19681455? ago

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19646422? ago

I really like your writing, can you link to your other posts?

19647617? ago

I sure can, and thanks!. Ill try to remember to link some here tomorrow morning.

19666171? ago

Thanks anon :) you should consider starting a thread about the end times/prophecies on 8chan. Btw have you seen the 'it will happen when the weather cools" post on 4chan?

19667979? ago

I appreciate it. I'm not a channer, but feel free to repost whatever I did over there if you feel led to.

I never read that, can you link it please? Thanks !!

19675740? ago

Okay I'll think about it :)

Here's the prophecy : https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/201683728/

Posted in June 2016, would be interesting hearing your take on it. Cheers :)

19676417? ago

I have no idea how to use the chans, it confuses the shit outta me.

Is the prophecy just the weather cooling and space weapons? Or is it more than that, if so can you paste the body of text here? Id love to read it all and give my take!

19677238? ago

That's very interesting about the Bible.

Here it is, posted June 13th 2016:

"It will happen when the weather cools.

That's when they'll make their move.

The plans made long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.

They're trying to force God's hand.

Watch for these signs:

Three branches will become one.

An island will drift away.

A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.

The star will gorge itself on clay.

Idols will speak and move about.

The black flag will fly above the dome.

The belly of the dragon will drip water.

Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.

A rock will stand on seven hills.

The ravens will starve.

The bear will leave its cave forever.

The rod and the ring will strike."

19680961? ago

Wow...ok...check out my decode. This is a pretty accurate prophecy...every bit of it actually.

I wish I knew the OP!


19682388? ago

I've seen many different interpretations. The only one I'm sure of is "killing bolt" which was the unauthorized missile launch against AF1. Thanks again anon and God Bless :)

19683228? ago

For sure.

Research lightning, flash, shining in the bible though...

To me it sounds like the solar event people have been taking about lately.

19677331? ago

Ohh. That's an easy decode for me!

I can't at the moment, but some time in the next 24hrs watch for a new thread, ill link it here in this reply!


19398139? ago

Goosebumps! Thank you Anon!

19398686? ago

Surprising, but you're quite welcome! ;)

19390582? ago

Brilliant work! Only 16 ups. Have we lost our momentum? Come on guys!

19392445? ago


19387655? ago

All sides, of the 🔺 have a sum. All sides sum up to 120 per side. Or all together 360. ( total circumference, perfect balance, equality on all sides)

Potus has often been described as a wrecking ball.

The white ball, is the wrecking ball to break the perfect line up. It only needs two things:

  1. The protection around the perfect arrangement of valued balls needs to be removed.

Q has posted about removing sides of a triangle. See Q post 140 https://qmap.pub/read/140

Strings cut (+++). Puppets (+++) in shadows. Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers. Power brokers are also labeled as the puppets/servants.

Comparing this to the above triangle, it is easy to see which side has which value.

Note then that the image of the pooltable might very well convey the idea that the game not only is on, but it is Potus who is playing the game. The puppets, powerbrokers are in the game, but are being pocketed.

From the looks of it, one at a time.

  1. The white ball in place needs to have the right push.

If done correctly, potentially, you can get all balls in the pocket, including the black, high valued ball with one all overwhelming and obliterating stroke of genius.

But I guess for us normal folk, we would be happy to be satisfied with playing each ball untill at last we can pocket the black high value ball, signalling the game is over. And during certain breaks, it can be observed the initial collusion of the white ball with the line up, scatters balls in all directions, but also some are pocketed.

19388354? ago


19386034? ago

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19385981? ago

The table is set?

19386028? ago

Yes, the table/stage IS set!


19380803? ago

Wow, lots to chew on, great bread baker. May the spirit of the Lord dwell in the righteous of heart.

19380933? ago

Thanks patriot!

19380067? ago

Here's the link to the pool table that the OP is talking about: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D9y3m0zX4AIiuvA.jpg:large

19379406? ago

BREAKS on , top of the pyramid (upside down)

Before it takes out the IT BREAKS THE (presidential seal)

The up the exact SAME as this Camp David post:

19379114? ago

Pool table pic and date reference please and thank you.

19378592? ago

Awesome, I hope you're right. Also, you linked a guys twitter page, not a specific post with a pool table. Not sure what you're talking about here exactly.

19382034? ago

Awesome, thanks. There's definitely some strategic symbolism with the way they racked those balls.

19378423? ago

POTUS was just at CD or may still be. Also noteworthy is G20 Summit coming up in Japan... Congress Not in Session and POTUS out of Country! And Q being quite as a mouse...kek

Do it Q! :)

19380385? ago


19378390? ago

Where are the pool table pics? I missed those. The link above is just to a twitter feed but I don't see any pool table pics.

19378588? ago

Here's your pool table pic: http://magaimg.net/img/8ao2.jpg

19378906? ago

OMG, I want that!

19378742? ago


19377352? ago

Word is the Deep State is planning an ET Invasion to terrorize people into supporting the military industrial complex into perpetuity.

19377568? ago

That likely WAS their plan, research project firesign...

However, there will come a time, likely soon, that our brethren will return. They will not attack the meek. They will not force worship on us.

Look no further than the Tv show called 'V'... its like a MIRROR image of 'Q'. They have V ambassadors (just like we are Q ambassadors). They look just like us on the outside, but are actually reptilian demons here to destroy us. Its a total flip of what is likely to happen. Tryingt to program people to be AFRAID. Why are 95% of Alien movies negative, not positive?

Everything [THEY] create in hollywood is a mirror of truth.

If Aliens wanted us dead, we would all have been dead LONG ago... critical thinking.

19379591? ago

Aliens are not real, if it is a sky event it will be real technology but it will be man made to look extra terrestrial. Think about the advancement of the highest end technology, and the sheer control over it and the materials to make it, the top of pyramid trickles down, the SKY EVENT Q referred to is most likely a false flag of the biggest proportion ever to, like all false flags, cause panic, cause distraction, cause chaos and out of that chaos the real enemy creates new order, just like 9/11 just on a bigger scale, a lot of American's constitutional rights have been infringed from that one event for the sake of safety. Give up freedom for safety and you deserve neither. The thing is for Q to talk about the sky event they most know the plan for it which is another trove of information we haven't even been let in on.

19683746? ago

Disclosure is coming. Aliens are real. The question is...are they the fallen angels cast out of heaven or something else entirely.

19378957? ago

I think it’s Project Bluebeam you’re referencing.

19380357? ago


Project firesign is a CF ff op

19376786? ago

rambling nonsense

19376691? ago

So can you provide a summary of all that for the non autists

19376745? ago

The OP is summarized as much as possible. Links and verses provided.

19380085? ago

You are the OP. Stop referring to yourself in the third person.

BTW, here's the correct pool table pic link: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D9y3m0zX4AIiuvA.jpg:large

19382905? ago

I think OP meant “OP” as “original post”

Whereas you interpreted it as “original poster”

Kinda funny... but then again I’ve been up since 4am for a conference call and I’m so tired everything is funny now...

19380336? ago

Thanks, yes that was in the op

19376716? ago

It would be nice, because there are a few thoughts here trying to coalesce, but I feel like it's missing a piece of info for that oh shit moment

19376643? ago

Above my paygrade. You seem autistic.

Meant as praise and admiration of your ability.

19376665? ago

lmao... who knows. Maybe I am. Thats between God and my brain, ill stay out of it XD