19147494? ago

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19139986? ago

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18965468? ago

Great post.

Let me help you.

Q is here to clean up and eliminate those leaders that are corrupt.

Qteam is preparing for God's return. Paving the way and letting countries know the truth.

The King of Kings is arriving soon. Hope that helps fill in the gaps.

I'd be happy to answer other questions if I can.

18965679? ago

Exactly... and let me addendum that..

Research the ancient Hebrew wedding ceremony...

It's a roadmap to the return, and Q/anons are Michael, and Michael is the best man who announces the bridegrooms soon arrival.


If that didn't give you chills...

18966348? ago

You have no idea.

Really you don't.

just remember DNR.

Promise you'll remember those three letters.

That is your new king.

You'll gonna crap your pants when you learn his middle name.

It's hilariously seriously funny. God really does have a sense of humor.

He loves without abandon as well.

18968548? ago

Btw, im going to follow Qs recommendation of documenting offline. Ill print this post and your comment, in case future proofs are needed.

18970592? ago

I'll autograph it someday.

18970626? ago

I'll hold you to it lol... I'm sure you'll find me if you're legit.

18970649? ago

You'll be the one holding the pen and paper.

Shouldn't be too hard.

Oh, I'm very legit.

This is happening.

18971664? ago

I agree. I've posted multiple posts that put this together, this wasn't the only one.

How about thoughts on these?





I have a lot more than that....

18972514? ago


The return of the king isn't JFK Jr

Research this. Branch of David, Root of Jesse. That's your new King.

As promised by God. I'll respond to other responses.

So far so good. Now if they would just INFORM the King.


18987010? ago

Are you referencing SCOTUS's 'nice list'?

18973638? ago

Jesus / Yeshua aka the LIGHT

Inform the king???

18977766? ago

Inside joke.

Yes, that guy. Hidden amoung you for fifty years.

He just became aware of who he was.

The Scott Free post was for me.

Trust me when I say, it's happening.

Biggest event of our human history.

18980536? ago


Ironic DNR is also Do Not Resuscitate ..

Rev 19:12

That alone tells us that this coming King isnt named Jesus, but more likely comes from the bloodlines of Jesus, is a clone of Jesus or is reincarnated Jesus (or something else altogether different)

18982568? ago

One more reply.

You're the only Patriot to get it btw.

Congratulations on being really smart!

You really are so darn close to the truth!

Scottish you got right. Poland comes into play too.

Did you know in Poland, Jesus is their King?

18984262? ago

Interesting, thank you!

Ironically, I feel like an idiot most of the time. I might be right some times. Wrong others. But I always put out info with good intentions. Trying not to mislead the community.

I didn't know about Poland. I will dig later, thanks for the nugget! ;)

Peace and love patriot!

18982521? ago

Clone is a very good word.

Painful one too.

18987049? ago

Painful to discover who you were?

18967752? ago

Spill it...

18968005? ago

What? That I am the son of God?

No one would believe me, so why say it?

Just realize there are forces at work beyond your comprehension.

Mine too.

18968513? ago

'A prophet is only hated in his own city'

No one believed Jesus either, save for a small handful of anons of his day.

18970608? ago


And history repeats.

18970617? ago

Reflections, like a mirror

18970671? ago

The Deep State has been playing us and civilization for 2000 years.

For a good reason. We have to know who we can trust.

What's the best way...This way.

18971609? ago

It's been thousands of years longer. At least since the babylonian days.

18968117? ago

We are all sons of God. Jesus even said we ARE gods.

18968148? ago

remember it.

It will prove something in a month.

18968345? ago

Will do. July 4th, 2019

18964862? ago

Well the Vatican didn't mention the great Sign so it must mean something major

18964564? ago

Who Is Michael the Archangel?

ACCORDING to the Bible, there are millions of angelic creatures inhabiting the spirit realm. (Daniel 7:9, 10; Revelation 5:11) From beginning to end, the Scriptures make hundreds of references to the angels that remain loyal to God. Yet, only two of these spirit creatures are mentioned by name. One is the angel Gabriel, who personally delivered messages from God to three different individuals over a period of some 600 years. (Daniel 9:20-22; Luke 1:8-19, 26-28) The other angel mentioned by name in the Bible is Michael.

Michael is clearly an outstanding angel. For example, in the book of Daniel, Michael is described as fighting wicked demons in behalf of Jehovah’s people. (Daniel 10:13; 12:1) In the inspired letter of Jude, Michael confronts Satan in a dispute over Moses’ body. (Jude 9) The book of Revelation shows that Michael wars with Satan and his demons and hurls them out of heaven. (Revelation 12:7-9) No other angel is portrayed as having such great power and authority over God’s enemies. It is no wonder, then, that the Bible appropriately refers to Michael as “the archangel,” the prefix “arch” meaning “chief,” or “principal.”

The Controversy Over Michael’s Identity

Christendom’s religions, as well as Judaism and Islam, have conflicting ideas on the subject of angels. Some explanations are vague. For instance, The Anchor Bible Dictionary states: “There may be a single superior angel and/or a small group of archangels (usually four or seven).” According to The Imperial Bible-Dictionary, Michael is the “name of a superhuman being, in regard to whom there have in general been two rival opinions, either that he is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, or that he is one of the so-called seven archangels.”

In Jewish tradition these seven archangels are Gabriel, Jeremiel, Michael, Raguel, Raphael, Sariel, and Uriel. On the other hand, Islam believes in four archangels, namely, Jibril, Mikal, Izrail, and Israfil. Catholicism also believes in four archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. What does the Bible say? Are there several archangels?

The Bible’s Answer

Aside from Michael, no archangel is mentioned in the Bible, nor do the Scriptures use the term “archangel” in the plural. The Bible describes Michael as the archangel, implying that he alone bears that designation. Hence, it is reasonable to conclude that Jehovah God has delegated to one, and only one, of his heavenly creatures full authority over all other angels.

Aside from the Creator himself, only one faithful person is spoken of as having angels under subjection—namely, Jesus Christ. (Matthew 13:41; 16:27; 24:31) The apostle Paul made specific mention of “the Lord Jesus” and “his powerful angels.” (2 Thessalonians 1:7) And Peter described the resurrected Jesus by saying: “He is at God’s right hand, for he went his way to heaven; and angels and authorities and powers were made subject to him.”—1 Peter 3:22.

While there is no statement in the Bible that categorically identifies Michael the archangel as Jesus, there is one scripture that links Jesus with the office of archangel. In his letter to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul prophesied: “The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16) In this scripture Jesus is described as having assumed his power as God’s Messianic King. Yet, he speaks with “an archangel’s voice.” Note, too, that he has the power to raise the dead.

While on earth as a human, Jesus performed several resurrections. In doing so, he used his voice to utter commanding calls. For example, when resurrecting the dead son of a widow in the city of Nain, he said: “Young man, I say to you, Get up!” (Luke 7:14, 15) Later, just before resurrecting his friend Lazarus, Jesus “cried out with a loud voice: ‘Lazarus, come on out!’” (John 11:43) But on these occasions, Jesus’ voice was the voice of a perfect man.

After his own resurrection, Jesus was raised to a “superior position” in heaven as a spirit creature. (Philippians 2:9) No longer a human, he has the voice of an archangel. So when God’s trumpet sounded the call for “those who are dead in union with Christ” to be raised to heaven, Jesus issued “a commanding call,” this time “with an archangel’s voice.” It is reasonable to conclude that only an archangel would call “with an archangel’s voice.”

Yes, there are other angelic creatures of high rank, such as seraphs and cherubs. (Genesis 3:24; Isaiah 6:2) Yet, the Scriptures point to the resurrected Jesus Christ as the chief of all angels—Michael the archangel.

18965772? ago

Exactly.. very well put. The king returns soon.

18964550? ago

Total disinformation

18965505? ago

Prove him wrong.

You have no idea what we are fighting.

If you have a soul, you should be concerned.

18963934? ago

I remember when that aligning of the stars happened--I can't remember what its actually called, but it supposedly only happens every couple thousand years, and is said to be a sign of the return of a "king." Things were already feeling different then showed up shortly after. The more you look back, the more it makes sense. Future proves past.

18964026? ago

It's actually never happened, at least in the past 7k years, according to stellarium

18964052? ago

Was it that long ago? Been awhile since I was on those kind of sites to delve into it, got my numbers jumbled apparently.

18964075? ago

Something similar happened at Jesus birth, but was different.

However, Jesus life was a first fruit representation of NOW

18964044? ago

The etymology of Michael, is Micha El. And yes, combined it further illustrates the meaning. And notice, he is a WARRIOR equipped with the ARMOR OF GOD... how many times has Q told us to wear that???

18964065? ago

Michael is a masculine given name that comes from Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל / מיכאל (Mīkhāʼēl [miχaˈʔel]), derived from the question מי כאל mī kāʼēl, meaning "Who is like God?".[1]

18963905? ago

Arch means head. An architect is the head builder. The arch above the doorway is at the very top of the doorway. An arch angel is a head angel, just an an arch bishop would be a head bishop. If the bishops support the archbishop, or the stones support the keystone, then the angels support the angels.

This is a schizopost.

18964053? ago

Backwards, the keystone supports the arch

18964084? ago

No, the weight of the keystone, which is diagonal, falls on the brick below it, which falls below it, on and on, to the foundation.

This is obvious to any builder or craftsman.

18965845? ago

I am a builder... and we are arguing semantics.

The keystone bears the weight, and holds up everything below.

For example, Jesus told us to place our burden on HIM.. who is the KEYSTONE

18965924? ago

The keystone bears weight above the arch, yes, and transfers it to the stones below it bearing its weight.

18965959? ago

Lol it hold everything up from falling. Semantics.

18965969? ago

Why am I still talking with you? Why are you still talking with me?

18966068? ago

Idk.. lol have a good day.

18963756? ago

It is coming very soon, pray and prepare.

18963742? ago

So my guess could be right then? The Archangel Michael, the Angel of Battle and Slayer of Satan.

18963870? ago

THats exactly who 'he' is...

18963615? ago

Study the constellations to leatn about Revelations. The positions of the 🌟 Stsrs can help explain about the wpmsn clothed with the ☀ Sun

It's all about the 📅 calendar. Time management

18963550? ago

Sniff... smells like bullshit

18963468? ago

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