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kestrel9 ago

But that was in February, so posting those today would have nothing to do with fighting fire with fire:

Crensch ago

Yeah, it's obvious he either leaked them to WR/GG, or he's part of the group. I'm wagering WR is kevdude, actually.

kestrel9 ago

I'm wagering WR is kevdude, actually.

Seems like a sound bet at this point.

Crensch ago

Dude comes out of nowhere seemingly having a dog in this fight and info only kevdude should have?

Either kevdude is a coward, or he's an idiot. Won't dox those on his main username? Hacking?


kestrel9 ago

so 9.5 hours ago kevdude is ready to fight fire with fire

and 7.1 hours ago WR posts this and in his srayzie parody:

... so I did some FaceTime videos with my iPad....

and just over an hour ago GG"hacker" posts a srayzie to kevdude pm she's been sitting on since February

"Ok. But I don't use a computer. I use an IPAD"

There's a lot on WR's srayzie parody that sounds like he took it out of the pm GG posted.

Probably all a coincidence. /s

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @WhiteRonin.

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WhiteRonin ago

Wow! What sleuth skills!

Dude, check my post history. It’s more than 9.5 hours ago!

Parody? /s

WhiteRonin ago


Hi! Stop being such a tease. You know I’m flirting with you and yet I’m tempted by you too. My husband used to be a freak and we had some good times but he found religion. He knows I haven’t stopped. I have messed up a few times. I can’t get past not having a freak time.

He is really sweet and silly. Sorry, I know you don’t like to hear that. Please don’t judge him or me. It just happens in a marriage. I don’t use a computer, I use my iPad so he doesn’t know everything. It’s ok! I promise if you promise.

ES told me you are pretty smart. He also said to say that to Vindicator. I am still worried about ES. You can be a famous troll and aren’t as unpredictable as ZB. I know he’s your friend but I came to you first really. Trust me. I wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship but I need your help. Can you take out ES?

Can you promise me those 2 things? Does it change your view of me?

💕 ❤️ 💕

Here are Srayzie alts.

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

Ping time!

@Crensch, @virge, @molochHunter


There you go bro!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @Crensch.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#48652) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@kestrel9: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

WhiteRonin ago

They have! I ping them all the time!


Lol yep

WhiteRonin ago

Keep feeling smug!

I feel sorry for what you did to ES!

Gothamgirl ago

Metoo they treated ES horrible.

HollaKost ago

#Metoo they treated ES horrible.

So you feel bad for the person who preyed upon and manipulated numerous vulnerable women on pizzagate?

ESOTERICshade ago

HollaKost. My money says there is a high probability this is a @crensch alt. Riddle me this coincidence crensch.

  1. Out of the blue on 9/19/2018 "hey guys I send tits to people sometimes and I sent my tits to ES and I think he might blackmail me.

  2. 9/21/2018 random account shows up, sends tits to @crensch and @vindicator, is NEVER heard from again.

  3. Srayzie, "OMG guize I can't believe he did that."

  4. kev says he deleted and didn't see tits

  5. srayzie sends tits from her own account to try to make sure Kev sees them

Amazing. She predicted it (sic) and in less than two days it "happened." Srayzie sent the pics to @vindicator and @crensch and it couldn't be much more obvious, either that or she is clairvoyant.

And thats a wrap. All I can is that is backfired on her spectacularly.


Are you trying to say she sent them herself? What would that accomplish? After all the shit you pulled on pizzagate, you think you found a way to look innocent now? Kevdude gave you an out? NOT!

ESOTERICshade ago

Srayzie, aka IMCHAD, I replied to you with this once and for some reason deleted it. I"m not sure why. I have decided to restore this comment because I think it deserves to be part of the record.

The answer is yes. You sent nude pics of yourself to Kevdude, Vindicator, And crensch. You blamed it on me. I don't know if your email is still the same but in case it isn't, here a screenshot of an email I sent you about all this.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yes you did, you sent them to yourself. Did you get my email? Don't know if your email address is still the same, so here is a copy of it.


I’m not Srayzie. Kevdude got called out last week for failing pizzagate because of you. How convenient that you are now playing innocent.

ESOTERICshade ago

Kevdude got called out last week for failing pizzagate because of you. How convenient that you are now playing innocent.

I saved pizzagate's by driving it to its own subverse. If vin had been allowed land Q in pizzagate there would be nothing left of pizzagate by now but shreads and rags of what pizzagate once was...

Crensch ago

I saved pizzagate's life by driving Qanon to its own subverse. If vin had been allowed land Q in pizzagate there would be nothing left of pizzagate by now but shreads and rags of what pizzagate once was...

Kinda like what it is now?

ESOTERICshade ago

Kinda like what it is now?

It was bound to slow down. Almost nothing maintains the sort of momentum it had. But its on topic and orderly. Q would have dragged it so far into the political arena that there would be not be much left of pizzagate.

Crensch ago

It was bound to slow down. Almost nothing maintains the sort of momentum it had. But its on topic and orderly. Q would have dragged it so far into the political arena that there would be not be much left of pizzagate.

The good users interacting with you all seemed to disappear. Odd (((cohencidence))).

ESOTERICshade ago

That is a combination of natural attrition and some other specific factors. All subject matter loses a certain percentage of its interested parties. I also know that some people left because of the Q stuff. And I know some, that were devout christians, that left because you were calling them "cunts" and all manner of vile names.

Crensch ago

Edited previous comment.

Crensch ago

That is a combination of natural attrition and some other specific factors.

(((other specific factors)))


I also know that some people left because of the Q stuff. And I know some, that were devout christians, that left because you were calling them "cunts" and all manner of vile names.

The ones you gathered to go against me? Kek. I know some that left because of your manipulation and shouting down of anyone that didn't toe the line you wanted them toeing.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yeah, you're right. Devout Christians love atmospheres in which someone is calling them and other people cunts, and other names much more vile. How silly of me. As far as the Q people go? The Q Larpage needed its own home.

Crensch ago

Yeah, you're right. Devout Christians love atmospheres in which someone is calling them and other people cunts, and other names much more vile. How silly of me. As far as the Q people go? The Q Larpage needed its own home.

You mean they love atmospheres where going against what you want gets them this kind of treatment?


You lost everything 8 months ago. There's nothing left for you here.

ESOTERICshade ago

You lost everything 8 months ago. There's nothing left for you here.

Thats where you are sadly mistaken. I accomplished exactly what I intended to do. My sense of satisfaction is bigly intact :) Run along now i'm bored with you. I am trying to read about 14th century occult practice and discuss it with another. Go harass somebody else. Goodnite.

Crensch ago

Thats where you are sadly mistaken. I accomplished exactly what I intended to do. My sense of satisfaction is bigly intact :) Run along now i'm bored with you. I am trying to read about 14th century occult practice and discuss it with another. Go harass somebody else. Goodnite.

Is that why you keep throwing a fit over my sticky?

Nigger, you nigger argosciv, you have awakened the dragon. Check your dashboard because your account could go minus zero REAL QUICK.

You said that to another user. Kek.

How does it feel to always be wrong, Jew?

HollaKost ago

Oh ES, I don't play games with you nor do I answer your questions. You're a larp and a liar.

But I am honored you would think I am @crensch.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm honored that you waste hours on end crafting lonnngggg narratives about me wasting your time. It warms my heart to see you burn so many hours on your ego :)

HollaKost ago

Hahahaha! You wish I was! I stopped having any concern with you when you showed yourself to be a complete and utter whack job on pizzagate! Enjoy your 5 minutes of thinking you're some special shit, cause soon enough you'll go back to being an old loon no one pays attention to.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @kestrel9 @SandHog @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. You are now reading part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

"Occasionally I'll say something like "I'm leaving" or "I'm done here" or "I don't care" or "I don't need all this", but I stick around anyway and continue to respond, proving myself a liar over and over again. It's the meth talking. I'm sure of it."

"Did you know I SAVED /v/pizzagate with my vote manipulation and harassment of legitimate users? I saved it by harassing them until they left. Look at the active user list - aren't you proud of me? No, I still can't get my daddy's approval, and the rest of my family is still addicted to meth. Do I get pity points for that? Did you see how I totally made Q look legitimate by hating on Q?"

"Look at how pathetically beta I am, trying to suck up to a female that hates my guts. This is how I start grooming women online - lots of compliments and smiley faces and feel-good bullshit. They never know that I'll poison their minds into thinking I'm a good guy and the mods are evil when the opposite is true. I also won't tell them about being a TALMUDIC SCHOLAR JEW or that I have a meth addiction."

"On my alts, I admit to manipulating votes and threatening other users with my doing so, while on my main username, I act like I'm completely unfazed by all of my bullshit being put on display. I'm really just a low IQ Jew that thinks doubling down is always the best move - along with snorting meth; definitely the best move on that last one."

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @kestrel9 @IMCHAD

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU, kevdude, are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

"(((We're on the same side, GOYIM!))) Also, I have NO TIME for this because of a trailer and a truck, because my IRL is better than yours - also I TOTALLY don't get shekels for being here. You believe me, right?"

"Forget three paragraphs above where I was brown-nosing kevdude and disparaging you, Vindicator, because you totally do a good job and I have no problem with what you do. No, wait, it's think- I like now! Please don't make me withhold my approval from you for disagreeing with me, think-!"

"I was TOTALLY out of my mind 7 paragraphs ago where I said nice things about Crensch, he needs to be gone yesterday because I can't see anything but words that hurt my feelings."

"I have ONE goal in life, and that is to claim I don't care and won't read your comments because it's been proven that I not only do not care to save children, but that I want them to suffer and be raped and murdered."

"As a meth head Jew, I will mock you for believing in Trump, and I will WRITE IN ALL CAPS AND TELL YOU TO KEEP Q OUT OF THIS FUCKING SUB. I put on my smugface when I do this because I totally convinced you goyim to do what I wanted you to do!"

"Guize, I finally found MY OWN COMMENT that you've been linking to and referencing, but I somehow just COULD NOT FIND despite the links being RIGHT THERE for me to click on. I TOTALLY was not THREATENING you when I wrote:"

I sent screen shots of it to people you know very well. Be careful before you shoot your mouth off.

"Nope. Not a threat."

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

"Hey guize, my half ass shade tree Talmud scholar thing was TOTALLY a Sun Tzu ploy, (I am SO clever - this meth really does wonders for my head.) For this comment, my mod of choice is @Vindicator; for this comment I think he MEANS well, but is a sheep being led to the slaughter."

"My favorite fallacies are "tone fallacy" and "relative privation". I also like LARPing as being the nephew of a senator since it makes me sound important."

"I also like psychologically projecting my own faults onto others; like not getting enough sleep and doing meth. Did you all notice that direct accusations of meth use don't seem to work anymore? I wonder why that is."

"I often pretend that I am unperturbed by mentions of my loved one's meth addiction. I make up fanfiction for my enemies and attempt to make my narratives stick. It's t funny how I LARP as a senator's nephew, but CONSTANTLY attack Q for LARPing?"

"@think- now YOU are the smart one!. Also, I totally try to explain away my "shade tree" meaning "half ass" even though it would suggest that I called myself a "half ass half ass Talmud scholar". I finish this comment with other horseshit nobody cares about. Do you love me yet, meth-addled daddy?"

"I also think Orange Man Bad and I add Plato's allegory in to make myself looks smart. @think- you are now crazy, not smart. No longer my favorite mod! I randomly bash all goats and other users here, too, by saying they'll "Jew it up" when I, myself, am Jewish."

"Listen to old grampa ESOTERIC and I will show you the way, (of the Jew!) See, I can even attack people without links supporting my accusations, and pretending to hate Jews when my earliest comments were telling goats NOT to attack races like the Jews!"

"I don't care anymore, and I barely log in here anymore, but now you, @Blacksmith21, are my favorite Voat user! Watch me randomly mention winter and tell you like a good grampa ESOTERIC to get a coat. Totally not gay of me, though!"

"Here I am, thirteen days ago trying to act out my "Grampa PizzaGate" persona to @darkknight111. Listen to me, goy! I know what's best for you!"

"I like talking about putting muddy boots on my coffee table, because it makes me feel more like a human, you know, like those Zuckerberg memes! Also, my sister is sadly back in rehab with her meth addiction. It's SO sad, but I'll keep acting like CRENSCH has the meth problem because it makes me think that people won't believe I have a meth addict in the family ."

"I like to accuse others of scaring off good users, because it TOTALLY wasn't already proved that I did exactly that, constantly. I don't like the fact that the mods don't take my alt accounts seriously when they push the same narrative I was pushing!"

"I admit to going to rehab from my own meth addiction. If only my mother would go back to rehab, maybe she could become human instead of something that kinda looks like a human that just needs to DIE."

"Applaud me more, goyim, for running off good users here! I saved the children from being rescued from their rapists! Don't applaud me, I don't want your applause... seriously... don't applaud... not even a little... anyone? Anyone? NOTICE ME, SENPAI."

ridleychozo ago

Hi, Crensch. You pinged me by accident again with your obnoxious copy/pasta.

Also, wtf is going on with the titty pics and so on? This feud has become so degenerate lol.

Crensch ago

@ESOTERICshade is a proven liar and fraud. Check out who seems to be on his side.

Kek. <----



Crensch ago

Totally coincidence. @kevdude

Is there any point here when you win even a single battle, dude?

Gothamgirl ago

You can't blame somebody else for her.


Crensch ago

Did your fat get in the way of your neurons figuring out that you lost with your faked PM?

Gothamgirl ago

I have not lost I have you all fired up and you keep posting lies good job. Task accomplished.

Crensch ago


Your bluffs and moves are so elementary. Kafka-trap of me either shutting up and taking it, or I'm "all fired up" and you win? Kek. You lose simply because you're a lard barge, but you also lose when you write, because you're frightfully stupid.

WhiteRonin ago

You haven’t!

You run away from me for days!