19566687? ago

As others have pointed out, the shills make fantastic claims of what will happen, and when it doesn't happen those same shills come back and ridicule the group. It's an old tactic.

19564671? ago

Mummy i told you nothing will happen. I have thrown all of my toys out of the pram because daddy didn't do what other people said he would.. it's not fair and I'm going to shit all over qrv until I cry myself to sleep..

19563193? ago

This thread wins the internet today. Period.

19562825? ago


post more tranny porn, faggot

19562647? ago

Another shill post predicting nonsense so the same shill can later link to the post and say nothing happened. Yawn, no I don't remember it because I ignored it, just like everyone else should have done.

19563191? ago

shill hell. he's the only one with common sense and balls to say what everyone else is thinking. by the way,

Arrests or GTFO

19568802? ago


BZZZZT --- echo "orange man bad" --- <read link to arrests> --- echo "I meant HIGH LEVEL arrests" --- BZZZZT --- echo "orange man bad"

19568726? ago

Common sense? He predicted something that didn't even happen. Man, you bots are pretty dumb.

19562668? ago

You dumb fucks upvoted this shit to the front page.

Did I make that happens too?

19568763? ago

Yeah, you do call bullshit all the time because it is you making the stupid crap up. You may dupe the noobs but not the real followers. You guys are losers. Go cheer on your pedo masters.

19562775? ago

you are here crying about it, what does that make you?

19562806? ago

You do realize "whiners" and "shills' only exist because of assholes who peddle false hope like that? We should all be upset it exists and gets so much reinforcement

19562617? ago

Majestic 12 is EyetheSpy and other bullshit comms. NOT Q! So sick of this outside channel bullshit. Not Q!! Jesus this makes us look 1000% retarded. Kabamur called and wants his blue avian back. So fucking stupid. FOCUS ON ARRESTS AND VOTE TRUMP CANDIDATES!

FUCK OFF WITH THE HOPIUM!!! God we look dumb enough as is, and everyone is gooing themselves over Trump making a pretty shitty circle people are pretending was a Q when the blue Angel's flew by. Christ we're retarded.

19562587? ago

This fucking asshole got 120 upvotes. That is what is wrong with QRV.

19564010? ago

And you disdain chess, too, because there is no running and jumping.

19562771? ago

what is wrong with you for caring?

unplug, go away, relax

19562814? ago

Two days ago I promised this asshole I would come back and laugh at him when nothing happened on July 4th.

19566702? ago

Your arguing with yourself, shill.

19577225? ago


you fucking retard

19582806? ago

You forgot the period at the end of your sentence! Bwahahahahahahah! You fucking idiot!What a loser!

19563181? ago

you're arguing with children. i get your point 100% and agree. at this point q to me is just an embarrassing phase i went through. I don't wear a mullet anymore and i sure as hell don't think