19655837? ago

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19488969? ago

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19451126? ago

I WISH Snowden was dead. What a god damn low life son of a bitch, literally.

19393339? ago



19390420? ago

I KNOW that the Q team is pushing the July 4th date, but they have pushed dates in the past and nothing has happened.

4chan anon is legit and part of the Q team, and so is this voat anon.

June 20th, 2018, at 9:14:11 PM (21:14:11), Q makes post saying:

R they serious?


June 23rd, 2018, at 7:14:55 PM (19:14:55), 'R' makes his famous post.

The delta between these two posts is exactly 2 days, 22 hours and 44 seconds.

The voat anon also mentions the R post, and hides the number 1223 within his post:

Prepare for 'The Event' ! The choice is and has always been YOURS!

Title = (50 letters, 12 words)

Body of post = 1211 words. 1211 + 12 =


And then you have this other random voat anon hiding the number 1223 within his post. He even mentions JFK in the post.

CNN Says you cant investigate C_A because they operate in their own world. (Thats Excactly the problem!! May JFK's vision be done)

Title = (102 letters, 23 words)

Gematria value of the title itself ALSO adds up to 1223

Why do they keep showing us the number 1223? Look at Trump tweet #1223:

I have been briefed on the U.S. C-130 “Hercules” cargo plane from the Puerto Rico National Guard that crashed near Savannah Hilton Head International Airport. Please join me in thoughts and prayers for the victims, their families and the great men and women of the National Guard.

This tweet about a "plane crash", contains exactly 223 alphabetical characters, as well as being tweet number 1223... The Gematria value of the tweet adds up to 2446.

2446 / 2 = 1223. I believe this tweet was a secret reference to JFK Jr's plane crash, and a hint that he is still alive.

October 28th, 2017, at 5:09:57 PM, POTUS tweeted (tweet #5):

...addresses of any mentioned person who is still living. I am doing this for reasons of full disclosure, transparency and...

This was the second part of a tweet about JFK information being disclosed.

This tweet is (98 letters, 20 words).

June 18th, 2018, at 12:52:59 PM, Q makes post saying:


Ability to share [open].

(Heat) on who?

(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?

(Undiscovered) facts emerge?

Ability to move forward?

Occam's Razor.


This Q post also contains 20 words just like the POTUS tweet that it links to above. It contains the number 98 in it as well.

Who was the heat on? The heat was on JFK Jr. This is why he had to fake his own death in the plane crash. This Q post is telling us that we will eventually have full transparency about JFK Jr. and undiscovered facts will emerge.

19394666? ago

Hey there. Thanks for the post!

This is the OP, and ironically, you linked one of my other threads in this! The one about the 'event'... XD

19389625? ago

Lmao c'mon man. Q doesn't post as elaborate of codes as people think. This shit here is just retarded

19388525? ago

If snowcapped was referring to Snowden, I think it would mean captured.

19392507? ago

Op here.. interesting! Could be that too. More than likely actually, thanks!

19388222? ago

this is insanity

19387942? ago

Ok. I'll make a note to come back on July 10th and laugh at you fucking morons when NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS.

19387216? ago

Gematria thinking.

19387060? ago

Also, the pool sticks + the seal read PI

19387058? ago

Everybody knows this, the questions patriots are fucking asking is what the fuck are POTUS and Qteam doing about the elimination of conservatives from online platforms????

GATEWAY PUNDIT: Research Psychologist Epstein: Google, Tech Giants Have Ability to Manipulate and Flip 15 Million Votes in 2020 (VIDEO)


19387000? ago

HILARIOUSLY INSANE GOMERS! Nothing, REPEAT, nOTHING is happening. No arresrs 'No military tribunals No Martial law No Gitmo NOTHING YOU YOU DELUSIONAL BATSHIT CRAZY DUMBFUCK HICKS!!

19387769? ago

Anonymous expertise. Believes everything he reads on the omniscient net.

19387731? ago

Directly over the target, huh?

19387825? ago

Q Cultist are so fucking crazy they will twist anything to fit their God Trump and the Divine Q! They really are just too stupid to even realize they are stupid! OVER THE TARGET RIGHT BOOMER BURNOUT ZERO EXISTENCE NOTHINGS! The imaginary friend Q and your PAL Trump (he reads your posts! ) make you meaningless lives meaningfiull. It's not like all you do is sit on your fat stupid ass, eat junk food and swill cheap beer! NO!!! YOU are part of an elite force working with Trump and the military to rid the world of EEEEEEVIL! COMMS CHECK!! COMMS CHECK! ALPHA BRAVO FETTUCCINE ROGER THAT!!! LOL How fucking batshit can you useless nothing be. OVER THE TARGET! SHILLS SHILLS SHILLS! BOOM! Q DROPS! Jesus! YOU ARE THE LAUGH OF THE INTERNET! Now, reply...."yet here you are", then"a lot of trouble for a LARP", and all your other hillbilly dumbfuck cliches!

19388614? ago

Don't have to. You just did a far better job showing us who and what you are than I could ever do.

19386985? ago

....or, it’s simply one of many innocuous public affairs releases by the DOD about a longstanding Marine fighter attack squadron that is now flying the JSF.

19386959? ago

All about that life of Pi. Can you say Holy Trinity? The three and the one? Makes four, the Four Angels, angles? Megatron's cube? Fuck Saturn!?!? I know some fellow autists smell what I'm stepping in. Who's ready for a pie eating contest ala Revenge of the Nerds? :)

19388417? ago

Saturn is black cube.

New Jerusalem, 144k, is the crystal clear cube

One replaces the other

19387697? ago

"That's MY pie!"

19387088? ago

"i like pie"

19386956? ago

Q314: It's about the BREAK

19388430? ago

Ouroboros/circle about to break.

19386891? ago

3.14 radians (pi) is 180 deg. Is this the angle you're talking about?

19386900? ago

Think mirror? Idk

19386914? ago

180 deg. In a mirror is still 180 deg.

19386889? ago

Full length movie on Q Brand New Hope in a World Controlled by Pure Evil https://youtu.be/5LQHTdQloK4

19386859? ago

This clearly means Q is going to steal an F35 and melt all of the snow with a DEW. Amateurs.

19387138? ago


19393149? ago

Not sure what an ahill is but I win! Reeeeeeeee

19386955? ago


19386828? ago


19386843? ago

Because we ARE all one, in fact. We just forgot it.

19386771? ago

3.14 = Pi

19386778? ago

That's right!.

A perfect circle.

Their new album is about the great awakening!

19386599? ago

I must have missed something. Where did the pool table pic come from , i seem to have mistakingly assumed it was just someones meme ? Ty in advance for sauceing it for me.

19386971? ago

I believe I heard that was taken from Camp David. No proof just what I have heard.

19386383? ago

Really this is fucking retarded, might as well be reading the entrails of animals or casting bones. It is happening because of....... complete Bull shit.

19386352? ago

Jesus Christ. You people will literally try to link anything together, won't you?

How about this - I took a dump at 6:35 this morning. It was partially sunny and fuck you.

Seriously people, do you not realize that you're basically in a cult now?

19387146? ago


19386586? ago

And you are slavishly following along. Why? Go home.

19386440? ago

They will drink the Kool aid regardless of your efforts. Don't worry about it.

19386203? ago

today is the day, thank you Lord

19386158? ago


19387084? ago


19387857? ago

LOL Insane enough? Oh, I forgot, we are panicking AGAIN. The what? 10,000th time? why are we panicking again? A pool table? LOL STUPID HILLBILLIES!

19386163? ago

Perfect antiNPC statement lol

19386131? ago

this is a huge reach

19387076? ago


19387083? ago

So anyone that dares question your held beliefs is a shill? You are worse then the left.

19387170? ago


19386226? ago

no, it's not.

Pretty straightforward, actually.

19386621? ago

no. no it's not.

19386945? ago

Every theory is a deep reach and that's all it is. Good reach and hope it's somewhat accurate. But just curious how you feel it's a reach. Not calling you out and you may be right but if your going to say that please give a reason why you think that. Just helps with the discussion. WWG1WGA

19387073? ago

Reading the original post it sounds way too outlandish to me. Something I would read in a script of the Twightlight Zone. Could it be true? Of course. Anything might be true...but it just sounds too crazy to me.

19388073? ago

I agree, I spend 95% of my time on 8chan. I just come to this board once in awhile to see what they are saying on here. Gives me a laugh once in awhile, specially the shills. But it's only 1 persons theory and have to respect that. They are trying and if the anon is correct then he/she comes out looking smart. This whole Q thing in my mind is nothing but anons and theories. Some nail it and some are way out there but they are thinking on their own investigating which what I believe this whole movement is about.

19386162? ago

Yeah, but you can't blame us for considering theories while we're all waiting for the first of the criminal investigations or FISA declas "buckets" to drop.

19387867? ago

It's always good to exercise decoding skills....I bet you are more correct than not. Staying active keeps your brain from getting stuck in the created box we have all risen from. Think Freely fellow anon!

19391075? ago

This isn't decoding it's horoscopes or reading tea leaves...

19386539? ago

I am not blaming anyone. You can believe what you want. I just think that what is posted is a deep reach to come to a conclusion.

19396853? ago

There is no believe. Gather all the information you can. When the time comes to act on a decision, use the knowledge you have learned to make the best possible choice. I can watch a video on flat earth and not believe. Same with the globe. It really doesn't matter until I'm faced with a decision that relies on that information to survive.

19408659? ago

And exactly what decision or situation will you come across in your life that requires you to believe all of this. If you are a cop or fed agent, lawyer etc. I could see the value. But for everybody else in America it's just a movie and a bad one at that.

19386121? ago

You are so smart. I feel lazy depending on anons like you. Plus your words I just read inspire me. Thank you.

19386174? ago

I dont know about that, I didnt discover this, however, I did notice a few more things from my own perspective.

Our hive mind is what is smart...combined perspectives!

19386032? ago

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