19655841? ago

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19254912? ago

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19190192? ago

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19174290? ago


s   c   o   t   t   (77)    +   f   r   e   e   (34)    =   111
19  3   15  20  20              6   18  5   5


Pleiadian guidance, Operation Mjolnir, 7 sisters, Messier 45, etc...

Title = (50 letters, 9 words)

Body of post = 102 words. 102 + 9 =



Prepare for 'The Event' ! The choice is and has always been YOURS!

Reverse Ordinal 777

Title = (50 letters, 12 words)

Body of post = 1211 words. 1211 + 12 =



CNN Says you cant investigate C_A because they operate in their own world. (Thats Excactly the problem!! May JFK's vision be done)

English Ordinal 1223

Title = (102 letters, 23 words)

July 4th 2019

THE Return of the King

Return to THE LIGHT

(556)   (223)   (556)   (223)
7       7       7       7

1223 - (556 * 2) = 111

1223 - (223 * 2) = 777

1223 - (556 + 223) = 444

Do I win a prize?

19176160? ago

You definitely get a chicken dinner when the dust settles...

19484060? ago

There is a community of Christians/Catholics on YouTube who have been receiving prophetic dreams and visions regarding the rapture/harvest.

Genevieve Brazel (who I believe lives in Australia) claims she heard a voice while fully awake at 7:24 PM, Thursday, June 27th:

A Kingsman redeemer is coming to get you on the seventeenth of July

While I was researching this, at either 2:25 or 2:26 PM on Sunday, June 30th, 2019, I saw a bright flash of light in my living room. I had no idea what it was. I actually wondered if The Event was about to happen. I looked out the window to investigate, but I couldn't understand why I perceived that bright flash of light.

Let's lookup those numbers in Strong's Greek Lexicon:

G225: ἀλήθεια - alētheia

I. objectively

A. what is true in any matter under consideration

i.  truly, in truth, according to truth

ii. of a truth, in reality, in fact, certainly

G226: ἀληθεύω - alētheuō

I. to speak or tell the truth

A. to teach the truth

B. to profess the truth

Was this a sign that the material I was researching was in fact true?

Here are some relevant tools and sources of information:

Greek word for "Jesus"


Ι   Iota    10
η   Eta     8
σ   Sigma   200
ο   Omicron 70
υ   Upsilon 400
σ   Sigma   200

Equals 888

Her message

A Kingsman redeemer is coming to get you on the seventeenth of July

(55 letters, 13 words)

667     262     818     278
1       1       8       8

What is 667 in Strong's Greek Lexicon?

G667: ἀποφέρω - apopherō

I. to carry off or bring away

"Kingsman" itself adds up to 88. As we know, 888 represents Jesus, and in Christian theology, Jesus is sometimes referred to as a Redeemer.

The first 5 decimal digits of pi are 14159, the 1667th prime number. The first occurrence of 1667 in pi is preceded by the three digits 555. Remember that there were 55 letters in the sentence. The second gematria value is 262. The 262nd prime number is 1667.

Chinese national, Zu Chongzhi used a 24,576 sided polygon to estimate π as being between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927. Zu proposed a fractional estimate of 355/113 which has become known as Zu's Ratio. It is now known that this is the most accurate fractional approximation of π possible using a denominator less than 16,604.

  • 24,576 = 110000000000000 in binary (13 zeroes)
  • The totient of 24,576 = 8,192 = 213
  • 8,192 = 10000000000000 in binary (13 zeroes)

All of these 13's match the 13 words of her message.

The number e is 2.7182818... The last two gematria values of her message are 278 and 818... 278818...

That looks awfully familiar to 2 . 7 1 8 2 8 1 8...

Pi and e relate to each other through Euler's identity:

e + 1 = 0

This entire discussion revolves (pun intended) around the concept of the circle, AKA cycle. Is this telling us that we have come full circle, have completed the 75,000 year 3rd density cycle, as we move into the New Age of Enlightenment?

This is all I have for now. I just thought this was interesting. Due to the undeniable mathematical connections, we can rule out the possibility that she is a schizophrenic hallucinating random words. This message was crafted intelligently. The possibilities are:

  • She is a deceiver trying to lead people astray. This is unlikely as she appears very genuine, and is apparently completely unaware of the mathematical connections which exist within her message. I am the one who found this.

  • She is being deceived by a negative group.

  • She is being given divine truth!

19488951? ago

You copy pasted this into ny old post too?

19174274? ago

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18889868? ago

An angel is just one of the Elohim. Best to stick to the body of revealed truth before speculating about the body of unrevealed truth. For those interested in learning more about truth, read Dr. Michael Heiser's The Unseen Realm.

18889324? ago

History is a lie.

18889339? ago

VERY true. But, man, I REALLY want to know the truth!

18888580? ago

There's rumors out there that Melania is/may be Pleiadian.

18889150? ago

I've wondered myself

18888192? ago

I wonder if OP knows that there aren't really "7 sisters"? There is a whole cluster of stars, about 1,500 of them. Most people can see 7 of them. Some people can see only 5 or 6. Some people can see more than 7. In other words, the 7 is irrelevant.

The radius of the Pleiades is 8 light years, not 17. The latest estimate for their distance is 445.5, as of a few months ago.

So the whole coincidence thing falls apart when actually checked.

18889161? ago

Your numbers are wrong according to my fact checks. SEARCH FOR YOURSELF

18913092? ago

My numbers are actually correct. Try again.

18915800? ago

Better report it to Google

18919240? ago

If you're using Google, you're failing in a number of ways.

18888057? ago

OP what is this from? Sounds too out there for me but those could be some interesting coincidences.

18889166? ago

A cursory search yields results

18887899? ago

few years back i would have called you nut job. but not anymore. at this point anything is possible. Q has said many times over and over again. Truth is so fucking scary that most ppl can't even handle it. So ya that's a possibility since space force, japan usa space coalition. it's a big fucking deal. top of that ufo sightings being talked openly.

18890590? ago

Up until about a year ago, I would've said "awesome! Aliens on the way!" . But these days, I'm more willing to bet that things such as 'project Bluebeam' are more real compared to any grey-aliens or space-elves.

It seems there has been lots of recycled stories from over a year ago. Just recently there was 'the EVENT is about to happen' and also R, which is totally fake, https://voat.co/v/QRV/3238768 , especially if you consider that OP replied to himself about R, and then there is Qpost 1697 . And just now the Q clock also made a reappearance. There was also a new-age spiritualism channeling story as well. I'd say these are all fake.

Anyone is totally free to chase this rabbit hole if they want, for its entertainment value if nothing else. Some of these stories are quite well done, the production value and animation are good. Almost like a typical hollyweird sci-fi movie, lots of space battleships with explosions and pew pew lazers.

Please keep in mind: Disinfo is real, disinfo is necessary. Project Bluebeam is probably more real instead of these Pleiadian space-elf aliens.

18889180? ago


18888089? ago

I have the same opinions as you. While I don’t have a strong foundation of what an Alien is and question the Pleiadian myth, I do have a strong feeling that Trump and Q are not “normal” human beings operating on the same timeline as us.

18887853? ago

Exactly. All these people think they are awake and all they do is blame liberals, preach divisive nonsense, and refuse to acknowledge anything Tesla or ET related because it may scare off the normies.....

18887835? ago

No coincidence. The sleep time is over.. Wake up time.

FACT: 1952 Washington saucer flyovers.

You'd be deemed 'delusional and mentally unstable' - IF YOU COULD DENY the facts here..

10's of thousands of witnesses. B&W and color photos and VIDEO. Front page news across America. Radar tracks. Pilot confirmations and interceptions.

Flat earthers/ shills among us: "Swamp gas"

18889191? ago

Also, the battle of LA

18889051? ago

The 1952 Washington flyovers were the German Breakaway group demonstrating "their might/capability" after Adml Byrd went down to Antartica under Operation High Jump and got his ass handed to him. This along with Operation Paperclip built up the Cabal Military Industrial Complex with a bunch of left over Nazis.

18887691? ago

Define internal strife:

@crensch has been bought.

He sucked up to Srayzie and tricked her by saying zyklon_b was the problem. He took advantage of her situation and acted as a white knight so he could be the owner of GA. Crensch posted here and in other subs using alts to stir shut up enough that other goats would join in and he could focus on the vulnerable Srayzie. He provided Neon with inside information which led to that hit piece.he carefully crafted this!

Crensch is having financial problems and needed help. He got it. But like an deal with devil he needed to sell out his beliefs but ended up with a huge community. GA isn’t his only target! He was paid to do so much more.

Watch the drama unfold.

When KevDude admits Q was right, there is something to say about his old friend switching sides.

18887903? ago

shut up whiney bitch

18888223? ago

White nigger