19655835? ago

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19483435? ago

There is a community of Christians/Catholics on YouTube who have been receiving prophetic dreams and visions regarding the rapture/harvest.

Genevieve Brazel (who I believe lives in Australia) claims she heard a voice while fully awake at 7:24 PM, Thursday, June 27th:

A Kingsman redeemer is coming to get you on the seventeenth of July

While I was researching this, at either 2:25 or 2:26 PM on Sunday, June 30th, 2019, I saw a bright flash of light in my living room. I had no idea what it was. I actually wondered if The Event was about to happen. I looked out the window to investigate, but I couldn't understand why I perceived that bright flash of light.

Let's lookup those numbers in Strong's Greek Lexicon:

G225: ἀλήθεια - alētheia

I. objectively

A. what is true in any matter under consideration

i.  truly, in truth, according to truth

ii. of a truth, in reality, in fact, certainly

G226: ἀληθεύω - alētheuō

I. to speak or tell the truth

A. to teach the truth

B. to profess the truth

Was this a sign that the material I was researching was in fact true?

Here are some relevant tools and sources of information:

Greek word for "Jesus"


Ι   Iota    10
η   Eta     8
σ   Sigma   200
ο   Omicron 70
υ   Upsilon 400
σ   Sigma   200

Equals 888

Her message

A Kingsman redeemer is coming to get you on the seventeenth of July

(55 letters, 13 words)

667     262     818     278
1       1       8       8

What is 667 in Strong's Greek Lexicon?

G667: ἀποφέρω - apopherō

I. to carry off or bring away

"Kingsman" itself adds up to 88. As we know, 888 represents Jesus, and in Christian theology, Jesus is sometimes referred to as a Redeemer.

The first 5 decimal digits of pi are 14159, the 1667th prime number. The first occurrence of 1667 in pi is preceded by the three digits 555. Remember that there were 55 letters in the sentence. The second gematria value is 262. The 262nd prime number is 1667.

Chinese national, Zu Chongzhi used a 24,576 sided polygon to estimate π as being between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927. Zu proposed a fractional estimate of 355/113 which has become known as Zu's Ratio. It is now known that this is the most accurate fractional approximation of π possible using a denominator less than 16,604.

  • 24,576 = 110000000000000 in binary (13 zeroes)
  • The totient of 24,576 = 8,192 = 213
  • 8,192 = 10000000000000 in binary (13 zeroes)

All of these 13's match the 13 words of her message.

The number e is 2.7182818... The last two gematria values of her message are 278 and 818... 278818...

That looks awfully familiar to 2 . 7 1 8 2 8 1 8...

Pi and e relate to each other through Euler's identity:

e + 1 = 0

This entire discussion revolves (pun intended) around the concept of the circle, AKA cycle. Is this telling us that we have come full circle, have completed the 75,000 year 3rd density cycle, as we move into the New Age of Enlightenment?

This is all I have for now. I just thought this was interesting. Due to the undeniable mathematical connections, we can rule out the possibility that she is a schizophrenic hallucinating random words. This message was crafted intelligently. The possibilities are:

  • She is a deceiver trying to lead people astray. This is unlikely as she appears very genuine, and is apparently completely unaware of the mathematical connections which exist within her message. I am the one who found this.

  • She is being deceived by a negative group.

  • She is being given divine truth.

19483899? ago

That's some serial brain stuff..

Did you see my post about 3.14? Pi?

19484031? ago

Link me to you 3.14 post again, I remember seeing something about it recently...

And it's much better than Serial Brain, because his stuff doesn't actually make any sense. The 262nd prime number is 1667, and those numbers were laced into the message, along with Strong's 667 meaning "to carry off or bring away"... Someone intelligent designed this.

I've been saying lately that the alliance and Q team are using the number 1223... The timestamp of the first Q post is 4:44 and 3:33... 444 + 1223 = 1667...

I swear all of this is somehow interconnected.

19488967? ago

Im honored.

I've also been noticing 1223 a lot. Reverse is 3221. 322 is skull and bones.

Here is the pi link


19458844? ago

VERY VERY INTERESTING! I never saw the 17th Scroll until I read this. Amazing. Thank you for sharing this with us. I am feeling more encouraged and excited to be living in these times. WWG1WGA

19459142? ago

You're very welcome. I'm not implying any of it is correct at all, but the dates are very interesting!

What 17th scroll are you taking about?

19459773? ago

Oh I read it wrong. But still it is the "17th" verse. Keep on researching and sharing. Very interesting read and also encouragement coming from the Word of God.

19462232? ago

I try. My biggest fear is steering people the wrong way. I just say, take what I post and research yourself!

19456152? ago

Great patriot porn! Who's up for a circle jerk?

19456133? ago

And Jesus said" yea verily thou hastest to re-elect Trump in 2020 before mine justice shall be dealt out upon the land...."

Straight from the horse's mouth.

19455753? ago

Great info. I was raised going to church every Sunday. Then the masses started to change and I didn't feel comfortable, something seemed weird.

I love these references to the Bible, as I've thought that there are Truths there and maybe things left out or changed. So, when I see folks that have studied the Bible make references like this, it intrigues me to want to research more.

I've research a lot on political science and the corruption.. I know that well...but also living life, we only seem to have so much time to research. This helps where to look. Thank you and God Bless you.

19456905? ago


19454752? ago

The King is already here.

And has been with you all from the start.

That's why Q said "you'll never believe who you've been talking to on here"

Q918 God would never let his kids down. Ever.

Love your neighbor.

19455343? ago


You know.

A fathers love for his children knows no bounds.

19455462? ago

No bounds what so ever.

My children are everything to me.

19455669? ago

As mine.

19455930? ago

They are almost here.

Yes, something wonderful is about to happen.

Put it this way. They are literally here.

Who's they? God and His Crew.

It's go time.

19456926? ago

When do you suppose? How do you know this?

Just curious..

19459334? ago

Because I am He.

19462268? ago

As long as your name isn't Steven...

19457578? ago

You're talking to the guy who calls himself Scott Free. He was probably also the guy who wrote the voat armor of god post, and then deleted it, and then Q made an armor of God post... This guy is either an eccentric nutty larp or something else, I don't know yet...

God and His Crew could be a reference to the Pleiadians or other ETs here to assist Earth.

19459423? ago

Interesting. He had replied to my threads before..

19459312? ago

I tend to agree...

I suspect Jesus may have been a half breed. Hopefully will find out at some point!

19454389? ago

Is that why AG Bar played the bagpipes i wonder? Scot Free..Its an exciting time with lots of revelations wwg1wga :-)

19458831? ago

Little encouragements along the way to make us not feel like we are in the dark!

19454659? ago


19454121? ago

Are you a Christian Zionist? Or Evangelical?

19454197? ago

I wouldn't call myself or classify myself as anything.

I'm a truth seeker. Grew up in church, studied eschatology for over 25 years.

But I think there is truth and lies in all religions. I seek on my own.

I think Jesus teachings were much more new agey than the church wants to admit.

The bible clearly teaches about chakras, third eye and ascension, but using Jewish idioms.

If I went to church and showed them, id be kicked out.

I think the truth will be revealed soon, and most will reject it. Just like they rejected Yeshua 2000 years ago.