yellowrosegal-eliz2 ago

Starting to finally see the code & understand things more deeply. Very thankful.

FatherDadDude ago

The Scriptures have it all. It's there waiting for the world to rediscover them.

AKvsAR ago

I just found Donald J Trump in the Bible and there is no doubt about it.

Daniel 8:23-26 “And at the latter end of their rule, when the transgressors have reached their full measure, a king of bold countenance, one who understands riddles, shall arise. His power shall be great, and he shall cause fearful destruction, and shall succeed in what he does, and destroy mighty men and the people of the saints. By his cunning he shall make deceit prosper under his hand, and in his own mind he shall magnify himself. Without warning he shall destroy many; and he shall even rise up against the Prince of princes; but, by no human hand, he shall be broken. The vision of the evenings and the mornings which has been told is true; but seal up the vision, for it pertains to many days hence.”

PaddleFlinger ago

The dates (in Daniel 12 vs. 11 and 12 ) to me have more to do with the 7 years of tribulation in our time that we have yet to begin (in my opinion). Daniel 12 is more about the resurrection and Adam ( literally) leading his posterity towards judgement organizing his family (us) to prepare to stand before the bar of God and face Christ who shall determine who has taken upon themselves His name and applied His atonement to be clean and be able to resurrect to life or shame and contempt vs. 2.

I see Trump not as the mirror of Adam or referred to as he who fights the dragon - but as Jehu who fights the family of Ahaz. Trump is a warrior like Jehu. Brash and bold. Trump is not my ideal of someone who lives the gospel humbly and submissively and righteously obeying the commandments and covenants. I see Trump as buying us time to repent and get our act of learning who God is and our relationship to Him through His Son Jesus Christ. The tribulations are coming and won't be pretty.

Isaiah is clear Ch 13 v. 12 - there will be a remnant "like fine gold" left after the destruction - those who are righteous and whom God will preserve unto Himself through the tribulation (ch 24 of Isaiah) to remain to welcome in the millennium of peace for 1000 years. Isaiah does do mirrors in time. Where the USA represents Egypt as a key to us.

Don't forget 2 Esdra Ch. 11 and 12 - the prophecy of the 3 headed eagle (USA) and feathers where Trump is seen as not finishing his term followed by 3 presidents with shorter terms not finished and the chaos that follows.

There are Temples on the earth now who offer sacrifice - they may yet see their operations shut down when the tribulations begin thereby fulfilling the Daniel prophecy in our day (that we do not see in 70 ad) to reopen after a 3.5 year time period then welcoming His appearance in Jerusalem at the end of the 2nd 3.5 years as the two prophets hold off the invading army of 200 million.

That is how I see these scriptures and happenings.

Just some thoughts to consider

akilyoung ago

The mirror is that this all took place from 66-73ad. That was the Jewish rebellion, aka, the 7 year tribulation. Midway through the temple was destroyed. Jesus was the last sacrifice, his death put an end to the old covenant, thus we had the new covenant or testament. That is about to end as the king and the sons of God reveal themselves, soon i am guessing. The millennium Is not a literal 1000 years, it's just along time according to strongs. That's been the past 2000ish years. The dragon/satan is Is Ra El. SAVED FOR LAST.

PaddleFlinger ago

So - the references of the lamb and lion laying down together were accomplished in the last 2000 years? I really don't see that either - there doesn't seem to have been any long period of peace and establishment of zion where those who live are of one heart and one mind to be obedient and seek after righteousness. When and where did that occur?

During the Millennium, there will be no war. People will live in peace and harmony together. Things that have been used for war will be turned to useful purposes. “They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” Isaiah 2:4; see also Isaiah 11:6–7, Crops and housing during time of peace as well see Isaiah 65:21

Isaiah 11:1–9 (wolf and lamb to dwell together) Revelation 20:1–3; 1 Nephi 22:26 (Satan to be bound) Daniel 7:27 (Saints to be given the kingdom) Zechariah 14:4–9; 1 Nephi 22:24–25 (Jesus to reign on earth) D&C 88:87–110 (conditions during the Millennium) D&C 101:22–31 (enmity to cease; no death; Satan to have no power to tempt) D&C 43:31; Revelation 20:7–10 (Satan loosed for a little season)

The whole chapter from a Gospel Principles manual offers a good review of what the millennium is about if you wished to review it in total -

We shall hopefully see eye to eye as He desires we see. God Bless.

Acemagedon ago

Great post! Notice [P] [R] [A] [Y] in #128 intersects with find the Keystone. Find Jesus my friends because he is the Keystone and always has been since the very beginning. Jesus is the LORD.