19655833? ago

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19567169? ago

I can see this as a fact. Technically, our government is in recess which means it is temporarily not governing us. The optics of overtaking out old government are good too. Maybe no one is allowed back into DC? The script was written long ago and we are watching a movie after all.

19573421? ago

That's an interesting take!

19562618? ago

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19547472? ago

Tanks a lot.

19547898? ago

MIlitary grade

19543962? ago


19547161? ago


19540309? ago

anyone know what time the parade starts?

19540298? ago

Anyone know what TIME the parade starts?

19540174? ago

Will any high-ups be in DC during the 4th or have many of them scattered back to their dens elsewhere?

19539102? ago

will you please all kill yourselves

19539806? ago

Already did.

19538532? ago

The fireworks could be there to cover potential gunshots during arrests. The tanks are there so seeing APC's in DC is not so strange. I think it's arrest day. The symbology is all the way right

19538998? ago

Interesting on the sound cover....

19536873? ago

Great post! thanks for sharing:) WWG1WGA!

19539003? ago

Thank you!

19536833? ago

Mirrors remember mirror the DECLARING OURSELVES FREE ring any bells?

19536000? ago

Nothing will happen because Q is 100% fake

19535426? ago

It is not a coup if the government and its leader is removing traitors from within.

Nice try, trying to reverse the meanings “the military coup we have been a part of” —- trying to rewrite the narrative so the Dems can convince the general public that Trump and military are staging a coup!

19536198? ago

Good point.

19534796? ago

Nothing is going to happen - it never does.

19533879? ago

"https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/03/july-fourth-trump-military-chiefs-1397444". Says some military chiefs are skipping Trump's event July 4th. Yes it is Politico but what does it mean? Some will be busy doing official things?

19533806? ago

"Then theres the fact that he also called up 900 National Guard members to "help with traffic" AND Joint Chiefs will be standing with him during the speech." Proof on both?

19537336? ago


19532937? ago

What makes you think even most of the criminals are in DC? Aren't they on another vaca?

19536215? ago

It was speculation

19532912? ago

We don't have to show off our Military to the public and the world. It is already known how great our Military is.

19532746? ago

You dumb faggot you dont need a M1 Abrams to arrest some crusty old politicians with loads of shit in their pants. Have some fucking common sense for once in your damn life. Did they send an M1 Abrams tank to storm Osqma Bin Ladens compound? What about pablo Escobar's villa?

19532000? ago

I wish...But, you might be correct in your assumption. I am not going to hold my breath, but it does make me smile to think about it.

19531255? ago

There are so many signs that this is in fact going to be a cataclysmic event that its not even debatable. To add to the points you already made :


"Our July 4th Salute to America at the Lincoln Memorial is looking to be really big. It will be the show of a lifetime!" the President wrote.

... But Republican operatives are also handing out tickets to VIPs and donors as well as general admission entry for Trump's speech in the rarified historic air near the Lincoln Memorial where Martin Luther King Jr. orated his "dream."

... Trump has promised a unifying speech to all of the nation

Then theres the fact that he also called up 900 National Guard members to "help with traffic" AND
Joint Chiefs will be standing with him during the speech.

Its happening, folks.

19547269? ago


19532398? ago

Flyovers and Fireworks... FF

19532669? ago

What's the significance of FF?

19536250? ago

False flag event

19533739? ago

Short for False Flag

19532378? ago

The Joint Chiefs momentarily formed around Trump during his inauguration speach. Perhaps this is the half time confirmation show.

19531200? ago

I'm not one for wishing away time, but, damn!!! I'm looking forward to tomorrow!!!

19531065? ago

I just logged on to express the same thoughts. I think tomorrow is bigger than we might realize especially Joe public.

19532411? ago

Awesome, thanks!

19530889? ago

Well do you think all the swamp rats will be in DC. Or possibly vacationing somewhere? They going to keep the tanks and military and just wait for everyone to trickle back to work?

19532434? ago

I wonder if pence tried to escape, and was turned around cause he's being arrested?

19532968? ago

His wife did get a letter at noname funeral.

19536241? ago

Indiana is the central hub to human trafficking in the US..

19531089? ago

Castle lock. White House secure!

19530506? ago

kind of brings me back to one of Q's first posts mentioning most targets are in DC

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans. 4,10,20

19530640? ago

Yup... exactly.

19530488? ago

No, it is not. You all live in a fantasyland.

19530648? ago

Exactly..anyone who follows the clock knew this and has been ready. Eyes on patriot.

19530326? ago

I am not a shill, but I do believe this is just a parade. I do not think this is the way arrests will start happening. The public is not even aware of what all happened yet. As much as I would like to think it is finally going to start, I just don't believe it will be tomorrow. I really think Trump just wants to have some fireworks, and show off our Military to the public and around the world.

19532308? ago

A good parade can draw a lot of eyeballs away from other happenings.

19541444? ago

Now that sounds awesome! Can only Pray!!!

19531826? ago

There could be something to it, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

19541467? ago

Agree. We can only Pray it happens to at least one of them. Think Comey goes down first. :-)

19530813? ago

Yeah, I'm with ya.

19530084? ago

Are pbs.twimg.com links safe? thank u!

19531603? ago

mhm... you can always re-host the image url to magaimg.net. I have to do that bc of a web filter at work.

19529922? ago

The MSM will compare this parade with the parades of Kim Jong Un and previous communist dictators and will talk about Trump signaling his desire to be a dictator. They'll wax eloquently about how they were right in reading the signs.

19532384? ago

Yep - occasionally I don a double VPN cloak and sneak a peak at CommunistNewsNetwork.com - it's filled with TRUMP!TRUMP!TRUMP! hysteria, up to and including exactly what you said. Oooooh, the President wants to celebrate our birthday with a parade! oooooh bad orange man! These fucks are running out of things to say. I am hoping that the NPC's in 'Murica are just getting tired of all the hype and turning the MSM off. Anger and resentment get old after awhile. Methinks the DS and theMSM is overplaying their hand.

19532437? ago

Anderson Coo

Balls deep in poo

-John Elton

19529898? ago

That Marker date of 11/11 was the original parade day... Think Mirror.

Now, I don't personally believe it will be nothing more than a parade, but I want to be a team player.

19529897? ago

You sir are a pure Genius.

Proof that Logic wins wars.

Hidden in plain sight.

God I love this so far!

19529819? ago


19529742? ago

This isn't a "coup", shill. The president isn't overthrowing the rightful government. The president IS the rightful government. This is a return to law and order, nothing else.

19530972? ago

No prohibition on deployment of armed forces to DC, as it’s not US soil (yet).

19529722? ago

What in the fuck is with the gibberish at the end?

19537357? ago

Mental illness

19529697? ago

Aren't members of Congress immune to prosecution only while in session? July 4th they will be out of session on their vacations. Using a parade as cover July 4th would be an excellent time to take over Washington DC and shut down the DS.

19529688? ago

Lol no. Because its not happening. They are laughing at us. Maybe its happening. But still nothing to truly suggest it is. No citizenship question. No border control. Certainly nothing done about the parasitic ape people which would destroy our society on their own given our current treatment of paying them to breed, even if all immigration was stopped tomorrow.

19532453? ago

The Citizenship question is not a done deal yet. Don't believe the MSM. Border control is happening or we wouldn't keep hearing about the numbers being arrested. Mexico is starting to play nice and stopping people at their southern border as well as returning the ones we won't take in. Mexico also has publicly acknowledged that children are being kidnapped and sold as bargaining chips to cross.

19536077? ago

A couple key points: (1) If Border Patrol is arresting approx. 100K illegal invaders each month then 4-5 times more than that are getting in (these estimate numbers are per Border Patrol's own leadership in video interviews), and (2) those approx. 100K captured illegal invaders each month are being released into our streets as soon as the ridiculously short holding time expires, so those approx 100K people per month are merely delayed joining our cities' populations by a few weeks - nothing more.

19529646? ago

What is the source of the Q clock? This seems like totally made up garbage.

19537310? ago

It's untreated schizophrenia

19531060? ago

Q exhorts us to “wind the clock” and a few other clock quotes, making us think the code was related to clocks in some way.

Anons noticed recurring periods in which Q drops lined up with news and hints from POTUS, and made that goofy Qlock to describe such. Q then demonstrated that he speaks “Qlock” by providing a few IRL hints that appeared on the Qlock on schedule. I cannot remember specifics here but it is all in the bread archives.

Since that brief period though, the Qlock has not been especially useful. I think Q’s acknowledgement of it was just a tip of the hat to the creativity of it. Subsequent clock hints from q suggest something to do with angle of hands on wristwatches, and dates on wristwatches, and how those correspond to pictured angles of the pen.

19529406? ago

"Our July 4th Salute to America at the Lincoln Memorial is looking to be really big. It will be the show of a lifetime!" Donald J. Trump 7/3/19 LINCOLN memorial KENNEDY MEMORIAL; JFK deserves a SHOW of BIBLICAL Proportion !! The World deserves a show of Biblical Proportion
The Universe expects a SHOW of BIBLICAL PROPORTION
As the President says ENJOY THE RIDE As Q says ENJOY THE SHOW

19529279? ago

I wish, but won't most of the real criminals (e.g. Congress critters) be out of DC on the 4th?

19530058? ago

Yes, and they won't be allowed back. The illegitimate government will be locked out and replaced with the true constitutional Republic of the United states.

19537377? ago

So a military coup then?

19537817? ago

Nah, just change the locks on their offices and give them pink slips.

19529205? ago

I'm Q all the way. But, I don't think anything but a parade is going to happen with this.

I want to be completely wrong.

19537193? ago

You want a military coup?

19529175? ago


19529126? ago

Ignore the shills: your argument is compelling and has to be taken seriously, and those who dismiss it out of hand are fools. I suppose we’ll all know in another 24 hours or so, be ready patriots...

19529119? ago

Hey here's a thought secret decoder ring fools. Maybe a parade is JUST A PARADE.

19529110? ago

The tanks, planes, etc been brought into place to actually SEIZE DC and forcefully REMOVE those from power who wish us harm?

Ahahahahahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahahha yeah ok keep dreaming

19528932? ago

No, Washington DC is not going to be 'seized' by the Military on the 4th of July.

There's just going to be a bunch of patriots having fun, a little speech by the President and some fireworks.

19537323? ago

You mean POTUS won't be masturbating furiously as the tanks roll by?

19539252? ago

¿oɹB ǝןʇʇıן 'pɐɯ noʎ

19528925? ago

If its not, its sure meant to scare the pants off of the DC residents, and it well should. If not this time, next time will be the real thing.

19528824? ago

We haven't even gotten DECLAS yet, maybe a couple drips...

19528950? ago

DECLAS only means that it's made public. Law enforcement has it all the time. Unredacted. That's what counts.

19529163? ago

Either we are a country of laws or were not.

19528771? ago

only things happening on 4th is beer, bbq, boats and bikinis. Flags and fireworks.

19530586? ago

BBBB. FF. Hmmmm


False Flag.

19529785? ago

the more you spam this the more it's true.

19528722? ago

Washington DC is the 3rd of the 3-city-states that control the world; a.k.a. The Holy Trinity.

These 3 cities are:

Vatican City: Seat of Religious Power

London City: Seat of Financial Power

Washington DC: Seat of Military Power

These 3 cities have been the bastions of power of the DS/Cabal control of the entire planet. They are independent or quasi-independent. In the case of The Vatican it is an independent country. In the case of London City, it has its own government and even the Queen of England has to ask for permission to set foot in the City. Washington DC is neither a state, nor a territory and has its own Constitution.

By mobilizing the US military into the DS/Cabal territory Trump is in fact invading a DS/Cabal nation and can technically annex it and make it an official part of the USA .

What would the DS/Cabal do? Who in the DS/Cabal will "declare war" against Trump for invading a foreign-owned territory like DC? Wouldn't that make the citizens of the US and the residents of DC go, wait, what?

The DS/Cabal's only alternative is to ridicule the notion, as CNN is doing now or try to start a major war or WW3.

The major war, Iran, has been stopped and the WW3 attempt as well. Simon Parkes, an ex Member of Parliament, stated in his website (https://www.simonparkes.org/blog) the following:

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Something's Up!?

Part 1: Putin has called his defence chiefs for an emergency meeting. Pentagon chiefs in meeting. The European Union security council called for an unscheduled meeting. Government planes in and out of the US ordered to hold. Very many websites across the alternative media have been taken down. So far mine is still up. Gold prices making a huge jump. Have no idea what is happening as of this time.

Part 2: In the US Joe Biden's official plane has been redirected... Pence called back to White House urgently... President Putin cancels all engagements - Is to meet defence minister urgently... Explosion on Russian nuclear submarine -14 dead... Trying to find out what’s happening - Official media just now getting hold of it - You heard it here first !!!

Part 3: An attempt to take over and launch nuclear missiles from Russian submarine to start a Third World War. Attack has been defeated. And why all major countries scrambled to action stations... If it were just an accident as it will be claimed by the media gold prices would not have climbed and the worlds military would not have been called into emergency meeting.

Part 4: Russian missiles use a set telemetry. Automatic US defence systems including the secret space radar base I was given a tour of would have launched interceptor missiles and a nuclear strike. That’s why it had to be a Russian sub as any other allied country would not have triggered the automatic defence system which can not easily be countermanded because the defence systems are all geared against Russian incoming...

These entries into Simon Parkes' blog were done before the news came out on the 14 dead Russian soldiers and the Russian submarine "accident".

19536681? ago

Remember Trump said he would announce something in two weeks, two weeks ago.

19532229? ago

And don't forget, the DS arkancided a baseball player whose number was #45, thus filling the news with all sorts of "RIP #45" hits. All this while the POTUS was out of the country in one of the most dangerous regimes in the world. One that we now know was built up and controlled up till recently by the C_A. I have been worried about POTUS for the past 24 hours. As Q says, symbolism will be their downfall.

19530458? ago

Simon Parkes is a shill. Remind me to send you a pdf.

19531580? ago

[waits for pdf but doesn't hold breath cause shill]

19531844? ago

I learned about Simon Parkes through Bill Ryan, another shill whose handler is counter-intelligence agent Richard Doty. There are lots of rabbit holes here. If he's getting inside info (which he may be), it's not because he actually gives a shit at all about you. These people all have handlers.

Two infographics from 8chan on Bill Ryan and his gang before the Simon Parkes pdf, linked below:




You can skip straight to the PDF if you want, but understanding who Bill Ryan is, gives you a lot better insight into what type of clown Parkes is.

19530647? ago


Then how come he had the info on the 14 dead sailors WAY before the media published it?

19531969? ago

Just because he's getting inside information doesn't mean he's your friend or is always telling you the truth. Ben Fulford is the same way, as are a lot of other shills placed into the community just to cause confusion. They all have handlers.




There is an 8chan thread about this shit too: https://8ch.net/pol/res/12197371.html

19532788? ago

The key here is DISCERNMENT.

ALL information from ALL sources needs to be assessed and taken with grains of salt. Both in the Truther Community and the UFO Community there is a lot of accurate information and a lot of disinformation. We can NEVER know the true intentions of anyone in both communities. There are a few White Hats and a few Black Hats, but there are MANY Gray Hats.

The only intentions you can be 100% clear of are your own. I do not take anyone's word as Gospel. Even the Bible cannot be taken as the absolute truth as we do not know the intentions behind those who wrote it and those who CHOSE which books would be in our left out of it.

There are only a few ABSOLUTE Truths and MANY biased Truths.

19533668? ago

No doubt, which is why I posted that info here. These days, anyone with a large following is automatically suspect in my book until/unless I am able to convince myself otherwise.

19529536? ago

I wish I could up-voat this more than once. Great insight, thank you!

19529527? ago

11/11/2018 Trump seemed concerned of the DC mayor's power(tee hee)
Tomorrow is a day the DC mayor's reign ends(may have happened all ready)
July 4th 2019, the UNIVERSE CELEBRATES
Note the fear in unHOLYwood

19531837? ago

July 4 , 2019... 7 +4+2+1+9 = 23 Doesn't 23 mean something in the Q drops?

19535045? ago

23 is the good guys, opposite of 32 (skull and bones)

19535341? ago

Thank you.

19532712? ago

Skull and bones 332...I think

19535369? ago

That's right. Thanks.

19529367? ago


19529041? ago

So true. I've always said this about their 3 city-states. Lawless power centers.

19528751? ago

The 3 entities that appeared as FROGS of Rev???

Anons are the REAL frogs! KEK!

19528716? ago

Two tanks?

19528709? ago

A parade of political officials being dragged to jail by our military...

19529144? ago

This, I like! By their testicles and tits.

19528595? ago

It could well be a distraction by the Alliance to hide something going on elsewhere. Or it could be an opportunity to introduce (cough) JFK jr - if indeed he's alive. (That would certainly make it unforgettable.) I really doubt that it will be "alien disclosure" or even antigravity craft disclosure. That would drive people insane. It could be an announcement of global cooperation by world leaders - but I don't think we are anywhere near that point, yet.

Hey, let your imagination run wild! (I do.)

I hope it's something memorable because, by now, we are all suffering from anticipation fatigue. We know that stuff is habbening behind the scenes but very little is being made public. Anyway, enjoy the fireworks!

19533731? ago

Q explicitly told us that jfk jr is dead, as much as I hate to say it.

19536680? ago

he didn't go by Jr., so 'technically' that persona was not 'alive'. expand your thinking...

19536890? ago

Let's pretend I never said that ;)

19538617? ago


19535623? ago

If JFK Jr. were still alive, there's no way Q would publicly disclose a whopper of a secret like that on a public website before the time is right (for maximum impact later). Anything and everything Q posts is subject to scrutiny, as 80% or more of Q's posts are deliberate disinfo drops to confuse/rattle the enemy.

Maybe you haven't been following Q for very long and aren't aware of this, but that's the case. The vast majority of Q's posts are NOT true, mixed in with some truth sprinkled around, tips on where to connect dots through independent research, and lots of cheerleading "rah rah" statements to boost morale of patriots waiting impatiently for some effing JUSTICE to ever occur and restore power to the people of our country.

19536872? ago

Right, I almost forgot. Hope you're right. I've been following Q since August 2018, and it requires a lot of effort to keep up to date about everything.

19545481? ago

I've been following Q since Nov. 2017 and I did the same thing at first. When Q posted something that seemed like a DIRECT message to we Patriots, I thought, "Oh, this is intended for us, so it must be true." WRONG! "Trust Wray" / "Trust Sessions" / "Mid-terms are safe" / "If Mueller is dirty then RR is dirty & vice versa" / Re: General Flynn being cleared - "Done in 30" (unless that means 30 MONTHS or YEARS) etc. - many messages seemingly intended for Q supporters, but haven't all turned out to be true.

19532648? ago

This is my pipe dream.

19528533? ago

The parade is for optics.... symbolism.

19528509? ago

well, it's as good as any failed Q conjecture: mass arrests, trust Sessions, trust Huber, protect the vote, SCOTUS is secure, after the memo, after the EO kicks in, after GITMO expansion, Nov 3, Nov 11, there won't be any place to hide, eat something-fart something-WWF1WFA

19528507? ago

Well, at last check, it's gonna be a handful of M1s and Bradleys parked for display, because fucking idiots are still bitching about road damage. I dunno...do the Russians and Chinese use better asphalt, because they sure don't seem to have a problem with it.



19530672? ago

i had to push some dirt at a job site w a D8 bull dozer.. a couple of times i had to go on the road/street in the sub division. the 1st few times in the morning when it was still cool it just left little white scrapemarks... by noon when it was hot, it left big chunks pressed/ripped out. needless to say the general contractor was miffed...

19529447? ago

Roads are engineered to fail and need constant replacing.

19529698? ago

Constitution Ave probably needs repaving anyway...

19529731? ago

The Dems want to scrap it.

19528495? ago

An anon posted the following regarding Q post 37, (mirror7/3), which led me to look up Q post 47: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/43a4f86f7263ad20ef8c4000de3899e6631915460a954b1ff902ded75f7f5141.png

Q post 47 reads:

Paint the Picture Anonymous 2 Nov 2017 - 12:08:46 PM You can paint the picture based solely on the questions asked. Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag. Does anyone find it to be a coincidence there is always a terrorist attack when bad news breaks for the D's? What is that called? Military relevant how? BO could not and would not allow the military to destroy ISIS - why? How was ISIS formed? When? How has POTUS made such progress in the short time he's been President? Alice & Wonderland.

19528479? ago

"Could it be..."

It could, but probably not

19528462? ago


19528456? ago

Great thought anon, I hope you are right!

19528437? ago

I'll bet something big is going to happen, I was thinking perhaps the fly over may include disclosure, like an Alien spaceship

19537417? ago

Are you for real? Trump is going to whip out an alien spaceship during the 4 July parade?

QTards are the worst.

19537526? ago

I love you too

19528505? ago

Actually one of the CIA tweets yesterday suggested we have some advanced technology. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3311881

19528431? ago


19528425? ago

Wow, OP, shills are all over your post! Hit a nerve, maybe?

I have learned not to datefag, but what you’ve put together is compelling!!

19529944? ago

Using the word "shill" or saying "hit a nerve" or "over the target" will always get a down vote from me. Enough already. Make a real point. You may as well be a bot.

19528397? ago

More Q double-cross it looks like this but it's really that nonsense.

Not a chance.

19528394? ago

Q is right 10% of the time, when you rationalize Q with crap like this Q is right 20% of the time. What makes you think all the people who need to be arrested are living / visiting DC on the parade day. Did Q ever say "just make shit up" ? If you think about this plan of yours it is super duper silly.

19528539? ago

Arrests are supposed to happen when POTUS is away and we'll insulated. That is not Independence day this year where he is participating in a big show for Independence day, though the big show will be entertaining

19530107? ago

The part about POTUS being away may have been strategic misinformation.

19528326? ago

MY opinion is, no. Entirely the wrong tools to take over the city. At worst it's a distraction for a real op, but I doubt even that.

19540254? ago

These aren't for taking over the city, they're for tunneling in and getting the underground pedovore ritual chambers under the city, an ideal job for tanks.

19530490? ago

Yeah, it has to be secured with hugs and hippyism in the end. Happy ever after, boomer!

19528796? ago

'wrong tools to take over the city'

Historically, tanks are the go-to tool for urban campaigns, offering support platforms for infantry.

19530812? ago

Have we not tried quick-hardening milkshakes? 😝

19537872? ago

we need an army of trash can lids with "Q" printed on the inside (which would face out when used as a shield) for ANTIFA "milkshakes"

19530663? ago

MOUT basics!

19529223? ago

Historically you're talking about armed conflicts, either in invaded states or in foreign ones. Do you really think tanks are the ideal tool for urban warfare in fucking washington dc, on the 4th july? I mean I know you americans love your friendly fire and collateral damage, but that's taking it just a little too far.

In addition, do you really think the deep state has been "omg panic we're so dying and doomed" for well over a year now, but apparently they also have such a substantial force of armoured vehicles in washington that a handful of tanks is the only sane way to take it on? Get real. In reality it would almost all be smaller than or equal to stationary weapons platforms. Maybe some mortars or high yield explosives at worst (none of which tanks are more efficient against than special forces). If you wanted to clear out a city from such forces, you'd use special forces with air cover from above to provide scouting + extraction + suppression + deal with people attempting to flee via air. APCs to transport troops between locations. You really, really don't need tanks

19530947? ago

There won’t be a single shot fired so it doesn’t matter what weapons are paraded in. The point is the visual.

It’s for China, and Russia, and anyone thinking of a coup, and to the ISIS invaders coming in from Mexico, and for American patriots.

19531109? ago

This much I agree with. They're eye candy, they have little to do with actual military functionality.

19531233? ago

That's not to say that the troops and MPs that accompany the tanks have no functionality.

19529667? ago

Historically, I'm talking about Tiananmen Square, Budapest, and Prague.

19531094? ago

I'm tempted to say those are bad examples, because they're different thinks. CBA to look up the budapest one, but both tiananmen and prague were instances of military force being used against unruly civilian populations - this is different. This is more comparable to a civil war scenario, in which case yes, they would and could be useful. Cleansing a nest of rats from a city, however, is very different. There may indeed be some civil unrest among the population if this happened - however, in that instance I'd suggest using the other side of the civilian population who would be excited about it to control them would be the best option. Which looks better, optics wise? A bunch of US military tanks being used while ground forces lay down suppressing fire against rioting civilians, or 2 groups of civilians having a big riot while special forces are used to hunt down major swamp creatures? Imho it's clearly the second, by so far it isn't even a contest.

19531173? ago

You can read back and see I never said Trumps tanks were going to be used, in any way. I was making the point that tanks are indeed fundamental to suppression of civilian uprisings and urban warfare. They are far from outgrowing their usefulness in either of those scenarios.

19528891? ago

Ya becuase historically apcs and the like weren't as specialized as they are now.

Tanks have one reason to be in DC, for the entertainment of the public.

19528954? ago

lol really? ( note: Armor piercing projectiles weren't as specialized as they are now and tanks will always play a role in urban warfare. )

Point out where tanks have been used on the 4th of July parade to 'entertain the public'.

19533934? ago

Not going to reveal my day job, but I can assure you tanks are not the tools to prevent a coup of your capital when you don't have a landlocked threat within 1000 miles.

APCs would be more than sufficient as mini command centers for JSOC teams as well as helicopters, which is how they train anyway.

As for the comment about tanks being superior in urban environments...idk if you are getting your facts from movies like red dawn but tanks generally are considered vastly imcompatinle with major urban environments like washington dc, nyc, etc. That's the entire reason the army has invested and continues to invest so much money in analyzing the implications of being forced to use them in a modern urban city. For further information on the topic look up the Bradley BUSK modification.

19528522? ago

It could be another plan causing drop state to use ammo as well. We will see.

19528936? ago

Could be used either way and the only one that will know for sure is the guy in charge of the parade.

19528314? ago

Lmao. "We" have never been part of a military coup.

19528499? ago

>military takes back america
>Qtards: "we did this"
except the military hasn't actually done anything

19529548? ago

Shills like unHOLYwood have panicked
July 4th looks to be magical
Champagne looks to be in order.

19528142? ago

Tanks in the Washington 4th of July parade seems more of a laser dot for the media kitten.

But it might cover the collection and movement of equipment before and after the parade.

19533985? ago

Or a bright red or bright green Q laser dot?

19533939? ago

Good meme! Now, who can make a moving GIF meme with Trumps smirking face superimposed on the laser-wielder, teasing-up a gaggle of frenetic CNN, MSNBC, NYT kittens to run-ragged chasing a bright-green PEPE the frog laser dot ? ? ?

19537156? ago

There's about to be a military coup and you want to draw cartoons??!!

Grow up man and think about how you can really help.

19532971? ago

I wonder if RBG could do a Michael Dukakis from the tank commander's hatch ?

19529212? ago

Good thought about providing cover for moving other assets.

19529192? ago

You deserve an award. and the award for best 'comment that should be made into a meme' goes to....

I also agree with you. The parade is distraction, coverage, theater.

19528681? ago

Lol... “Laser dot for the Media Kitten”

19535443? ago

Sara Huckabee Sanders pulling out a laser pointer when Jim Acosta starts asking questions....

19531319? ago

hahah yes, that is very visual and clever

19529687? ago

Ha HA! As an owner of many cats and lasers I appreciate this analogy. What a visual....they won't be able to resist!

19528947? ago

Should be fun watching them all dance around like fools.

19528743? ago

Lol, that made me chuckle too once I got the meaning .....someone needs to make a meme of that!