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19681193? ago

Hmmm...who's prophecy is this? The anon who contacted you? Or from another. Need more sauce.

19681449? ago

No, that anon contact me in another one of my threads comment section. Wasnt his prophecy, but he thought i might bring interesting perspective on it based on my other threads i linked to him in that same comment section. I think anons at 8ch might have struggled grasping the whole thing. So I took a stab. Link to thread with our discussion and sauces in the comment section here:

Again, bear in mind the date. Pre Q. So it is interesting what was said, imo.

I went into it blind, probably with a bias towards it being BS... Im leaning the other way after reading it!

19683523? ago

Interesting take...seems to line up. I see a couple of other interpretations, not hugely different.

19683680? ago

Post em'

19683777? ago

Maybe later... gotta get to work.

19688597? ago

No worries. Thanks for considering