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19522155? ago

In looking at the current "Soft Disclosure" and the feeding of each encounter as "A Threat to our air space and Sovereignty", this is more likely the False Flag to end all False Flags as relayed by Werner Von Braun on his Deathbed. I do not dispute in any way the existence of Non Human species, nor the governments interest in obtaining and reverse engineering the tech. If Aliens wanted this place they could take it at any time, with or without Governments of the world's involvement. Great resources for this can still be found on YouTUbe, Richard Dolan's Disclosure and Dr. Steven Greer's Unacknowledged movie. Couching this in our times and the threat and fear as the Ultimate False Flag, Listen to Fade to Blacks Jimmy Church's interview with Dr. Greer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHJIaN5VzVo&t=1361s. Say what you will about UFO's, Dr. Greer has a long history and a lot of knowledge of USAPS and has briefed Govt officials around the world. Give it a listen. Richard Dolan's Intelligent Disclosure is another YouTube stop to listen. These 2 make very valid points and have a wealth of Knowledge on the subject from the Social economic point of view of Greer and Dolans deep study of False Flags and released Government coverups. When the Lead from Blink 182 jumped into the fray with his "Too The Stars Academy" and close ties to Robert Bigalow ...the anon antenna went up...

19520386? ago

Thanks for the share.

Spaceforce - It's all going to come out.

19520318? ago

The interesting thing about that tweet, is that supposedly, we didn't have that technology back then, and people were crazy. Now, they ridicule, as if they're funny as hell. The gov't tormented witnesses to this shit; followed and threatened people.

19519974? ago

Bullshit, when they started setting off Nukes in the 1949's, Earth suddenly became the centre of attention of many space faring ET species from this and many other dimensions.

Apparently Earth has non-inference directive much like in Star Trek, but setting of nukes releases so much energy in this and other dimensions that it actually affects the ET's navigation of their craft, that it gives them permission to interfere with earth, or shit down nukes.

There is quite a lot of testimony from ex-military regarding strange craft appearing and nukes suddenly being shut down. This would also explain why number of nukes being set off these days is virtually zero.

Apparently this was so concerning for other Extra Terrestrial races that they called for volunteers to come to Earth to help clean up this shit hole, much of it energetically,

Sources can be found on Youtbe by searching for the following: Delores Cannon, Team Light/Unitethecollective, Bashar(Daryl Anka) and ex-Military Nuke UFO Testimony

19522660? ago

Esienhower threatened to invade area 51 when he realized they had lost control to the corporations. They compromised for a tour but were only shown a sliver. Setting off nukes does send a feed back though the cosmic web

19521492? ago

You fucking space idiots are really something else. NASA has fucked your brain so hard you are sitting around watching BASHAR

19520398? ago

I used to work for MUFON and my main research assignment was early 1940s UFO sightings. My focus was on the Kenneth Arnold sighting in 1947. It was the one that really kicked off the modern UFO phenomenon as we know it. This was before Roswell. Here's where things get twisted.

If you read Kenneth Arnold's book, he details much of this. There was MANY strange details around his sighting snd thereafter. Even before he landed at his final destination that day, news had spread that he had saw something in the skies (likely passed on by a layover airport worker who overheard the story, but he must've had connections). Press and a few other people were already waiting for him. He was approached by "men in black" and a science fiction writer to investigate another supposed UFO sighting off of Maury Island (OR/WA). That in itself is a rabbit hole. The two witnesses involved in that sighting had CIA and Atomic Energy Commission connections. The two witnesses basically fucked with Kenneth Arnold and another pilot that went with him (Smith). Two agents from the Army Air Force went out to meet with Arnold and Smith and collected samples of what they had found. The plane that was carrying the two agents back (to somewhere in Cali I believe, iirc) exploded in midair and killed everyone in board. The samples were never found. The plane had been on its way to celebrate founding of a new/seperate branch of the military the next day, the Air Force.

So many other weirs details. Like the whole reason Kenneth Arnold was flying in thr area experienced his sighting was because a C28 (?) plane carrying 32 brand new Marines crashed a few months prior and the military put out a reward for the plane. When it WAS finally found later, three different explanations were given in the state of the remains of the Marines.

I also came across Guy Banister (of JFK assassination fame) investigating UFO reports in the 1940s. Strange stuff.

19524536? ago

Interesting. I haven't heard of this before.

That sort of weird, reflexive government reaction to bury and obsfuscate the truth is revelatory. It is also a hallmark of the cabal and is the reaction that is experienced when truthseekers are over the target.

Can you give more details around what you think may have happened to the plane with the Marines and what was the need to give three different explanations?

19525232? ago

It's been several years since I was researching this but here's what I remember...

Im pretty sure it was a C28 plane carrying fresh recruits or fresh out of boot camp Marines. The plane crashed near Mount Rainer killing everyone on board. The military (I believe AAF) put out a $10,000 reward to find the missing plane. This in itself is a bit strange since the military rarely offers such rewards and in 1947 that's a lot of money.

So there were essentially several pilots and planes in the area searching for the plane around this time. The plane was eventually found (I think it was the next year) but it seems the reward was possibly never paid.

There were three stories given about the remains of the Marines: 1) Cougars (specifically cougars/mountain lions) got to them and there was only bits of clothing and IDs left over 2) Their remains were found and returned to their loved ones for burial 3) Everything was too encased in ice to bring anything back down.

I can dig out my old research papers tomorrow and be more specific if you'd like. I bet there'd be a ton of info out there now about the Maury Island spooks and a new FOIA request would probably be interesting... Fred Crisman is one of the witnesses I'm thinking of.

19520376? ago

Well informed.

I agree with you.

19519825? ago

...it wan't "ALL" us...

19519821? ago

I don't like the term "disclosure" because it's a far too simplistic method for describing ET's. It's more accurate to say that for the last couple thousand years, humans have been living in an island that was quarantined for our own protection. The lowercase "gods" of mythology are mostly primitive man's attempt at describing their interaction with these beings. There was too great an influence on our species and the ones most highest up put a stop to most of that interaction.

I believe that's going to all change before the end of 2020.

19539730? ago

As far as I can tell, Earth is the ET version of Westworld

19541876? ago

From everything I have absorbed over the last few years... this is as close to the truth as I think anyone has gotten... not all of it is 100% accurate, it’s very complex, but this is the general gist of it:

For starters, do not think of ET’s as merely little green men in spaceships exploring the Universe. The Universe itself is uppercase-G “God”… “The All, the Source, all that is and ever will be” or whatever other terminology you would like to use. Also, the Universe itself is more “spiritual” than “scientific.”

Many “ET’s” are basically lowercase-g “gods” compared to us. Their levels of consciousness are at significantly higher levels of vibration even though they exist inside of the same Universe. As such, they are generally not visible to us unless they choose to be visible… I tend to think this is the explanation for Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

Anyways, right now, humans are close to reaching those higher states of consciousness where there is a much stronger connection to “God.” I believe this makes us of great value to certain species who… unfortunately for us… obtain energy from negative thought and emotion.

These species are better described as Demons, even Fallen Angels. They are the dark side of the yin and yang symbol. They have been interfering with humanity since our beginnings. It seems to be a recurring theme that our genetics were tampered with. I’m not exactly sure why, how many times, or by who, but, I tend to think they have done things that may have limited our lifespan (why biblical figures would live for centuries) and have reduced our mind’s ability to connect to God… in essence hiding all aspects of spirituality…. on a somewhat scary note of how huge all of this is, all indications are that the Moon is part of this. It was “brought” here and is artificial. It functions like a satellite dish beaming down certain waves that do who know what to us. “If you could see the interior of it you would understand.”

What they have long desired was to turn Earth into a prison planet that would basically produce energy for them based upon how horrendous things were here. Think WW3, survivors are turned into slaves…etc. I believe they own many other worlds that they have done this same thing to.

In spite of this, there still exist certain cosmic rules for balance similar to the Star Trek’s prime directive. These demons can invade the subconscious of those who choose to follow them and likely do many other “passive” things; however, if they were to say appear before humanity and stage some sort of alien invasion they would be annihilated by species of substantially higher power who exist to keep a level of order.

When we elected Trump, it was basically humans deciding that we did not want that fate enabling species on the positive side of things to begin helping us get rid of the negative influence once and for all… being the Cabal, Illuminati…etc.

When Q says they are working for God, I believe this is what they mean.

I believe that at some point we will all be exposed to this and the world will change instantly through a mass Awakening. It’s been said that this will likely occur between now and the end of 2020. Too many coincidences and convergent thinking between Q and completely different sources for it to not all be connected.

19520347? ago

Bro, where do you think humans come from? You still think we came from monkeys?

19524620? ago

Most likely human would not have appeared naturally for another million years or so. Our evolution was sped up.

19527024? ago

From what I read, they genetically engineered us 5 or 6 times to what we are now.

19530791? ago

where do y’all find this shit?

19539683? ago

Did you know that Q's trip codes are linked to books?!

More hidden information that Q wants us to know, but can't say it, so Q links it to info from trip codes!!!

You're in luck, I still have the link for it

https:// docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F1JdmOflfk8W6WrcpIQVUPubqTCHGOAIXI5eLpR1YEk/edit#gid=1846924648

Just find what books are of interest to you. I picked the ones with aliens on title!

This is a rabbit hole! Beware! Use logical thinking!

19519871? ago

I agree.. The time has come.

19519796? ago

We've got flying disks, dicks and triangles in our skies. Now tell us where the blueprint information is kept to build one ourselves you cocksuckers!

19520971? ago

And tic-tacs

19530709? ago

Well the dicks were implying this hahaha

19519580? ago


19519507? ago

Operation Paperclip may have been a bit more than just V2 rocket technology...



19522903? ago

Admiral Byrd. One of the most respected Naval officers.

19523271? ago

Yeah, he had a bad time of it during that short-lived Antarctic mission from what I hear...

19530767? ago

i think he explored antarctic for many years and many missions

and arctic circ too for years

19525542? ago

Short lived with several loses in their encounter with Nazis

19519437? ago

Including the saucers? Maybe....

19519254? ago

Local news here even had a UFO story this morning, I chuckled since I was prepared for this sort of thing to begin.

19519242? ago

CIA? pfft. No, it was the Nazis and their bell crafts.

19520120? ago

what's the difference?

19519169? ago

Calling Dr. Greer...

19519467? ago

he's a what we in the industry call "nut case"

19519496? ago

Greer is 200% an agent