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ESOTERICshade ago

I didn't know how deep this rabbit hole went. Now i'm even starting to get irritated. If they knew how much ammo was in my PM can they would start bringing some evidence when they call me an "extortionist" and a "predator" or they would be shutting the fuck up. They call me a lot of nasty stuff, accuse me of all sorts of shit, but they don't show up with the evidence. If I really was what they think I am, I could flip this white knight parade upside down in the ditch and make it sooooo much worse.

BraunF14 ago

Thank you for this post. Can we physically remove this kike or do we just have to wait for his schlomo fatass to get sick of our abuse and leave?

Gothamgirl ago

These were hacked by me, and not given to me, I told Srayzie months ago but she didn't listen.

Vindicator ago

If I go make a kevdude account there right now and shitpost with it can I accuse you based on timestamps? I was pinged into the same anon thread you were.

The anon thread was posted hours after the fake account was made to make it look like I was lamely trying to divert attention from srayzie's alt. I told srayzie from day one not to use alts. I reiterated that after she deleted her account. It's gay.

The reason I got involved in this conversation is because I knew what had really gone on behind the scenes, I know how you operate, and I care about the people in v/pizzagate who are sitting ducks for the kind of fuckery that led to this whole mess. Your continued dishonesty and attempts to spin your way out of responsibility for your immoral behavior merely prove me correct. All of your dancing around is there, now, on the record for all to see.

SearchVoatBot ago

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I believe this was all manufactured outrage, from the brigading of QRV to the "attacks" on srayzie, to her "deletion", to crensch "going rogue" (from the perspective of longtime goats), to the declaration of censorship in GA, to the attacks on myself (and by extension PV). I believe they are boiling the frog to get all of the Q researchers they captured in GA used to reddit moderation so by the time things heat up in 2020 they will be in a position to steer the narrative any way they like.

Consensus cracker Kevdude is telling all this to known shill, thewebofslime who is using “his cousins account” followthemoney, because TWOS claims “Srayzie’s alts” are brigading his normal account.


@Crensch @Vindicator @Argosciv @Sandhog @Kestrel9

followthemoney ago

It seems pretty clear that the core 'whiteknights against free speech' group are working together using loads of alts... in the name of Internet pussy... because apparently free speech might interfere with their ability to see naked lady parts.

People who say mean things are the first to be banned, then anyone who doesn't believe in Q and soon everyone who supports Trump can be bad jacketed with all the crazy conspiracy theorists because they also believe in the debunked Q LARP.

2020 will not be kind to them, I don't think. I built a large Internet microphone, so to speak, over the last couple of years. Shills aren't gonna like it when I finally turn it on.

followthemoney ago

I think @heygeorge is highlighting the fact that there is no proof anyone is who anyone claims to be, but is looking, specifically, for when @zyklon_b self doxxed.

Even in the event that such a post exists, even though @srayzie alts refuse to provide @heygeorge with proof but fervently claiming it is real, there is still no way to know if the dox are real, or not.

I assume neither is real doxx of a real person specifically due to lack of evidence.

If we assumed the other way, that these people are who they said they were and the dox were real, then it seems that the outrage is very selective in that I have posted way more comprehensive dox on media and intelligence operatives and no one was worried when that happened.

In fact, everyone is already doxxed on the Internet, they just don't know it, yet, because they don't know how to search already widely available databases that are traded regularly by corporations and governments the world over.

heygeorge ago

I have posted way more comprehensive dox on media and intelligence operatives and no one was worried

Voat dox = Voat user’s personal information

Overall, yes, you’re on point and I by and large agree with your assumptions.

followthemoney ago

It is some interesting projection. I assumed it was zyklon_b since he basically announced he was going over to Poal.

The thought process is he knows it was you because the account was created within minutes of your conversation together. It's funny because because within minutes of me posting a link to my site and his insults, my site was attacked in an amateurish manner.

If we apply the same standard then Vindicator is 100% the shill who probed my site. Isn't it weird how that same evidence that he uses to accuse you is less than the evidence I have against him? I at least logs, the same downvote brigade he started in that thread that still continudes, now, the same cast of downvoters/srayzie accounts with the same insults and, of course, the fact that it started within two minutes of my conversation with Vindi.

And, of course, they are all still whiteknighting hard for srayzie, refuse to admit maybe the behavior as questionable and want to pretend like they weren't and still aren't unduly influenced and still making bad decisions in their fervor to defend someone who was clearly sending multiple people dirty pictures to keep them on her(?) side.

The manipulation is revealed to everyone but they continue to double down on dishonesty and make baseless accusations.

I consider Vindicator's accusation against you to be patently false. After all, his only evidence is the time stamps and his confirmation bias that he doesn't like you. The content of the comments are seemingly in character with Vindicator's sentiments against purported shills and his whiteknighting in regards to srayzie.

The last act of the shizy account was to falsely accuse you of making another comment in an anon subverse. The comment was benign and made by rotti.

I could keep going on down the list of fake accusations but you I'm sure are aware by now.

They use 'shill hunting' as a veneer of credibility and then run false flags against free speech using alts to generate outrage. They are the ones pretending to be everyone else and stirring up outrage. This is why there is no ability in them to admit they were wrong. Ever. It would reveal cracks in the facade. This is why they have to spend so much energy on this.

Look at the downvoting on thewebofslime submissions. I outpaced their downvoting to reveal how much ccp the offending account has. They run out of steam after 110 or so downvotes in one day. The alts run out much sooner.

The best solutions I've seen that would crush them would be votes being made public upon thread archiving and code to undo downvote brigading. The shills and 'shill hunters' who both engage in the exact same behavior would most likely be revealed as the same group of people.


Banning one account when he had hundreds?

You also said Shizy had over 1000 alts. Do you know how ridiculous you sound? You take no responsibility for anything.

@Vindicator @Crensch


Vindicator ago

You can keep ignoring and deflecting what I've presented. It doesn't change the facts. Have you calculated the odds that someone was lurking our conversation in that thread and created that Paol account within two minutes of the end of it? Of course it was you. Anyone who has the balls to objectively consider the evidence I presented knows it was you. You're not fooling anyone intelligent that you haven't bribed with a PV modship. Why do you think half your mod team quit?

As for my comment about your CSS plan -- of course I played along with you. What choice did I have? It's very very clear how you handle those you think are onto your antics. Look how you responded when I finally challenged you? And continue to respond? You're dirty. You are sneaky. You are malicious. You stab people in the back. You play games to pit people against each other. You attack people you don't like instead of their arguments. You wave off your disgusting behavior as "mistakes" when the overall record clearly suggests they are not mistakes at all.

kevdude isn't appointing himself an arbiter of discussion on a major sub

Of course you have. You're trying to convince Voat that GreatAwakening's O needs to be oustered. From what I've seen, the folks there like Crensch just fine and don't feel he is arbitrating discussion at all.

You've done much worse than Crensch. You've elected yourself Sheriff of Voat. And you're a corrupt Sheriff who lets the criminals run wild.

Vindicator ago

If your hands were clean, you wouldn't have had to make a fake account in my name on Paol, flair my submission about it "Misinfo", and "TL;DR" your little spin on it, would you? Those are the actions of a guilty and dishonest man.

I don't want anyone to ignore what Crensch is doing. See my comment above.

SearchVoatBot ago

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heygeorge ago

Any reason you are pulling me into this instead of the siteadmin?

I’m asking you because I saw your [M] flagged comments on v/protectvoat pre-emptively claiming posts like this a self-dox. I assumed that meant you had specific information, else I do not understand why you would go out of your way to make that comment.


ZYKLON posted that link. Zyklon posts a lot of things he shouldn’t post.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

trufe. srsly trufe. link was der


For realz

zyklon_b ago

Zero info

zyklon_b ago

Show me where its published and when u cant have putt ben the offenders until then i am gonna instigate and tear it down

heygeorge ago

it is an address that zyklon published

AKAIK, zyklon_b did not publish the address users have been spreading around. You are and have been saying he did. Bringing up TOS changes, while a good idea, is irrelevant.

zyklon_b ago

i never published it

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Imnotshocked ago

So this is why crencsh gained up on all the PG researchers that didn’t kiss srayzies ass!? WOW smdh

SearchVoatBot ago

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crazy_eyes ago

Hasn't GA just been drama central for as long as its been in existence? I just avoid that shit altogether, the same news is in other subs

heygeorge ago

She told me almost exactly the same thing. Although I do share that sentiment, I didn’t trust her with anything that would really give out my real world identity. OTOH, I trust @zyklon_b with all manner of personally identifying info. LOL! But it’s true.

While I have you on the line, I keep reading you mention that Beatle’s alleged address was previously publicly posted. But I don’t recall seeing that on Voat, nor anyone linking to it. Is this a double standard? Is srayz still being given a pussy pass to “get even”? What do you think of Voat tolerating this sort of behavior @crensch? (I presume your defense of it will be along the lines of ‘Wild West for thee but not for me’.)


Zyklon later edited the message to say deaf to Srayzie and Shizy’s kids.


Voat is my canvas

You’re a pussy

heygeorge ago

Zyklon later edited the message to say deaf to Srayzie and Shizy’s kids.

Even were this true (which I assume it is), that’s not the alleged address that we’re talking about.

@kevdude do you have any further indication that @zyklon_b’s alleged address was previously publicly posted?

@imchad I detect great buttpain in your reply. @truthseeker @peaceseeker you both may be interested in this.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Just as srayzies pics were found by a 'simple search', this info was found by a 'simple search'. All public.

In fact it was confirmed to me that the info was real when a couple of the places i searched no longer had info connected to that after my original searches

Sounds like ol' blue has struck a chord!


all is art all is satire



He posted this and then deleted it when someone said they were going to ping the pedos.

Even if he hadn’t, you just confirmed that’s his address. It could have been just a guess. All is Satire!

People shouldn’t threaten kids. Voat is my canvas bitches.

heygeorge ago

He posted this and then deleted it when someone said they were going to ping the pedos.

I don’t see a Voat link? @kevdude it seems nobody, including @imchad has evidence of your claim. I’m just trying to figure out the genesis of it.

zyklon_b ago

@kevdude @crensch @imchad show where my address was posted



Yeah. What @HollaKost said.

@Zyklon_b you know damn well. You edited the comment to say kill Shizy and Srayzie’s kids.


Voat is my canvas.

HollaKost ago

Here, right where you posted it when you "pretend" doxed her

That leads to your hoes name. Her name leads to your new address. Man you two are some stupid fucks

TheBuddha ago

She was pretty keen to see my dick pic.

I'd be fucking baffled if she felt this was somehow compromising for me, or information she could use as leverage against me.

Once she saw it and had her fun for a few hours, with the other lady mod over there, it died down. Seeing my dick doesn't make her special. A surprisingly large number of people have seen my dick.

As for the drama, I've made it a point to keep away from it. The only winning move is not to play.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL they asked but i didnt send one, what the fuck would i do that for. its funny that you did though

TheBuddha ago

I posted my x ray and you could clearly see my dick in it.

Why? It was funny. It's just my dick, nothing serious.

Well, it also showed my smashed femur.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, every guys got one, no big deal to me

TheBuddha ago

I don't even have an estimate for how many folks have seen my penis. I'm not sure I can even estimate how many women it has been in.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't even have an estimate for how many folks have seen my penis. I'm not sure I can even estimate how many women it has been in.

That made me laugh out loud for some reason. Thanx for the laugh :)

crazy_eyes ago

as long as im not one of them i dont care

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure you're not on the list.

crazy_eyes ago

Im pretty sure I'm not going to be

TheBuddha ago

That seems like a reasonable assumption. I've been more than sixty years without sticking my dick in guys. I don't expect that to change.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL I would sure fucking hope not

TheBuddha ago

I can't think of a reason to change. Getting laid is not a problem.

crazy_eyes ago

No, getting paid is a problem, Remember I told you I was going to be working all week this week. Well that got cancelled at the hast minute and they are not going to compensate me at all for having that work on my schedule which meant I passed on other work that was available. Now the other jobs that were available for this week are of course taken by others. Its a fucked up situation. Im not happy about it. I did find one other job for today to install a router but when I got to the bank they had no router for me to install. And now the company doesnt want to pay me for that one either. Like what the fuck

TheBuddha ago

Maybe you might want to seek regular 9 to 5 shit? I dunno.

crazy_eyes ago

you must be out of your fucking mind

TheBuddha ago

No. I'm sane. I wish I were crazy, because then I'd have a good excuse.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont really like to make excuses, so, maybe I am crazy. I only get so much time to spend here on this planet and I'm going to spend as little time as possible doing things simply to make money. I'd rather spend my time with the people I love. So that's what I'm going to do. That's what I do, do. And I dont give a fuck what anyone thinks or says about me or what I do with my time and my life. I do what I want to do.

TheBuddha ago

That's all well and good, until you can't pay your mortgage! LOL

crazy_eyes ago

I dont have a mortgage, my home is all paid off. So there

TheBuddha ago

Well, that's a bonus. Do you still have beer and gas money?

crazy_eyes ago

of course, and we have electricity and running water and internet and food and weed

TheBuddha ago

Then why are ya bitching? Take the week off and get nookie every morning, after breakfast in bed!

crazy_eyes ago

I dont know why, I guess cause i could have made enough working all week to have all my bills paid for the rest of the summer and not have to worry about that, now i'm going to have to go to work sometimes to pay the bills.

TheBuddha ago

That would be nice. All my bills are paid, but I still have to work.

crazy_eyes ago

You singed the contract. At least it's work that you enjoy

TheBuddha ago

I do enjoy most of it, so there's that. It has gotten to the routine stage, where the performances all blend together. The only thing that changes are the venues.

There are parts I don't really care for, but it isn't easy to articulate. It's routine and even the audiences generally look pretty much the same.

crazy_eyes ago

Does changing up the set list help to make it more non-routine?

TheBuddha ago

Not very much.

The lights come up and I rock them until the lights go down. On either side of that is droll blandness and mindless waiting.

But, I do like it. Mostly.

Sometimes I just need to bitch about it, even though I have it pretty good. I didn't even go supervise them setting up the stage last time. Before I went on, someone had already put my guitars on the stage, in order. There was even a bar stool waiting if I needed it. I didn't even load the guitars back into my car. Those came home with EH and J.

crazy_eyes ago

It seems like its the waiting around thats the worst part of it

TheBuddha ago

But the band's on the bus
And they're ready to go
We've got to drive all night
and do a show in Chicago
Or Detroit, I don't know
We do so many shows in a row
And these towns all look the same
We just pass the time in the hotel rooms
And wander 'round backstage
Till those lights come up and we hear that crowd
And we remember why we came

That sums it up nicely, except we don't have a bus - yet. I do have my eyes open for a 17 passenger van.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah and most bands do the same show night after night, to the fans it's a special event, but to the band its just another night of the same thing as the night before and the night before that

TheBuddha ago

For many years, that's been one of my favorite songs.

crazy_eyes ago

what song is that and who is it by?

That ain't turn the page, which is similar, but i hate that song for some reason, it annoys me

crazy_eyes ago

Oh yeah, I remember this one

TheBuddha ago

It's actually two different songs. It's "Load Out" and "Stay." They run the two together.

It's kinda like Sugar Magnolia and Sunshine Day Dreams being considered a single song, or Eruption being played right into whatever it is, etc... (I'm kinda stoned so Mr. Short Term Memory isn't helpful.)

crazy_eyes ago

you really got me?!?

or like the mothers day song leads into she's a whore!

TheBuddha ago

That's the name of it!

Also like We Will Rock You and We Are The Champions.

crazy_eyes ago

good one!

No sugar tonight and new mother nature

TheBuddha ago


We need @cynicaloldfart. I bet he knows more of them.

cynicaloldfart ago

Damn it. Off the top of my head I know of 2, but only can remember the names of on set. It's Sirius into Eye In The Sky. The other I've done an article on and even linked to the original piece. It's a song that ends with a classical piece, but I just can't think of it.

And I can't even blame any substances, I's gots da plaques and degenerating neurons.

TheBuddha ago

@crazy_eyes and I can blame weed.

I'm sure there are more of these songs that few know are different tracks. Hell, the observations I've made of diehard Dead fans is that most don't even know the song Sugar Magnolia is two different songs.

cynicaloldfart ago

Now I'm going to be curious and be thinking the rest of the night. The one is just on the tip of my brain, but I can't even remember the group, so searching will take some time. But I have to do the archives first, so maybe I'll wake up with it on my mind but the chances are low.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not even sure what search terms I'd use, without getting a shitty signal to noise ratio.

cynicaloldfart ago

Yeah, I'm going to go through the table of contents on MFU and sing each one in my head. The chances are low but I can't forget about it until I try.

I spent several hours today trying to get Nad a downloaded copy of Clown World off of Bitchute. I dl'd it twice to my pc but then had trouble getting it to her. Catbox bombed out with "server returned code 1". Whatever the hell that means. Then my email attach froze when I tried that. My laptop was acting weird, the hd was going full bore for a long time and other weird stuff after I did that. I ended up running ms security essentials and MWB but they didn't find anything wrong. I finally got it emailed to her, but haven't heard if it worked.

cynicaloldfart ago

WooHoo, I found what I was looking for: Black Magic Woman

That's a good list but I'm not sure what really constitutes a single song vs two songs placed on an album without a distinct break. Especially any prog song/group. Your example of Load out/Stay does is indeed, to me, a single song both thematically and thematically. Neither ever appeared as a separate song by Brown.

TheBuddha ago

If I remember, I'll do some looking in the morning.

Also, I linked Dixie Fried in the pub. If you're unfamiliar, you may enjoy it.

cynicaloldfart ago

Hadn't heard that one before. Thorogood certainly is an "everyman", hanging out in seedy bars and watching the people living life on the rough side. Even though he never strays far from his sound the word pictures he paints are always interesting.

TheBuddha ago

He's the epitome of bar blues. The whole album is pretty good.

crazy_eyes ago

I had to rack my brain pretty hard to come up with that last one

intruder and pretty woman!

TheBuddha ago

Are those normally played together as one song? I think I've always heard Pretty Woman as just a single.

I repeat the fact that I'm high as balls, just in case.

crazy_eyes ago

they blend together on the album i think the radio might have played them together back when they were new but not so much anymore

TheBuddha ago

I'd absolutely not trust my memory right now.

crazy_eyes ago

are you all fucked up today?

TheBuddha ago

I am. I've not consumed booze, but I'm high as balls.

crazy_eyes ago

nice! I been smoking weed too all day I came u with a cool riff but i forgot it

TheBuddha ago

I should write something.

crazy_eyes ago

hell yeah you should!!

TheBuddha ago

I have a mission, this week. So, it will have to wait or I'll have to share multiple tricks.

Also, I like how we just hijack random threads and post what we want. Fuck 'em, I'm a rock star!

crazy_eyes ago

by the time we get to this point of a conversation the page gets so skinny its unreadable anyways

TheBuddha ago

When it gets like that, I click link and start anew.

crazy_eyes ago

I did not know you could do that!

crazy_eyes ago

here i thought that you and I were the only ones who could actually read those messages in the inbox

TheBuddha ago

You can just click the link and the nested comments are readable again.

It comes in handy.

I also use the context link, but that's just because I smoke pot.

crazy_eyes ago

i have used the context one a lot, just cause i dont always look at the messages and dont know what they are about without it

cynicaloldfart ago

Just note that when you click context, you only see the two people involved. Like this thread, I replied to Buddha, but it doesn't show up when I clicked context on one of his comments. Sometimes they branch off and you don't see them.

crazy_eyes ago

i guess thats where that link one would be helpful maybe

cynicaloldfart ago

Nope. That just expands (makes wider) what the context does. You have to go back to the full thread and find the comment thread again to see it all (I think). Like in this thread, I could see your comments up to when I opened Buddhas ping, but from that point on context only shows him and me although you had a bunch of comments in between.

crazy_eyes ago

Oh ok, an idea for voat maybe. @puttitout

cynicaloldfart ago

Yeah, it would be nice to have a "start thread from this point" button. I also would really like an "expand all".

crazy_eyes ago

I agree, expand all would be great too, especially on those that are huge

cynicaloldfart ago

I thought Putt had quit his job and was doing Voat full time now. Wonder why everything seems to take so long. I'm sure there's a lot more than meets the eye, but he's been working on that Vote feature for over a year and done a few tests on the preview site, but it's still not here. Sometimes I wonder what is really going on behind the scenes but in the end it's a free site and I'm just glad to be able use it when I can.

crazy_eyes ago

Hey as long as the site stays up putt can be as slow as he needs to be.

It's been two weeks since he put up the wild west sticky post and he hasn't been active since. Maybe he took a vacation

cynicaloldfart ago

Oh, I'm sure the pressure is intense. I've spent my time as a youth championing causes and being enraged. This stuff now is even more intense and the "truth" is now available so easily to all. I need to stay up on most things for my kids but damn its tiring. That's why it's rare for me to comment on anything outside music, I just don't have the energy anymore to discuss stuff, I don't have much of anything new to offer, and my typing sucks. That's why I envision myself as "the fool on the hill sees the world spinning round."

crazy_eyes ago

there's a song in that saying! The world sure can get a man upset with the insanity of it, you got it right you just got to let it go

TheBuddha ago

That's a handy feature.

crazy_eyes ago

it sure is

zyklon_b ago

Gothamgirl ago

This is straight of a Jerry Springer episode 😂🤣😂

ESOTERICshade ago

This is straight of a Jerry Springer episode

Hell yes. Brought to you by dumb assholes like crensch

Imnotshocked ago

She really sent you a boob pic? Is this why you sided with her back in the “Esotericshade is a voat manipulater” days?

Gothamgirl ago

Glad to see you on here 😊

ESOTERICshade ago

Glad to see you on here

Heard that. Landscape is being shaped by dumb assholes such as crensch. This used to be a platform for serious research. Not anymore.

Gothamgirl ago

Very sad but due to the way they treat others, I knew this day would come.

HollaKost ago

Since when you become concerned with how others are treated?

Does this concern you?

Or this?

Or this?

Naw, you dont really care about how others are treated. In fact, it doesn't seem you even care how you or your kids are treated since you stay with someone who says these things about you

And calls your kids retards and halfbreed niggers.

You really want cock that bad?

Gothamgirl ago

My kids are treated very well. I forgave those statements as they were made during a break up, you know when people break up they say things they don't mean.

Now how about you tell me why 2 out of the 3 mods shitzy and @Crensh joined in at the time of those comments, who were fine with it, helped troll me, never apologized and still continued on talking about my kids using the same words you just posted. this whole past year?

You really want cock that bad?

Why are you so concerned about what I want?

Srayzie proved she was one on Voat who needed cock that bad 😂🤣 how many guys came forward at this point? 2, 4 8 who knows...

HollaKost ago

, you know when people break up they say things they don't mean.

Oh yeah, everyone sends their ex's address to pedophiles during break ups! That's comepletely normal.

You're so pathetic if you actually believe even half the shit you write landwhale!

Gothamgirl ago

Your whale of a whore, who probably stinks like the Dead Sea 🤣



Have you ever heard that song Funky Cold Medina? I like that song.

HollaKost ago

And quite the cunty move to ping someone to a sub where they're banned.

HollaKost ago

Your whale of a whore, who probably stinks like the Dead Sea 🤣

Are you trying to say that's what I am? Your poor grammar makes it very hard to understand your meaning.

So anyway, do you really think it's normal to post your ex's address online and alert pedophiles to it?

zyklon_b ago

Your kods gone byebye. lmao

HollaKost ago

Muh kods bez jus fine n playing n unda da watchful eyez of da parents. U shud b worried bout ur kid riding the nigga cock carousel sense hur daddy ain't around n sheit.

zyklon_b ago

Srayzie kids = food

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Hey @gothamgirl someone's saying to eat kids. Get over here and bring your outrage.

Gothamgirl ago

I think he is trying to tell you Srayzie's kids need food. She lost her job and possibly her husband remember?

HollaKost ago

You're gonna lose your fake husband if you keep gettin on top fatty

Gothamgirl ago

They're going to need some food I bet, she is probably out of a job and husband now 🤣😂 maybe her friends can set up a good fund me.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Maebe she kin sell you drugs n sheit fa money

kestrel9 ago

she stopped talking about it and I never brought it up, so it was like this weird thing that happened and never was revisited.

Until you dropped the bomb and insults today because you don't like to take criticism. Your go to defense was to tell people that the mod that you said was a friend, was a mentally ill married woman with flabby tits. And you discussed her sexting with your friend. That's some shriveled sour grapes talking.

@crensch @MolochHunter @Vindicator

MolochHunter ago

its pretty amusing to be called Beta by someone so cucked they have to avert their tender innocent eyes when confronted by the unspeakable boobness of Srayzie, and DELETE DELETE DELETE HALP HALP muh Fideliteez to mah Tradwife is in PERIL I tellsya

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Did Srayzie ever send you tit pics or any other such suggestive photos?

Crensch ago

You realize there's nothing you can produce that could possibly save your reputation here, right?

In fact, there's nothing you could produce that would destroy mine.

You're kinda SOL, bud.

Crensch ago

@Peaceseeker @dismember @sguevar @bopper

This is the guy that owns the subverse you mod. This is him. The principles of PV were shown to have a Reddit origin, and here he is claiming he's going to keep attacking me after the users of GA have spoken.

This is the guy you wanted me to sit down and have a talk with.

The guy that thinks dragging another user's name through the mud will somehow give him leverage over me in order to keep me under his thumb.

Your leader is a bully. He's not a nice guy. He can't leave a subverse that declared its independence alone.

You abuse mod powers. And YOU had made a post against him. I figured you were running point on it. If you'd PMd me for help I would have given it.

In /v/whatever.

"The subscribers never got off of reddit in their minds and now I am modding like it's reddit". Wow that was a fast conversation. Already voted and decided? Rush that through.

Look at the votes. What, are you waiting for BuilderAnon to come in and change them for you?


I kept warning you. I kept trying to show you how you were wrong and how you were hurting Voat.

Pick one

I knew you wouldn't back down. I tried. I really, really did.

Really? Are you going to hide it?

You have no leg to stand on with it. They want you and your ilk gone.

I don't need to find other people. The mud dragging isn't over.

Yeah, I figured. You really don't have any morals. You'll do that just to spite whomever, just like zyklon does.

Says the guy who just appointed himself dictator of a major subverse. Alinsky's rules there? Accuse the enemy of what you're doing and hope no one notices? Were you a jew all along?

Back at you, mr. dictator of all mods of all subverses. Why don't you keep ESOTERICshade in play a little longer? Or was it Hojuruku that you forced the mods to not ban? There are so many of them, I forget.


sguevar ago

To be honest I just have a problem with 2 of the rules you set up:

  • No forum sliding disruptive shilling: People attempting to forum slide and disrupt thus board may be banned, and/or have posts/comments removed.

  • No continually harassing users: Continually harassing users can get your post/comment removed and you possibly banned.

Comments should not be removed. They should be downvoted. The users engaging in harassment can be blocked by the rest of the community avoiding any ping on their future attempt to interact which allows them to move on. Deleting comments is not the right way to perform this, the users should be shown the right way to proceed. However I think you can consider the bans for those behaviors.

@argosciv the reason why I disagree with you that the current mod team will be objective in their management of the subverse as it is now and with the current rules they have set is because @Crensch has proven to go ahead and banned a bunch of people that didn't brake any sub rules at the time or never got any warning regarding the fault they had made (myself included). Now he wants to retroactively use these rules to justify his previous and future bans. This does look sketchy to say the least.

The bold lettering is the main problem I have with those rules, should that be removed then I think you can proceed. However the objectivity remains an issue because you have proven to not be. Anyone that you consider a shitposter or that you don't like has gone through your ban hammer. I mean you and @Molochhunter keep pushing the false narrative that @srayzie was doxxed by others and not herself. Please correct that record because it has nothing to do with what happened. As despicable as the behavior the users engaged on against her I think that the posts done by @PeaceSeeker is a good starting point to get this resolved for future references. For example a clarification on claiming "all is satire" doesn't hide the fact that the user may still take it differently and seriously and hence it does incite harm on the user, hence the user can be considered for a ban if the offence is repeated. But that needs to be discussed further and with the admin so the TOS is modified. I am all for it, but it can only be achieved through dialogue not your approach and the one your supporters have followed. I have always criticized your approach, not what you intent to achieve. The end doesn't justifies the means.

Users should also be able to post negative things about Trump and his relation with Israel so they are also informed about the synagogue of Satan that is part of the cabal that your sub specialises on.

Can we agree on this please? I am not asking for much and it shouldn't trump your own way to manage the sub.

MolochHunter ago

tl dr

too bad so sad bye bye

sguevar ago

Thanks for proving me right.

MolochHunter ago

I have nothing to prove to you

the only people whose opinions i care for are in G.A - and they voted 185 up to 17 down for the approach I'm taking

so that puts you in the 17 downvoats - right there with the actual pedophiles zyklonb summoned and undercover jew shills

great company to keep, faggot

sguevar ago

I have nothing to prove to you

You already proved me right.

the only people whose opinions i care for are in G.A - and they voted 185 up to 17 down for the approach I'm taking

Well good for you! You got 185 upvotes from a sub that has how many thousands subscribers?

so that puts you in the 17 downvoats

I have never denied I don't like your approach and your lack of logic.

right there with the actual pedophiles zyklonb summoned and undercover jew shills

And again goes and applies guilty by association with a group I don't even associate with. Well done! You just showed your objectivity once more.

great company to keep, faggot

You are the one placing them with me and yet you are the one engaging in emotional responses with insults as if that was going to hurt me XD

Try harder.

argosciv ago

I was almost going to bother responding to what you said to me, then I realized where your comment was made, and read the rest of said comment and it strongly reminded me of a particular someone.

I've seen you try to play this sage sort of role throughout this ordeal and at first it was refreshing but I've noticed repeatedly that you aren't really interested in dialogue, just pushing narratives. Blow me.

sguevar ago

it strongly reminded me of a particular someone.

Well the implication you are making here is simply a way to try to attack the messenger and not what I am saying. But you will not be the last one to claim I have/or am an alt.

Personally when someone takes that path with me it makes me laugh.

just pushing narratives. Blow me.

What narratives am I pushing? Be specific or leave it as it is because your previous paragraph already showed your intent to attack my persona and not my argument.

MolochHunter ago

I dont care for your shit

we're rnning our Q sub the way we see fit

Here. I've made you a Q sub set to your preferred standards, I'll hand ownership over to you

kestrel9 ago

I noticed it was to the other thread but rolled with it.

Crensch ago

You summoned your goats after me for my modding. You never once tried to summon any against him.

Your selective targeting of users is probably your main problem, kev. And the classifications of subverses is a bunch of horseshit. Rules for thee... is all any mods of regular subverses see.

You could have left well enough alone. You could have left GA alone. You could have created some rationalization of why GA is to be left alone.

Nothing. You'll bend over backwards for the shitposters, but you won't budge an inch for those that want to have a serious conversation.

I wanted to find some reason to not go here, but you kept pushing.

I really wanted to find that reason. I knew where this was going from the beginning, and I was prepared to go down with the builderanon stuff if that's what voat wanted of me. You never had a chance, and I tried to make you see that.

GA is no longer under your control, they've declared themselves a monarchical shitposting subverse, so I can ban anyone and delete anything for any reason and you can't say shit about it.

What are you even doing anymore? You don't even have my modlog to stand on now; not that it ever made any difference to the majority of anyone paying attention that wasn't already part of your shitposting crew.

Why don't you search around and find some other people to drag through the mud that did nothing but fight back against zyklon? Maybe you can ask zyklon to pick some more victims to go after so you have more people to pick on, too?

You're a bully, kev.

MolochHunter ago

i dont want newcomers to our subverse who dont yet understand the functionality to have that shit in their faces, or to get the impression thats our culture

its not our culture. Its only YOUR culture

kestrel9 ago

No, never talked to him under any other handle (unless he didn't disclose his identity in the public square).

WhiteRonin ago

Bang! So you used Were using your Srayzie account to PM him tit pics.

kestrel9 ago


RE: "The Last Circle"

The following condensed version of The Last Circle was provided in October 1996 to a secret Investigative Committee comprised of Congress people, lawyers and former POW’s at their request. I originally contacted Congresswoman Maxine Waters in Washington D.C. and offered information relative to CIA drug trafficking, but was told the information was too complex and would I mind putting the information into a newspaper story, get it published and send it to her office?

I agreed and contacted a local newspaper reporter who, after reading portions of the material, decided it needed to be reviewed by individuals who had special knowledge of CIA drug trafficking, arms shipments, and biological warfare weapons.

After a brief meeting with these individuals, former Special Forces soldiers from the Vietnam era, they asked for copies of the manuscript, guaranteed an immediate congressional inquiry, and advised me NOT to place the information on the Internet as they feared the information could be, in their words, "taken as just another anti-government conspiracy."

I condensed the manuscript into the attached treatise, covering information relative to THEIR focus, and sent it to them along with key documents. Shortly afterward, they re-contacted me and set up elaborate security measures to insure my safety. As of this writing, I’ve had no need to institute those measures.

I have in my possession five boxes of documents, obtained from a convicted methamphetamine chemist whose closest friends were a 20-year CIA operative and a former FBI Senior-Agent-in-Charge of the Los Angeles and Washington D.C. bureaus. The labyrinthine involvements of these people and their corporate partners is revealed in this manuscript, along with information obtained by Washington D.C. journalist Danny Casolaro prior to his death in 1991.

A great deal of investigation still needs to be accomplished. I have neither the financial means nor the ability to obtain "evidence" for "prosecution." I am simply an investigative writer, placing this information into the public forum in hopes that someone, somewhere, will grasp the significance of the data and initiate a full-scale investigation with subsequent subpoena power.

With subpoena power, government agents can testify (some kept anonymous in this manuscript) who would otherwise lose their jobs and retirement if they came forward. Witnesses can be protected and/or provided immunity, and financial transactions of government and underworld figures can be scrutinized.

To date, I have not had more than one hour conversation with anyone associated with any Congressional investigation, and therefore am extremely limited in my ability to present the information I have. Much of what I learned during my five-year investigation cannot at this point be inserted into a manuscript. I must be assured the information and witnesses will be handled appropriately.

I personally do not believe the Department of Justice will ultimately "prosecute" this or any other drug trafficking case if it involves government officials. But I have made the effort to put forth enough information to generate interest and show good faith. I hope it will be of some value to the American public.

Please keep in mind as you read the attached pages that the complex corporate structures and technological projects described herein "may" have been nothing more than an elaborate smoke and mirrors cover for narcotics trafficking.

This aspect of my investigation was corroborated by several government investigators, one of whom was a House Judiciary investigator, who spent three years investigating the Inslaw stolen software case and said in response to my findings:

"There’s some great information here. You did a very good investigative job, I have to commend you on that. I realize it’s only a fraction of everything you have. What you have done, you have put the pieces of the whole thing together. Little bits and pieces of things that I have known about, that I had theorized about, you have found answers to those specific questions." (See Chapter 13 for entire conversation). That investigator is now in the White House Office of Drug Control Policy.

To those interested, nearly everything noted in the attached manuscript is supported by documents or tape recorded interviews. Some are extremely bulky and not quoted extensively in the manuscript, such as lengthy FBI wire tap summaries. I wish to thank Garby Leon, formerly Director of Development at Joel Silver Productions, Warner Bros. in Burbank, California for tirelessly prompting me to get a first draft of The Last Circle written in 1994 and helping me with countless tasks during our joint investigation of the death of Danny Casolaro.

MolochHunter ago

yes, you had Agency in it

Srayzie wanted to use the functionality at her disposal on voat to mitigate the threats. TheOldOnes endorsed that, and you brigaded Putt to reconsider and override, stripping Srayzie of the consensus to protect herself and the GA sub from subhuman garbage who you therefore empowered

so fuck you with your 'powermod' narrative. The only power we want is the agency to keep people safe and our subverse on topic, and you want to strong-arm us out of the Agency to enforce that

and you've still yet to answer to the argument that in being such a Freedom of Speech extremist zealot you are Facilitating the Unconstitutional by effectively enabling others to destroy our RIGHT TO PEACEABLE ASSEMBLY

kestrel9 ago

But asking people if they did also registers there somewhere. imo

WhiteRonin ago

Ah, working this alt today?

kestrel9 ago


By Carol Marshall



This is a FIRST DRAFT, bare-bones, unpolished manuscript without prose, characterizations etc.


For the deputies of the Mariposa Sheriff’s Department, the awakening occurred on June 24, 1980, when deputy Ron Van Meter drowned in an alleged boating accident on Lake McClure. The search party consisted mainly of three divers, deputies Dave Beavers, Rod Cusic and Gary Estep. Although adjacent counties offered additional divers, sheriff Paul Paige refused outside help, even a minisubmarine offered by Beavers’ associate.

In the shallow, placid waters of Lake McClure, Van Meter’s body was not recovered that week, and indeed would not be found until ten years later, in September, 1990 when his torso, wrapped in a fish net and weighted down by various objects, including a fire extinguisher, washed ashore a few hundred yards from where Sergeant Roderick Sinclair’s houseboat had once been moored.

Van Meter’s widow, Leslie, had been at home baking cookies when she was notified of her husband’s disappearance. She was an Indian girl who had no affinity with sheriff Paul Paige. The horror began for her that day also. Her home was ransacked and her husband’s briefcase and diary were seized by the Mariposa Sheriff’s department. Only she and a few deputies knew what Van Meter’s diary contained. He’d told his wife he’d taken out a special life insurance policy two weeks before, but after the search that was missing also. Leslie was taken to a psychiatric clinic for evaluation shortly after the incident. The story surfaced years later, one tiny bubble at a time. The self-involved little community of Mariposa did not cough up its secrets gladly. On March 23, 1984, Leslie Van Meter filed a Citizen’s Complaint with the Mariposa County Sheriff’s department alleging that the Sheriff’s office had been negligent and unprofessional in their investigation of her husband’s disappearance. His body had still not been found, despite private searches by Sergeant Beavers and other friends of the missing deputy. She wanted the case reopened.

Paul Paige was no longer sheriff, but newly elected Sheriff Ken Mattheys responded by reopening the investigation. Investigator Raymond Jenkins, a Merced College Police Chief, and retired FBI agent Tom Walsh from Merced, were notified by Sheriff Mattheys in October, 1984 that the Van Meter case had been reopened and he wanted their help in cleaning up the Sheriff’s Department.

Their investigation led them straight to the doorstep of MCA Corporation (Music Corporation of America), parent company to Curry Company, the largest concessionaire in Yosemite National Park. A major drug network had surfaced in the park, compelling one park ranger, Paul Berkowitz, to go before the House Interior Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation to testify about drug distribution by Curry Company officials.

Ed Hardy, the president of Curry Company, was closely associated with Mariposa County officials, in particular, Mariposa District Attorney Bruce Eckerson, County Assessor Steve Dunbar, and Congressman Tony Coelho, whose district encompassed Mariposa and the Park. The annual camping trips that the three men took together was encouraged by the local townsfolk because most of Mariposa’s tax base emanated from Curry Company. Coelho and Hardy were regular fixtures around town, seen at most of the social events. Coelho even cooked and served spaghetti dinners for the whole town annually at the Mariposa Fair Grounds, and purchased property in partnership with one member of the Mariposa Board of Supervisors. In fact, Mariposa was one of the first places he bid farewell to after resigning from Congress to avoid an investigation of his finances.

Meanwhile, investigator Raymond Jenkins had followed the drug trail from Yosemite back to the Mariposa airport, where sheriff’s deputies were seen regularly loading and unloading packages from planes in the dead of night.

One Indian girl complained bitterly about deputies using the Sara Priest land allotment (reservation) to grow marijuana and operate methamphetamine labs. Jenkins, by now retired from the position of Police Chief of Merced College, was called in to interview the Indian girl. That same day, as a favor, he provided me with copies of his notes. I followed up with a tape recorded interview at her home in Bear valley. Her father and uncle operated a small auto dismantling business on the reservation in Midpines, and after locating them and gaining their confidence, the uncle drove me out to Whiskey Flats, the site of the marijuana and methamphetamine lab operations. That week I rented a horse and rode down into the rocky, isolated valley of Whiskey Flats. Brush and shrubbery tore at the saddle on the horse and at the end of the dirt path I encountered three snarling Rottweiler dogs who put the horse into a frenzied lather.

Nevertheless, I managed to photograph the irrigation system, artesian spring and pond from which the water was supplied as well as various points of identification for future reconnaissance. I later returned in a four-wheel drive pickup truck and managed to view the trailer and lab shack.

The tape recorded interview with the Indian girl, the photos and notes from my discovery were provided to the Stanislaus County Drug Task Force, but jurisdictionally, they couldn’t enter Mariposa County without authority of the Mariposa Sheriff’s department. It was a catch 22 situation. Ultimately I provided the same information anonymously to several related agencies. It was not until 1993 that the fields were eradicated, and 1994, before the labs were raided. However, no arrests of any deputies were ever forthcoming. In fact, no arrests occurred at all, except for a few non-English speaking Mexican nationals who had handled the "cooking." The head of the Los Angeles Drug Enforcement Agency noted to a local newspaper that the meth lab was part of a large California drug network, but they were unable to identify the kingpins. On July 6, 1985, Mrs. Van Meter filed a "Request for Official Inquiry" with the State of California Department of Boating and Waterways stating that no satisfactory investigation was ever conducted into the matter of her husband’s disappearance.

That same month, shortly after a meeting at Lake McClure with Mrs. Van Meter, Sheriff Mattheys mysteriously resigned from his position at the Mariposa Sheriff’s Department. Mattheys revealed to reporter Anthony Pirushki that he had been ordered by two county supervisors and the county’s attorney "to stay away from the Van Meter investigation." But that was not the reason he resigned. The whole story would not surface until seven years later when a reporter for the Mariposa Guide interviewed him.

However, while still in office, Mattheys and his internal affairs investigators had learned the reason for Van Meter’s disappearance. A few weeks prior to his death in 1980, Van Meter had driven to the Attorney General’s office in Sacramento and reported drug dealing and other types of corruption within the Mariposa Sheriff’s Department. This, according to his friends whom he had confided in, deputies Dave Beavers, a fifteen year veteran of the sheriff’s department, and Rod Cusic, a seventeen year veteran. Both deputies were ultimately forced out of the department and retired on stress leave.

On that same day, reserve deputy Lucky Jordan had driven to the Fresno office of the FBI to report similar information. According to Jordan, they had split up and reported to separate agencies in the event "something" happened to one of them.The crux of the story was State Attorney General Van De Kamp’s response to the requested investigation by Ron Van Meter. When Ron returned home from Sacramento, he was confronted by Sheriff Paige. Paige had received a call from the Attorney General informing him of the visit and its contents, and the sheriff was livid about Van Meter’s betrayal. Van Meter had been photographing and journalizing drug activity by deputies at Lake McClure. He was part of a California State Abatement Program which involved harvesting and eradicating marijuana fields in Yosemite National Park and adjacent counties. Instead, the harvested marijuana was being stored in abandoned cars and towed out of town by a local wrecker under contract with the sheriff’s department. It was also being distributed at a hidden cove at Lake McClure.

On June 24, 1980, frustrated and angry at the Attorney General for betraying him, Van Meter had borrowed a boat and was on his way to arrest the deputies at Lake McClure himself. He never returned. The investigation of Van Meter’s "accident" was initially handled by Sergeant Roderick Sinclair, who could not have known on that fateful day that in exactly three years, three months, and nineteen days, he would enter the Twilight Zone where his own private hell awaited him.

Crensch ago

Yeah, but look who you responded to with contempt. And here where you admonished her for fighting back.

Despite 24/7 coverage of child-threatening horseshit, this is what you responded to him.

HollaKost ago

Zyklon_b is a fucking larp account! Nothing about him is real so no real kids were threatened! All is art n satire mother fucker!

SandHog ago

I just thought it was funny and a little hypocritical how you used it as a slur when you yourself use it. About those pics though, who was it that sent them to you?

Nadeshda ago

At least he admitted her to be a shitposter...

kestrel9 ago

LOL. No worse than you all have been trying to make me look.

err, curiously you've managed to look exponentially worse. Is wanking a public flogging offense on PV?

WhiteRonin ago

Fuck off Srayzie.

You fucking skank!

kestrel9 ago


The first substantial hint that a tentacle of the Octopus had slithered into Mariposa County occurred on March 5, 1983 when a Mariposa County Sheriff’s vehicle scouting Queen Elizabeth II’s motorcade route rounded a curve in the Yosemite National Park foothills, crossed a highway and collided head on with a Secret Service car, killing three Secret Service agents. CHP (California Highway Patrol) Assistant Chief Richard Hanna reported that the collision occurred at 10:50 a.m. between Coulterville and La Grange on Highway 132 about 25 minutes ahead of Queen Elizabeth’s motorcade. CHP Sergeant Bob Schilly reported that Mariposa County Sheriff’s Sergeant Roderick Sinclair, 43, was driving with his partner, Deputy Rod McKean, 51, when "for some reason, [he didn’t] know why," Sinclair crossed the center line and hit the second of the three Secret Service cars, which went tumbling down a 10foot embankment.

The three Secret Service agents killed in the collision were identified as George P. LaBarge, 41, Donald Robinson, 38, and Donald A. Bejcek, 29. Sinclair, who had sustained broken ribs and a fractured knee, was first stabilized at Fremont Hospital in Mariposa, then transported several days later to Modesto Memorial Hospital.

Years later, several nurses who had been present when Sinclair was brought into Fremont Hospital confided that Sinclair had been drugged on the day of "the Queen’s accident" as it became known in Mariposa. For months Sinclair had been receiving huge daily shots of Demerol, "enough to kill most men," according to one billing clerk. Some former deputies who had feared punitive measures if they spoke up, later corroborated the story of the nurses. Meanwhile, Assistant U.S. Attorney James White in Fresno ordered Dr. Arthur Dahlem’s files seized to prove Sinclair’s drug addiction. Sinclair’s Mariposa doctor and close friend had been prescribing heavy sedatives to him for years. When White attempted to prosecute Sinclair for criminal negligence, he was called into chambers during the federal probe and told by U.S. District Court Judge Robert E. Coyle to "drop the criminal investigation" because Sinclair’s drug problem was not relevant to the prosecution and the drug records could not be used in court. Judge Coyle’s reasoning was that no blood tests had been taken on Sinclair at the Fremont Hospital on the day of the accident, therefore no case could be made against him. In fact, the blood tests HAD been taken, but later disappeared. A significant piece of information relative to Judge Coyle’s background was passed to me during my investigation of the Queen’s accident by retired FBI agent Thomas Walsh. Allegedly, the Judge was once the attorney of record for Curry Company (owned by MCA Corporation) in Yosemite National Park. I later learned, in 1992, that Robert Booth Nichols had strong ties to MCA Corporation through Eugene Giaquinto, president of MCA Corporation Home Entertainment Division. Giaquinto had been on the Board of Directors of Nichols’ corporation, MIL, Inc. (Meridian International Logistics, Inc.) and also held 10,000 shares of stock in the holding corporation. MIL, Inc. was later investigated by the Los Angeles FBI for allegedly passing classified secrets to overseas affiliates in Japan and Australia. It is interesting to note, though unrelated, that shortly afterward, the Japanese purchased MCA Corporation, one of the largest corporate purchases to take place in American history.

Relative to the Queens accident, in the civil trial that followed the tragic accident, Judge Coyle ruled that both Sinclair and the deceased Secret Service agents were at fault. Mariposa County was ordered to pay 70 percent of the claim filed by the widows, and the Secret Service to pay 30 percent. The county’s insurance company paid the claim, and ironically, Sinclair was subsequently promoted to Commander of the Mariposa Sheriff’s Department where he is still employed as of this writing.

In an interview on March 7, 1988, at Yoshino’s Restaurant in Fresno, former U.S. Attorney James White recalled that the original CHP report on the Queens accident was sent to the State Attorney General’s office (Van De Kamp) in Sacramento. The report was first received by Arnold Overoye, who agreed with White that Sinclair should be prosecuted. But when the report crossed Van De Kamp’s desk, he told Overoye and his assistant to discard it trash it. Van De Kamp then appointed Bruce Eckerson, the Mariposa County District Attorney, to take charge of the investigation and submit a new report. Coincidentally, Bruce Eckerson’s disclosure statements on file at the Mariposa County Courthouse indicated that he owned stock in MCA Entertainment Corporation. White added that ALL of the crack M.A.I.T.S. team CHP officers involved in the original investigation either resigned or were transferred (or fired) afterward. The CHP Commander and the Deputy Commander who supervised the M.A.I.T.S. investigation also resigned as did Assistant U.S. Attorney White himself after the coverup took place.

However, White noted that before he resigned, he quietly filed with Stephan LaPalm of the U.S. Attorney’s office in Sacramento the transcripts of the trial and an affidavit which listed the "hallucinatory" drugs Sinclair had used prior to the accident. I privately continued with the Queen’s accident investigation, interviewing deputies Dave Beavers and Rod Cusic who had been privy to Sinclair’s drugged condition on the day of the accident.

Beavers, who was the first deputy to arrive on the scene, maintained four years later, in 1987, that he was cognizant of Sinclair’s condition, but when he was questioned by James White he was NOT ASKED about the drugs. (James White had by then been ordered to drop the criminal investigation and stay away from the drug aspect of the case).

In January 1988, deputy Rod Cusic strode into the offices of the Mariposa Guide, a competitor newspaper to the Mariposa Gazette, and stated that he was "told by Rod Sinclair to lie to a Grand Jury" about Sinclair’s drug addiction and the resulting Queen’s accident. Cusic added that he officially disclosed this to the Fresno FBI on April 26, 1984 and again on October 9, 1987. In 1987, Cusic also noted that he witnessed a booby trapped incendiary device explode at Rod Sinclair’s home during a visit to his residence. Additionally, earlier on, Sinclair allegedly barricaded himself inside his home and booby trapped the property, as witnessed by numerous deputies who tried to persuade him to come out.

While reviewing old newspaper clippings from the Mariposa Gazette, I discovered an odd sidebar to the story. In December, 1984, during the Queen’s accident civil trial in Fresno, U.S. Attorney James White had introduced testimony that Sinclair’s vehicle contained "a myriad of automatic weapons including a booby trapped bomb" when the collision occurred on March 5, 1983. It was not until 1991 that I discovered the depth of the cover-up. ….

HollaKost ago

Then you compare it to shizy who threatened a child.

@shizy wrote the same shit to zyklon_b that he had written about her! It was perfectly ok with the trolls and assholes when he did it multiple times, but she does it once in response to him and oh no, can't do that! Gotta clutch those pearls and shame her!

Different standards for different users is bullshit! But it's bullshit you push, so don't complain when you have to live with it too!

SandHog ago

It proves you are a redditor. Kinda funny how you are accusing others of that for which you yourself are guilty of. Also who doesn't look at titty pics that get sent to them? Seriously lol.

HollaKost ago

And I have never threatened anyone's kids. Never

I haven't seen anyone claim you did. But you sure as hell like to stick your fat nose in and make judgements about other people's comments, like with this comment you just left:

And then you proceed to whine when unequal standards are applied to you. It's ok when others are expected to just shut the fuck up and take something unfair, just not you! Fucking hypocrite!

Vindicator ago

she shares them with everyone. Even @esotericshade. She tried to cuck him and it backfired.

@think- check this out. Kev, who would not allow me to ban the site-rule breaking ES to stop him from preying on child rape survivors in v/pizzagate, is claiming srayzie went after him.

ESOTERICshade ago

ES to stop him from preying on child rape survivors

That was low. I don't "prey" on anybody. You need some sleep @vindicator. Qanon is 100 percent high octane bullshit. Don't mix the Q bullshit with pizzagate and you will be ok. Democrat/republican blah blah blah...both are bullshit. Wake up nigga

MolochHunter ago

you give pedophile doxxers the power to hound people off this site in fear of their families safety if they betray you, Kev

thats how vindictive you are when people refuse to hand their power over to you

own it

Gothamgirl ago

Like your mod @shizy who wrote for a pediphile to rape and murder my child. You'll are fucking filth.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Is say all is satire so et a joke n ok jus liek zyklon_b do it.

You ain't got no problemes when he do it so et ok fur othha peeple 2

Gothamgirl ago

Grab a dictionary and try again.

Gothamgirl ago

You can't be serious?

sguevar ago

you give pedophile doxxers the power.

Missed representation of what happened. This is despicable to say the least and as you already were questionable to my eyes you keep pushing for a false narrative. The one that gave the power to them from getting her information was no one else than srayzie.

thats how vindictive you are when people refuse to hand their power over to you

Actually that is exactly how you are behaving.

MolochHunter ago

bullshit sguevar. Theoldones stepped in to aid Srayzie, and Putt undid his good judgement - because, no doubt - from lobbying from the likes of Kevdude and perhaps you

fuck yurselves

if you dont even give us the tools to mitigate against doxxing and death threats, let alone uphold our Constitutional Right to Peaceable Assembly, shove your rules up your ass. Your opinion of me holds no water

Gothamgirl ago

Theoldones stepped in only cause he received naked photos from srayzie. It's called infidelity and a really shitty look to have someone running Q that is a skank.

sguevar ago

bullshit sguevar.

You were not n the PM chain that I had with Cynabuns and Puttitout. I gave proof that she provided links to her personal social media. And I shared that proof with several others. Including both Srayzie and Crensch.

perhaps you

Your reaction to my comment clearly shows your lack of objectivity because now you try to apply guilty by association and not look at the bigger picture. This is why you are so questionable to my eyes. You keep giving proof of it.

fuck yurselves

Oh wow an emotional outburst that really hurt.... /s

if you dont even give us the tools to mitigate against doxxing and death threats, let alone uphold our Constitutional Right to Peaceable Assembly, shove your rules up your ass. Your opinion of me holds no water

You are demanding tools that go against FREEDOM OF SPEECH in order to ensure a SAFE SPACE for your community and without engaging on dialogue. You are behaving just as the same group you thought fighting against, an entitled social justice warrior. Congratulations not only you corrupted your cause but you behave exactly as you projected.

So much objectivity there, isn't it @argosciv?

MolochHunter ago

go look through the deleted comments folder

find anything deleted by me ?

just one thing?

can you?

i havent done it yet

so your concerns lack substance as for posts, we curate to keep on topic, ike every other sub

and go ahead, ping @argosciv in, he can tell you how the voat user agreement has nothing explicitly against private subs exercising flexibility at their own discretion

you dont like the Q sub im modding in, go to another , or start your own


sguevar ago

go look through the deleted comments folder. find anything deleted by me ?

And yet you are supporting that approach which is in fact as reprehensible as doing it.

so your concerns lack substance

Not really your behavior already shows it is highly possible. But if you are asking me to give you the benefit of the doubt, I can do that.

as for posts, we curate to keep on topic, ike every other sub

I don't have a problem with the posts as my comments have always expressed, unless they have to do with the main topic of the subverse and they respect the rules, obviously. So on that we agree on.

and go ahead, ping @argosciv in, he can tell you how the voat user agreement has nothing explicitly against private subs exercising flexibility at their own discretion

I know and yet the behavior was agreed even before you and I were here as a way to preserve the FREEDOM OF SPEECH of the users. Basically what you are telling me here equates to a immigrant going to another country that already has a set of rules and agreements established and that the immigrant refuses to adapt to because he is an immigrant.

you dont like the Q sub im modding in, go to another , or start your own

I find the topic interesting but yes I don't follow it nor trust it. However my problem is not with your sub, my problem resides with your questionable character pushing false narratives.


mhm... sure.

argosciv ago

The funny part is that you can see he's only doing it to spit poison.

Pretended to be an impartial party at first but really isn't when you read between the lines.

Hell, I'll admit I'm not an impartial party, this shit became personal for me long ago.

sguevar ago

Interesting so now you claim I spit poison and I am not impartial. I think you need to read about what it means to be impartial because you were projecting there. At least you accepted your projection afterwards.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

It appears that Srayzie sent out a lot of tit pics. It was her currency. These fools still won't let up and admit that they were tricked

sguevar ago

Actually I asked personally @kevdude regarding much of the accusations thrown at him in which he also told me that she attempted to it and he refused. I never asked for the proof of those pms because I wanted to see what would happen. With the screenshots he posted on the different interactions he did show the proof of what he previously told me.

Meaning he backed his word and was being honest, so trustworthy in my book. This is a whole new matter now because now they are trying to shift it as a low blow from his part to discredit his accusers.

Basically they are accusing him of the same thing they did against him, projecting much? And don't even notice that what he discredited more was their accusations.

I am quite disappointed on much of the reactions I see from some of the people I held in high regard at this point... But well they already showed that they will resort into using whatever mean possible to achieve their goal... even attacking my persona and accusing me of being an alt.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Yes. I believe Kev about the pics and whatnot. You've been a voice of reason in this. What concerns me is blackmail, or mods being compromised. Ending freedom of speech is disgusting. Did they forget why Voat was created? I hope they start seeing the writing on the wall. I also wonder if Srayzie tried to send things to Putt. My opinion as of right now is that Srayzie is part of some group and used sex to seduce the local men. I think that ending free speech on Voat was her goal. I want to make a post on it all when I get time to do it right.

CerealBrain ago

I also wonder if Srayzie tried to send things to Putt. My opinion as of right now is that Srayzie is part of some group and used sex to seduce the local men. I think that ending free speech on Voat was her goal.

lol mate

sguevar ago

I honestly can't focus on hypotheticals. I need to focus on what I have on the table.

But we do have a name for those girls/women that act in that way to trick men. We call them "calienta pichas", It literally translates to "dick warmers". There is also a saying that my mother put in my head a long time ago: "Cuando la de abajo se para, la de arriba no piensa" which translates to "When the one below/downstairs stands up, the one above/upstairs stops thinking/doesn't think".

If you want to make the post go for it but personally I wouldn't pay much attention to it because there are too many hypotheticals and when I first heard about the pics I was surprised as I didn't think srayzie would engage in such behavior.

Certainly puts in question her motives but I can't address that do to so many unknowns.

argosciv ago

You're transparent as fuck, I have no interest in engaging your bullshit.

sguevar ago

You're transparent as fuck, I have no interest in engaging your bullshit.

I don't know what transparent means for you but at this point you also show lack of objectivity. Well done!

Nadeshda ago

I know this may be totally irrelevant to the conversation at hand but I genuinely wonder did she send you any ”naughty” pictures?

Forgive me for asking but I can’t help but wonder about these things...

HollaKost ago

Aww, she can lie and claim I sent her dick pics, but when I push back I'm the ass hole

Yep, that basically the same thing @Shizy did in response to constant threats from zyklon_b and she got shit on for it while he got a pussy pass.

Sucks don't it Kev?

Vindicator ago - sent right before a 2nd PM from her with her boobs. I deleted that PM as well. I have a gf and unlike srayzie's husband we both believe in exclusivity and that applies to strangers sending unsolicited nudes.

So your big reveal is that you deleted the pics ES sent to us to try to get her demodded and stop Q posts in v/pizzagate, and she re-sent them to you? The night she was all whacked out over being groomed and humiliated? A child rape survivor who was trained by the age of 10 to come on to men for survival -- you're taking that as her firting with you?

Excuse me while I vomit.

And you think it legit to use what was done to her against her publicly in your campaign against Crensch?

I didn't actually think you were capable of this level of depraved indifference to human beings, Kev. It's foul.

You are voluntarily and publicly exploiting what ES did to her -- a vote manipulating, site rule-breaking predator who should have been banned but whom YOU knowingly allowed to continue prowling Voat, and continue to allow to do so. You protected the predator, and exploited his target for your own political ends.

You really think you're going to come out looking good in this scenario?

@Peaceseeker @PuttItOut @Dismember @cynabuns: This is the guy "Protecting" Voat.

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Gothamgirl ago

You sound pathetic.

"child rape survivor who was trained by the age of 10 to come on to men for survival"

You mean now turned predator @Vindicator.

This woman has been stalking my children for over a year, she has called my childs school pretending to be me, and has been posting their names on here for last 30 days.

Excuse me while I vomit.

You people are the biggest manipulators on Voat. That bitch had 4 alts on 1 pizzagate post attacking me, and you knew they were her alts. Fucking disgrace all of you involved.

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator acts like she doesn't get on Tinder on a webcam and "get her freak on" as she puts it. She is highly sexually aggressive and she doesn't hesitate to go after what she wants. How many women have you dated in your life vindicator? The beta fag White Knight way you act the answer is probably ONE. You act like she is a damsel in distress that I took advantage of @vindicator. Vindicator either you are stupid, or you are a GOD DAMN LIAR exploiting this situation to get rid of people you don't like, such as me.

After reading this thread i'm sick of your faggot White Knight exploitation of this situation. She is a grown ass woman, highly sexually aggressive, and trust me, ain't nobody taking advantage of her thats for damn sure.

She just sent you mods pics and blamed it on me and YOU KNOW IT. You exploited that situation and i'm tired of your goddamn bullshit.

Gothamgirl ago

She was a sneaky one.

HollaKost ago

You're the sneaky one


You mean now turned predator

You're comparing pedophilia with an adult sharing nudie pics with another adult?

What's wrong with you? How did you go from gung ho Pizzagate researcher to nothing but shit talking filth? Is it because you were a fake all along? You never cared about pizzagate! You were there to infiltrate. Now your three besties from pizzagate are either dead, in jail or disappeared! Strange isn't it?

WhiteRonin ago

And you are protecting a “builder”.

Aren’t you a major hypocritical asshole.

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ESOTERICshade ago

So your big reveal is that you deleted the pics ES sent to us to try to get her demodded and stop Q posts in v/pizzagate, and she re-sent them to you?

If you had ANY idea how off base your perceptions are you would be embarrassed. Why the hell would I want her demodded? What good would that do? My function as far a pizzagate went, UNFORTUNATELY, became arguing with you that Qanon does not deserve to be ruining pizzagate's reputation. At that time pizzagate was my little comfy home nest. I felt at home there and I contributed a lot of posts and comments there UNTIL you started fucking it up with an anonymous source from 4Chan. Getting her demodded, had that even been my goal, would not have done a damn bit of good because you are as fooled by Coleman Rogers (Qanon) as she is. You have no idea how utterly off base your thinking is.

She and I were friends. When she became consumed with Qanon we stopped talking as much but I NEVER MEANT HER ANY HARM, AND I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO HARM HER. She sent pictures to a LOT of people. Evidently somebody turned on her and sent pics to you. It was not me and you need to stop saying that shit unless you can prove it.

You're the one always asking for "evidence" to shut people down that say things you don't like, but you say a lot of bullshit without providing any "evidence" yourself. I was only ONE OF MANY people she was playing sex pic games with online. For you to pick me out of the crowd and blame it on me is just biased bullsht. You hate me because I stood up to you about using a bullshit anonymous source from 4chan in what I considered my home base at pizzagate.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

And what did you do bro?

Wank off to her picks and turned into a white knight. This explains why you were always pinged to do her dirty work.

Paid in Sexts!

Cuck, you should have taken her shekels!

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ESOTERICshade ago

So your big reveal is that you deleted the pics ES sent to us to try to get her demodded and stop Q posts in v/pizzagate, and she re-sent them to you?

I don't have any nekked pics of srayzie an I don't give give a fuck about your teenage bullshit. I never sent naked pics of srayzie to anybody because I don't have any pics. Go fuck yourself. God damn bro...grow up


WhiteRonin ago

Jesus, they slandered the fuck out of you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Jesus, they slandered the fuck out of you.

Like a pig. When they started that shit I could have opened the floodgates because there is plenty of ammo left in the can, in the form of written PMs, but I don't want to get anymore tangled up in this shit than they have already forced me to be.

WhiteRonin ago

I hear yah.

Good on you for being a stand up guy!

ESOTERICshade ago

I hear yah. I don't mind the barbecue flame you lit under their ass for what they did to me though. They fucking deserve it.

WhiteRonin ago

I did it to save voat and because Crensch is a powe mod who attacks all women except for Srayzie.

I didn’t know she screwed you over until a day or 2 ago.

HollaKost ago

All is art n satire you smug mother fucker

Crensch ago

Oh! You get the Zyklon Penis Pass for that, right?

HollaKost ago

You get the Zyklon Penis Pass for that, right?

Damn straight!

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Crensch ago

Were they a man's tits?

Vindicator ago

That would explain his behavior.

Why do gays envy women? I'll never understand it.

Crensch ago

Oh, man. You've never seen a pair of tits that made you a little off in the head for a while?

Kek. Maybe there's something to those male strippers you were supposed to look at? What did you tell her?

Crensch ago

She sent all kinds of stuff. All the shit you have been hitting me with sent me back through my inbox.

Sounds like you enjoyed yourself.

I don't need to pretend I wasn't. You on the other hand evidently show your dick to every user you think is a chick.

They wish.

Crensch ago

Man, she really got to you, didn't she?

HollaKost ago

I shared your dick pics with my granny. I hope you don't mind. She really didn't see anything anyway.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Okay, I believe you. All I can say is compromised compromised compromised

SandHog ago

I've always liked you cheese. I find it odd how invested you are in all of this. I must have missed some drama somewhere along the way. If you are the nazi that you portray yourself as surely you can share a pic of some nazi paraphernalia and include a note with your username and a date, no?

I'm no nazi but I think you all are a bunch of liberal larpers at this point.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I've always liked you cheese. I find it odd how invested you are in all of this. I must have missed some drama somewhere along the way.

Srayzie attacked me when she first came here and this same group of incels attacked me relentlessly and used dirty tactics, so yeah, its a little personal for me. I told them their day would come and that I would be there. I've been watching....waiting....nudging...

If you are the nazi that you portray yourself as

I'm not a Nazi, although some of my beliefs align with them. I don't think I've ever claimed to be a Nazi here. I'm just a rural white boy who likes to shit post. and jew hunt.

I'm no nazi but I think you all are a bunch of liberal larpers at this point.

Liberalism is communism is cancer.

SandHog ago

Srayzie attacked me when she first came here and this same group of incels attacked me relentlessly and used dirty tactics, so yeah, its a little personal for me. I'm guilty of defending myself. I told them their day would come and that I would be there. I've been watching....waiting....nudging...

I must have missed all that stuff. It just really surprised me when you came out hot because it seemed out of character for you.

I'm not a Nazi, although some of my beliefs align with them. I don't think I've ever claimed to be a Nazi here. I'm just a rural white boy who likes to shit post. and jew hunt. I don't have any hate in my heart and just like to amuse myself. I'm not evil.

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I just poked ya the other night because I was all tuned up and drunk me likes to poke people sometimes.

Liberalism is communism is cancer.

We almost need to come up with a new word instead of cancer at this point because cancer is seeming somewhat benign in comparison these days.

Le_Squish ago

He's just working on his shitlist is all.

SandHog ago

Yeah, could be. I understand there is some history there. Actually the one who should provide the proof is zyklon. Since he has nazi tattoos that should be easy enough to prove.

I'm just trying to figure out what is going on because what is going on isn't like what a lot of people are saying is what is going on.

Le_Squish ago

All I will say is that there are more users sitting on titty picks than what has currently been revealed.

SandHog ago

I'm sure there are. I'm not one of them. I guess that's mostly due to me not coming on Voat and trying to pick up chicks though, lol.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

mostly due to me not coming on Voat and trying to pick up chicks though, lol.


Voat became a dating site. Tit pic corner.

SandHog ago

Oh god, no....


Le_Squish ago

Good, you don't have to go down in flames with the rest of the cuck boys.

SandHog ago

Trying to find out who the cuck boys are.

Le_Squish ago

That's just a wild troll.

SandHog ago

Him? Me? You?

Le_Squish ago

Zyklon is eternal troll. I only troll part time. You always struck me as a total faggot but I haven't really chatted with you enough to know for sure. But this is the internet after all.

SandHog ago

You always struck me as a low IQ troll so I guess we are even. It's funny because I bet most of the people on here, even the ones who I think are currently acting like right cunts, I would probably get along with quite well if I met them in the real world.

Le_Squish ago

Trolls are always the people you want to befriend. Trolls never pretend to not be trolls.

SandHog ago

Niggers never pretend to be not niggers. So I guess that's winning in your estimation?

Le_Squish ago

A known threat is always preferable to a hidden one.

SandHog ago

Agreed. That's the problem with Voat currently.

Crensch ago

A girl got thrown off by having her tit pics revealed to a bunch of guys. One guy didn't seem interested. What fun to try and get him to crack!

Sure. Frame it however you want, cuck. "Lie" to try and get a rise out of you. Srayzie is a shitposter, kev! Why aren't you defending her like you do for the others? Holy crap dude, all is art, right?

CantDentTheBrent ago

Lmao you silly kike. You've been found out.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I want Srayzie to post Crensch'spics. I want Crensch to post Srayzie's pics. What a bunch of builders!!!

Crensch ago

So you CAN post like I do. You must be one upset dude.

Aww, she can lie and claim I sent her dick pics, but when I push back I'm the ass hole. What's wrong cuck boy? Can't ban me from this sub for criticizing m'lady?

Did I ban you from any of my subs? Do you ever accuse me of anything legitimate? You're dishonest, and you continue to be dishonest.

Who, you? You are powerhungry faggot. You have been stabbing me in the back for weeks because I don't have the power to siteban the trolls who were fucking with your online girlfriend. Get fucked.

You didn't even lift a finger to help against zyklon. What he did to srayzie was awful, but ProtectVoat failed to protect anything at all... BUT zyklon.

Aww. This is a user moderated site.

Funny, I don't see that anywhere in the Voat user agreement, rules, guidlines, or really anything at all. Why don't you show me where that is?

Then don't do it. Or go to reddit where mods rule.

I think it's more like time for you to piss off. You have no power, no moral high ground, and no logos to back up your horseshit.

U mad? Good, because I haven't even gotten started. You have sat with your little echo chamber ripping me down for weeks. Now it's my turn.

Go for it. I hope you find real pics of my cock and share them somehow. Show everyone how hot srayzie is. I'm sure it'll just RUIN us.

Not going anywhere.

You've lost so much ground you're foaming at the mouth.

This isn't a call to arms. It is marking the moment where you killed Voat. The low IQ weak-willed refugees maybe outnumber the people who normally cared, but whatever.

I killed YOUR IDEA of what Voat should be. I told you I would. You could have had equal standards for subverses or left mine alone like FPH, but you didn't. You kept on, despite my telling you exactly what would happen.

At least you admit that I killed YOUR Voat.

No, if she had them she would have given them to you, along with all the other PMs she selected to create a distorted narrative.

She might have them, but I sure as fuck don't want them. Fucking gag.

Says the guy who is still throwing a tantrum because his online girlfriend's husband made her tone down her internet usage.

You sure seem to know a lot about her and her family. Could you tell us some more while trying to pretend you weren't the one trying to sext her?

ESOTERICshade ago

I have read enough of this bullshit. I don't care. I only know what I know. I DO KNOW that @kevdude has always make the best decisions and done the right thing as best he knows how to do. I have dealt with @kevdude many times and he is a good person. I also deal with @vindicator and vindicator is fair and reasonable. You @crensch, are a piece of shit internet trash. You can burn in hell crensch. You are fucking ignorant and a piece of dirt. If I was @puttitiout I would ban your mother fucking destructive ass from Voat. Fuck you and die crensch.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You mad?

ESOTERICshade ago

You mad?

I happy as hell. How bout you?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not too bad today. Giggling my ass off, actually.

ESOTERICshade ago

That was pretty good. Thanx for that. I love you sweet baby :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


ESOTERICshade ago


everything will be ok. Hang out for the ride

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're still so far behind. Stop drinking so much, talk less, read more.

Maybe you'll catch up, in a couple months.

ESOTERICshade ago

Stop drinking so much

How did you know I started drinking again? Is it that obvious?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


MolochHunter ago

Here's whats so retarded about this lame effort at projection

to whatever extent any mod anywhere is or isnt motivated by 'power' - Kevdudes motivation is to have power over all those mods

this post to me is like Hillary Clinton bitching about Trump's obstruction


Crensch ago

Oh, man. Could you share some more? I rather enjoyed that feeling.

Yeah, the awesome, badass researcher that built /GA has a rockin' set of tits, too.

@ar47 @argosciv

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SandHog ago


You’re lying as usual asshole

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CheeseboogerHimself ago

She was setting ya'll up for blackmail. THIS IS EXACTLY HOW JEWESS' OPERATE

Crensch ago

She just wanted to get a rise out of kevdude. She was happy with my response. I told her she was hot, and she felt better about it all.

Whatever. Kev can self-destruct here as the real cucked one to srayzie if he wants.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

dudemanbro...I don't even know what to say at this point.

CheeseboogerHimself ago


Crensch is a supa freak, supa freak, he's supa freaky YOW

CheeseboogerHimself ago

@Kevdude @Crensch

WTF did you nerds send Srayzie?? You neckbeards sent her nude pics??? Holy fuck @zyklon_b hahahahahahahahahahOMG

Crensch ago

Srayzie told me he did. She told me she was going to tell him all kinds of things to tease him 'cuz he was so stuck up.

Gothamgirl ago

Damn Crensch this post proves you're a thirsty fuck.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Did you send her pics? Be honest.

Gothamgirl ago

This guy has been calling me a whore for a years. I bet he sent dick pics to a married jewess. 🤣😂🤣

Crensch ago

What does this even mean?

It means you're a fucking scumbag. You brought this up for what? To smear her some more?

In an attempt to smear me?

Dude. This doesn't look good for you no matter which way it plays out. Some part of you knows this.

What does that have to do with you taking advantage of her and having le sexy online time with her? And does her childhood trauma excuse her from fucking lying and claiming I sent her dick pics? I deleted her tit pics the moment I realized what they were, why the fuck would I encourage it?

Yeah, keep asking yourself that as you destroy the last bits of credibility or goodwill you have with anyone of any decent character around here.

You've shown yourself to be a liar, constantly. You've shown yourself to be dishonest, and not here for the users, and especially not here for the mods. You've made moderating on this website such a chore that nobody wants to... unless they're your shitposting buddies.

You're a sick fuck, no matter which way anyone slices anything.

You've lost. You could have left as a martyr some time ago, but you kept on. There's so little left of you... look at your call to arms.


Whatever man. Drop your load. Let's see who gives a shit.

Srayzie doesn't even need to be here to drop your little-dick pics, everyone can tell already.

ruck_feddit ago

Oh my fucking god, Kev. This guy wants to be king? Ffs


After that, you sent Srayzie your dick pics asshole!

CheeseboogerHimself ago


oh shit. This is what I was wanting to see. Good job. I dont even like you but I will be fair and praise you when you display LOGOS. Holy fuck this makes Crensch the biggest cuck on Voat. DESTROYED

@zyklon_b take a look at Kevs post


Shut the fuck up. You were publicly asking for pics

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Come on, Shizy!!! LETS SEE YOUR TIT AND VAGENE PICS TOO!!! ah ah ah

I FUCKING KNEW YOU TWO WERE ScUMBAG JEW degenerates who led these two ol' boys astray and blackmailed them. JIDF/MOSAD TACTICS

Crensch ago

I like how you know @srayzie's backstory of being abused as a child and raped quite often, but you're here posting this because you're losing your grip on a subverse that has fuck-all to do with you.

Taking advantage of the obvious attention-seeking from males of a rape survivor. For the sole purpose of, what?

What will this accomplish? You have no goats backing you. You have no shitposters backing you.

You've lost. Everything. And even if you somehow produced a pic never sent to you of my dong, there would be nothing for me to be ashamed about. Nor would pictures of srayzie that were sent to us and that she trusted you enough to share with you again since "duh, they're boobs".

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @Peaceseeker

The fall of kevdude.

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RockmanRaiden ago

Oh God. Not this shit again. You are all aware that Ebola niggers landed right? Faster than any caravan?

We should be fucking prepping.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are all aware that Ebola niggers landed right? Faster than any caravan?

We should be fucking prepping.

The voice of wisdom speaks. Its nice to know there are still people with brains around here

RockmanRaiden ago

Please. Stop. I can only get so erect.

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Crensch ago

She told me she didn't ask for your pics, but you sent them.

She also told me she told you that to tease you because you were so stuck up.

WhiteRonin ago

She sweetened you up after she decided that @ESOTERICshade wasn’t what she wanted.

Of course, she already had @vindicator in her pussy pocket!

ESOTERICshade ago

Correction bro. I was always backing away. However, I did make the mistake of thinking she was really my friend. Fatal mistake.

WhiteRonin ago

It’s ok. Women can do that to men. I’ve been there before.

ESOTERICshade ago

Trust me. She didn't hurt any type of emotional love type fees fees. But when I felt something sharp in my back, turned around and saw what I had thought was a good friend holding the knife, it was a shocker of betrayal. I would have felt the same if it had been a dude that I considered a true friend.

WhiteRonin ago

Why would she do this though?

At first it looked like it was to cover up her cheating but she PM’d others her her tits so that doesn’t explain it. Was it because you wouldn’t power mod for her in GA? But that’s childish too.


It’s all lies

ESOTERICshade ago

Because i'm loudly anti Qanon. She saw that as a threat.

WhiteRonin ago

That can’t be it. If she thought you were a friend and if you were one, all she had to do was ask to leave her sub alone and I’m pretty sure you would have.

I studied Q for a bit and if you pay attention the whole thing falls apart and you start to see the patterns that it’s just some kind of grass roots vote brigade that people believe even though it provides them with empty promises. They even think they found proof by articles on the net or TV commentary. It’s rather hilarious.

ESOTERICshade ago

She did ask me to leave her sub alone, and I did leave it alone. I didn't bother her sub. I probably only posted something negative in that a very small hand full of times since she started it. I was also distancing myself from her when she did that to me and she didn't seem to like that because she was used to talking to me every day.

WhiteRonin ago

I just don’t get it. You are a stand up guy but she slanders you and then has you hunted.

A woman scorned?

I’m pretty sure she is tampering with PG too. A couple of PG people are interacting with me. A few are attacking and others are asking what is going on.

Eric didn’t like I posted about Srayzie in his sub. He already had a set opinion of me. I just made my point in a deleted thread and stayed away from posting again. I like their efforts but I think they bark Up the wrong trees like Q anons do. I don’t hate them, I really do support destroying pedos.

ESOTERICshade ago

PG is the only sub on Voat that I know of that actually functions in a structured manner with a serious goal. I absolutely support destroying pedos which is why I didn't want Qanon anywhere near it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to briefly look at the front pages of PG and Greatawakening and see that mixing the two into one sub would absolutely destroy PG. I fought tooth and nail to keep that from happening and that is why the mods don't like me.

Gothamgirl ago

And you believed it?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I wonder if Kev used a vacuum sweeper on his l[peter before he took the pics ah ah ah

Crensch ago

I hear they were pretty disgusting. I made her promise not to share them, I have a weak stomach with that kind of thing.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Get her to post them. Its the only way to restore Logos.

You two were tricked into blackmail by a jewess. You of all people know this is how they work. You knew better. We have to assume that you are compromised, which would explain your radical change of behavior. I'm ashamed of you, dude. I'm ashamed that I once called you friend.

Crensch ago

I wasn't tricked into anything. Everything I've done is my own.

Her tits were awesome. They're not my raison d'être, or even close.

BraunF14 ago

Her tits are NOT awesome. The fact that you even remotely found that sow attractive is an affront to all healthy, attractive whites. A club we will not be inviting you into. Your (((nose))) is too big anyways...

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CheeseboogerHimself ago

Did you meet her outside of Voat?

Crensch ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

What if she posts your pics? You know how emotionally unstable women can become

Crensch ago

She has none to post.

dudelol ago

Two Homosexuals arguing in pubic...

Both litteral whos....sigh.... thanks @puttitout

CheeseboogerHimself ago

He has quite the little following. Half are probably alts haha

How the fuck does the GA community accept a hardcore racist anti-semite as their leader? I would think many would be calling for him to resign. Maybe they really dont know? They're Qtards, after all.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Aren't we all at least a little bit zyklon?

zyklon_b ago


heygeorge ago

Maybe they really dont know?

I don’t think they really do. How will they even find out?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

THAT depends on how hard the "builder" keeps pushing his power trip on Voat...

heygeorge ago

Let’s not let reason get in the way of a power rush!

Also dude just copped to sending dickpics, I seriously thought that Voaters just joked about that kind of shit. Except @thebuddha who just fucking posted an outline of his.

Dismember ago

dude just copped to sending dickpics

You what now?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I saw @thebuddha nipple pics, so he has some sort of weird power over me now heh heh

TheBuddha ago

LOL I posted an x ray of my smashed femur and it had my dick in it. Even the lady goats UVed it.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

haha Glad I missed that one, mane

I can hear the radiologist: Sir....did you forget your guitar slide in your pocket?

TheBuddha ago

They were a bit too preoccupied to make jokes. I was pretty seriously fucked up at that point.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Its a terrible injury, and its far worse if you are old. It may never heal right. Then arthritis sets in. Hopefully you will be okay.

TheBuddha ago

Arthritis has already set in, but my prognosis is good. I'm ahead of schedule, thanks.

I will dance badly again. Dunno if I'll ever be safe to jump, but I will dance again.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

That's awesome. Glad to hear it

TheBuddha ago

And I got an 87% approval rating!

I'm pretty sure that's the only time, and way, you can get that high a rating with that many votes, for a goat's dick pic .

zyklon_b ago

I posted your dicks on GA again...

TheBuddha ago

Ok. Why?

zyklon_b ago

not really but text me

TheBuddha ago

I will have to go downstairs to get my phone. I've already taken my sleep drugs.

Gimme a minute.

zyklon_b ago

thanks for not bein gay

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm all over that. Its over for Crensch & Kev. They are compromised and complete idiots for falling for this blackmail trick by Srayzie. I have screencaps of all of it and will be making my own gotdamn ten page essay. She played these two old boys like a backwoods fiddle.

crazy_eyes ago

wow what the hell?

heygeorge ago

She wanted me to tell her my real name and send a photo. To be clear: Not of my cock.

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL. Why would anyone fall for this bullshit? I member back in prime school, we discovered chat on a school PC. And even back then, as 14yo dumass, with no knowledge of all the evil things that would end up transpiring on the internet, i instantly knew that it would be a bad idea to use my real name in chat. Of course, even back then i knew i would talk shit online......

Fucking boomers mane, with their weak bait...

heygeorge ago

Yeah, this is why I sent in a stunt cock

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Holy fuck, dude. She was weaving her web and getting blackmail material ready. I knew it. I hate to keep tooting my horn but I knew shit like this was going on behind the scenes and accused them of it back then. I just wonder what her total plan was? To be a propaganda outlet for her group?

Crensch ago


Yeah, she was hot. At least I didn't send dick pics to her, kev.

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Gothamgirl ago

Somebodies jealous.

Crensch ago

Funny, since everyone knows you are jealous of srayzie's attractive face.

Makes sense though, pigface.

DarkRaven ago

Fuck off jew!

AR47 ago

That’s it own that shit.

I don’t get how your admission to acknowledging a females attractiveness makes you a duck.


Crensch ago

Eh, I wasn't joking. She was absolutely the phenotype I'm attracted to. White as the driven snow.

AR47 ago

Well hey that is great for you.

Least you admit it.

Also notice how srayzie said for kevdude to look that the MALE strippers she was posting? Maybe she knew something we didn’t?

Crensch ago

You might be onto something.

AR47 ago

The tone of the message seems like “girl talk”

I don’t know either way.

Main thing here is that at the end of the day you are the owner of this subverse and as such you deem what is suitable for the continued growth of the sub.

Kevdude ain’t got shit to say that will mean a fuck anyways. Until puttitout makes this a system sub everyone can go fuck a rake. It is yours to do with as you please.

Sure take a poll of your community for ideas. However make sure they are indeed a part of your community before you take their advice.

Personally I think all this Q shit is stupid. That is me, and even with all that your sub doesn’t bother me as much. Now from time to time I will comment on some outlandish bullshit headline within the post.

I usually get downvoted and I move on unless someone wants to engage with me and actually have a dialogue then sure let’s do that.

I know I won’t change my mind, but I won’t be an asshole. I don’t submit shitposts to the sub because I am not a part of it. Besides what does that accomplish anyways?

You can keep going back and fourth with them all you want, and maybe you will alienate a large portion of the user base and your own subscribers. That what you really want?

Them to pick a side? So they stay within the confines of this sub alone? I mean that seems pretty fucked up.

They will choose a side too. Everyone does.

I chose my side when I deleted my old account.

My side, but I removed myself from all the subs I had at that time, and then deleted my account.

You can’t do that. These people sadly need leadership and well it looks like that is you, but to weaponize them is pretty shitty I think.

Crensch ago

I guarantee 99.9% of GA has no idea any of this is happening. I don't need them weaponized here.

I wanted them to choose their own way forward. I wanted to de-fang some of the other "goats" that had an issue with them not choosing what I was telling them I chose for the subverse.

Now his staunchest supporters outside of the shitposters have nothing at all they can say bad about me.

Err, BOOM! ... I guess.

AR47 ago

You might be right about them not knowing because it’s your house. I don’t come here really.

At least I don’t look for shit to bitch about. I see it on the front page....then sometimes I click on it.

I know what I see. Post and post of people bitching back and fourth like niggers over the last piece of watermelon.

You have to know that it will just make more join in because they are just bored with their own misery and feel that someone else needs some as well?

I was like that for a time.

Dude when my back was hurt and for a year I couldn’t even mow my lawn for fear of losing my court case. They were watching me at the goddamn grocery store and shit.

I couldn’t work and had to rely on the state.

This place is where I spent around 5 hours a day. Well this and playing ARK on Xbox.

Selling LEGO where I could to make bills get paid. Unemployment wasn’t much. While I had it the short term disability helped, but soon after it was determined that surgery was an option I lost it and until I had it I couldn’t get long term disability.

So yeah I didn’t have anything to do really.

This place got me wrapped up in the drama it makes. Fuck man I would argue with people just because I could too. Lol

One thing I never did was make an alt that I used. I did make one one time to explain how to skip trace and ended up not doing it.

Other than that this and adhdferret were my only names here.

Crensch ago

Cheers to that.

Recent events have caused me to have to move mountains here.

I think I've played my hand fairly well.

And for what it's worth, I said some harsh things to you that you didn't deserve. Mea culpa.

AR47 ago

And for what it's worth, I said some harsh things to you that you didn't deserve. Mea culpa

Don’t be a bitch. Lol you meant it and felt it was worth saying. Leaders don’t apologize, they learn from their mistakes.

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ruck_feddit ago

You're not wrong, kev.

I don't have any skin in the GA game around here. At best, 1 in 25 submissions is actually "BREAKING" or "IT'S HAPPENING" and not total bullshit. I keep the Q stuff unblocked just in case something does break or happen. You guys enjoy it, and that's great.

I have been paying close attention to the drama over the past few weeks (really, always). That being said, I've never seen such a hivemind of 9 month old accounts.

@crensch, I've never had an issue with you, but you're being ridiculous. The tighter you grasp, the worse it's going to get for your people. The tighter you grasp, the more your folks talk like actual nigger loving faggots. You spoke of "old goats" and free speech like we're/it's a bad thing. You and the Q-ers found a home here, you're welcome, but I speak for more than myself when I say I look forward to the shit storm you're bringing upon your sub. If you want to calm down and let things calm down, super.

I'll be over in the stands with the other old goats, like kev, watching and listening.

DarkRaven ago

Check out his alts @imchad and @kestrel9.

He’s off the wall attacking women and old goats.

He’s suicidal!

Crensch ago

You and the Q-ers found a home here, you're welcome, but I speak for more than myself when I say I look forward to the shit storm you're bringing upon your sub.

Check the votes there.

I'll be over in the stands with the other old goats, like kev, watching and listening.

You all will, like you did with Zyklon.

DarkRaven ago

Hey Jew boi!

ruck_feddit ago

@zyklon_b swooped in and saved the day for a lot of us. He broke eggs and gave me a bite of an omelet I didn't even ask for. If anything, I owe him, and I won't forget it. I'm going to turn a blind eye to that glorious bastard's antics like the good cops do for Batman.

JackHoff ago

@zyklon_b swooped in and saved the day for a lot of us.


PuttitoutIsGone ago

We were lost in the vast circle jerk echo chamber that Voat has become and he found us. Gave us direction and purpose. Pulled back the curtain and let us see what is controlling Voat. He is ruthless and relentless when it comes to his enemies and caring and compassionate to his friends. And he does art stuff too.

JackHoff ago

Pulled back the curtain and let us see what is controlling Voat.

What is controlling it?

zyklon_b ago

trufe 1990

CheeseboogerHimself ago

@Zyklon_b is the hero Voat needs and deserves

ruck_feddit ago

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Welcome to the club! ah ah

ruck_feddit ago

I tried being polite and reasonable, but that didn't work. I'll be adding this to my memoirs, I guess!

zyklon_b ago


ruck_feddit ago

You too, booger.

Morbo ago

And the final phase of the GA takeover is upon us. They have now voted to elect a totalitarian dictator for life who will determine who is allowed to speak and who is not. No chilling effect here. Nope. Of course the GA sheep don't realize this will only embolden the trolls and shills who will now work to overwhelm the mod's ability to sort out the wheat from the chaff. The sub will still lose members who will get frustrated with what they think is a solution that isn't and the trolls/shills will waste the mod's time with noise (that's Virge's tactic BTW- he has admitted that repeatedly). It's going to be fun watching this dumpster fire knowing that the GA sheep voted for it. It's like watching the Feminist Swedish government destroying their own nation by trying to control that which cannot be controlled and inviting in those who have no interest in doing what it best for Sweden. Good times.

Good luck, Crensch. You're going to need it.

DarkRaven ago

The @crensch team is trying to take out SBBH because they have shit on Srayzie.

He posts from 3-4 alts daily attacking women.

Morbo ago

It's fucking hilarious to see Srayzie meltdown after becoming everything she ever (falsely) accused me of being. I've got no dog in this fight but I do think it's a great ending to a great LARP story.

DarkRaven ago

You are a Jew bitch.


InSaneGoatPosse ago

Das da trufe right ther

DarkRaven ago

Srayzie is a Jew cheating cunt!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Srayzie is white and eats bacon bitch

DarkRaven ago

Prove it fag Jew boi!

Post a picture!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I’m not interested in talking to a GothamWhore alt

DarkRaven ago

Because you are a Jew fag.

I can’t blame you for not talking to a woman that has a pussy.

It’s ok, little skinny dick Jew boi.

HollaKost ago


But you're a jealous psycho alt!

DarkRaven ago

Yes, you are both!

You are a Jew cunt.

HollaKost ago

Both what? A Jew and a cunt? I'm not a Jew but I can admit I'm a cunt!

Your retard shines through in your alt GG!

DarkRaven ago

You sent void your cunt pic. We all know that.

You are a Jew.

MolochHunter ago

oh morbo.

I remember you

last time we spoke you were sucking farts through a straw out of Neon Revolt's ass

DarkRaven ago

I removed you @MolochHunter. You arebthat guy who like Jew Vick, so you suck off @crensch.

Morbo ago

Your empire is failing, MolochFucker. You've lost your friends and I'm still here. Pathetic doesn't begin to describe you now. Now you are led by Crensch and you think that is a good thing. How the mighty have fallen. The House of Q is doomed. Trust the plan, right? Hahahaha! Sad.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

He's a builder!!! kek

DarkRaven ago

He’s been building for the JIDF!

Crensch ago

Thanks, bud.

dudelol ago

A literal who?

Crensch ago

The OP here still hasn't figured out that the userbase of this website has changed in the past 3.5 years, and he thinks he can call an army of angry anti-Redditors to attack any mod that seems like they MIGHT become like a reddit mod.

He doesn't like the fact that his dead-child-posting and child-threatening shitposters won't have free reign over this site anymore.

dudelol ago

Voat is stuttering. No enough newfags

RockmanRaiden ago

Voat should open up. I have newfags waiting.

dudelol ago

Yep. Not sure what putters is doing.

SandHog ago

Curing cancer. It takes time.

kestrel9 ago

All the exits and entrances are on lock down during the Voat Awakening

Maggotbait88 ago


Crensch ago

Sounds like our resident outside-brigade-using, vote-bug-manipulating, shadow-cabal-from-reddit-plant powermod of powermods is having a salty tear fest.

ImJewish6000000 ago

Sacrificing your principles on the alter of used up pussy.

DarkRaven ago

Crensch didn’t get Srayzie tit pics. Why?

He’s either a gay Jew or she is a Jew bitch...

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Crensch ago

My principles don't align with someone that admits to using a shadow-cabal of offsite REDDITORS to affect change here.