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Expert_Testimony ago

If you could post more links to evidence of your findings, something like screenshots of patterns of behavior you observed from these groups, then I would say this is good research and I would thank you for laying it out like this.

Not doubting you.

Needs more source, though.

thewebofslime ago

I don't have more room in the OP, but I'm definitely willing to put something together. I got some heat recommending bans, before, so I should clarify that if someone is factually a shill, they should be banned. That is my stance. Otherwise, we can take a variety of measures to equalize power between the average user and brigaders who are on Voat all day long, every day.

It is hard to lay it all out without causing a tremendous amount of controversy, so I've been trying to focus on solutions rather than a massive litany of accusations because whether people are paid shills or overzealous, the tactics are the same and the solutions are the same. Plus, the outrage game is not really my cup o' tea.

Before @shizy self deleted this post was generated making a big deal about nothing and falsely accusing @kevdude:

/v/Pizzagate has a long boring thread stickied for months about @ESOTERICShade that doesn't really prove he is a shill and, even if he was, does it really deserve a sticky for 5 months? For a group of people who "hunt shills" it always struck me as odd that they were never able to prove anything definitively.

Beyond that, @srayzie was on a false accusation rampage constantly accusing people of being alts and then mixing up who she thought they were alts of. If you look into it, you can see the common thread is people who don't believe in Q, which shouldn't be considered a thought crime worthy of constant harassment. She was showing naked pictures to "influencers" to get as many mods on her side as possible to join in on the brigading. To boot, she has been proven to have returned under numerous alt accounts... one specifically to harass @kevdude and others to harass @gothamgirl. I don't really want to dwell on that character, I'm interested in solutions, but the drama happened in a very public manner and is still going on.

This is how "they" manage "systems psychodynamics" where natural human behavior is exploited to create "organizational paradoxes" and "splitting" of groups.

I've spoken more about this on my last couple of posts on /v/ProtectVoat.

This is where sells Voat manipulation:

Here is what shill farm passwords look like:

You can confirm at that this is a legitimate email and password combination: [email protected] goatblower

Here is where I started asking about what my web dev sent me:

Notice "Abramah" is logged in on the device who is visiting the site, which is on a QinetiQ North America subnet.

Most of the responses were along these lines:

Here are some links that show how the connections between these defense contractors work:

I've definitely taken a lot of heat leveling that accusation, but whether I'm right or wrong about my evidence, I stand by the proposed solutions which were not my idea. A number of people have recommended these solutions and I believe them to be the best ones.

  1. Public Voting.

  2. Code to undo vote brigading.

Expert_Testimony ago

I appreciate what you’ve put together in your OP and in this comment. Thank you.

I think we are in agreement on most of this. I’m still unsure of what I think the best solution is, personally, but we are heading in the same direction.

I have no doubt that there was manipulation/brigading going on between numerous subverses, focused around and about Q related ones, I suppose I was more curious if you had observed similar activity elsewhere. I think many of us have seen suspicious things, but genuine confirmation would be interesting, you know?

I don’t know you, don’t usually check profile history or anything without reason, but you seem objective. I like you. I would advise staying away from all the subverse drama. Even with good intentions, it’s just trouble. From what I’ve seen.

You do seem to have good intentions, as you’ve stated you just want to focus on solutions. I’m all for it. More evidence of this activity actually happening now, though, would probably make more people care.

If there’s anything I can do to help you expose the Voat equivalent of fake news, let me know.

Stay safe.

thewebofslime ago

Thanks for reading. I have a long list of suspicious activity, but the truth is that, since I'm not site admin, it is hard for me to verify what I suspect. So, I'm trying to be careful and judicious. @Vindicator accused @kevdude of making an account on Poal with no real evidence and is sticking to his guns as you can see here:

If I'm being generous, he is just mistaken and has over-committed to his accusation... especially since there is literally no evidence and someone is clearly going around pretending to be everyone else in anon subs. I suspect someone is very good at pretending to be other people simply by mimicking writing styles and cut and pasting. There are actually tools that can cross check literary styles. Point being, if we are giving @Vindicator the benefit of the doubt, he is still making a bad decision. I believe this strongly because it is just as likely it was @zyklon_b or any number of other trouble makers. Hell, it could have been me... though I like to think I have a better sense of humor because that stuff was pretty boring.

The problem is that the posts were mostly benign. It wasn't anything far off from what @Vindicator has posted. I actually thought it was him. On the other end, he could have done it himself and is being dishonest about his accusation... if we weren't giving him the benefit of the doubt.

What is weird is @Shizy did exactly the same false accusation just before @Vindicator made his accusation and they were very, very similar. @Shizy accused @kevdude of making an anon post that really wasn't that controversial and had a great deal of outrage over, basically, nothing and had zero evidence to back up her claims. In fact, I perceived the post to be making fun of @kevdude when I first read it.

So, giving them the benefit of the doubt, they made bad decisions and they 100% committed to those bad decisions. I could guess at the reasons and motives and I could dig through all of the other false accusations, but the solutions are still the same. Don't feed the trolls, upvote quality content, downvote the crap, stay out of the drama and post stuff everyone else will appreciate. If admin wanted to go the extra mile and implement public voting and some anti-brigading code, I think would have a hard time making money, after a while.

I do think I have enough legitimate evidence to support what I am saying, but with people who are going to stick to their incorrect conclusions, no matter what, evidence is irrelevant. So, my strategy is to change the conversation into a more productive, solution oriented discussion. It's the best for everyone. Not that I blame people for having some fun trolling and shit posting. It's part of free speech. But a lot of us are here to make sure the world knows about elite pedophilia and exposing high level corruption is about the most important thing we can be doing as a community.