SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

Guess Skrayzie left her lapdog behind to fend for itself.

If where we go one, we go all, how can a mod of Great Awakening be such a racist like yourself? 😂🤣

I think that's a conflict of interest. You have said nigger kids like 100 times in the last few days.

Shizy ago

I see it still bothers you that your kids are half nigger. Should have thought about that before you slept around.

Gothamgirl ago

Not true so I could careless. Never slept around and kids are white. Keep barking lapdog I might throw you a treat .

Shizy ago

Who do you think told me you knew?

Gothamgirl ago

Na lapdog most of us think Skrayzie is you.

Shizy ago

Oh poor pathetic woman.....

Shizy ago

So you think I am part of what was done to @srayzie?

Why would you assume that?

There was consensus on that when we made it and comment deletions were spelled out

So you say.

Except people you label "shills", right? Today you have legit boogeymen. Tomorrow it will be anyone who talks back to you.

I don't say they shouldn't be allowed on voat.y argument is that private subs can decide what the rules are. There's nothing wrong with subs for people to gather and discuss things without the behavior we have been seeing from certain people. They can make their own subs and shit there. Why do you have such a problem with this Kev? Or is it really that you ha e a problem with subs operating outside of your "control"?

Shizy ago

Don't act shocked, you knew about that months ago!

Shizy ago

What was the point of @srayzie deleting her account if she was going to leave all her comments and submissions intact?

She left all her research that's why.

Funny how you turn on me specifically rather than the people that were actually going after her.

Are we sure that's the case? I'm not convinced.

I know @crensch made his post to all of them, but you seem fixated on me.

I'm not fixated, but I've never trusted you. Last night confirmed my instincts were right.

My reply will just be links to your modlogs.

Go ahead. I haven't done anything wrong. GA is a private subverse. You made a rookie mistake and didn't clearly document the policies regarding private subs. Now you want to lash out and call me a "troll" because I dare to question your "authority" and point out your error.

You don't run voat and you don't make the rules! You seem to think you do, but this place belongs to ALL OF US!

thewebofslime ago

The person who did it made a very similarly worded post with their username attached and did it withing a short time of the anonymous comment. I'm not gonna names name, but it factually was not you. This is a blatantly false accusation. @shizy

Shizy ago

@crensch can tell you he helped draft the thing.

What thing? Haven't seen it.

I'm done giving you a forum in here.

You can't censor me 😂

But seriously, I understand why you'd want to (I know all about you and your fuckery)!!'

Shizy ago

Someone seems nervous.....

Shizy ago

Answer your little friends novel sized text walls? Don't have time for that. Unless I just submit to your ultimate authority, he won't be satisfied anyway.

Oh hey, if you were suggesting to Srayzie to report the doxxing of her picture, why did you write "that" picture? Before you prepared that PM, why didn't you first confirm with her it was her picture?

I'm still waiting for those policies.

sguevar ago

Unless I just submit to your ultimate authority, he won't be satisfied anyway.

Sure asking for a dialogue and to work together to prevent this shit show to happen again is submiting to one's authority.

Answer your little friends novel sized text walls? Don't have time for that

So you admit that you proceed by ignoring and downvoting is the more credible approach you can engage on giving your accusations without proof?

Mmm I wonder where I saw that type of person before:

Sorry am I doxxing you now?

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @bopper.

Posted automatically (#43980) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

MolochHunter ago

users were openly encouraging each other t find personal info on Srayzie to post it here in the context that she was under threats of murder and rape of her and her children

you being opposed to action until / unless it actually transpires is no different from an SJW saying to ignore Imams in Western mosques telling their muslim congregations to go out and destroy the infidels


Shizy ago

He's compromised. Discussions are over.

MolochHunter ago

dont like doxxing, but wouldnt permit Srayzie the tools to mitigate the efforts of doxxers

sguevar ago

Who doxxed her?

I think I can link this here:

MolochHunter ago

she had some agency in her own doxing, yes. Yet others were collaborating and encouraging each other to find personal information and post it, in the context that Srayzie was under death & rape threats

as I said to Kevdude, you being opposed to action until / unless it actually transpires is no different from an SJW saying to ignore Imams in Western mosques telling their muslim congregations to go out and destroy the infidels

sguevar ago

she had some agency in her own doxing, yes. Yet others were collaborating and encouraging each other to find personal information and post it, in the context that Srayzie was under death & rape threats

And my heart goes out to her but stating the false narrative that she got doxxed by triggly is true is beyond disingenuous.This is what you 3 are implying overlooking the fact that she made the links to her personal social media here at Voat and to her blog, herself. She made a mistake yes and she got in a lot of issues because of it specially because she had to fight two fronts but we never back out of supporting her at all and what you 3 are implying is very deceitful.

as I said to Kevdude, you being opposed to action until / unless it actually transpires is no different from an SJW saying to ignore Imams in Western mosques telling their muslim congregations to go out and destroy the infidels

No one is opposed to action. But action must be taken by following a due process and it has to be an objective one. The fact that you are unable to see and that you are willing to use convenience to trump Voat's principles makes you quite a questionable Mod to my eyes. And your analogy here is quite off because of the fact that in more than one occasion I have stood up for srayzie and shizy and they know it.

So quit with the virtue signaling and stop engaging in banhammering users just because you don't like what they have to say, man up (or woman up - i honestly couldn't give a fuck) and let's work together to get this prevented in the future. Otherwise step aside and let those that truly believe in Voat to work on it. Stop behaving like a faggot full of evasions and giving lame ass excuses like "you must be a white separatist to be accepted here". Like what the flying fuck does that even mean when you are addressing @cheeseboogerhimself when he got hit pieced by @Crensch even before you were here a mod on GA. Give me a break because I will certainly not support your undermining of the effort to get this resolved from any of the ones that have tried to make some sense out of this whole matter.

You will have to pardon my aggressiveness here but I am simply tired of this childish behavior from the part of people I truly respect and hope they do well both here at Voat and in their personal lives. So if you are going to keep going on with these faggot's excuses then move along we have a job to do here at Voat.

Shizy ago

She sent me the screen grab before she left. She told me she deleted her account. Her comments may be showing still but she doesn't have access to it.

Shizy ago

I don't have her pm's and her account has been deleted, that's why I asked you to show them.

Shizy ago

I just wanted confirmation thats your reddit, so thanks.

Shizy ago

Never. What makes you think that?

Your own words!

Shizy ago

Weren't you a pizzagate mod? How have you not seen the pictures of Jenny Moore with George Webb?

ESOTERICshade ago

Weren't you a pizzagate mod? How have you not seen the pictures of Jenny Moore with George Webb?

No, @kevdude never tried to take control of v/pizzagate. He stepped in briefly, because @crensch was incapable of managing the sub, and then when shit got settled, he bowed out. I KNOW, because I participated in it all. He did not want control of pizzagate. He never wanted it. He did a damn good job. And you know me, i'm critical, and he did a good job.

Shizy ago

So no way to prove that?

Crensch ago

When did you start hating the Q people here?

ESOTERICshade ago

When did you start hating the Q people here?

Qberts are looking for another scalp to harvest. @kevdude has taken up for the Q community, as far as I have seen. I wasn't amused when he did it, because I am not a Qbert. But @kevdude has always been fair as far as I have seen. It is YOU @crensch that has been fucking up. But just like the Rabbi, you have no self reflectioion

Gothamgirl ago

👏👏 it took their own type of words, and actions to destroy them.

sguevar ago

So hold on here the comments that you are accusing @kevdude to have made were made on an anon sub that you have no way to proof it was him?

Secondly I the post of jenny that the faggot zyklon_b made I also thought it was a picture of srayzie and her husband - So in that regard how is it that the message that kevdude sent to srayzie is deceiving anyone here?

And now you are linking the builderanon saga to him, so we should think that he is also neon revolt is that it? What is your line of argumentation because what I see with this "exposure" is nothing but conjectures with no real proof in order to slander someone that you felt betrayed by and to create more chaos from a situation you didn't like the result of.

So by all means explain how is this even exposing anything at all?

Shizy ago

It's just an appetizer.....

sguevar ago

Oh I see, there is more then so you will not address the first questions I have regarding this appetizer?

How will it render the follow up a valid one if you can't defend this appetizer?

Shizy ago

To be honest I thought that was a picture of her and her husband

So then you must have a follow up PM where she clears that up for you right?

Crensch ago

That flair. You were quick on the draw there. Nervous?

thewebofslime ago

It's a blatantly false accusation. @Rotteaux or however you spell it did it. Also, who cares? The comment was not harmful in any way.

In fact, nearly all of the comments you are worried about are not harmful, in any way.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I remember a couple of these threads fondly.

Keep up the good work you are truly making VOAT great again


Great recap, thank you for using v/ProtectVote as a place for you to keep a diary of the drama that you stir up and participate in. As I understand it, somebody owes you at least two handjobs with spit for lube as reward for this impressive display of white knighting, but I don't keep up on qfag bullshit so I'm not sure if that responsiblity is @srayzie's or if it falls to @Crensch so I will ping them both for you.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I want muh handjob, gotdammit

MolochHunter ago

seems like if you arent a white separatist there's no defense from being run out of town around here

and they say this place is about Freedom of Speech

Le_Squish ago

Be filthy mullato...what do? How do I white supremacy?

sguevar ago

So a Costa Rican here is a white separatist? Am I reading this lame excuse correctly?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You're turning shit around. Buddha is one of my closest friends here and he isn't white. Your argument is horseshit. Its okay to be white

Le_Squish ago

Wow, you really want attention.

Shouldn't you be trying to salvage your sub? You've gotten off easy so far. Don't be a dumb bitch and ruin it.

Shizy ago

I'm trying to salvage voat you retarded cunt!

CheeseboogerHimself ago


sguevar ago

How? applying a banhammer on users that posted comments of mockery to srayzie's departure that never broke any subverse rule and deleting those comments for the sake of just "fighting shills"?

How does that make you any better thant u/mrpingpong? How do your actions on your sub today and defending this powermod behavior through the mere "technicality" that the policy wasn't clear is even justifiable?

How are you salvaging Voat by creating a major impasse with the people you don't like just because you were not happy with the result of the previous conflict?

How are you salvaging Voat when you let yourself corrupt your actions by the stupid and reckless actions of a faggot that most of us, or at least a good number of us, dislike at this point?

How are you salvaging Voat by then calling for upvote brigading and downvote brigading on your sub for those users that you deem good and those that you don't? -

Your acting out of mere grudge, mere anger and frustration and you are blinding your judgement with this behavior and even if you don't care anymore (or ever), I certainly am against it.

How is it that you are salvaging Voat when you are separating your community from us entirely?

How is it that your mod team is fighting for freedom of speech when you demand censorship at your own will in detriment of the platform that has at it's core Free Speech as it's main value?

Please do explain.

Le_Squish ago

Voat is fine. Take some traditional advice: go clean your house. You aren't capable of managing what little you have so why are you trying to take on more?