19147491? ago

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19001818? ago

Pet Goat is about the destruction of a brain through MK Ultra/Monarch mind control. It''s the same person throughout the video travelling through a brain. At the end of the video your at the person's eye.

19001431? ago

So the crown of thorns represented the enslavement of our consciousness?

19001719? ago

Yup. Blocking of the pineal, the third eye. The eye to the spiritual. Huge topic. Jesus on the cross, crown of thorns, my God why have you forsaken me? He had to become human to die for sins. He felt abandoned. In reverse, the crown of light is a Corona

19001330? ago

Hmm...so maybe the return of Jesus as described in the Bible is real just not in the form people were expecting - it's the return of awakened consciousness.

19001720? ago


19004090? ago


19007842? ago

'paradise restored' .... the return to Eden. We were never banished, we CHOSE to be spiritually blinded... soon we will see the LIGHT.

19000540? ago


That movie was written for me.

There is so much I could tell you.

But you won't have long to wait.

It is happening. And yes you're right.

It is Jesus, not the Antichrist.

19017548? ago

I also feel that movie was written for me, too. As the years have gone on, it has made MUCH more sense. As a matter of fact, I am confident enough in the great awakening, that I understand at least 98% of the video at this point.

19000803? ago

I know. It's soon. Very soon. 1 month exactly.

18999756? ago

Got a link for that vid?

19000827? ago

Search YouTube. Look up Heliophant

19010372? ago

Got it. Ta

19000350? ago


Just a few things on rewatch

-2. goat with bar code stamped head in a virtual prison -1. S(atan?) plays marionette to bush 0. bush is dunce in classroom (map with gulf, okc, nyc, new orleans pins) 0a. girl with apple in classroom (everyone else is mush), drops apple, it splits and flower arises from seed. bush is surprised. 1. bush magically turns into obama (lols and smiles) 2. when they pan out from the school scene, Psalm 23 is graffiti ('the lord is my shepherd'), and then half of a tattered American flag flies off (i.e. God and Country are obscenity and forgotten) 3. this pans further out to the twin towers burning within a frozen land 4. some kind of tragic figure (drama mask) swan dives into the ocean 5. jesus anubis ride 6. cia-osama under the red crescent moon 7. star of david under lady liberty, torch falls 8. embryo, egg, snake, television 9. jesus on the anubis ride once again 10. jesus third eye prominent 11. evil banker dude takes over the tv on the snake (upside down pyramid chin, gold earing), pans to egg child with head broken open. pills and needles surround, then market info rolls past his eyes (market plunges) 12. stealth bombers (looking like mason square and compass) fly overhead, and bomb a mosque... crows (?) fly away 13. butterfly lands on jesus 14. drama dude dances 15. wailing mother crying about dying, bloodied son, holds ink (?) in hand...bomb (nuke?) explodes in the distance 16. beetle crawls on bloodied son (eye is discolored) 17. pan to boy in underpants with skull and crossbones tattoo and younger boy with gun and red eyes... boy undoes ribbon 18. flower goes down green water stream 19. spanish-speaking (venezuelan?) communist (hammer and sickle in hands and juanita tattoo) drowns in green water as flower hits after waterfall 20. angry tanks roll to person with white flag 21. girl with tiger on back of jacket waves flag 22. skeletal hand reaches out and grabs girl 23. girl turns around, has heart and nuclear symbol tattoos on face 24. pan to skeleton man, top hat, fireworks in background, blows party favor (inside of a much larger skeleton??) 25. girl looks down in sadness 26. jesus on a boat! 27. evil banker dude on tv yells at humpty dumpty boy (boy sad!) 28. jesus on a boat moving at rapid speed from space, blows fire, shows up in a cave with an egg light 29. jesus now on fire on boat with halo (?) 30. cave starts to collapse 31. shiva dances 32. fish jump in jesus' boat 33. light starts to enter the cave 34. a lighthouse is shone upon with a hand. the lighthouse has a cross at the top and a heart light on the side 35. old lady is locked in the lighthouse (?) 36. she is topless and pretty droopy, waves a stick (she's a witch?), and cowers as the light comes into the lighthouse (tower??) 37. she's been there for a while, is counting something, and has period stains on her drawers 38. back to jesus on the boat, leaving the cave which is collapsing and light is starting to pour in 39. shiva dances 40. businessmen clouds lined up, and jesus blows into the room and blows them all away 41. snake-banker-tv gets out of dodge, and humpty stands on his own two feet 42. skeleton man appears to be conducting something with two sticks 43. brown boy with long sleeved robe flies into the sky under the moon at the acropolis of a city (?) where the mosque once was 44. dancing drama dude now hanging by shiva's fire (no shiva seen), with new frog (?) mask, then changes to bear mask, clearly has star in the middle of him, then changes to bird (crow?) mask, then no (?) mask 45. light shines, scene shifts to devil face looking up at...sun? no wait, that's a sculpture gargoyle? 46. jesus boat exist the cave, flowers bloom in the water, sun rising in the distance, jesus eyes open (with consciousness?) 47. notre dame in the background...jesus crown of thorns disappears...notre dame collapses 48. sun shines 49. shooting star destroys pyramid 50. credits

19017781? ago

A few corrections about your post. You are correct on a lot of what you saw, however:

  • The crying Muslim mother with dying child is holding a bottle of anointing OIL (Christos). The child with black eye is implying that he was killed by [THEM], and the wars (as played out) are all from [THEM]. The Muslims are victims in this tragic. Which is why they are fighting western culture. They associate [THEM] with all of ]US[ because they are just as brainwashed as the world is.

-The scene that starts immediately after 3:22 are not boys. Its a tribal couple, the one with the ribbon is a woman, pregnant and bare breasted. They are under MK Ultra mind control, the ribbon insinuating that they are providing babies either for [THEM] as a gift, (haiti?) or to create more MK warriors.

-The egg head boy represents those still under the mind control of media, and meds. His mind is broken, and spirit too. He starts to resist, the 'snake / cabal' gets frightened and bolts off, leaving the boy CLEAR minded to see what is soon coming. The egg boy was all of us at one point.

-The 'egg light' at the entrance of the cave is the PINEAL GLAND. As soon as the Christ enters the cave of the mind, the SHEEP FISH jump in the boat, giving power to the collective Christ consciousness. Yes, those are actually called sheep fish... they represent us in the great awakening.

-The cave is symbolic of the sign of Jonah, Jesus said at his return, no sign would be given except the sign of jonah.

-The LIGHT hand of God exposes the church as the whore of Babylon (represented in the video as an ice man lying on his back, penis erect, with a prostitute inside the head) symbolically part of DECLAS I am guessing.

-Right after the egg head resists the serpent, the christ is shown breaking through dimensions, and blows the fire of the holy spirit.

-The business men lined up are in a military legion formation. They are the warriors and perpetrators of the power of the cabal. They represent money, power, greed, economy. The collective christ destroys the OLD GUARD.

-Skeleton man is 322. Skull and bones dressed in top hat, eye patch, cape. The controllers conducting behind the scenes. Despite the great awakening, they still somehow have SOME power behind the scenes. For now. Not long.

-The boy being resurrected is the boy who was dead in his mothers arms. Hes was made purified, dressed in fine white linen. See Revelation. Rising under the full moon. Moon represents the 'bride of christ', which links to the ancient Hebrew wedding ceremony, which is a representation of how the coming of christ will be.

-Frog mask = KEK, Bear mask = RUSSIA

-'Star of david (saturn/satan) under the surface of water of lady liberty represents the cabal secretly in control of the USA, the DS.

-At the end, as soon as Jesus leaves the cave / the sign of Jonah / age of pisces, the sun is pulsating (The Event) the crown of thorns is removes and christ becomes CONSCIOUS, pineal fully activates and immediately Notre Dame spire / building is destroyed. The SUN /LIGHT knocks out the tops of the pyramids / takes out the heads of the control structure and everything beneath collapses. We enter a new age of enlightenment or the golden age.

19007919? ago

Dont have time to read your whole post, but you are the FIRST one other than myself to get the first scene as being a VIRTUAL prison. The goats are hypnotized and the prison isnt real. No guards, just brainwashed into prison, the only guard and dog being a drawing on the box. The barcode on forehead (mark of the beast) is in juxtaposition to the end when the Christ figure has the mark of God activated on his forehead...

19001247? ago

Cathedral collapses during 6:14 time stamp. Mirror 4:16. April 15-16 (4/15 - 4-16) is when Notre Dame Burned.

Pyramid is hit at 6:33

Lady Liberty looses and arm at 2:33 Mosque or Dome of the Rock hit at 3:06 collapses by 3:11 mirror 6/03 - 11/3. Bankers? Destroyed at 5:06 - 5:07. mirror 6/05 - 7/05

18999268? ago

My birthday is 322... duh duh duh!

18999811? ago

Year 2000?

18999315? ago
