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LiamOdinThomas ago

Dont forget @mrpingpong that little bitch deleted 6 of my comments!! Fukn oriental nazi mf!

Vindicator ago

I didn't make that CSS. I actually forgot I sent it to you. I remember you were asking me to help you find it and I reached out to some people

Nope. That was not my idea. I didn't even know such things were possible.

BTW based on that pic being PG related you may want to look into the possibility of ES being linked to the trolls.

Not sure what pic you are talking about. Zyklon already admitted ES is working with Gothamgirl and himself.

So why are they not all sporting the Mark of Cain? Why are they allowed to Jew up Voat, Kev, without a tattoo?

Don't you think their targets would find it easier to laugh off their attacks if these scum had run their shakedowns with a big "L" on their foreheads? How is that not fair?

ESOTERICshade ago

I have no interest in hearing your thoughts about what you think you accomplished or how you think I should manage the subverse I have been trusted with. If anything you will just convince me to implement it for the sole purpose of pissing you off.


ESOTERICshade ago

Even though PG is investigating the same DS bullshit as Q?

A sub full of pre-scripted Washington D.C. drama, (Qanon), and occult ritual child abuse, are vastly different. The people that left v/pizzagate, like me, realize that. v/pizzagate is a specialty sub that takes special occult knowledge to fully participate. Just any moron with a television won't understand the occult aspects of pizzagate.

Literally anybody can watch FOX or CNN, cheer for their favorite team, and participate in Qanon. Its like apples and oranges, literally. The I.Q. of pizzagate dropped about 30 points when they tried to invade it with Qanon.

Qanon is for followers, pizzagate is for thought leaders. That was evident to the people that left.

Vindicator ago

I my pointing out the inconsistency between you claiming you can't raise Voatwide awareness about a proven shill because you "don't have the CSS for that" and you sending me CSS for that very same shill... "us all" treating you like a shill.

☑️ Vindicator claim illegit because "they" ☑️ Vindicator paranoid about shills, dismiss

Is there a name for these tactics in debate? I never had the opportunity to be in that club because I had to work after school.

This is a conversation about fairness, consistency, the well-being of Voat, the real effects of nice-sounding policies, and the fact that shills are using free speech to suppress free speech because goats who claim to defend it do things that allow them to operate with impunity.

I just gave you an example. You claimed I was treating you like a shill.

sguevar ago

This is a conversation about fairness, consistency, the well-being of Voat, the real effects of nice-sounding policies, and the fact that shills are using free speech to suppress free speech because goats who claim to defend it do things that allow them to operate with impunity.

I can only address this that you are saying. Have @kevdude or any of the ones that (and pardon the redundant wording but you brought it up) defended free speech that apparently enabled those that use free speech to censor free speech - shown any reluctant behavior to work on something that can accommodate Voat's voids to prevent that the shit show that we went through a few days back doesn't happen again?

Care to show me where any of us have ever express our happiness with the current state of affairs?

Care to show where any of us that stood by srayzie are happy with her departure that only created more problems than solutions here?

Please do explain.

Vindicator ago

Hi sguevar. Sorry I have not replied to all the threads where this is being discussed today. I am trying to keep up with a lot of different conversations here. I understand that a lot of people counseled srayzie to ignore the attacks and show no weakness and she did not do that. I've watched this happen numerous times in the years I've been on Voat. We had several different v/pizzagate mods doxed and driven off the platform long before anyone knew who srayzie was. We had several triggered into cancerous behavior and chased out with pitchforks.

I have worked hard to always uphold Voat's ideals and protect free speech; you will not find a single instance of me unfairly banning a user or censoring comments. I have faithfully administered the subverse submission rules as best I can to prevent disinfo pushing, consensus cracking, concern trolling, forum sliding and other forms of free speech suppression. However, you will find me being accused of murdering a board member, having a doxing bounty put on my head, and being accused of hacking a user -- all as punishment for removing posts that didn't provide linked support for their claims and/or establish relevance to the abuse of kids by elite globalist pedos.

I've documented and exposed a number of serious tumors, with linked evidence of their fuckery. Nothing was done about them. The three mentioned above all still roam unencumbered on Voat; in fact two of them are shitting up this very thread.

I think this whole latest shitshow, including Putt's contribution, was one giant fucking fiasco that demonstrated that without clearly articulated rules, individual accountability for behaviors -- and the transparency necessary for it, and real consequences for shitty behavior, Voat will never really protect each user's free speech. The shitheads are simply too good at using free speech to suppress free speech.

I don't know the answer. All I know is that mods are still being targeted and broken and still dropping like flies. From where I stand, the only protection from this currently is to do what srayzie did and join a gang, and then make sure you don't say or do anything to piss them off.

Have @kevdude or any ... shown any reluctant behavior to work on something that can accommodate Voat's voids to prevent that the shit show that we went through a few days back doesn't happen again?

Yes. I made a small concrete suggestion to @Kevdude to apply a username flair to a proven malicious user -- the one thing that actually worked in v/pizzagate. Kev claimed he was being attacked.

sguevar ago

I am aware of the previous situations you went through specially the last one of the user maliciously stating that you hacked him.

I actually backed you up there after reading all the matter.

However regarding this:

Yes. I made a small concrete suggestion to @Kevdude to apply a username flair to a proven malicious user -- the one thing that actually worked in v/pizzagate. Kev claimed he was being attacked.

He stated that for comments he is unable to put that flair. He can however tag posts and that is why he stated that when the user in question makes a post he would tag the post.

Now I am not saying that there isn't something to work at here at Voat and he has shown more than enough willingness to do so but right now what is going on on v/GA is basically showing that from the mod team there, there will be no open dialogue on the matter. Even now starting for what it appears a series of "hit pieces" on @kevdude on which the first, and I quote, appetizer was nothing more than a compendium of conjectures and accusations to attack the character of kevdude.

Firstly I don't think he needs help defending himself because I believe he is more than capable in doing so but I stated before that if I had to stand in the middle to minimize the damage to Voat i would do it. Why? Because what is going here is simply not productive.

Are you telling me here that PG didn't get the help you needed from kevdude back then? What about from the fact that he was there to temporarily set the rule set for the verse to work as it is now and you are saying with this that he will not help further to Voat in general? I mean come on, right now the GA mod team is even implying that we helped ran srayzie out because we enabled the ones that use free speech to censor free speech.

What you are saying here is an oxymoron for one simple reason, the Mod in this case for example was never trumped on being able to express herself. And the fact that the false narrative continues, because it is a false narrative, that she got doxxed by Triggly, expressed by the GA mod team is simply disingenuous to say the least because she had linked personal information to Voat herself. To which I showed proof to kevdude, Crensch. MadWorld, Puttitout, Cynabuns and srayzie herself AFTER I had pleaded with her in private to set the record straight multiple times. To which she refused to because of her personal grudge against Triggly:

The matter here is that she had created this problem for herself long before Triggly even harassed her with her post. And I want to make myself clear. I am not justifying what Triggly did, but I will not condone a ban under unjust pretences much as I dont condone the banhammer that GA is currently engaging on.

I have worked hard to always uphold Voat's ideals and protect free speech; you will not find a single instance of me unfairly banning a user or censoring comments. I have faithfully administered the subverse submission rules as best I can to prevent disinfo pushing, consensus cracking, concern trolling, forum sliding and other forms of free speech suppression. However, you will find me being accused of murdering a board member, having a doxing bounty put on my head, and being accused of hacking a user -- all as punishment for removing posts that didn't provide linked support for their claims and/or establish relevance to the abuse of kids by elite globalist pedos.

How do you feel when you see all the effort that you have done yourself with the help of @Crensch in the past being trumped by what he has engaged on now with @Shizy and @MolochHunter?

Are you happy with the current state of affairs?

Do you see this as the only solution, seriously? No dialogue? No communication and no ability to work in filling the voids Voat currently has? Are you for real here?

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @Shizy.

Posted automatically (#43940) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

ESOTERICshade ago

Furthermore, flairing people you don't agree with is censorship, period, end of story. @vindicator don't like me because I burned his attempt to create the new Q landing pad in v/pizzagate, and RIGHTLY so. If you are gonna flair people, might as well ban them.

ESOTERICshade ago

I will be greatly disappointed if you flair anything I post as "troll" material because my agenda was to keep v/pizzagate pure. Your agenda is to keep Voat pure. We both have agendas, mine was just on an smaller scale. The butthurt Q people mean absolutely nothing to me. They need to stay in their own fence. If you noticed, I totally quit pizzagate after the big war. It wore me out, but I did a good thing. We all have "agendas" and mine was of pure intentions. Sorry vindicator didn't get to create his Qanon parking lot at v/pizzagate, but fuck that, I wasn't gonna let that happen.

Vindicator ago

If he makes a post I will definitely flair it as troll because I know he always has an agenda.

Ah...but of course you know he will never make a post because he doesn't need to because submission contribution points really count for nothing, and that would only allow him to be exposed.

We don't have the css for that.

Really? Would you like me to send you the CSS you sent me for flairing him, back when you wouldn't allow me to ban him for violating Voat's User Agreement, to prevent him from blending in to fool casual observers with his nicely-aged account and silk-tongued lies? I still have everything you sent. I can hook you right up.

ESOTERICshade ago

to prevent him from blending in to fool casual observers with his nicely-aged account and silk-tongued lies? I still have everything you sent. I can hook you right up.

Calling out Qanon as an Israeli Psyop is "silver tongue lies" right? I got it. Like I said, Qanon has done more damage to Voat than anything since I have been on Voat. You tried to FORCE IT down our throats at v/pizzagate and I RESENTED IT, BIGLY.

Vindicator ago

You're all hat, no cowboy, ES, or you would post the links.

ESOTERICshade ago

You're all hat, no cowboy, ES, or you would post the links.

Be patient. We are having a sewer line dug up at some of our houses today. When I get time I might go back to the day Qanon first arrived and start compiling. Don't let your mouth overload your brain capacity.

Shizy ago

Seems pizzagate AND GreatAwakening have been stifled from running our subs for the benefit of our communities.

ESOTERICshade ago

We don't have the css for that. If he makes a post I will definitely flair it as troll because I know he always has an agenda.

My agenda was to eradicate Qanon from v/pizzagate because pizzagate was important to me. Its a good thing I did because if I had not have done it, v/pizzagate would be in utter chaos. v/pizzagate didn't need to be the new Qanon home base. If you call that a "troll agenda" so be it but it wasn't. It was trying to save something I loved and cared about. Its really that simple. The psyop known as Qanon is responsible for creating enormous chaos on Voat, and I wanted to protect pizzagate. I was successful because v/pizzagate is fairly peaceful and still functions as it should. It wore me out, but I was successful with my AGENDA, and I feel no shame.

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator, srayzie and I are friends, in spite of the fact that I think Q is an Israeli Psyop. So stop dragging me into your latest juvenile Q fueled drama rant. I told her multiple times that using her real picture across multiple platforms would end up causing her grief, and now it happened. I hate that for her because I like her.

I used to be a regular commenter and poster in v/pizzagate until you tried incorporate Q into pizzagate. You and I fought tooth and nail over that and you have been butt hurt every since. Making Q an integral component of pizzagate would have destroyed pizzagate.

You broke EVERY rule in the v/pizzagate sidebar with your Q stickies, etc....I was right about what Q would have done to pizzagate OBVIOUSLY because now the standard for "being a shill" is simply not believing Qanon is real.

Hunting down the non Q believers has caused you to see ghostly boogie men around too many corners that don't even exist. I was NEVER part of harassing srayzie in spite of anything anybody else says.

I DEFENDED SRAYZIE against the QRV attack, like a tiger, even though I don't believe Q is real, because she is my friend. Q you has driven you a little bit cuckoo, @vindicator, and stolen your objectivity. Qanon did NOT belong in v/pizzagate no matter how butt hurt you are about it.

Now leave me OUT of your childish Qanon bullshit.

Vindicator ago

Pouring out the lies, as always. No evidence cited, as always. Attempts to discredit by implying corrupt motives, with no evidence, as always.

I say again, @Kevdude: why does this user not sport a warning flare?

ESOTERICshade ago

Pouring out the lies, as always. No evidence cited, as always. Attempts to discredit by implying corrupt motives, with no evidence, as always.

I have challenged you many times to show us how using Q stickies in v/pizzagate, and letting people makes unrelated pizzagate posts in sub, that were Q related, follows the sidebar rules. You never produce because you can't. Produce or STFU, because you were wrong, and you hurt that sub. I fought it off and I don't care if you are pissed. You ruined v/pizzagate for me and dozens of other people that left the sub. Thats the reality of it.

Vindicator ago

I have challenged you many times to show us how using Q stickies in v/pizzagate, and letting people make unrelated pizzagate posts in sub, that were Q related, follows the sidebar rules. You never produce because you can't.

You've never once shown a single incidence of a rule-breaking post allowed when it shouldn't have been, let alone stickied. I've never done it.

This is a bald-faced strawman argument.

ESOTERICshade ago

You've never once shown a single incidence of a rule-breaking post allowed when it shouldn't have been, let alone stickied. I've never done it.

This is a bald-faced strawman argument.

Ask and you shall receive......

think- ago

I was NEVER part of harassing srayzie in spite of anything anybody else says.

I know what you have done, Esoteric. You are an asshole.

And you have always treated @Vindicator like shit, so don't pretend you are his friend. You told him he should step back as a mod. That's not really what a friend would do, or is it? /s

You broke EVERY rule in the v/pizzagate sidebar

Well, and you broke the Voat User Agreement by vote brigading.

If I were you, I would just shut up, and crawl back into the hole where I came from.

.>So stop dragging me into your latest juvenile Q fueled drama rant.

Nobody asked you to chime in. Btw, you said multiple times you would leave. Maybe just do it now. Bye.

ESOTERICshade ago

And you have always treated @Vindicator like shit, so don't pretend you are his friend. You told him he should step back as a mod. That's not really what a friend would do, or is it? /s

I called him out for attempting to make v/pizzagate a Qanon home base, and rightfully so, because unless the Q material is DIRECTLY pizzagate related, it DOES NOT belong in that sub. Prove me wrong.

zyklon_b ago

i got your back

think- ago

unless the Q material is DIRECTLY pizzagate related, it DOES NOT belong in that sub

Gosh, now you put me in a position to defend the Q anon stuff. There never was a Q submission that wasn't directly related to Pizzagate. That was the line @Vindicator, me and the other mods had agreed upon.

When you make claims like this, you´ll need to prove they are true. Nobody cares that you are too lazy too dig for proofs.

And how convenient that you didn't say a word about how you systematically vote brigaded the sub with your bunch of alts.

Remember that I busted u/dragonkiller and u/rarepeeks as your alts. And there were more.

Man up, and at least stand your ground regarding the vote brigading you did.

ESOTERICshade ago

When you make claims like this, you´ll need to prove they are true. Nobody cares that you are too lazy too dig for proof.

I mowed four yards today, and dug up a sewer line. We own a LOT of rent houses. I don't always have time to spend three hours going back to October of 2017, looking for all this shit. We all LIVED this shit one day at a time and we all know the truth. You want to be a "team player" or a truth teller? Its up to you. I just got home. I'm sweaty, tired, and hungry. Will I dig that shit up right now for three or four hours? I seriously doubt it. I also have gotten to the point that i'm not sure I give a fuck anymore because I have moved on from Voat to other venus to spread the esoteric knowledge that I have learned. Vin has pissed me off enough to do it, but I won't right now. You were there when Q came on the scene. You know the truth. Be on the "team mod" or be on the truth. The decision is yours.

think- ago

I mowed four yards today, and dug up a sewer line. We own a LOT of rent houses. I don't always have time to spend three hours going back to October of 2017, looking for all this shit.

Lame excuse for not being able to present evidence.

You were there when Q came on the scene. You know the truth.

Exactly. This is why I have called you out for lying.

Be on the "team mod" or be on the truth. The decision is yours.

I'm on nobody's team, and I call out liars when I see them. Liars like you.

Vindicator ago

I never once allowed a Q submission that didn't fulfill pizzagate submission rules, ES. You're the one making the claims. You prove them, you deceitful POS.

ESOTERICshade ago

I never once allowed a Q submission that didn't fulfill pizzagate submission rules, ES. You're the one making the claims. You prove them, you deceitful POS.

The Q stickies are all the proof I need. You did it. NOW, explain how that met the submission rules because YOUR Q STICKIES are submissions. A sticky is a submission. There were others but I refuse to spend three hours digging them up. Keep making yourself look like an asshole by denying it though. We would have more respect for you if you just said "yes, my Q stuff was against the rules, sorry, I goofed." Instead, you just lie like a mother fucker. You did it, its alllllll in the record.

Vindicator ago

Bring it on, Grandpa Truther

divine_human ago

comment mod logs dont look good, hope this is going to balance out.

sguevar ago

I hear that too

sguevar ago

I know you are but we also need to understand that they are entitled to be... I mean it was big loss that we suffered. We need to help transition this.

ExpertShitposter ago

My response to his bullshit thread you eddited in here:

sguevar ago

@Vindicator, @Shizy

I have read all the exchanges you guys have had with kevdude.

I know you feel also frustrated because of srayzie's departure and that this whole thing has a bad taste in your mouths because you feel there wasn't any justice to your eyes being served.

You know where I stand on what regards to the harassment suffered by both srayzie and shizy. And I do back up my words with facts. But you also kinow that Voat's essence can't be compromised for convenience here.

The trolls will always appear. Shills will always appear. You know that censoring them or trying to censor them will not be your best tool against them. But showing that they are mistaken in their actions and opinions by being bigger than them in your actions.

Neither kevdude nor I attacked srayzie. We didn't kick her when she was down. I know from my part that I pleaded with her in pms to set the record straight regarding the ban that Trigglypuff suffered. Why? Because I knew in my heart that what she did wasn't doxxing. And even she stated the following:

I didn’t ask Putt to ban her. I pinged him and Cynabuns publicly. Whatever decisions they made was up to them. They didn’t ask me what I wanted, I have no say in this.

So let's first start by saying things how they are - doxxing implied that someone went out of their way to get information, personal data on a certain user data and published it in detriment of that user's and/or her close ones safety. However you can't consider doxxing when images that are on public domain and that were accessible through her personal social media, that she herself linked to voat, apparently in more than one occasion (I say more because I only know of one 6 months ago to which I have proof of it and I showed in private messages to PeaceSeeker, Puttitout, Crensch, MadWorld, kevdude, Cynabuns and herself).

At least 2 of those pictures posted on the subverse made against her were available at the time of the post she did 6 months ago because I saw them. Now you may want to put my word in doubt there, but you know that I tend to back it up. I found the proof then in that case that gives reasonable doubt for Trigglypuff to not have made any doxxing.

Even @Cynabuns agreed with me at the beginning when I said to him that if a ban should be in place for Trigglypuff for postings images that were of public domain doxxing then a ban should also be considered for @antiliberalsociety for all the posts that he has made against TexasVet for the same reason. His reply to that was and i quote:

IIRC TexasVet linked himself here on Voat and antiliberalsociety (and others??) just kept repeating whereas I don't believe that sraysie linked herself. To me this seems like a big difference.

But she did and I offered the proof of this. Had srayzie not linked her personal social media, not even once, then it would have been a different matter. But in this case it was exactly the same situation.

Once again, I know that this seems awful to you both but we have to be objective here. We can't compromise Voat's standard for Free Speech just because we like the user that is being attacked here. We can't do that because then that will create a conflict of interest that can easily bring down what we all have built. I won't support that ever and I will stand always to defend Voat from such thing.

I do agree with kevdude stating that the trolls and shills get the power that one give them. But I also agree with you both that something needs to be done in what regards to deal with future harasment and stalking. But it has to follow a due process. We are better than the mainstream media. Though we seek transparency, we know that certain denunciations must be kept in private and handled through a consensus of users whose objectivity is not compromised to insure a fair and just result.

This is why we need to make a difference here between the two situations:

  • harassment/stalking situations and doxxing situations need to be dealt with in a private way with archived evidence that allows an exhaustive analysis from a chosen group of users whose objectivity will not be compromised. Those terms need to be properly defined within the boundaries of their legal definition. The reason why this needs to be dealt in private is because it concerns the safety of all parties implicated, both accused and accusers.

  • Denunciations of power moding must be dealt with publicly with clear evidence of the matter because after all they are exerting their power to other users without justification whatsoever. So I do agree on the defense that kevdude is doing here because right now the one breaking Voat*s global rules is @Crensch.

Obviously all this is too superficial but I know is a start for what you guys want for we want the same thing. We want a fair and just process that insures the protection of Voat's essence and integrity as much as it's users.

Shizy you said that you now want to focus on the "enablers". If kevdude is an enabler, then you can consider me one too. And you know that is not the case. Right now what you are doing is letting your anger take control of your actions much as Crensch is doing. I know you both are better than that but I also know where you are coming from with all this anger and frustration.

Vindicator you brought up the use of alts to brigade as part of breaking Voat's global rules. What if I tell you that evidence was brought forward by Rotteuxx of both srayzie and shizy using their alts to gang up on him? Wouldn't that also be considered breaking the rules? The evidence was brought publicly and that is more than enough to show that their actions and objectivity were compromised.

I don't look to justify what zyklon_b and his fellows did. I am pissed at the faggot myself but I will not apply guilty by association to anyone. For everyone had their own personal reasons why they acted how they acted. But right now we need to heal and we need to restore Voat's name.

I give you all my word that I will always back you up when it is deserved as I would do with any user that had a just cause to fight for. Many can be witness of such words. I don't put them out there lightly and through all this I did give my support to both srayzie and shizy and also called them out for their use of alts.

One can't use the tools of the enemy to fight against it. We need to be better. We need to give the extra mile as the Word of God states. We can't expect our enemies to behave like us but we must certainly not behave like them either. This is a teaching that our Lord Jesus Christ gave to his apostles. And it is one that we ought to remember now.

I am asking, pleading, begging you - let's stop this nonsense and let's start the healing process and work together to strengthen Voat and be the envy of the sites that look to destroy us. Let's be true to ourselves.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#43702) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

auto_turret ago

I'm glad they did what they did to that cunt. That ban happy bitch. Banned me simply for arguing with her, I have the proof and so does GA.

Anyway.. What did they do..?

MrBlueChip ago

Reddit level beliefs require Reddit level censorship

thewebofslime ago

Must have been distracted by my midnight snack. 👍

thewebofslime ago

Why are they always threatening people with screenshots? I've seen like 100 of their screenshots tonight and most of them seemingly proved the opposite of what they were trying to assert.

My main issue with taking screenshots of conversations that have nothing to do with my research is that they are a complete waste of time. You have to save them, store them, then waste tons of time coming up with the exposition so that people might understand.

I'm after making sure pedophiles get exposed, not minimum wage shills. I wish others felt the same way.

Shizy ago

Caught! With proof! You're done!

Shizy ago

You're caught.

Shizy ago

That's a really cool trick you pulled. Pretty smart to piggyback on an anon comment that you can blame on someone else. How'd you think that up? Good think I screengrabbed it when I did.

Shizy ago

Funny that came from your head.

Why is that funny? That's what the trolls have been writing incessantly for almost two weeks, so why wouldn't it be what came from my head?

Really? Who am I?

Why don't you share that?

Shizy ago

I have concern, but I'm no troll. Nice manipulation there.

Shizy ago

Comment deletions are of the table.

Not that I'm disagreeing with you abut comment deletions, but who says they're off the table.

You remind me of someone.

Don't even start with that Srayzie bullshit, but coincidentally I feel the same about you.

Shizy ago

Almost like you're too scared to hit the trolls so you're lashing out at those of us who aren't into impulsive knee jerk responses

I've been hitting the trolls. Then I realized it's the enablers who allow them to flourish. Time to address the enablers it seems.

Shizy ago

Do you even reading comp?


Oh, Motörhead is a default so those rules don't apply? Well GA is a private subverse. Where can I find the "policy" on that category? Your sidebar link is for public only.

Shizy ago

Hey Kev, so I followed your suggestion and read the protect voat subverse policies. All three of your mods on v/Motörhead have not commented in a month or more. Will this be taken care of or should I make a post in v/protectvoat.

Shizy ago

srayzie is gonna be just fine.

@crensch broken? Yeah right!

You're letting them win.

I'm doing no such thing. Maybe your enabling bullshit which has allowed them to flourish unchecked is what's allowing them to think their winning.

Maybe it's time to change this. The "just ignore them" tactic has stopped working.

Vindicator ago

They used sock puppet accounts to consensus crack and vote brigade. That is against Voat's sitewide rules.

Because the system is rigged so that all they had to do was contribute no submissions, they were neither forced to prove their claims nor were they able to be held accountable.

Vindicator ago

No one is broken. I give trolls zero power.

A point is being made because "Voat principles" are not being applied universally. The system is rigged to protect them. How long are you going to preside over that?


The system is rigged to protect them

couldn't the same be said for the anonymous voting?

you say Q endorsed Voat not Poal, but it seems a lot of this brigading would be fixed if it couldn't be done anonymously.


Vindicator ago

Yep. I agree. I think a whole lot would be improved around here if people were actually accountable for their behavior. It ought to all be transparent. Alts. Votes. The whole shebang.


I think a whole lot would be improved around here if people were actually accountable for their behavior. It ought to all be transparent. Alts. Votes. The whole shebang.

100% agree

@putitout wouldn't this fix everything/make your life easy?

are their any negatives/downsides?

Vindicator ago

InB4: "Muh right to privacy" "Chilling effect on speech"


InB4: "Muh right to privacy" "Chilling effect on speech"

Your right to privacy is enforced by your own tight lips.

we are already using pseudonymous accounts and not including irl information right?

edit...well most of us.

RockmanRaiden ago

I don't think many people realize how small and intimate our sub was for a long time. We were Q worshippers yes, but we were goats first. Because of this we were more relaxed. Srayzie was unprepared for these immigrants. The Q normies showed up and fucked us all over and gave the site AIDS. In a few days they will target the next person and Putt will probably ban these people again.


small and intimate

was it private? nope. You are publically posting on a social media site.

"Q worshippers...goats..." [vs] Q (reddit) normies showed up and fucked us all over and gave the site AIDS

You're letting yourself get caught up in the Dialectics. Reddit Q people arent your enemy. It's the people seeding and controlling the narratives. At worst, redditards are weaponized useful idiots.

I believe all Q believers are hurting Voat because they accept the narrative that "Q is good" & "Trump is Good". All criticism is shut down and thought terminated with "Trust the Plan"

this internal psy-op divide within Q community is only going to cause more people to realize all of Q is a psy-op

Tight lips isn't what a free speech extremist does.

there's a difference between free speech, and oversharing. My point is you are the ultimate controller of your privacy if you take don't agree?

RockmanRaiden ago

I agree except for the useful idiot part. The Q normies on Twitter are indistinguishable from the leftist Twitter mob. More are getting wise to the act. I think for Srayzie, this was a blessing in disguise. Who knows how many more years Trump and the Q team will keep edging his followers. I already came (to my own conclusion that the Q agenda isn't my own.)


I agree except for the useful idiot part. The Q normies on Twitter are indistinguishable from the leftist Twitter mob. More are getting wise to the act.

I hear ya, I think our only disagreement is degree.

I consider the leftist Twitter Mob weaponized useful idiots as well.

I agree they are damaging, but they are a symptom, not a root.

GoodGodKirk ago

Just like I’m tired of typing responses which go mostly unanswered or answered with bullshit “read our policies” redirection. Don’t post it if you’re not willing to discuss, you’re worse than crensch.

You don’t delete the comments, just show a trail of partially answered posts.

Shizy ago

Well they haven't listened.

GoodGodKirk ago

Funny, I thought you embraced discussion, not avoided it.

GoodGodKirk ago

People don’t pay for accounts nor are the mods paid, although the mods volunteer time and energy into their sub verse. If I don’t like it, I avoid it or move on, no big deal.

Just like you choose to cherry pick what you answer and ignore the rest of my comments.

Shizy ago

Why are you so excited?

Why are you so scared?

Vindicator ago

But power corrupts

You think Crensch has been corrupted by being the O of GA for 24 hours? LMAO. Crensch has been the O of v/pizzagate for longer than I've been on Voat, and we're constantly making MSM hit pieces, which GA has never done.

Not buying it.

Shizy ago

No, those have to "stick to principles" that aren't actually codified anywhere, either. Principles that have not only not been written down, they have not been voted on by those unwittingly subject to them.

"Free speech", but no voice!

Looks like there might be a revolt coming!

@vindicator @crensch

Dortex ago

I'll tell you something about people, Kev: They don't change. When they're put in what they at least perceive as as extraordinary circumstances, they give up superficial parts of their ego. This emotional instability isn't new. He's just finally found that he doesn't have a fundamental need to hide it from you after he didn't get his way.

Crensch ago

The user above defends pedophiles.

Vindicator ago

If they break submission rules, ban.

They broke Voat-wide rules, but you said no ban.

And are subverses allowed to make submission rules that would keep this behavior out? Nope.

No, those have to "stick to principles" that aren't actually codified anywhere, either. Principles that have not only not been written down, they have not been voted on by those unwittingly subject to them. The poor fools who come here for free speech only find out about them when they're hauled in front of the Inquisition and pilloried.

That's some rarified air you're breathing up there in the Realm of Pure Ideals while the countryside burns to ash below.

Shizy ago

Have you said these same things to SBBH?

When will they be held to the same standards instead of getting a pussy pass?

GoodGodKirk ago

Why can’t that be implied upon the start of a channel? Why all this fuss over FUCKING TROLLS?!?

Shizy ago

She wasn't as strong as I thought.

Nice kevdude! But you don't kick her when she's down.

Nadeshda ago


GoodGodKirk ago

So you have to have every rule posted in a sidebar? You can’t just say “Q related shit only or fuck off”? You have to focus so much on semantics that you’d allow trolls to ruin a site because policies aren’t laid out?

I could understand if this came from left field, but this has been an ongoing issue which people brush under the rug cause it’s Q related. There are more Q bashers than people who embrace Q, and I take that as they come, but don’t act like this is something new and uncalled for.

GoodGodKirk ago

So it's ok to let the trolls run the site. Why should anyone even mod anymore? All I have to do is go cry that I was banned and I'll get reinstated? It's a channel, not a site wide implementation. Why do you feel the need to force people back into channels where they're not wanted? It doesn't seem like this is "ProtectVoat" anymore now that bans are no longer enabled and it's more like "TrollAdvocacy", know, Trolls need to be heard too.

Why should I stay here? It's becoming more and more like the Berkeley cucks are running this site with free speech actually dying, not thriving. Say the wrong thing and get doxxed by users and it's allowed by the owner. I'm pretty sure doxxing, whether public or private, was not allowed here, but you fuckers are eating it up and saying "well, they shouldn't have been mods and we only grabbed publicly available content".

That's some Jew level excuses right there. You even admit that what they did to srayzie is fucked up, but you want crensche to take the abuse like a cuck? This all started cause @PutItOut folded like a wet napkin with vote manipulation and reenabled problem accounts and not dealing with the harassment issues. At this point, the potential of a slanderous lawsuit is just around the corner.

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Schreiber ago

Just a bunch of uneducated neonazi hicks having bar fights. Nothing to see here.

freshmeat ago

Actually just noticed you were OP of this.

Glad you said something.

freshmeat ago

yeah he was more sneaky at first but now he is acting like an outright idiot, because who is going to stop him? Definitely not you or putt

Vindicator ago

And they will pick each of us off one by one using the exact same tactics, because there is no recourse to justice.

Crensch and I spent months documenting and exposing extreme vote manipulation and shill activity in v/pizzagate and you demanded I not ban the fucker. I reported it to Putt and nothing was done. That same piece of shit is here helping fuck with Voat in this latest shitstorm. And yep, even Zyklon admits they are all part of the same group.

Instead of just recourse, we get unclear manipulation bans and warnings, and then sudden reversals where the hyenas are loosed to rampage at will. Your contribution is to stand on side of the field and admonish people to play nice. They are laughing in Voat's face.

How many good people who care about this place are you going to watch driven to desperation like this and then take to task as if they were the source of the problem? All of them?

Such courage.

ESOTERICshade ago

And yep, even Zyklon admits they are all part of the same group

Oh yeah, thats credible. (eyeroll)

freshmeat ago

Yeah that's bullshit. Your mind vs. the reality seen by someone who knew him well. This happened gradually.

He has never not been this way.

Really odd to see you and Beetle all of a sudden be best friends. Like the fight that destroyed Voat's chat feature was all one big LARP and he was the boogeyman you needed to run your Discord like a tin pot dictator with user consent.

Yeah it was some 4 year gay op conspiracy. How does a retard like you end up affiliated with Voat.

Beatle has pissed me off numerous times for years but from a close friend ive been told he has changed, and the fact they hate you now is very telling. I guess they are just shitposters because when they messed with a community, they didnt make a cry-post about it in this sub trying to start witch hunts to get rid of mods for manufactured drama. Things are suspect but with the shitshow this site has been lately, maybe yall crossed some kind of line i didnt know existed for them.

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Vindicator ago

You see what's happening here, right @Kevdue? @Peaceseeker?

All the appeals to Reason in the world are pointless when injustice piles up to the point where people can't stomach another bite as it's being crammed down their throats. Good people who care, by definition, are not robots. They have a breaking point.

All it takes is one weak moment for someone like @Crensch or srayzie in charge of subverse with serious enemies and it is used against them as if it's the only thing they have ever contributed. The enemies of freedom know this, and are playing everyone here like puppets. It's fucking sad.

ExpertShitposter ago

Crensch is the one who prides him self as a person who "gasses jews on voat till there is a tombstone on their account". Had an entire sub dedicated to his debate till gassed antics. So don't paint him as some potential victim. Also sryz killed her account because she chose attention whoring instead of listening to the advice of me and triggs. Story here:

Vindicator ago

I never claimed anyone was a victim, Shitposter, but thanks for trying to put words into my mouth.

thewebofslime ago

It isn't a single moment of weakness, it is a long existing pattern of false accusations, false outrage and pointless circle jerks of insults. If you are going to moderate a sub that is supposed to have legal impact, then having a modicum of professionalism is tantamount to your credibility. Of course, you know that I feel you have no credibility and you know why and you should reflect on your behavior that lead to that conclusion and the fact that the people who aligned with you in that moment are experiencing the logical conclusion of acting in that manner as mods.

I just picked through a number of histories of people who were accused of being shills by you and your firends and the list of people singled out is pretty long and, ultimately, have little or no evidence to support the claims. Remember when Jen died? Every single one of you were insistent that there was no evidence. She died. You were all wrong.

/v/Pizzagate has a stupid concern troll post stickied about someone who may or may not be a shill complete with exclamation marks. Sure they use multiple accounts, but they aren't worthy of 5 months of being stickied. This constant dedication to exuding drama is bringing you all down one by one and it isn't because of everyone else. /v/GreatAwakening has been all consumed by concern troll behavior. Look at the stickies. Look at what you want your communities to focus on, rather than the actual truth.

This is all happening because this is the path you and your mod friends chose. You all chose to be insulting, childish and false accusers and the common thread between all those people you attack is that they do not believe in Q. This has happened so many times, that it has now officially become obvious to everyone, including your friends who have defended all of you.

Remember when I spoke of honesty traps and you lied about me being a sleeper shill and acting like one of David Brock's minions? You failed the honesty trap. You additionally failed the credibility test when you let all the negativity decide your words for you.

If you aren't shills, then it is high time you started acting like it. Unless, of course, this is all by design. I officially am not engaging politically and I have barely checked in with Voat in the last month. I plan on coming back when things finally get interesting, but I have turned off nearly all my scripts and stopped reading the news. For now, I'm out. I don't see why any arrests would happen until next year because of the political currency it will come with that needs to be fresh in voters' minds for 2020.

Now that I'm caught up on the soap opera, I'm taking the time to say that, "I told you so." Not only did I tell you so, it looks like dozens of people, at least, have been telling you moderators a similar message since the arrival of Q. Over and over again, I see a year and a half of people telling you moderators that you are off the rails in your behavior and it is not justified. You should be hunting pedophiles not hunting Voat users.

Everyone's time has been thoroughly wasted on a lot of insulting and brigading when people should just downvote and move on. Imagine what would happen if everyone was allowed to focus on research and pumping that research out into the world, beyond the echo chamber that has been created, here. Imagine if instead of making enemies all day long for two years, you all had been trying to build bridges and make friends... or at least remained neutral. Most of the enemies you've made are not shills and they aren't going away. They were here before Q and Pizzagate and they will be here after those communities have fallen into obsolescence.

If you play stupid games, you will win stupid prizes. That is a hard life lesson that most people learn by their twenties. That is why most people looking at this dumpster fire are no longer affording credibility to your group of moderators.

Is your legacy going to be as a builder or a destroyer? Are you going to align with other builders or will you be friends with destroyers? Will you allow yourself to be sucked into a negative groupthink feedback loop? Or are you ready for the next step in your own intellectual evolution? Good luck on whatever you decide.

The bottom line is that the current outcome was inevitable. It was not a momentary lapse of reason. I hope that serves to help you make better decisions, in the future and not follow the lead of accounts that are primarily occupied with acting like concern trolls.

Vindicator ago

@Crensch @Sandhog @Peaceseeker @think- @MadWorld Check this out^^^ this is the guy who tried to take me out a few weeks back with fake claims I was DDoSing his website after I removed rule breaking posts. He uses bots to push his content on Voat. He tried to get Voaters to spam MSM members he doxxed with pizzagate content.

I reported all this at the time. Why is he still on Voat? Why is a known subversive like this allowed to post in "ProtectVoat" without some kind of warning on his username?

This is a coordinated attack. All the right people are showing up to support you, @Kevdude. Sketchy as fuck.

thewebofslime ago

First, I never, once, claimed anyone DDoS'd my site. My site was probed, initially, by basic address bar commands by a person who manually typed them in from two different computers, then by a number of SQL injections run by an automated service. So, I'm confused at your attempt to make false claims. I've shared the logs all over the Internet, so it isn't exactly a secret.

I challenge you to find a single "bot" post from me. I've made like two submissions in /v/guitar, and that's about it. I had a family member shot in combat and Melania Trump posted a picture of them together, the other day. My IRL is busy, as a result. Check Melania's Instagram, if you don't believe me. It is a miracle he survived four bullets, but it seems that they must have been poorly manufactured because, instead of ripping his body apart, they merely lodged themselves a few inches into his body. Point being, there is a lot more going on for me, than your little Internet drama and, as I said, I've turned off nearly all of my automation that collects news in RSS feeds.

I don't manipulate Voat. So, your accusations are, again, false. Since you are lying, you are creating the problem for yourself where people now know that I have been telling the truth. Since you have made false accusations and you are inextricably tied to a number of others who repeatedly make false accusation, you have managed to discredit yourself and your friends. You are now guilty by association in the eyes of many, many Voat users.

I'm showing up to support @kevdude because he is right and I am certainly far from the only person who thinks so. Also, he made me mod of one of his subverses like over a year ago or something, so he would be especially aware if I had been abusing Voat, in some way. Now that I look, I see that I was removed.

You all see shills everywhere and use it as a defense, but the truth is that this all hit the front page.

I haven't even been checking my inbox.

So, the assertions you just made are incorrect. You chose an ad hominem response that was almost entirely dishonest and you called all of your cohorts to converge to create a false consensus against me, but the truth is that I've done nothing wrong.


I never saw this, thank you.

thewebofslime ago

In fact, I never claimed my site was DDoS'd. My site was probed, initially, by basic address bar commands by a person who manually typed them in from two different computers, then by a number of SQL injections run by an automated service. I shared the logs with many people to ensure what I was interpreting from events was accurate. This happened shortly after I was PM'd that @vindicator was going to ban me, and @think- admitted that he was one of the people who thought that was going to happen. So, my version of events is factual and I am happy to address it, if anyone had concerns. Mostly, I am just taking a break from the Internet. I don't plan on addressing anything political for a while, unless things get interesting.

@Vindicator stated that my post, which was very well received was "self aggrandizing" and an attempt to "baffle with bullshit", said I was behaving like a David Brock shill, even though I posted a detailed plan on how to combat David Brock, then called me a "sleeper shill" or something. So, he made a number of false accusations that are patently false. Make of that what you will. I refuse to engage in the exchange of insults, but his tactic has been to rely on ad hominems because he is unable to address the evidence.

Crensch ago

Noticed that myself. freshmeat, cheesebooger, WoS... helluva lineup. All the little faggots come marching in.

Look at beatlesarmy modlist, too. They're trying to make a show of force by burning usernames.

KosherHiveKicker ago


This is an organized bridge of the main crew of Brony_Fags from SBBH and the shit-stained subverses it has spawned.

RockmanRaiden ago

The return of Cheesebooger is noteworthy. This was a long time coming. Voat has finally been legitimately defeated.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You're full of shit. I love Voat and have stated such many times. Its why I didn't hand crensch his shill ass the first time I called out srayzie when she first came here. I didn't want a war to tear Voat apart, and that's what it would've been had I engaged. I never swung back at crensch. I did label him as a jew shill zionist and today its 100% accurate. Just for the record....I never left. I dont even know who you are but you're talking outta your ass

RockmanRaiden ago

I went by McBitches before.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Don't remember you

Voat is the greatest site on the web. I've always said that. I want to see it thrive, not die. You got me all wrong, faggot. You believed crensch's jew shill bullshit. He had many people here fooled. Not anymore.

RockmanRaiden ago

Alright. Link the proof.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Its irrelevant here. I was just sayin'

SandHog ago

You forgot Dial.

Crensch ago

I wasn't sure he ever left. Apologies.

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freshmeat ago

Unless he had ulterior motives from the start which makes more sense in my mind. This isnt a MLP forum its a big movement full of the IC. He knows what he is doing, crensch that is.

freshmeat ago

Yeah, you may be here to sow discord (pun intended) and dissension to siphon users from Voat

That's been the complete opposite of what i did here since i first joined. I've only called for transparency and don't act like there isnt a detailed history of all the fuckery.

Anyone here for Q should use v/QRV until such time as the mods of v/greatawakening reverse any bans made on users that broke no rules and cease deletion of comments for speech content.

I have to give you credit, you mentioned above how even Q himself endored QRV, so anything else is obvious bait. If it were a meme Q verse then yeah it would make sense but they are trying to use force to be the spokespersons for Q on voat. Giant red flag from the start.

freshmeat ago

he was a mod here for years, and kev butt fucks crensch. Unfortunately I see him getting away with it so its best to use an alternative not ran by shills

ALIENS2222 ago

Niggers gonna nig and Jews gonna jew... Glad I steered clear of that crew early EARLY on. I told Gayzie that she would get doxxed if she kept up this bullshit and she did. Im not suprised. Niggers gonna nig.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

we should all be ashamed...

Shizy ago

He cool

thewebofslime ago

This trajectory has been obvious to me for a number of reasons for a long while.

I'm not condoning what happened with the purported doxxing and threats, but I did call out the logical conclusion of the behavior of this group of accounts who insist on spending a tremendous amount of time being hostile to others and falsely accusing people of being shills. Think about the results of doing that all day, every day for a couple of years. Is there a single result that could be considered productive? A good use of time? Nope.

Running reverse pogroms all the time and pivoting on perpetual outrage only serves one purpose; to distract from the truth. Imagine if all that time and energy had been spent trying to get the truth out of the echo chamber that is Voat, in an organized manner. The mockingbird media machine would already be in its death throes.

I hope to see some common sense and common courtesy from these accounts, in the future. Two things that aren't nearly as common as they ought to be. The truth is that I would really like to see some concise, non-partisan presentation of some of the important issues that these ideologically connected subs are tied together by, and have them actively pushed into liberal Internet communities by people who aren't as involved in the research. Not tied to political party, not tied to Q, not tied to moderator created drama. I'll keep praying.

Good luck everyone.


you're not alone @thewebofslime

we need to take what we've researched, and begin organized dissemination campaigns, on other social media platforms.

as babel falls, we must move on

thewebofslime ago

I'm in. I have a lot of ideas about it. Where would you start?


the weakest link. the child entertainment industry

thewebofslime ago

You ever see the show Happy! ?

I thought the premise was lame, at first, but then it went full Pizzagate.


familiar with it yes, but I only saw opaque pizzagate references, link me with a good writeup?

thewebofslime ago

Really quick...

You should watch it because it goes full pizzagate.

It tells a story how child entertainer, "Sonny Shine" runs a kidnapping/blackmailing network to put satanic crap on TV and his guiding force are weird demons.


I didn't know that

revelation of the method?

Shizy ago

I hope that's a compliment 🤣

Shizy ago

@srayzie made a big mistake in leaving and handing it off to someone like @crensch

Maybe if you would have been there to help instead of kicking her while she was down she could have weathered the waves of blows she received.

You didn't like what she was doing? Well now you have this.

petevoat ago

/greatawakening is way way better than neon revolts /awakening sub

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Shizy ago

Hey, why not, lives too short.

Shizy ago

Cool. We no longer pretend to tolerate assholes.

pby1000 ago

Certain types of people do not like to be held accountable for their behavior. My popcorn is ready. This should be fun!

Shizy ago

I'm saying why do you not maintain the same expectations and standards for all subs?

thewebofslime ago

Some subs are created just for posting trolling, sarcastic nonsense and some subs claim to be trying to promote truth and the American way.

Shizy ago

So what you're saying is SBBH gets a pussy pass? Got it.

freshmeat ago

You dont even take your own sub seriously lmao. This is why you are getting called out.

Should just stick to QRV

Shizy ago

You don't know shit!

Aren't you a pedo anyway?

freshmeat ago

Clearly i do. You look like a srayzie alt.

Aren't you a pedo anyway?

You can check my subverse if you want to see what i think about pedos. Not surprising that the fake Q subverse mods are making false pedo accusations. I give your sub less than a weeek before people use the sub Q told us to

thewebofslime ago

I honestly don't know anything about SBBH other than the one or two times I looked at it, it was of no value relative to research and was not intellectually meaningful in any way, to me. I simply don't care about SBBH and I don't see why you would.

It's weird that you use the term 'pussy pass' because that's what a lot of people feel like @srayzie was utilizing. I do not know about nor care about the gender of other Voat users. It is strange that you care, given the purpose your subverse operates under.

Your tone leaves something to be desired and not what I would hope to see in a moderator. I was making a legitimate point about the difference in content between the two subs. Let me ask you another legitimate question...

Do you actually think that SBBH and GreatAwakening should be considered equal and should contain the same content?

If not, then maybe you should consider investing less time, energy and emotions in whatever they have going on there.

Notice how if someone spent all day posting about me, that I probably wouldn't notice unless it hit the front page.

I also try to avoid being a sarcastic jerk to anyone who is a sincere person. Some people certainly make themselves exceptions, but notice how all of the naysayers who aligned themselves against me have been knee-deep in drama while I have simply taken a step back until they exposed themselves. All I have to do to prove I'm not a shill is to stop posting. I don't anticipate the real fireworks until next year, anyways.

Either way, good luck. An attitude adjustment towards the more neutral and away from negativity is probably the best prescription to resolve a lot of the conflict... unless, of course, that's not actually what you want. Either way, you and your friends are the ones who have the reins. You have the power to turn everything in a positive direction for your movement. Think about it.

Shizy ago

It's weird that you use the term 'pussy pass' because that's what a lot of people feel like @srayzie was utilizing.

It's not weird. That's precisely the reason I used that term. They used it to try and sayshe for special treatment. SBBH gets special treatment, hence their pussy pass.

Your tone leaves something to be desired and not what I would hope to see in a moderator.

I give -zero fucks about my tone or your desires.

Do you actually think that SBBH and GreatAwakening should be considered equal and should contain the same content?

I think expectations should be equally applied. No two subs sould contain equal content, what would be the purpose of different subs if the content was all the same.

Otherwise, I do appreciate your insight and the tips you have provided. I have no beef with you and I do not mean to sound rude. It's not directed at you.

beece ago

Hopefully you only ban the worst of the worst Crensh. Let free speech keep on.

Shizy ago

Ok I have been unbanned from SBBH. As a thank you, I'll unban one SBBH member. Who wants an unbanning?

Shizy ago

I was banned from SBBH this morning after having legitimately banned gabara for repeatedly breaking sub rules! He retaliated by banning me from SBBH, and then proceeded to make several posts about me where I was pinged. I was unable to respond.

How is it ok for this to be done to me by a power hungry mod? Will this be addressed @KevDude?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I want to be banned too. I never get banned. Must not be doing Voat right .

Shizy ago

Ok, I'll ban you!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Lol...too late

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Jesus fuckin Christ all this shit over a jew bitch. Look at all of us. I tried to stop it years ago mane

finix_666 ago

Bitches are behind all the drama.

KosherHiveKicker ago

/v/soapboxbanhammer Bitches are behind all the drama.


LightningAndTheSun ago

Filter/block the qtards.

All you can do.

theoldones ago

@crensch take 24 hours and smoke a blunt or something

emotional heads do dumb shit

sguevar ago

The labour never ends.

And I second what @kevdude has stated before.

@Crensch you are giving them the win they wanted. Please get back on the horse man. And let's work together.

theoldones ago

dudes better then this, i know

freshmeat ago

I dont think you could be any more objectively wrong.

sguevar ago

Sure can and I understand where his frustration comes from. Everyone of us have been there at some point. You can vouch for that yourself.

Time will tell but I know he will comeback to his senses.

heygeorge ago

It doesn’t have to be this way if Crensch comes to his senses. I commented my two cents in a reply to him.

Now it’s up to Crensch whether he wants to lash out emotionally or lead rationally.

What’s next, banning/deleting comments for poor grammar? Fuck, he is pretty literally a grammar Nazi. Maybe he’ll ban that STONEENCHIZEL GUY FOR YELLING ALL THE TIME.

I believe when Crensch is able to take a step back for a moment, he might consider his current behavior as ‘chimping out’.

Shizy ago

I banned gabara today after he promised to follow sub rules, but then proceeded to make several rule breaking posts. He then banned me from SBBH in retaliation and made several posts about me that I was unable to respond to. How will you be helping to address this flagrant abuse of power? Will you be unbanning me?

Schreiber ago

Member for 2.2 years and you don't know that gabara is a piece of shit?

Cmon now.

Shizy ago

Yea I know. It's not right.

I'm sick of being held to certain standards and people like him can do whatever they want. Expectations should be applied consistently. If they're not, then I'm no longer going to be adhering to them either.


you're waking up to the controlled dialectics they are corralling us in.

I'm sick of being held to certain standards and people like him can do whatever they want. Expectations should be applied consistently. If they're not, then I'm no longer going to be adhering to them either.

that's how a lot of us feel in the Pizzagate sub when "Q" posts are allowed because "Q" "proofs" are "verified", but the testimony of a "survivor" is relegated to pizzagatewhatever

disclaimer: I dont think either should be allowed based on the pizzagate ruleset.

Shizy ago

you're waking up to the controlled dialectics they are corralling us in.



<3! I'm so glad you're seeing the buffalo

I'm not saying aspects of Q's narrative isn't accurate, I'm just saying it's clearly a narrative, rather than the unvarnished truth.

a psychological operation doesn't have to be a lie, but it is still a trick.

All of this Q stuff is turning the conversation away from Pizzagate and Pedophil Networks, to conventional election fraud, bribery, and treason

RockmanRaiden ago

Here it is. I was skimming your comment history and found this. Trump allegedly converted to Judaism prior to the first Q post. Ivanka and Jared unfluence Trump's policies for this reason, they are the ones that supposedly converted him.

Due to this possibility, and Trumps behavior, I've determined that no amount of PROOFS will matter. Q is by definition an anonymous source being employed as a psy op. High likelyhood of being yet another Jew trick.


lemme know if u do.

Schreiber ago

Yep, it's obvious that some people have the connection to do whatever they want and get away with it.

Just like the real world, nepotism always rear its head and there is no such thing as fairness.

I knew something is wrong with voat the moment that I see people like gabara getting free passes.

Shizy ago

I don't think I've run into you before. You seem to understand some of the problems around here. It's making me question why people loke that are getting free passes.

Schreiber ago

That's because 99% of the time I only comment in politics subverse.

Shizy ago

I see. Well politics is covered here as well, so please join in anytime! People here are pretty nice, for the most part!

Schreiber ago

Hmm, I'll think about it.

I don't venture outside of v/all

PuttsMum ago

I'll unban you, give me a minute :)

Shizy ago

Thank you, I appreciate it!

RockmanRaiden ago

I'm pulling out. It's been fun. Back to lurking for me. If anyone wants to grow out of the fully endorsed Voat and play at being a journalist, it me up.

I'm looking into the possibility of Obama committing obstruction when he "pardoned" Manning, considering our extradition of Assange is based on their 2010 communications. This is worth exploring.

thewebofslime ago

All eyes should be on Assange and NXIVM.


PM me if you like my comment history

WickedBaker ago

Now, that's interesting.

VicariousJambi ago

Oh ffs I thought this shit was all done, now I get back on and here we go again

followthemoney ago

Check back August 30th.

VicariousJambi ago

I'll be busy that day

theoldones ago

jun 1st will be fun

VicariousJambi ago

Tbh I'm still on the fence wether it's actually coming out or not.

thewebofslime ago

I've already learned a couple of the new songs on guitar. I am pretty sure it's coming. If not, I'll dig up a drummer and record it, myself.

heygeorge ago

soon anyone who questions Q or argues with your mod team will be labeled as being part of the "shill group"

This has already been happening there on a semi-regular basis.But it’s obviously immediately much worse. And some of the rules are subjective/subjectively applied.

As far as the ‘shill group’ label, @crensch and v/greatawakening are not the only ones who have been painting with that brush.

At this point it really seems like v/QRV is the sub that remains true to Voat's principles.

Yet it’s a complete dumpster fire. I find something off agreeing with this statement, but I can’t put my finger on it.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Crensch attacked me for this ages ago. I wouldn't align with Q, Trump or this whole zionist movement and he went fucking crazy on me and knifed me in the back. He created thread after thread calling ME a jew. Its a known JIDF tactic. It was clear that he was shilling for jews. Probably paid by some group. Srayzie too.

freshmeat ago

crazy timeline when I agree with SBBH lately.

zyklon_b ago

we on same team

Native ago

Don’t forget about SDBH

HateCumbuckets ago

Oh no don't drag us into this.

Native ago

Too late! And I just got banned on ga despite never posting there, so now it’s personal ha!

Poor puts the guy needs to take persuasion classes because things are out of hand.

That or get Atko to come back and make a post to get everyone to feel better

HateCumbuckets ago

What was the ban reason?

Native ago

Astupidname69 ago

Points for creativity I guess.

heygeorge ago

I was thinking the same of you just a bit ago.

I then also considered making some faggy post about it in sbbh. Still may. So some differences remain.

Rotteuxx ago

It's all still new and weird for me too.

Clown world m8

StarAnon ago

Adults don't appreciate being treated like children, even when they're acting like children. The control the recent BO tried to impose on the members was too tight. If it doesn't loosen up, GA won't be able to keep a BO around. GA is becoming a hivemind, or was, but will hopefully change.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

All I said was good riddance. @crensch is a ban happy Christian Fascist.

sguevar ago

He is not a Christian but I will always wish for him to come to God for he is a good person. You on the other hand promoting the notion of Christianity with fascism is basically a left wing faggot's talking point so in the best language voat can provide for such matters fuck off nigger, we are full.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

I’m more referencing Dominionists. I’m a kike, but recognize that I have allies in cathlo-kikes and protest-kikes

swinston79 ago

Go take a shower jew faggot.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

Only if it’s with baby penis blood