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15897486? ago

Yeah these guys are amateurs. They just assume everyone uses the same handles across platforms. If you really want to dox someone you comb through their comments and look for things they drop. A turn of phrase. An event they attended. Things they claim to remember happening. You don't just search the username and call it a win.

I feel bad for anyone that uses my voat sn or any of my gamertags w/their IRL stuff.

15897599? ago

Those that know how to dox have a great point to start from with that Facebook account.

They will know how to use it and verify it, and even be able to dox 2 others on that mod team. The Qanon and pizzagate group of mods are all friends.

15897612? ago

Why are you doing this dude? We were supposed to protect this place.

15897647? ago

Because this user is always so fast to label others. To act like a complete dick, and always wants to be the center of attention. Why should anyone deny them what they want, when you have a method by which to give it to them?

Just review the submissions that account makes, and then see how many times they refer back to a post they created. All I am doing is giving them what it is they want.


15897705? ago

So because a woman gets a little dramatic when she is being attacked (are you a fucking incel or something dude -do you not understand women?) you have no problem doxxing her and putting her and her family at risk? Some sick fucks watch these boards.

16141797? ago

Oh I get it, poor srayzie, Jeffery is such a victim, cyber bullies anyone, quick to give them names from sock puppet to even worse, insults people he doesn't know in RL, gaslights them for all to see and calls them out on her selfish and self-serving ppsts, and to add just a little garnish to this, calls her alts and other mods for increased insults and downvoating.

Poor scrayzie, such an innocent little bird... Fuck off douchebag, she deserve what she gets.

16265499? ago

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16271284? ago

Oh look, @srayzie is advertising his boyfriend once again on a website outside of Voat. For someone claims to hate NR and calls a shill, it makes him look like a business partner especially advertising his gab link like she did. Either that, or this tranny is a dangerous stalker with a doxxer mentality fetish.

On the same team and the even same sex?

Sounds like The Crying Game.

16143758? ago

Clear sign that someone is rotating through alts is when they don't realize they're responding to two-week-old comments. Is that you Neon?

16144555? ago

Ah srayzie lazie daizie good to see you again, been working on my book and one of the chapters is specifically about you! You love being the center of attention out of all of us in our group and you deserve it because it has helped me with sales by constantly mentioning my name throughout voat which tremendously increased cash flow for my online Q store. You weren't lying when you told me these goats are stupid when I arrived in September. Keep up the good work comrade.

16197879? ago

Why you pretending to be Neon? I know who you are.

16149281? ago

You just confirmed that you are the one doxxing srayzie. You weren't pinged faggot.

16184657? ago

You just confirmed you were doxing me! No one pinged you either motherfucker.

16189287? ago

You stupid mother fucker. You claim you’re a patriot, you’re writing a book on Q, yet try to dox a woman with kids.

You are the one that wants attention! You’re a disgusting person.

16197873? ago

I don't think that's Neon who you're responding to. Pretty sure it's GothamGirl. Look at the writing. It's different. Run on sentences and now swatting talk. This is a different person.

16190674? ago

yet try to dox a woman man

You are fucking hilarious!

Not going to address the SWATT incident against my entire family motherfucker? Someone could have died!

Is that why you don't want the law involved?

15897762? ago

There you go. Make insults, and direct them at those you don't agree with. Play a victim and cry out in pain as you strike others.

Fuck you all. I will systematically dox each and every goddamn fucking last one of that mod team since they are unable to just calm the fuck down and call back their attack dogs.

They want to ping all their friends with each and every post they don't agree with. Well let's see how often their friends respond to the ping in a publicly viewed way once the doxing starts.

Go ahead and think that my motivation is of sexual nature like some nigger, or impotent numale.

You really think that anyone who would connect the dots will visit their home? No I am betting they will let their friends, and family know where they visit online, their views that likely were not made public and have been kept private.

Can't say they haven't either if indeed that name is fake? Why make a fake name if you didn't want your family to know all of this as well? My goal is alienating them from everyone they know. With the extreme views indeed I know I will get what I want.

16197559? ago

Has the doxxing started yet? I've been waiting but nothing's happening. You must be impotent!

Bwahahahahahahaha faggot!

15912942? ago

Op is that faggot @NeonRevolt who just so happened to make an appearance today after three months!

15897782? ago

You already made one mistake that I know of.

15897811? ago

If you say so. Come at me bro.

Know you won't, and you can't. Have an extremely common name myself, but I promise that my name doesn't differ on Facebook.

I know your Kung Fu is weak as shit.

Besides look at how easy it was to post here and not get banned for it. I tell you there is some bad blood around here for some reason. Haven't figured it out, but if these mods won't stop me, I am going to bet that I can keep going.

15913396? ago

Only a dumbfuck would use their real name on Facebook!

15897873? ago

The mods on this sub can't see your username. And deleting the post would just put it in the modlog where it would be preserved.

I promise that my name doesn't differ on Facebook.

Well I don't use FB, or Twitter, or Instagram.

Like I said, you already made one mistake. And if you are part of the crew that I think you're part of then it isn't the first you guys have made.

15897908? ago

Well I am new to the club, and they came to me. I tell you what.

I will wait until this weekend before I do another one of the mods. You want me to do a QRV mod or GA one?

Also you may not think you have any social media account, but I can still follow your trends with Google+ and maps.

Doesn't matter what you think you disable because your GPS in the phone is always on, and is tied to an Android account somewhere. Even I can't stop it from following me.

16197581? ago

So, still haven't doxed another mod? You're such a failure 🖕🏻

15913415? ago

do another one of the mods

What the fuck does that mean? You haven't done anything so far dipshit!

15917937? ago

Guilt by association.

It isn’t fair, but isolation is the goal.

15897992? ago

I can still follow your trends with Google+ and maps.


Doesn't matter what you think you disable because your GPS in the phone is always on, and is tied to an Android account somewhere.

Both statements make some serious assumptions. I am not worried in the least.

I am new to the club, and they came to me.

Thanks for confirming that and not lying like they do. You realize the little crew you're in are a bunch of faggots who are throwing a tantrum because they can't lord it over this place the way they did on reddit.

I am not amateur hour like your targets. You want to threaten people on one sub and try to force them to another? It doesn't work that way. People go where they want to. No one is forcing the v/greatawakening subscribers to use that sub. They are all well aware of v/qrv and v/theawakening. They have made their choice.

You don't seem to have too much of an interest here other than the lulz. Are you a long time Voater or are you new to the site?

15901804? ago

The little crew I am in could be homosexual, and that doesn’t matter to me. My participation isn’t upon sexual relationships. I get that within the whole of this site people use that as an insult because they enjoy the mimicking of niggers.

I however do not. I prefer isolation from their secular world. Get them away from their “shadowbox” as a famous goat once said.

Far as the deletion or take over of a sub, that isn’t what I was asked to do. It isn’t what I agreed to do either. The ones that came to me just asked to put the fear into moderators across the platform. Specific ones as well.

The users that frequent the subs you listed will eventually tire of all this drama and move on. At least that is what happened the other times I was brought in. Now you can take it as you want, but I have zero concerns about migration of users between subs.

The lulz? No just to do what was asked of me and nothing more. Far as the time I have spent here, well let’s just say I have been here before to bring about a cleanse, and now I am back.

15973050? ago

Welcome back @Electrolumus you faggot fucker!

15913538? ago

put the fear into moderators

How pathetic!

You faggots are failing because people can see what you're doing.

15904246? ago

The mods of GA are not censoring discussion. And I have no recollection of you in any of the previous mod drama.

16142163? ago

Lol! that is lie great job you destroyed your credibility in less than 3 comments moron..

16143783? ago

Have you been busy on your other accounts? I just caught you replying again to two-week-old comments. At least I know I'm dealing with the same person.

15904359? ago

It is that they dominate discussion within all ways. The sticky is a link to another post made by the same person. It is all about them (mods) and how the community should care upon their problems and not of the community.

Far as you not recalling me, then I did my job correctly. This is why anon is honestly the best of all methods within the net. I don’t need recognition or praise for what I am doing.

Yet the one I made the post about feels they must make certain everyone knows who it is, and then edits a post to make it seem they are not concerned.

Accept defeat, and step away. Make the sub mod free, and delete the sticky party where it is all about (((we moderator drama)))

15913662? ago

The sticky is a link to another post made by the same person. It is all about them (mods) and how the community should care upon their problems and not of the community.

They also have QRV bookmarked. QRV and 8chan, who work together, won’t even add other subverse links to the board. So your comment about the community is bullshit. You’re just mad because you all are getting exposed.

15913558? ago

Accept defeat, and step away.

Keep dreaming you stupid fuck, it's ever gonna happen 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

16142187? ago

Jeffery, why are you being like this?

16142711? ago

NeonRevolt, why are you trying to dox people and being an overall faggot?

16184724? ago

Why did you try to SWATT me faggot? They didn't bother sending the tactical team this team, you failed!

16197825? ago

See what happens when you're stupid enough to put your personal info online GothamGirl? Now you'll never know who knows who you are and who is swatting you.

15904484? ago

I know it's written in a kind of neonrevolt style. But it does have a lot of useful information. It is definitely highlighting the activities of a group that is trying to manipulate the narrative. The fact that you are resorting to doxxing threats is actually adding credibility to their claims. And based on some patterns of your speech I'm pretty sure I know exactly who you are. And if you haven't figured out who I am yet then we never really knew each other. You're on the wrong side on this one chief.

15973216? ago

And based on some patterns of your speech I'm pretty sure I know exactly who you are. And if you haven't figured out who I am yet then we never really knew each other.

An old friend right?

You: kevdude Him: Heru aka BuilderAnon aka @NeonRevolt

People are watching you play out your manipulation game, again.

15904904? ago

Wait, you thought this was a name game and such that you get the opportunity to intimidate me or others?


No this was me telling you what I am going to do and you being able to do nothing, well you can begin to scrub your history.

See I don’t care who you are. I care only what I was asked to do, and that is because I do it very well. By the way. You seem to think that with what you said that I have something to lose here.

I don’t, and it is because I am a nobody. Just some random anon that don’t give a fuck about politics, or control. I just care about what I am asked to do, and my word to those that ask me. I am not special in any way, but hey you want to fight inevitable consequences go ahead.

15905894? ago

One of your group got careless with opsec and leaked details that can be tied to real people and qmap. You want to scorch the earth? Go for it.

well you can begin to scrub your history.

Why on earth would I do that?

15906425? ago

Pretty sure the ones whom asked me for assistance are nothing to do with this Q thing. Besides there isn’t any messages to relay because I don’t speak to anyone, and I don’t answer to anyone.

Perhaps you should mind your own interest and remove the fear from your tone. It really isn’t a good appearance.

15973083? ago

Just keep talking faggot!

Your inability to shut your narcicistic trap is what leads to your plans being discovered and thwarted every single time!

15913793? ago

For someone that doesn’t care and is just here to do their job, why are you having a conversation about why you do this? You’re nobody special.

15906546? ago

Pretty sure the ones whom asked me for assistance are nothing to do with this Q thing.

Funny, because your demands seem to revolve around the Q subs.

Perhaps you should mind your own interest

Voat is my interest.

remove the fear from your tone

I get you are on the spectrum, but my tone is one of amusement. I find you entertaining.

15906991? ago

Funny, because your demands seem to revolve around the Q subs

The moderators, not the subvoat.

Voat is my interest

Ha your interest is controlling with intimidation and such methods.

I get you are on the spectrum, but my tone is one of amusement. I find you entertaining.

Well I am elated that I can entertain you. Perhaps I can do the same with many more?

15907143? ago

not the subvoat

It's "subverse" neon.

15916043? ago

OP threatens to dox

Also OP:

Ha your interest is controlling with intimidation and such methods.


15898122? ago

You poor poor tyranny...

Just how stupid do you think we all are?

15898150? ago

You poor poor tyranny...

What does that even mean?

Just how stupid do you think we all are?


15898166? ago

Lol oops