721-AQZ ago

What exactly did Trump say that inspired you to make this New Jerusalem connection?

akilyoung ago

If you really pay attention, youll find Trump was announcing the final destruction of the old guard. He was publicly announcing they had NO more power. He was announcing a NEW America - one not crippled and parted out by the NWO. He told them that THEY will be subservient to US, while maintaining their own traditions and dignity, and that they will prosper for it.

721-AQZ ago

Are you saying America is the New Jerusalem? Or is Trump creating a new New Jerusalem in Israel? Either way, the New Jerusalem can only appear as a result of the Second Coming.

Yes, I agree that the speech is monumentally important in that it is trying to reset the proper order of good and evil. As a result of the globalists and DS, good is becoming "bad" and bad is becoming "good." The even should have gotten more news mileage but the Kavanaugh farce dominated the news narrative. Obviously that was the Dems' plan.

akilyoung ago

The new Jerusalem is NOT a place, its a PEOPLE. Its spiritual. Thats what I am saying. Read the description, the foundation was set by the 12 disciples.

FatherDadDude ago

Excellent correlation! Yes, DJT is a VERY religious man. There's no doubt given what we know, God intervened in the election. It was a slam dunk, fixed for Hillary but yet DJT won? God, no doubt in my mind. So for him to be slipping in Revelations is what I expected from him. It's a nod to us, the believers, letting us know what is happening. Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem is fulfilling prophecy, the prophecy of Revelations. He knows this. That right there tells me and us, we are nearing end times, as promised in Revelations! Scared yet?

yellowrosegal-eliz ago

Temple hasn't been rebuilt yet...

FatherDadDude ago

Tomorrow is another day. Why aren't people talking about the bible a lot more?

yellowrosegal-eliz ago

I don't know... Maybe they're not churchgoers? Maybe they don't make time to read the Bible? Revelation always fascinated me. I believe that we are near the end times, but until the temple is rebuilt & then defiled I can't say for certain...

FatherDadDude ago

Personally, I don't think every tick has to be checked off before Revelations come true. Remember it was written by a man, and 60 years after the fact as well. Might be a few inaccuracies.

721-AQZ ago

Scared? No, I'm happy to finally see the years of prayers by Christians for the return of America to constitutional righteousness finally being answered by our Father in heaven. If more of us had been praying, maybe this would have happened sooner.