another account. And the admins would need to remove everything, which isn't posible. However, it would have been better if we had the old system until they get the new one.

smokeu ago

We should make this the most downvoated post on voat

BigTimStrange ago

This stopped new groups from brigading and taught that downvoting is important, not to be used indiscriminately as a disagree button.

What percentage of people actually uses the downvote/vote as anything other than a disagree button? Five per cent? 0.00001?

Metalhammer ago

Voat is dead.

minicoaster ago

Yeah I'm about to hit 100 ccp, but there's only been like 3 or 4 comments I wished I could downvoat.

erowidtrance ago

Get rid of downvotes for comments, it's only a bad thing. Downvotes discourage people from commenting, create echo chambers and are beloved by brigades. Upvotes are all you need.

EIMR ago

Then for a brigade it is easy to get low quality comments to the top and nobody can do anything.

erowidtrance ago

Low quality comments get to the top easier when subs become echo chambers because people who go against that get downvoted. The top comments on most reddit threads are retarded jokes people have told a million times before. You get a sub filled with the same kind of people and they constantly upvotes exactly the same content over and over again. You'll get more diversity of opinion and therefore more interesting discussions when people can't downvote as it's harder for a circlejerk to form.

EIMR ago

I say that it's the opposite, people get downvoted because they go against the circlejerk. If there aren't downvotes the comments are just ignored, so the circlejerky comments are still on top.

erowidtrance ago

You will always get some degree of an echo chamber but the point is downvotes magnify it. Once a circlejerk is formed it's reinforced no only by upvotes but also by downvotes. Add to that the fact most people simply stop commenting because their views get so many downvotes. As long as someones comments receive no upvotes they're at least not discouraged from posting again if they also get no downvotes.

The other major problem is brigading. With downvotes you leaves subs open to SJW types organising brigades to manipulate discussions in their favour. If they can only upvote it's not as easy for them, their power to manipulate is halved.

EIMR ago

People also get discouraged if their comments are simply ignored. And downvotes are quite useful, it's not worth it to remove them as that won't do much.

And if there is no downvote button, whatever thing the brigade has upvoted will continue upvoted. And while downvoting does give them more control, they would need to downvote a lot of posts, and that is trackable. It is obvious that something is fishy when all posts have 20 downvoats.

erowidtrance ago

People also get discouraged if their comments are simply ignored.

Any issues just having upvotes has is made much worse with downvotes aswell, that's the fundamental point. People may be less likely to comment if they consistently get no upvotes but if they consistently get a bunch of downvotes it's much worse. That makes the circlejerk far worse than just with upvotes, getting loads of downvotes is like a big fuck you from the sub saying they don't want your opinion expressed there.

When certain opinions aren't consistently getting downvotes those people are more likely to stick around and if there end up enough of them they'll challenge whatever circlejerk already exists. If you have downvotes everyone who doesn't follow the hive mind just leaves and the circlejerk intensifies.

And if there is no downvote button, whatever thing the brigade has upvoted will continue upvoted. And while downvoting does give them more control, they would need to downvote a lot of posts, and that is trackable.

You're relying on admins always dealing with this which is asking a lot. This site is going to be bombarded with brigades as it's one of the few site not overrun by SJW's. I'd rather just give those kind of people less leverage in the first place by halving their power to brigade. Even if they just brigade an upvote only system at least people can argue with the brigaded comments and they won't get downvoted.

EIMR ago

I say that your comment being ignored is practically the same as getting downvoted. And while it is more probable without downvotes for dissenting opinions to stay, the mayority would just go to another subverse. I think that the small advantage of dissenting opinions being just ignored instead of downvotes is not enough for losing the downvote button.

And it is true that it depends too much on the admins, but if it's an organized brigade it's usually important enough for the admins to act. Also, if they only upvote it appears legit.

eneerg ago

people are so fucking stupid. this is simple. just create an upvoat button and get rid of the downvoat button. it will help people focus on what they WANT instead of making them focus on what they don't want. complaining is always easier than doing something about it. an upvoat says you are shaping voat to become what you want it to become. a downvoat merely means that you're complaining about something that bothers you. but if that bothersome thing is removed, you STILL have nothing if you don't say what you actually WANT.

plus we all know the brigading has started with the downvoat button. we see it all the time on reddit. and we act like it won't happen on here. it's fucking idiocy. if you want to give people a downvoat button, make them EARN IT by contributing heavily to the site. and limit the amount of downvoats they get to ONE per day.

654456 ago

It was a good system just to easily abused.

CamelBeard ago

Maybe people should only get like 10 up and down votes per day or something. So normal users can up and down vote some stuff, but asshole can't up or down vote all your comments to manipulate

EIMR ago

That wouldn't work, there is too much content for only 10 votes, and assholes can make alts anyways.

CamelBeard ago

How about you start with 1 up or (not and) down vote and for every day you are registered you get one extra.

EIMR ago

That is too slow and would mostly favor old accounts, and alts would still be a problem. There are better ways to fix brigading.

binglederry ago

New groups could just upvote each other and mass downvote their targets. Weaponized votes!

EIMR ago

True, but to be truthful the point is to teach people that downvotes are valuable.

binky ago

I disagree. Have an upvote.

Chupwn ago

The requirement definitely helped me get into the mindset to not downvote unless I really had to.

champ2153 ago

I agree. I liked that as a distinguishing feature, even if I still haven't reached the limit.

Domslord ago

taught that downvoting is important

lol, people just rushed the 100 points (which is fairly easy if you're in a cult-like subverse) and used the downboat button as a disagree one.

I've always been against the implementation of a downvote button anyway, its only use is silencing people, and don't give me that "it's to keep brigades for upvoting their message to the top" crap.

EIMR ago

Well, it is supposed to silence low quality content or content harmful to the conversation.

Well, at least they posted, and before the migration it was hard to obtain points. Now that Voat is bigger it doesn't work that well.
Though we could use Sosacms' idea

Domslord ago

You can't upvoat until you've earned 10 points in that subverse and you can't downvoat until you have 20 points in that subverse

So.. nobody will ever earn points ? Just think about it for a second and see the obvious flaw

EIMR ago

... Well thought. However, we could just limit upvotes to ten per day until you have ten points.

ChillyHellion ago

It also encouraged new users to contribute. I went from being a Reddit lurker of multiple years to being a Voat lurker, commenter, poster, community founder, and now I mod a few subverses. Part of that was seeing the lack of activity and wanting to contribute, and part of that was the early account restrictions getting me off of my lurking butt. And I think you're absolutely right about early account restrictions teaching respect for the downvoat.

Jazsper ago

Yeah I worked hard to be able to downvote dammit

Sosacms ago

Ya, I would rather expanding the voting restrictions. You can't upvoat until you've earned 10 points in that subverse and you can't downvoat until you have 20 points in that subverse. It doesn't need to be anything major but it will encourage individuals to join and contribute before they can silence and take over the conversation. Plus, voat brigades can't happen if they don't have any points in that subverse.

I'm a /all lurker that bounces around randomly, my puns and irrelevant points should not give me the same voating power as the actual members of that subverse, until I've earned it and shown I am a good fit with their community. I treat subverses like homes, it's very rude to just walk in, take over the conversation, tell others to shut up in their own home, and try changing the direction of that community. If I can't make the points, than obviously that subverse isn't for me and I should find/start a different one.

NateThomas1979 ago

I like this.

Sosacms ago

I can't really think any other way of preventing one group from loading themselves up with points to use against other subverses. I'm open to more ideas though.

NateThomas1979 ago

I think we're thinking differently. I just posted a big thread post trying to collect all the different ideas so far. In my mind, you would only be able to upvote/downvote in a subverse that you have already been a part of. For example, I am a mod of /v/Colts. If I wanted to go upvote or downvote something in /v/Patriots, I would have to spend time there first and gain points in their subverse first in order to be able to help shape their community.

EIMR ago

I agree. When Voat was smaller the current system worked perfectly, but now not so much. Although it wouldn't really stop brigading the verse, as they can post comments and the brigade upvotes, it would prevent brigading a person.

i208khonsu ago

I disagree with this post so I downvoated it to signify my disagreement. This is the way people use these features and there is no way to stop them from doing it. The system needs to be tailored to the behavior of its users, not the other way around.

Disagree with this? Please downvoat!

EIMR ago

Then quality content which goes against the popular opinion is censored, and we become a circlejerk. If you vote based whether we agree, only our opinions will be heard. If we vote based on quality, only quality content will appear.

Atko ago

Multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level. Don't you see a problem with that?

All subs with minimum CCP requirement will not show up in /v/all. Homer explained it well here.

HowAboutShutUp ago

What about something like requiring someone to provide a brief explanation why in order to downvote something?

Atko ago

That was suggested before but people would just type "asdlkasldkaslkas" and downvote anyway. Humans, a weird species I tell ya.

frankenmine ago

Sure, that's a problem. The proper solution is to ban subs and users who manipulate votes, not abolish the system.

We don't make murder legal just because a small number of people violate the laws against murder. We punish the violators. You should do likewise here.

EIMR ago

The counterpoint can be made that you don't even need a dedicated vote verse, it is easy to get hundreds of points with one post or comment, as it has happened now to me.

frankenmine ago

As long as it's not gamed, it's fine, you deserve them.

Atko ago

And who would ban subs and users who manipulate votes? We have no employees and we are not making money. We are doing this in our spare time. Now everyone at least has the same powers and the playing field is equal.

FitMachoNaziAtheist ago

Went back to reddit, voat is no different.

frankenmine ago

Perhaps you could recruit some trusted members from the community who could fulfill this role. They'd be somewhere between mods and admins, and their job would be to crack down on misuses of the site, including upvote trading.

FitMachoNaziAtheist ago

Went back to reddit, voat is no different.

frankenmine ago

The alternative is to have just two guys do everything. That's just not feasible.

identifier1 ago

I'll do it.

EIMR ago

I do see a problem with vote manipulation, however, nowadays obtaining CCP is extremely easy. My parent comment has like 130 points at the moment. And if that is 100 CCP is too much, the quantity could be reduced to 50.

And yes, I've read Homer's after my edit and I understand. My main concern is how to discover new subs with restrictions, as I(and possibly many) discover new subs by seeing their posts on All.

Atko ago

We could implement a new /v/all tab for subverses which have minimum CCP requirements and make the discovery easier. I think you're onto something here :)

EIMR ago

Yep, a TrueAll would be interesting. It would be perfect if all subverses were there, even the anonymized.

Atko ago


revofire ago

I'm going to use my downvoat to disagree with you. Hah.

TheRedditExodus ago

@atko won't see your tag as it's in an edit. So I'll comment for you.

EIMR ago


Novius ago

I still think we actually just need a separate "disagree" left/right-vote, that's displayed next to the vote but otherwise doesn't enter into any metrics. (Disagree|Agree[up]|Spam[down]) rather than (up|down). people want the effect of a disagree button, being visible number of dissatisfaction, and we should just concede that on our terms.

However, @EIMR is right and @Atko is making us more Reddit 2.0 and so less Voat.

glimmandenymf ago

I don't want a disagree button. When someone think I'm wrong about something I want them to point out why or make a counter argument. A simple -1 doesn't lead anywhere.

EIMR ago

True, that is a problem, but right now I don't really think we are starving for comments. However, how about that for every 10 disagrees, you must post a comment?

Novius ago

You cannot fight human nature, people are going to pick the cowards way out. Reddit admins get downvotes, circle jerks subverses form because of the -CCP got from disagreement from the consensus. I've not being an ideologue arguing for best of all worlds, I'm being pragmatic and not choosing to fight human nature. You make people work in large numbers by focusing their impulses into safe-zones, not be arguing with them as if they are a single person you can bring around eventually.

Please don't think I don't like your idea, I wish we could live in that world too. I'm just trying to live in this one, the world is going to be the world and we must all learn to live with that. Maybe I'm a pessimist falsely trying to make the great not the enemy of the good, but I think my plan will work?

glimmandenymf ago

Fighting human nature is exactly what I want to do :) Maybe it's foolish. Human nature is not prepared for this new globalized world, but it's not going away. So we have our biases to make sense of everything, and it's not always working that well. I think we have an opportunity to explore new ways here, maybe just to get new heuristics, but hopefully something better.

Novius ago

Well, hopefully you succeed and I'm the fool. I'd rather live in your world to be honest! :)

keep in mind though, SRS were all 18-30 American White-male "Sociology is science" Only-1year-Redditors. That means that the more you make Voat about learning and fitting, the more a random demographic suddenly immigrating unbalances you.

I hope Voat works and I know I should be more optimistic. :)

mcseanerson ago

The problem is it isn't stopping groups from brigading. They just upvoat each other and then their group has more power than all the new people. That's why we're getting rid of it so that new people have equal footing with these kinds of groups.

EIMR ago

True. However, it still makes slightly harder which a nice plus, but the most important thing is showing newbs that downvotes are important, not to be used as disagree buttons.

mcseanerson ago

I did like that it reinforced the idea not to go crazy with the downvoat button and that it forced a bunch of lurkers to interact.

EIMR ago

Yep, if not for the limitations I probably wouldn't have commented once.

HomerSimpson ago

EDIT: @Atko [ +8 ] , what will happen with subverses that decide to continue having the CCP Requirement? Will they still be out of v/All?

Why wouldn't they? If say a large sub(/v/fatpeoplehate as an example) makes it impossible to downvote and all posts submitted can only be upvoted then all that will happen is /v/all will be dominated by that sub.

EIMR ago

True, good point. However, there should be a way of having slight restrictions and not being removed from All, which prevents many from discovering the sub.

identifier1 ago

I think that if you set your minimum ccp to downvote to anything below 50 CCP you should still show up in /v/all. You can still block individual subverses.

identifier1 ago

With this change I think changing the CCP requirement shouldn't remove subverses from /v/all, imo.

EIMR ago

Homer's explanation

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

They are working on a better system

BrianFellow ago

It's almost as though unlimited registrations are a constant source of problems, and make eliminating brigading and shilling almost impossible.

If it were an actual invite system, then a system could easily be developed to eliminate whole groups of shills and brigades all at once, as the invites will link them together.

eneerg ago

people are so fucking stupid. this is simple. just create an upvoat button and get rid of the downvoat button. it will help people focus on what they WANT instead of making them focus on what they don't want. complaining is always easier than doing something about it. an upvoat says you are shaping voat to become what you want it to become. a downvoat merely means that you're complaining about something that bothers you. but if that bothersome thing is removed, you STILL have nothing if you don't say what you actually WANT.

plus we all know the brigading has started with the downvoat button. we see it all the time on reddit. and we act like it won't happen on here. it's fucking idiocy. if you want to give people a downvoat button, make them EARN IT by contributing heavily to the site. and limit the amount of downvoats they get to ONE per day.

NinjaPoolboy ago

Likes (tm)

M_W ago

I have to agree with this. As far as I've ever seen on a site with a downvote button, nothing good came of them. In theory, a downvote should be brilliant and used for shitposts/spam/truly awful stuff, but in reality it's used as irresponsibly, immaturely, and knee-jerkedly as possible.

It's just not worth the trouble it brings. Much better to get rid of the downvote button and make users focus on upvoting what they like, and actually comment on and discuss the things they don't agree with.

We don't need Reddit part 2, where many subs become hive minds that vote out any dissenting opinions, even things as simple as gaming subs.

Blacklatino ago

Like Facebook!? NO!

erowidtrance ago

if you want to give people a downvoat button, make them EARN IT by contributing heavily to the site.

I'd just get rid of them entirely. At least for comments the downsides of downvoting far outweigh the positives.

eneerg ago

i agree

NinjaPoolboy ago

So is the upvoat button for agreements? ..because you know it is!

CowWithBeef ago

I would prefer if the new system was already in place before abandoning the old system. At least I got the joy of earning my first downvote.

nadrewod- ago


Bagoz ago

Me to, just downvoated you!

then upvoted since the "first time" buzz is gone...

Crazyjoe33 ago

Fuck, I was really looking forward to the moment when I could start downvoating, but now I already have that power.

thejustchad ago

I do find that after working with only upvoats for the time it took, really did lower my down voat habit *dramatically *

Gill6150 ago

I was so close to earning my first. :(

Subtenko ago

I have yet to downvoat anyone. Theres been some comments I dont like, or that wernt as thought out... Just didnt care that much.

CowWithBeef ago

It took me a few days to find one. Sometimes I find a great post deeper in a thread and downvote some of the inferior comments above it to help the great comment rise. On reddit this was usually a joke/pun. I'm curious if anyone thinks this is unethical.

Subtenko ago

Oh its about comment rise too, I didnt think of that rly

sir_edge ago

Well yeah, downvoting used to cause you to lose your ability to downvote. Doing this for an innocuous comment just cause you think another is better is kind of abuse.

MaleGoddess ago

looks like you earned a downvoat here too :^)

I know what you mean though, a downvoat was like gold

LemonRose ago

You may be on to something there... make users pay for the ability to downvote.

MaleGoddess ago

You'd have to really despise what someone had to say if you're paying $0.25 for every downvoat.

foshizzle ago

I actually like that idea. Not joking.

MaleGoddess ago

Maybe they can empliment it as a super downvoat?

djhcfghv ago

Anti-gold if you will.

Aaragon ago

It's at least reassuring to know that when they say they're working on a plan, they actually mean it.

While I don't like the change right now, I have faith that they will make things right.

shroudedwolf51 ago

I still find it to be absolutely mad that rather than properly developing a new system and replacing the current one, they ditched the current one and basically said, "Yeah, we'll deal with this later."

giroth ago

This is tough to get right, and frankly I don't have the answers. However, knowing they are honest and working on it makes all the difference.

Snake973 ago

What's this strange new feeling? Is it "trust in an admin"???

FromThatOtherSite ago

I don't know, but I never had it on those other sites before. Weird.

Icy-Defiance ago

It's just a phase. I'm sure we'll grow out of it.

JoeMomma8008 ago

While I side with you in this statement, I fucking hope not. It's nice trusting the admins.

HomerSimpson ago

With their recent actions on the askvoat shit. I am already becoming weary.

Icy-Defiance ago

Eh, I strongly defended she from all the SJW conspiracy bullshit, but removing a sub from the defaults is a very minimal action, and the rule was pretty stupid. As long as he doesn't just start arbitrarily removing mods from power, I personally don't see a problem.

HomerSimpson ago

He didn't say a thing about the witch hunt that happened on the user. He joined the mob mentality bullshit without looking at what actually happened. The thought that he might cause a hostile takeover of the sub as well. Acting like that small rule is going to be the end of Voat. Acting like rules should be lessened just so Voat can grow more. The thought that he wants to add a stupid election system.

@Atko the last few days has disappointed me quicker than the reddit admins have in my entirety of reddit.

Icy-Defiance ago

He didn't say a thing about the witch hunt that happened on the user.

Which is the main reason I supported the action. He didn't care about that and just thought the rule was dumb. At least that's how I interpreted it. The defaults are really just Atko's favorite subs anyway, and they become irrelevant as soon as someone makes an account and subscribes to something, so he might as well be picky about what kind of thing he supports.

The thought that he might cause a hostile takeover of the sub as well.

That one does worry me a little, but nothing has happened yet, and I think Putt is more in touch with 'happenings' than Atko is. On that count, I'll just wait and see. There's always 8chan if things go to hell here, but personally, I don't think they have yet.

HomerSimpson ago

So a user being run off the site because they don't have the same views as the majority is fine with you? This site is becoming an echochamber and that will be the downfall of this site.

Icy-Defiance ago

So a user being run off the site because they don't have the same views as the majority is fine with you?

Absolutely not, and I got called an SJW a dozen times and had two people advocate against using my website because I argued against it, lol. However, I think that's a separate issue, and I actually respect Atko for not mentioning it. It's like he neither joined it or tried to stop it, and instead pulled the one valid issue from it (a silly rule) and acted on that.

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

As the admin he should be a leader in behavior for his sight. Simply mentioning it and and at least acknowledging it was occurring would have been nice

Icy-Defiance ago

On that count, I can see both sides. Yeah, it would be nice, but there's also something be said for admins not getting involved in drama. I can tell random people "you're an asshole" because I'm not that consequential, but when Atko does it, it becomes site policy, and having a policy against drama seems pretty bad.

Atko ago

I didn't say a thing? There was nothing to say, drama does not interest me. I examined the modlog and I saw a removed thread with "missing questionmark" as a reason. That was enough for me and I removed the sub from defaults. What else did I do to disappoint you? :)

HomerSimpson ago

Thanks for the response.

I didn't say a thing? There was nothing to say, drama does not interest me.

You could have told users not to witch hunt other users? Which is what was happening to @she in the first place because they had a different ideology than others.

. I examined the modlog and I saw a removed thread with "missing questionmark" as a reason. That was enough for me and I removed the sub from defaults.

Why? It is a simple rule. It is the bare minimum needed to make a post on that sub. I don't care it was removed as a default but it being because of that rule is ridiculous.

What else did I do to disappoint you? :)

That's basically it. Can't think of anything other than what I listed. Usually you have been a great admin/user on the site. But I feel like this involvement you are having is a slippery slope towards what happened to reddit.

Also this. From another user.

Atko ago

Yeah, seeing how you can be disappointed with me so quickly is pretty unsettling to say the least :) Human nature I guess. On a more serious ntoe, people definitely don't care about what I have to say about witch hunting or anything else for that matter. If you believe otherwise, you're living in a bubble :) Just in case: HEY EVERYONE - PLEASE STOP WITCH HUNTING FELLOW USERS!!! Seriously, they are even witch hunting me too, I received death threats for crying out loud.

HomerSimpson ago

Yeah, seeing how you can be disappointed with me so quickly is pretty unsettling to say the least

I know. You want encouragement from lil ol me. It's ok. It's understandable.

I don't think they would listen regardless. But the way you put it out there was as if @she was an evil moderator because a rule was implemented that you don't agree with. Seemed like you were caving to the mob than actually looking at the issue.

Seriously, they are even witch hunting me too, I received death threats for crying out loud.

Been there. FPH mods were threatened to be doxxed and killed pretty frequently on reddit. One of our mods were doxxed. And had someone willing to sell their information to the highest bidder. Wear it as a badge.

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

My issue, I lightly touched on in my comment, I would have appreciated you being a leader in this and acknowledging to your user base that they were indeed participating in a witch hunt, which was started and perpetuated over political differences.

Excuse our concern, worry, or disappointment. After what we went through with reddit and it's admins and the way they behaved we are gonna be very cautious of you.

Icy-Defiance ago

As long as the death threats aren't credible, I think they're a badge of honor. They mean you're internet famous!

Of course, they're horrible, and no one should send them, but still...

Aaragon ago

Yea, the only good part is you can see how volatile the user is on their profile, meaning their downgoats are viewable by all.

Still it's a shame. I feel like the quality of this site, and discussions are going to go down quite a bit.

kgb ago

And even downvoats aren't enough to get a good idea of how the user voats. For example, I've made quite a few downvoats, but at least 90% of those were for downvoating spammers and trolls.

fancypantsmanface ago

But now people will see how much you downvoat amalek without context!!! =(

Kleyno ago

Oh Amalek is just going to love this... now he'll never shut up with his spamming.

Edit: @Atko, in light of this change, I humbly request that you guys get the block user feature working pronto. If Amalek and the copy pasta spammers like him can't be stopped with Negative CCP or Submission limits, I want the option to just block their junk outright.

gnarvin ago

You can use /v/AVE to ignore users, at least until they get the block user feature up. It also has a couple of other nice features that add to the voat experience.

SpaceRosa ago

What good is that? Being able to block him is just averting our eyes. The subverse would still be filled with spam, we just wouldn't see it. New users, and new people who don't have an account yet would though, and that wouldn't be good.

FetusChrist ago

Perhaps if enough people block a person on a certain subverse it's brought to the mods attention. So say there's a really disruptive user that isn't technically breaking any rules the mods can use that info to decide if a user should be banned for the benefit of the overall community.

EmperorOfMeow ago

I see a possible problem with hivemind blocking on some subverses where mods most certainly aren't neutral. Such feature would make it very easy for mods to silence people who disagree with the general opinion of that subverse.

Kleyno ago

It is not our job to get rid of the spam. That is the Moderators job, and eventually auto-mod as well, when that is available.

If I see spam, I'll report it and then make a decision as to whether or not I block the User posting it.

It is then out of my hands.

SpaceRosa ago

You just want to use the website and have someone else keep it nice for you.

Kleyno ago

Well I am a User, after all. What the hell did you think that word meant?

I use the site, I don't maintain it. I don't even have the ability to delete spam posts, as I don't moderate any subs, so I don't really get the point you are trying to make.

SpaceRosa ago

It just seems to me like you want something for nothing. I think if you're going to use the site for free the least you could do is pay enough attention and downvote the spammy garbage instead of averting your eyes and leaving it up to someone else. On another note, you've been on Voat for a month. How the hell does your overview say you have 15131 CPP from just that? That's either a bug or your every comment must be gold.

Kleyno ago

It is not a bug.

SpaceRosa ago

Well, I take back that gold comment then. No way you could get that much in a month without pandering.

Kleyno ago

Do you usually point fingers at people and their CCP scores?

SpaceRosa ago

No, it's just that for a Voat user who's only been here for a month, or in some cases at all, that's an unusually high count. Knowing how Voat can be, I doubt you got it by quality commenting all the time.

LizardBreathe ago

You know that the user profile shows you the top 3 comments, and he just got lucky with wording and timing on a big announcement thread. Almost all of them were from 3 comments.

SpaceRosa ago

Ah, you're right. He even did the annoying edit-to-talk-about-how-successful-the-comment-was thing.

Kleyno ago

People upvoat what they want. I do not demand that they upvoat me. If they like what I post, so be it. If they hate it what I post, so be it.

In_Cog_Nito ago

That still doesn't help as those who haven't registered or are newly registered will still see amalek and other spammers. IOW, blocking users like that helps individuals, not Voat.

1810080? ago

Seconded. We are going to be in desperate need of user blocking with this change.

Atko ago

Ability to block individual users is definitely coming.

zoetry ago


Atko ago

Yup. Soon. Voat is open source, contribute some code why don't ya?

zoetry ago

Make me!

I'm just kidding, I wish I had time to learn how to code.

laancelot ago

I was waiting for you to say this since the coontown invasion! Thanks!

sometimessage ago

I don't think that users should be totally blocked, perhaps they should loose the ability to downvote. At the mods discretion.

myriadic ago

I'd guild you with a golden goat's horn...but someone hasn't implemented that yet!

Disappointed ago

Can we see who has us blocked?

neonneophyte ago

Think twitter echo chamber.

lbruiser ago

What advantage would there be in implementing this?

LittleBobbyTables ago

None. There could be disadvantages however. If the MA101 douche or other trolls want to find targets they specifically can piss off even more then they can take a list of those people who have blocked them and use a different account/IP to go out and target those people specifically.

Disappointed ago

Satiating my curiousity

LemonRose ago

I love this idea! If a subverse is properly moderated, there's really no need for downvotes. If someone spams, contact the mod.

cfl1 ago

The reverse is more important. If the subverse has proper voters, there's no need for mods.

LemonRose ago

But how do you screen the voaters to make sure they are "proper"?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

If a subverse is properly moderated, there's really no need for downvotes.

That really depends. Depending on your goal for the forum neither upvotes nor downvotes might be necessary, or they might both be. I have nothing against a subverse opting for a no downvote feature, but I would not like that to be the only option for subverses. Proper moderation cannot replace the message conveyed by downvotes of users and it is entirely possible that could be a message crucial to a forum's proper functioning.

Notorious_MIG ago

/u/she is trash dude

I_like_paint ago

Amalek is going to like this.

Skeletor ago

Well hopefully he'll stop spamming peoples inboxes then.

Kadynce ago

Oh geez... :(

Ralesblasband ago

Well, that's depressing. I really enjoyed the limited downvoting here.

SuddenlySel ago

I mean, you can still go to facebook if you want a system with only 'likes'

1815541? ago

I really enjoyed the purpose of the limitations, but if the implementation is being easily circumvented then there needs to be a better solution. It doesn't do any good if there are upvote farms, and banning those types of threads would do far more harm than good.

PaleRider ago

It really helped build up the sense of community. I see the problem this is trying to address, however we needed to add another criteria to solve it not less.

(oh god, I just advocated for regulations. ahhhhh)

Chupwn ago

Hey man, it's okay. Now everyone can downvote trolls like Amalek :)

InMediaRes ago

But now the trolls like Amalek and his hundred alts can downvote everyone

Tsugumori ago

He could anyway. He'd just have the accounts upvote each other.

DeliciousApples ago

Not from the same IP address.

toobaditworks ago

It's super easy to use a different IP address.

neonneophyte ago

Only if he manages to use a different IP for each account.

yorashtan ago

Hola, amigo

AzureNova ago

He already does. His spamming got his IP banned ages ago - it hardly even phased him

neonneophyte ago

Perhaps a system where all your upvotes and downvotes are removed when your account is banned would work.

Chupwn ago

I'm trying to be positive here :(

Nithhogr ago

That's one good thing, I've been here a while but hadn't gotten the ability to downvoat yet and I really just wanted like 5 or 10 a day to dole out to the spammers.

sqeak ago

It actually made me not afraid to post... Oh god I'm getting anxious now, please don't hate me.

erowidtrance ago

They should get rid of downvotes entirely, at least for comments. It's just ripe for abuse from brigades and as you say discourages people from commenting. All you need is upvotes.

Fagtardicus ago

better: remove votes entirely

deathcomesilent ago

That's how you get youtube comments...

LusciousFox ago

I disagree. Facebook has that system and it's terrible.

ferk ago

The problem with doing that is that it's then very easy for a company to come and autopromote itself, spamming voat with multiple accounts from their many employees (or their proxy network) upvoating all posts that promote their products.

The idea of the voting system is for the community to auto-moderate itself. Otherwise you need a lot of moderators to maintain it, and avoid the consequent conflicts when a moderator does something that some might think was unfair.

stabbymcgoo ago

There is a report spam button though I'm not sure how well it works

erowidtrance ago

I'm talking about the comments really. Voat has basically been using this system up to this point since only a small proportion of users have had downvotes and things have been running fine. I look at most comments sections and there are very few downvotes. As soon as everyone gets downvotes every comments section will be a self-reinforcing echo chamber which reddit has become.

It's much easier to manipulate a comments section when you have both upvotes and downvotes, with just upvotes it's more difficult.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

He obviously did investigate as he clearly stated the situation, and how rule number 1 was being enforced in a terrible way that obviously discouraged posters and discussion. Calm your tits as well @clayton

Samis ago

I forsee this bringing interesting results, given that the original purpose I believe was to improve quality or something similar.

gurlat ago

The original purpose I believe was to increase quantity, not quality.

3 months ago Voat had barely a few hundred active users (perhaps more). The CCP limit forced new users to comment and post, rather than lurk, basically creating content and making Voat look busier than it actually was.

People don't want to join an empty website, they want to join a site with an active userbase and ongoing discussions. The ccp limit helped make Voat more attractive to potential users.

However once a site reaches a critical mass, with a decent size userbase, and an active community. (which is where Voat is now), limitations on new accounts can actually deter new users. On most sites the majority of users are lurkers who never/rarely comment.

I understand why atko has made this change, he wants Voat to grow, and be appealing to new users. But I disagree with the decision. I think it would have been better to ease the restrictions rather than remove them completely.

Likewise I understand what he is trying to achieve by limiting up/down votes to IPs. The intention is good, but the implementation is poor.

NSAOfficial ago

Not sure IP addresses are a good idea. Some of us use Tor, which has (IIRC) several IP addresses, and there's always a chance two or more people could get the same address at some time.

you-dumbass ago

Or those of us who mainly use the mobile site

klongtoey ago

and plenty of people use VPNs, my IP changes like twenty times per day.

ChillyHellion ago

I agree with you. My fiancee and I are both on Voat and I'm pretty sure I'm using up her voats pretty much all the time.

Pissed-Off-Panda ago

SEXIST! CONSTANT OPPRESSION!! triggered I declare this "Voat Rape"!

MadCamel ago

Using IPs is a very bad idea.

What will happen when the UK's IWF or Russia's ROSKOMNADZOR considers a page on voat obscene? These systems implement page-by-page blocking by routing all traffic to any site with a censored page through proxies. The end result is that you start to get entire COUNTRIES of users coming from only 20 or so IP addresses.

Also, I don't see how it's possible to securely store IP addresses given the tiny amount of entropy in an ipv4 address. You'd have to use something really heavy like pbkdf2 with a few thousand rounds. At this point it would take the server a few seconds at 100% CPU load to encode a single IP address. I doubt this is being done. Therefore it's VERY safe to assume that a malicious actor with access to voat's database could pull IP addresses from it. And voat's databases are kept on cloud servers...

Don't get me wrong, it's not a huge problem. There are plenty of easier ways for a malicious actor to get users IP addresses. But I don't like that Atko is promising something he can't feasibly deliver...

Acharvak ago

Don't know about IWF but Russia's Roskomnadzor doesn't have nationwide proxies. It sends blacklists to ISPs, who then block websites themselves.

But IP-based voating restrictions are still a bad idea because of dynamic IPs, carrier-level NAT and other problems.

MadCamel ago

Ah, thanks for the info. I'm more familiar with IWF. They do the same thing, sending blacklists to ISPs. The ISPs then route (not DNS jiggering, actual routing/traffic interception) IP addresses of sites with blocked pages through an ISP-owned transparent proxy farm.

Calorie-Kin ago

So much this. I think a better idea would be session IDs. They're non identifying and unique per visit. Something stored as a cookie or something. Link a username to a cookie, and check if said cookie is around when the user is logging as another account. This way, someone who tries to brigade or manipulate votes would have to delete their cookies each time, which makes it uncomfortable, and not as many people will go through the trouble.

7veils ago

Self Destructing Cookies kills cookies immediately after leaving a web site.

InnocentBystander ago

Not a bad idea, but it is very simple to delete cookies. I don't think it would be very effective.

Reow ago

It's not too hard to write a script to do this. You need something beyond a thing the user can manipulate (if they've done IP checking correctly, spoofing shouldn't work). The only real alternative is to monitor voting patterns (e.g. accounts that vote the same way at the same time, etc.).

Aaragon ago

Or multiple people in a coffee shop/household/university wifi.

I hope this doesn't get any random, innocent users in trouble.

Acharvak ago

Hell, right now I'm at home, yet my IP changes every day because my ISP apparently assigns IPs dynamically. If there is another Voater who lives nearby, we can "block" each other's votes.

RebelWithCauses ago

With this system, a husband and wife who voat can't have opposite votes on a subject. Married couples who are both on the same WiFi, and therefore the same external ip address can have different voat votes, but now only the fastest responder can have his say.

TahTahBur ago

Aka, multiple people in a big corporate building.


Or hotels. Are traveling voaters going to have their accounts all linked?

TahTahBur ago

It's called getting on your cellphone if it's so damn important to upvoat or downvoat with a passion

Craige ago

That shouldn't be necessary. The system shouldn't work against the average user.

alienz ago

should be by username

xandor ago

ooooo... can't wait to downvoat something!

wolversheen ago

here, have a downvoat.

xandor ago

the system is broken.

Bioreactor ago

Not broken, only entertaining, for the record I'm upvoating your other comments here

xandor ago

Hah... Thanks. Maybe I can get back to 0 CCP!

Bioreactor ago

Nope, never

Bioreactor ago

Like me down coating you? I'm sorry I had to

xandor ago

I don't know what I expected...

Calza ago

I like this.

Have an up coat

Bioreactor ago

Autocorrect can be the worse enema

Endymion ago

So all my hard work for 100 ccp was for nothing? :(

Kaderjack ago

I feel the same way! I was so close - 6 away. Even though I don't generally get the urge to downvoat things, nor did I on that other site.. it was still a milestone I had worked for. And even now I'm seeing more downvoats on all posts. I think it's going to cause people (myself included) to become quieter for fear of downvoats

ogcook ago

And here I still hadn't hit the limit. Ah well!

MigratingChromium ago

I was only half way there now I feel dirty for downvoting.

Kaell ago

95 here. Was sooo close

fudgepacker ago

Well, we are better people for it.

Cat_Mystic ago

Not a fan of this measure. If this was ever on the table as a possibility you should never had implemented 100 ccp requirement. If you're going to make a huge change, get them all out of the way. Another major change in the rules after this will see me not using this site anymore.

FromThatOtherSite ago

Same. I was just about to reach 99 too...

Venom1 ago

Yeah, I actually had to make articulate, somewhat-intelligent comments for once

Vladimir_Komarov ago

You will always remember the struggle to get 100 meaningless points tho amirite

mcseanerson ago

All those gifs will make no sense to all the new people now.

richieb ago

As a complete newfag, I can see how that is unfair on you, but overall "It was an unequal playing field" seems more important.

Sylos ago

For the briefest of moments, you increased the quality of voat.

Pissed-Off-Panda ago

And now he's crap again.

Chupwn ago

Don't stop trying kids, it's for the greater good!

IveSeenYouNakid ago

Molding your comments to get fake internet points, there's something wrong here.

Sylos ago

It's a danger when you associate anything with a value. By doing so, you trigger pleasure center hits, resulting in a desire for more points. It's why there's the gamification of exercise, etc. Doesn't matter that the points are literally fucking worthless(unless you're a dick scumbag who sells the account), people will try to get more than the other guy, because.

Dryad ago

And now it's over. :(

Edit: to be clear, I was commenting about the lack of a restriction. I'm very much for the original method.

Vorontsov ago


poodog ago

Still looks pretty good to me!

NapoleonComplex ago

Out of curiosity, what's the reasoning for the change?

ExtremeSquared ago

I think some of the "fringe communities" here have been gaming the system to ensure every member had downvoat power.

Vloorshad ago

Let's not kid ourselves and think that anybody we're worried about brigading wouldn't do this to make sure any of their members and alts could downvoat.

I'm with @EugeneNix in that the ability to turn off downvoats for specific subs is a good idea. However, that could also be abused to hell and back by undesirable subs, possibly even worse than CCP requirements. So maybe less "with", and more "I think we might need to get the mods something other than CCP requirements to manage downvoats in their subs".

SpaceRosa ago

How so? They could stop people from downvoting, but right now they can effectively stop that anyway by turning up the CCP needed to an absurd level like 5000. The price is to be removed from /v/all.

Vloorshad ago

I'm currently working some mental gymnastics to keep a sub on /v/all while mitigating the damage a brigade can do.

I don't have the time to think too deeply on it, but the more I think about it, the worse of an idea I think it is to allow a sub that blocks/limits downvoats on /v/all.

SpaceRosa ago

That's the point of it. If you alter the CCP needed in a subverse to downvote, it's removed from /v/all. Early on, some (white genocide, I think it was?) subverse was using an absurdly high threshold. It couldn't be downvotes, so it would keep hitting the front page. That feature was added in to put them on a more even playing field.

Vloorshad ago

Yeah, I figured it was for things like this. Despite this, I don't know that I want subs with downvoat restrictions being entirely excluded from the front page, either. Maybe subtract the required CCP from its upvoats? Thus a sub like your example would need 5000 upvoats just to be at 0.

SpaceRosa ago

Someone suggested a "True All" that would display all subverses, including those with a downvote restriction. I can't remember if it was noticed or not, but that might be good.

Vloorshad ago

That would actually probably be both an easier and better solution. /v/all could be the default like it is, and /v/trueall (or maybe /v/unfilteredall or /v/rawall)could be one that you subscribe to.

Atko ago

It was an unequal playing field.

tex ago

So let's burn the field!

dis_is_my_account ago

Care to consider my idea again?

JJEvil ago

Did you reach this conclusion because of the ridiculous number of upvotes on anti @she posts?

Atko ago

No, I did this after noticing that multiple subverses had "please upvote me" threads where their members were able to gain 300+ CCP in matter of hours. At the same time, regular users would need MONTHS to reach this level.

JJEvil ago

Well that is a dis-incentive for regular folks to hang around. So the issue is organized groups monopolizing and controlling the content and conversations.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Of course it resulted in an unequal playing field. I thought that was the entire point. I actually thought it was a good rule since it required someone to establish themselves as part of the community before being a fully active participant. It made people more invested. I'm not going to cry that you changed it, but I am not convinced the old rule was unfair which you seem to imply.

Calith ago

Can you help us understand a little more about what you mean by that? (Example maybe?)

LegoMyEgo ago

A new user comes in believing this is a place where they can state their opinion without backlash. That opinion happens to be that there's nothing wrong with a person just because their skin color is not white or that they are overweight. People who disagree will downvote this person possibly into the -50 restriction zone. The new user can already only upvote ten times in 24 hrs, but now they're limited to how many submissions and comments they can make. Ultimately it doesn't promote discussion or participation unless your opinion fits with the majority; that is that only skinny white people should be commenting or interacting.

The majority of voat's users came from reddit because they or their subs were banned from reddit. There's a strong anti-SJW vibe on voat right now and if you make a comment that could resemble anything a SJW would possibly say, you may be subject to downvotes even if you are not an SJW or don't even support SJW's.

This is an extreme example and I don't have any evidence that this scenario has happened. I'm just giving an example of how the voting restrictions discourage new users to participate.

beren ago

Is it unlimited voting? Have you seen any of the threads about tweaking the voating system such as "earning" down votes (you get one down vote for every 10 up votes earned), or even getting rid of down votes altogether?

cfl1 ago

Downvoting submissions is absolutely vital.

beren ago

There have been tons of discussions on this and what it boils down to is they are not needed, some people just want them. If you want popular comments at the top, they get upvoted, no downvoting needed. If spam/trolls are your concern, they can always be reported and removed by mods if needed.

cfl1 ago

Try reading the actual comment.

With up/downvoting on posts, communities can self-mod without having to rely on the (lack of) wisdom and effort of all-powerful mod gods. This works better in the long run.

Makingbaconpancakes ago

Won't the brigadiers be able to come in and downvoat everything they want on multiple accounts with a VPN?

I liked seeing 0's everywhere instead of -x's.

Icy-Defiance ago

What I've been observing is the circlejerky hate subs are getting a bunch of people over 100 ccp, and the normal people aren't even close. It's been really distorting a few conversations, so this change might fix that.

I can see this going either way, or both ways at once.

FilmMakingShitlord ago

Yeah, it's not hard to get 100 ccp after making 10 comments on FPH

reed ago

My concern as well.

NapoleonComplex ago

Fair enough. Keep up the good work, man!

zoetry ago

I'm thinking it's due to all the people whining about censorship.