19655842? ago

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18881333? ago

Appreciate this OP. Last few days I've noticed patterns/connections with Q posts that we've been missing up to now. I'll use your method to look further. Found a link with Q527 and Voat Thread posted on 5/27. Massive if correctly linked and decoded. I'll take more looks.

18879177? ago

It would be interesting to count word frequency and dig on certain words.

18879801? ago

True... there's gotta be a missing pattern, probably multiple

18873814? ago

Well, you have the arrest date for HRC already off... you have April 8th 2019..That date is in the past...and didnt happen in the mainstream of things.

18870881? ago

April 8th 2019 has passed already bud

18870463? ago

April 8th, 2019 can't come soon enough!

18869789? ago

be good to see and example or screenshot of what you are seeing anon. keep digging.

18869643? ago

Interesting theory, I have a feeling that there is A Lot more hidden in Q's posts than what meets the eye.

18871418? ago

We have everything.

18869289? ago

Q Clock 2.0 ?

18871431? ago

Maybe. Whether i am right or wrong, theres gotta be more going on. People aren't digging enough. Where are the autists?

18868986? ago

The Q movement proves how bad the American school systems have become with their anti-critical thinking education.

Go outside, go to work. You should be embarrassed by this dribble of a post.

18869498? ago

No, AOC and the climate alarmists proves how bad the American school system has become with their anti0critical thinking education.

18869577? ago

Oh no he said the magic boogie mans name, AOC. Case closed people, he brought the AOC card with him.

18878490? ago

I can't think of a better example of our failed education system. Well, I could name a few more but that may be more cards than you can handle.

18869275? ago

^ It's 'drivel '

18869304? ago

So you can ReAd!

I meant dribble. Why use proper English when the majority Qtards didn’t pass middle school?

18869341? ago

Hey I'm on your side, but own your mistake. It makes us the rest of us who poke fun at QTards look bad.

18869357? ago

I’m on no side.

Go fuck yourself.

18869523? ago

How about both you losers go off and do some of that.....and spare us your "dribble" lmfao

18869558? ago

Come here Qtard I wanna dribble your brain.

Do you fuck with the light offs? Is it hard for you to climax without screaming “Hillary’s emails!”

18869365? ago

Will do. Have a great day.

18868715? ago

Is this another Fucking Q Clock? I thought we were over that stuff.

18868493? ago

If an anon was able to make a software to line up the posts, stating with 2 or more posts, and ability to sort by date for each column, we might be able to make SIGNIFICANT progress with this theory...

18870488? ago

Post on 8ch and one of the codefags can make something

18871444? ago

The chans are beyong me. I tried, but can't figure them out.

18870096? ago

Why engage the shills? Just ignore them. They feed off your response.

18869002? ago

Q says trust the plan, now shut up and trust you little Qtard.

18869671? ago

OP must be onto something. It's pretty shilly in here.

18869703? ago

Super long shit this morning, you guys are so entertaining to poke.

18868482? ago

I started reading all of the odd number Q posts backwards from the beginning. I then would read the even posts as written. I then took all letters or words in [kill brackets] of each post and divided that number into the date the post was released. It turns out that I wasted the last 2 years of my life believing good over evil. Nothing is going to happen to the bad in this world.

18868448? ago

Very interesting. Too bad it’s way too far above my pay grade.

18872050? ago

Autists are taking care of it

18870933? ago

Don't worry buddy,

I was able to crunch through some of the maths and patterns, even put it through the Q clock and everything. I think I'm confident in my results this time.

The results points to Qpost 2142 . Go have a look, its got a nice pic summary linked (seriously) . Its even got the '2 separate link' , coz Q was making two different replies in the one post.

Awesome coincidence

18868369? ago

No, it doesn't make sense.

18869023? ago

But look how proud little Timmy is of all his hard work.

18868345? ago

Im gonna need another glass of wine before I start seeing this

18869065? ago

You know you’re a sheep when you need alcohol to even read these nonsense boards. It’s like your almost smart enough to see through it, but nope, drink the wine so you keep trusting the plan. Qtards living up to their name this morning!

18869692? ago

It's almost as if you run out of ways to shill with your concern faggotry and Q was right about Mueller, right about impeachment, right about Declas and you are just sitting here typing more faggotry while the dems and DS three letter agents are literally being investigated openly by Trump's AG.

18868249? ago

Sounds like a load of bullshit to me.

Arrests or GTFO

Even more importantly stop the fucking foreign invasion and deport the invaders

And finally stop sending our military to fight Israel's wars for once in my entire lifetime


18868277? ago

Arrests or GTFO

Go back to sleep and we'll wake you when it's all over.

The adults in the room ARE interested in politics and witnessing history being made.

18869338? ago

“The adults in the room ARE interested in politics”

Bahahahahaha that might be the funnest thing ever posted

You guys aren’t interested in shit but waiting for a Q fairy.

18869420? ago

So you can see the future, can you?

You have no need to be open minded because you've never made a mistake?

Also, why does your breath smell like George Soros' penis?

18869534? ago

I have made mistakes before, I’m a human. But unlike you I stopped believing in fairies and magic when my balls dropped.

18869580? ago

And now you don't make mistakes because of your testicles?

18869589? ago

When I hit puberty I stopped believing in fairies, your Q is a fairy.

18868332? ago

I agree, arrests or GTFO

And fix the fucking invasion

18868317? ago

Arrests and stop the Iran war hawking or GTFO.

18868343? ago

third year of Trumps presiency and still no wars. Wheres those jewish wars at again?

18868357? ago

Uh, Syria jackass? We give aid to Israel and they bomb Syria, and we have too.

18868659? ago

My God the stupid is real. List the US soldier casualties sacrificed on the altar of Israel since Trump election. Ill wait you fucking idiot faggot.

18868495? ago

Syria? The place Hussein got us into in order to start ww3 by having Iran detonate a Nuke in northern Syria? The place where potus bombed the deep state installations? Syria isn’t Israel’s war. Syria was Hussein’s excuse to set up Russia for the final conflict before the fall of America.

18869213? ago

Holy shit you’re delusional. I’m gonna spam this place with tranny porn till you WAKE THE FUCK UP

18869203? ago

What were the “deepstate” installations? Are you talking about the empty runway?

18869250? ago

Actually near the runway, yes. DS installations doesn’t have to mean actual ppl. What he bombed was the area where the whitehelmets were holding the chemical weapons.

18869270? ago

We’re the white helmets allied with Assad?

18868525? ago

That may be the single dumbest thing I have ever read.

18871574? ago

This is exactly correct. Go back to watching cnn

18868646? ago

This is just denial. Are you fucking trying to shill while denying obvious shit like this? get a new script faggot. You are glowing.

18868618? ago

bro... that is spot on.

This is what happens when you spend 2 years in total denial of actual happenings. lol

18868653? ago

Arrest or Gtfo shills are so fucking stupid it hurts kek