19147490? ago

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19038667? ago

this post doesnt deserve the downvoats.

19039662? ago


19036880? ago

God and q are both larps

19035873? ago

I can certainly understand the confusion when people look to the Jesus, they are told that exists. It’s always been a battle zone. The war of the denominations and who is the most doctrinally correct. The Baptists were sure they were the only ones who had religion and God right, everyone else was wrong. The Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics, Pentecostals, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Messianic temples and everyone else were and are the same. With over 27,000 different sects and branches of religion today, exactly which one has it all right?

None of them!

We have a different branch and different denomination for every disagreement imaginable over theology. If religion is man's attempt to find God, theology is the foundation the religion is based on. And that's where the problem is because somewhere God has been replaced by man's attempt to define Him.

Years ago I kept wondering what the real church was. What did the apostles really preach? What were the real beliefs back then compared to what they are now? What exactly was the early church and what did they believe? When you start to search and seek Him for answers the most obvious things will start to stand out to you.

The most glaring is the obvious distinction that there are two different gospels. The one the apostles taught and the one being preached today in the churches. That my friend is why you are confused. It is not Jesus that has changed and you should not be surprised that man has messed up yet again. We have been it for thousands of years.

God’s perfect, holy, glorious law is not the problem. Sinful flesh is the problem. Sin will take you farther than you ever wanted to go. Sin will cost you more than you ever wanted to pay. And sin will keep you longer than you ever intended to stay. Sin will promise you everything but leave you with nothing. Sin will love you for a season and curse you for eternity.

Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt. 16:24-25). Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

19035694? ago

He is closer to you all than you can ever imagine.

super close. Almost like he is here.

19036605? ago

Shit. I think Jesus just sucked my dick.

19036036? ago


He is here. Pull up a chair next to you and speak to Him. He is there in that chair next you you, listening to every word. He is in our midst.

I have experienced spiritual awakening's that cannot be explained by anything in this world. He is here and answers prayer, that I know.

Put on the full armour of God, for we know who our fight is really with.

19036061? ago

Hi, It's me.

Time to come out of the shadows and let the world know.

You're one of the very first. Your Grandchildren will love the story.

God hid me for 50 years. Q woke me up.

19036608? ago

Hey JFK Jr! You doin' a'ight?

19035892? ago

This...except 'He'

19036613? ago

The creator of the Universe has a willy. Deny and burn.

19036042? ago

A penis defines He.

He is definitely a He.

Father of four.

And He greatly loves everyone.

Except those that create Evil.

I'm well aware of my sex.

19038693? ago

god has a penis? hahahahahaha.

19038765? ago

If you stay right where you are, he'll slap you in the face with it.

But you're a bot so no face slap for you.

19039871? ago

But you're a bot so no face slap for you.

thats what a shill would say. shows you have no discernment whatsoever. and a very childish view of divinity where god is a male human-like figure. really funny.

19042860? ago

God really is funny.

Hillarious. Where do you think we get our sense of humor from?

Worldwide a smile is still a smile. Humor is always humor.

Trust me, God's very cool with it.

19043968? ago

heheh, cant disagree^^...

19035360? ago

Some of us already know Jesus and who He is: He is the anti-Jew ~ sent to end Judaism and convert all the Jews that could be saved to Christianity.

The Jews who remain are too evil to see or hear Jesus Christ.

19035554? ago

Yes and no. Jesus was not a Christian, that is an religious invention made AFTER Jesus left.

Remember, Jesus said "Many shall come in MY name, saying that I AM the Christ, follow him not" (paraphrasing)

Jesus wasnt saying others would say they were Jesus, he was saying others would say that Jesus HIMSELF was 'the Christ'. He was saying his point was to destroy organized religion. Jesus told the crowds WE would ALL do greater things than he ever did, if we had faith and believed. He was a first fruit of FREEDOM from the oppression of religion.

'His' coming is actually the 'coming' of the opening of our minds to the TRUTH. The removal of the 'crown of thorns' imprisoning our minds. We shall see CLEARLY. WAKE UP!

19035848? ago


Having a relationship with Jesus Christ is not an invention.

If you had a relationship with Jesus Christ, you would know this.

I will pray for you.

19036628? ago

Fuck you, nigger.

19035902? ago

That is NOT what I said... peel the scales off your eyes.

19035956? ago

I will pray for you.

19035324? ago

The fact that you can’t distinguish between ‘were’ and ‘we’re’. An interesting correlation between education and religion can be seen by you jesusfaggots on here.

19036631? ago

All grammarfags are kikes.

19142142? ago

It’s spelling not grammar. Did you even go to school imbecile? Doubtful.

19035500? ago

Imagine being this triggered by an apostrophe

19039111? ago

Eats, Shoots, and Leaves.

19035302? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=4jK4ysFVA2Q :

The truth behind the Oval Office prayer circle - YouTube

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