19693628? ago

There are a lot of prophets and dreamers lately--and they contradict each other. God's house is a house or order. By what authority can a person prophesy in the Lord's name and be a true prophet? What is the measure of truth? It can't be the Bible alone, because each denomination interprets it differently. How did Moses get his authority, before the Bible was written? Expand your thinking.

19697545? ago

I agree, totally.

I am the OP and know nothing about who wrote this. Nothing of the persons beliefs. Nothing.

I simply gave a personal perspective on what was written in 2016 by this person.

That said, to answer your question, Moses gained his authority in several ways combined.

He was raised in the highest mystery schools Egypt had to offer for royalty.

He knew all the secrets of the universe that they happened to know about at the time, which could have been quite a bit. They may have still had knowledge from the pre=flood era, atlantis, etc.

He likely knew a lot about spirituality, chakras, pineal gland, etc.

Moses 'raised the serpent' or was able to affect reality by harnessing the power of the chakras and 3rd eye.

The Hebrews followed him because he was and Egyptian royal on their side. A good shepard.

And they followed him because he was WISE.

Moses marked the transition from one age to another. From Taurus to Aries. The Hebrews fell back into the old age of ways by crafting a golden bull calf and worshiping it.

The ones that call themselves Jews, but are not. The ones of the synagogue of satan/saturn continue this 'past age worship' to this day. Hence 'moloch'

Soon, Babylon will fall.

19707391? ago

Moses' authority came from speaking to God himself on Sinai. Moses passed that authority on to Joshua by the laying on of hands. (Hebrews 5:4.) That's how God's authority gets passed down. If God didn't appear to the prophet, or if the prophet did not receive authority by the laying on of hands from his predecessor, then he lacks the authority to speak in God's name.

Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek, Moses, Elijah, and others had God's authority. John the Baptist had it, which is we even the Son of God went to him for baptism. God respects the authority he has conferred to mortals. Jesus, in turn, conferred that authority to the twelve apostles. When they were taken from the world, that authority was gone. It has been restored again, but you have to search for it. Who did God appear to and to whom did he confer his authority? Time to dig.

19709703? ago

Potus opened the door of all doors, as Q+, gave anons Authority as the 144k, the foundation of the new jerusalem, the symbolic crystal clear cube replacing the old guards black cube.

Potus hinted twice that i know of using 144. Once as the 144k immigrants, the other in a tweet yesterday iir.

19686314? ago

So much prophecy is starting to happen more quickly and I think it will get more so, like the Bible said, as birth pangs. I never thought I would see these religions come together, but wow, you can see it clear as day. The Christian church is so watered down with mixed beliefs--pastors afraid to take a stand between the world and God's will. I think these "soft" Christian churches will welcome in Islamic doctrines as well as the homosexual agenda (already does), but I don't see the Jewish thing yet. Many Jews are secular and don't practice much of Judaism, but generally Orthodox Jews I don't think will join in because they are pretty firm in what they stand for (which isn't Christian, of course). I do my Bible study with groups and study online and podcasts and learn more than I ever really learned in church. I do believe in Jesus as my saviour, but I don't believe in most of the doctrines and I am astounded by where Christian churches have gone and how weak they have become. I personally don't see how God can stand the killing of babies and the pedophilia, all the crap that is going on. He has so much mercy. I would have already sent down a big lightning bolt to burn it all down.

19687631? ago

As for both pangs, that was fulfilled 9/23/17 right before Q hit the scene.

And the jews are increasingly becoming jesus believers. Can't remember what they call themselves atm... think Jonathan Cahn

19684372? ago

They're trying to force God's hand.

When they do that, everyday beings like us get affectedly very badly as well. We're all connected. And we're all connected to God.

19683270? ago

Your efforts are appreciated but this leads nowhere.

19683394? ago

No worries

19682729? ago

What a giant load of bullshit.

19682421? ago

Anyone who talks like a prophecy is a fucking cunt poser.

19682330? ago

A lot of this I can say is just biblical Interpretation and there is one thing that really stuck me as false.

[Judaism, Christianity and Islam will unite against the cabal] Nope this is the basis of the Antichrists one world religion, each of these religions holy cities lie upon seven hills. They all are in their own way a part of mystery Babylon all have roots and traditions/beliefs that originate from pre-Babylonian Mesopotamia.

Judaism has replaced Gods law with mans around the time of Jesus a lot of their Talmud was authored in Babylon.

Mainstream Christianity has not been pure for thousands of years false doctrine was creeping in long before they changed the laws and the times.

Now as for Islam if you go back to the time of Mohammad you see Allah what the chief god of 360 other gods, if you cross-reference with the amount of the watchers in the book of Enoch it becomes clear who Allah is and the other gods as well. This along with the fact the bibles message and the quron are opposite should tell you much.

There are some gems in there, but there is something that are misunderstood as well

19683528? ago

My take is that when the "event" occurs, it will be so miraculous and shared, that all people will have a profound new view on humankind. It makes me think of times of great stress and pressure, where I've felt relieved when the final outcome was revealed, whether good or bad. It is a feeling that "all will be safe or ok"...Just my take, but we are all bequeathed the gift of free will to think for ourselves, ultimately...

19683993? ago

Not sure if I understand what you're trying to say ! My comment was regarding the Antichrists one world religion the wording of some of what you said makes me very cautious like [miraculous and shared] to some who will be deceived it may seem that way and [final outcome] is awfully close to final solution that the Antichrist may use to make war upon those keeping Gods commandments, those who are speaking out about him.

19684186? ago

What I meant is that all people are born with free will...I believe the event to be "the great awakening" meaning that we will see, specifically, the evil we have been placed up against, knowingly or not, and we will eradicate the evil, and truly learn to sow love and not hate...It's always harder to do the right thing, and temptation is Lucifer's tool. I believe we will come to a time, or event per say, which will cause us all to realize that the hard work of being righteous is everyone's best option. At that point, famine for those wishing to sell evil...Cyclical progress from my belief...The harder we stand against evil, and do so together, that much harder is the path of the wicked...

19684558? ago

Thanks for clearing that up ... this is why you try to stay on topic and within context :P

There will be many who will stand up against evil I hope to be one, but our salvation ultimately comes from our lord not from a man.

19685048? ago

All good...

19683183? ago

Op here, I actually agree! This is just what came to mind was the abraham religion's.

Do u have another idea? Id add it in..

19683514? ago

[2 witnesses, Old and New Covenant, two lampstands, two olive trees (many branches, fruitful)] not two side of the brain, old and new testament, and not just two individuals.

Keep your eyes open test the message of these with the word it is about to get very interesting, but beware false prophets also coming.

I have a lot of insight but you need to ask the right questions to get the answer you want.

19683730? ago

I figured by keeping some of it simple, people who dug in would find the rest on their own. Make it a bit more organic :)

19681302? ago

What is this crap?

19681193? ago

Hmmm...who's prophecy is this? The anon who contacted you? Or from another. Need more sauce.

19681449? ago

No, that anon contact me in another one of my threads comment section. Wasnt his prophecy, but he thought i might bring interesting perspective on it based on my other threads i linked to him in that same comment section. I think anons at 8ch might have struggled grasping the whole thing. So I took a stab. Link to thread with our discussion and sauces in the comment section here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3297927

Again, bear in mind the date. Pre Q. So it is interesting what was said, imo.

I went into it blind, probably with a bias towards it being BS... Im leaning the other way after reading it!

19683523? ago

Interesting take...seems to line up. I see a couple of other interpretations, not hugely different.

19683680? ago

Post em'

19683777? ago

Maybe later... gotta get to work.

19688597? ago

No worries. Thanks for considering

19680975? ago

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19680935? ago

Knowing this is from 2016, long before Q, this seems to be moving RIGHT along...

19681427? ago

I love reading this stuff, I know in my heart that I was born for this (end/beginning/abolishing) )time, just not sure my exact role as of yet but slowly God is pointing me where I'm supposed to be. Thanks for writing this

19684020? ago

It might be as simple as being guides to the lost once their blinders fall off. 1 person or a hundred thousand, it's the same in the end.

19681477? ago

Absolutely! Again it was at the request of another anon.

I made a promise. I kept it too. XD

We are here to witness, with our 2 eyes....