unbelievableqanon ago

I don't see it like you do. I do think Trump is sent from God. Just that verse is Jesus. My take.

akilyoung ago

Let me be clear, im not being Dogmatic about it. I was speculating.

Adarcer ago

The "Lion of Judah" is Jesus. Tho I do not refute that Jesus or God himself is working thro DJT . He is not Jesus or the Messiah do not go down that route. DJT is a Great Man in my book ... but just a Man !

unbelievableqanon ago

Totally agree with you.

akilyoung ago

I've been taught that my entire life. But it doesn't mean it's accurate.

What makes jesus the lion of judah. Was he FROM our related to the Judes?

Adarcer ago

Quick bloodline to give you a few points of reference Adam, Shem, Abraham, King David, Mary. I know what many people think how can Jesus be a Jew or even of the line of Abraham and Judah when he did not have a Jewish father. This question is one I had so I decided to research it quite a while back. The answer is simple the Jewish family unit was a shared responsibility with both the male and female being equal partners with equal rights (which was not the norm of that age, and the total antithesis of Islam contrary to what they would have you believe). Unlike most cultures in the world the bloodline is past thro the mother not the father ... which actually makes allot of sense when I first found out after all the women carries the baby for 9 months.


A small aside the tribe of Judah was not always the "leaders" before Judah became leaders they were lead by Judges many who were Prophets. All leaders or Judges were anointed I believe either thro the holy spirit or anointing oil.

unbelievableqanon ago

Interesting fact is Trumps mom's name was Elizabeth Christ. All things Trump seem interesting.

meek_follower ago

Were did Judah migrate to???

Can you please provide some reference for this? Who exactly are you referring to

akilyoung ago

The tribe of judah migrated and became the Scots

Dsciexterminationist ago

Hey man, I don't know what the deleted comments are, but don't be discouraged, white Israelite roots isn't a common idea around here, glad to see it brought up

meek_follower ago

You sure about that? My research suggests it was Templar Knights that scattered. Some did go to Scotland where many believe started the Scottish Rite and Free Masonry. I have never heard any of the Jews from the Tribe of Judah went to Scotland between 641 and 609 BCE. Templars did not exist until well after the 10th century. Where did you get the information that makes you think Joshua's people trekked it up to Scotland

akilyoung ago

It was easy before that. Post the destruction of Jerusalem.

meek_follower ago

I have never read Revelation except in glancing page flips. I always got the impression revelation was another forbidden fruit you might consider passing on if you are a well intentioned follower of God. Seemed obvious to me. I stopped reading when I got to the last book in a few protest bibles and picked up a Tanakh and re read the 5 book's of Moses and some other stuff you might find interesting. Then I moved into the Nag Hammadi and gnostic texts of antiquity, DSS, Book of Daniel, The Koran International Translation and if your adventurous - give the Cepher a try. I am still not really that interested in what Revelation reveals - I prefer to maintain my own council and speculate at my own peril.

FatherDadDude ago

One of the best things about the bible is you can read anything into anything. There's no doubt at all DJT fits into the scheme of things, but is he truly represented in the bible? You can say the seven Trump[ets] would be a closer fit. Remember they didn't have words to describe things that haven't been even thought of yet. This is why this board is open, to discuss items relating to Q and DJT. So let's discuss!

Remember in the book of Daniel (love that name btw) God said he would return, but at a time not even known to the even the person. That tells me the person that he chose doesn't even know he has been chosen. Imagine that!! One person in this world right now could be God himself or even Jesus reincarnated!! Doesn't that blow your mind!?! Is DJT the one? I don't think so, I think he is paving the way for our Lord to return. We ain't seen nothing yet.

Heavenly Father, you created us, gave us life now we can ask you what do you will of us? You have a legion growing under your feet, simply direct us to do your work. Q team will need everything available, please provide them with the armor of your Love and Protection. Guide them kindly Father, this is our prayer to you. As with everything, we ask this in your name Father, Amen. Remember don't bash others.

akilyoung ago

Well said. Remember, Christ simply means annointed. Potus certainly is!

jesus_is_lord ago

Rev 5:9  And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

GranimalSnake ago

Well that certainly sounds more like Jesus.