SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @Vindicator.

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MolochHunter ago

does any of this have anything to do with pizzagate


100% of this post is a sabotage of the efforts of pizzagate researchers

ban @webofslime from this site, mods, thats my recommendation

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatewhatever comment by @kneo24.

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SandHog ago

(Interesting that some usernames coincide with usernames on "Zambian Meat," an online cannibal hangout. Antithetical to "the cause," one might say.)

Wait, what?! Who?

thewebofslime ago

I hate going to that place to dig up info. I really, really hate it.

Right now, I have a few names. freshmeat is an obvious one.

What I need is a third piece of information that ties the two before I accuse someone of being a cannibal fetishist. But... I really, really hate going there.

That one will take some time. It grosses me out.

SandHog ago

I don't blame you that place sounds fucked up.

thewebofslime ago

Yeah. It's hurtful. Since you are the only one who is seemingly objective... maybe you wouldn't mind taking a look...

Thus far, a summary of what I have is this:

I code that I am setting an honesty trap.

I inform Vindicator I intend to be on my best behavior.

Vindicator reacts, for the first time ever, with hostility.

Minutes later, my site starts being attacked.

The visitor came to my site from the thread. Then did a couple of low level attacks.

The attacks then came from IPs that are more widespread and mostly cloud based services.

The device was a company issued device from CACI, a Defense Intelligence Agency contractor.

In order to rule out Vindicator, I thought maybe it was because of my George Tenet posting, because I had doubts as to whether Vindicator has any tech knowledge, at all, but maybe he knows someone. I don't know. Looking up George Tenet and CACI, I came across this:

It outlines the Q movement long before the Q movement. There are other even outlines of using "social media as a form of protest" in the wikileaks.

Okay, so maybe not Vindicator, yet. Definitely someone from /v/Pizzagate.

A figure called Q was the "founder and runs the IRC. He is indead in California, as are many of the senior leadership of the group." Another person called Owen is "almost a co-founder, lives in NY with family that are also active in the group, including slenaid and rabbit (nicks)." Finally, CommanderX can "manage some significant firepower." Barr believed he had matched real names to each of these three individuals.

I am already wondering why a high level insider would affiliate themselves with a British Firm lead by a CIA director, George Tenet, who also heads Allen & Co.

Now, my curiosity is really piqued.

So, the first thing I do is archive everyone's social media then run a search... which takes a while per name. I don't have a fancy Google server. It takes time to do search queries.

So, I run everyone's usernames and have to start comparing data with help.

I want to know what I am talking about before I start laying this around because I already know what he response is going to be like.

I find it very curious that Vindicator was also the one who found the completely ignored IamQ post from years ago, now that I have some context.

While I set an honesty trap for shills, I keep stumbling across "Q" stuff. I've never really followed it too closely because I do my own research in my own way. I'm supportive, of the cause, though, and I definitely want justice from the bad actors I identified long before Trump came along.

My initial thought was, Vindicator liked my post previously and marked it "Share This" but the recent one, the same material only better sourced and longer, got a very negative response from what was previously fine. The only difference is that the extra information casts the Q narrative in a questionable light.

So, I am left with, "Hey everyone," what's the best way to prove this without doxing anyone?

Because I have location data that matches the attack with a user.

SandHog ago

I code that I am setting an honesty trap. I inform Vindicator I intend to be on my best behavior. Vindicator reacts, for the first time ever, with hostility. Minutes later, my site starts being attacked. The visitor came to my site from the thread. Then did a couple of low level attacks. The attacks then came from IPs that are more widespread and mostly cloud based services. The device was a company issued device from CACI, a Defense Intelligence Agency contractor. In order to rule out Vindicator, I thought maybe it was because of my George Tenet posting, because I had doubts as to whether Vindicator has any tech knowledge, at all, but maybe he knows someone. I don't know. Looking up George Tenet and CACI, I came across this: It outlines the Q movement long before the Q movement. There are other even outlines of using "social media as a form of protest" in the wikileaks.

Interesting. I don't really follow the Q stuff much at all aside from when topics that interest me intersect and there is discussion about them. I always shied away from it because I don't like being led around by my nose by anonymous people on the internet. So you thought Vindicator was trying to silence you on v/pizzagate because of the stuff you posted about Tenet and how that might relate to Q? I know that he follows it but why would it be censored on v/pizzagate and not on the Q sub if the attack was related to Q/CACI? There might be something there but that part doesn't make sense to me. I suppose it's possible that I'm missing the bigger picture since I don't follow it.

Okay, so maybe not Vindicator, yet. Definitely someone from /v/Pizzagate.

Or someone who came through v/Pizzagate anyway. Lots of people just lurk, I suspect.

I am already wondering why a high level insider would affiliate themselves with a British Firm lead by a CIA director, George Tenet, who also heads Allen & Co. Now, my curiosity is really piqued.

That is curious. Admittedly I don't have enough background on these people or institutions to say much one way or the other but the obvious reason is usually either money or influence in some form or fashion. And Q is certainly influential.

So, the first thing I do is archive everyone's social media then run a search... which takes a while per name. I don't have a fancy Google server. It takes time to do search queries. So, I run everyone's usernames and have to start comparing data with help.

This is the part I don't get. As far as I am aware you were only flaired on v/pizzagate so who do you mean by everyone? All of the v/pizzagate mods? Some of them? Other people? Did you run my social media? This is the part I have an issue with. It's flirting with doxxing.

I want to know what I am talking about before I start laying this around because I already know what he response is going to be like.


I find it very curious that Vindicator was also the one who found the completely ignored IamQ post from years ago, now that I have some context.

I have no idea what you are referring to here.

While I set an honesty trap for shills, I keep stumbling across "Q" stuff. I've never really followed it too closely because I do my own research in my own way. I'm supportive, of the cause, though, and I definitely want justice from the bad actors I identified long before Trump came along.


My initial thought was, Vindicator liked my post previously and marked it "Share This" but the recent one, the same material only better sourced and longer, got a very negative response from what was previously fine. The only difference is that the extra information casts the Q narrative in a questionable light.

To be fair the recent post was a literal encyclopedia of corruption. A good book but a lot of that stuff isn't directly related to v/pizagate. Again I am not grasping why it is significant that the Q stuff was targeted on v/pizzagate and was unmolested on v/GreatAwakening. I've had a few beers so maybe I'm just missing something here.

So, I am left with, "Hey everyone," what's the best way to prove this without doxing anyone? Because I have location data that matches the attack with a user.

Approach them privately I guess? I dunno. Voat really frowns on doxxing and you've already gone farther than I am comfortable with. I think you have the idea about Vindicator but the Q stuff is somewhat compelling.

Back to the "Zambian Meat" stuff for a second. Is freshmeat a voat user that was involved with v/pizzagate somehow? A former mod or something? I'm not familiar with that name but I then haven't been around for all that long so I'm lacking context here.

think- ago


@thewebofslime, are you out of your minds?

You are going around now, claiming the v/pizzagate lead mod hacked your website, and launched a DDOS attack?

I can't believe it.

I read your v/thewebofslime submission, the convo you had with @Vindicator on your v/GreatAwakening submission, and parts of your convo with @Vindicator on your v/pizzagate submission.

I meant to take a break for one or two days, and am just here to check my PMs, so I will say this only here in this one comment:

If you think that someone hacked your computer, and launched a DDOS attack, then present evidence. I mean, actual evidence, with proof that a specific person did it.

Going around, and smearing someone as a potential hacker without any proof is not ok.

You can be pissed off by @Vindicator because he required edits for your recent v/pizzagate post, you don't have to like him, whatever. But smearing him with this accusation is definitely a no-go, both in general, and also regarding his position as a v/pizzagate mod. It smells of a shill attack. (And please note I am trying to stay ladylike regarding my wording.)

You see, I helped you because you did a couple of good posts in the past - these (here, here, and here) come to mind.

I wasn't able to understand why you were not able to adhere to the v/pizzagate submission rules, although you're obviously smart. I don't know who you are, and what you are up to, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

I will tell you what I have told numerous other users who tried the 'muh v/pizzagate is compromised' narrative:

1) v/pizzagate is not compromised. I was a mod for ten months, and nobody offered me any money, ever, or tried to influence the way I modded.

@Vindicator asked me whether I would like to become a mod, although he knew that I am non-partisan, not an ardent Trump supporter, and not a Q follower. He could easily have asked someone else. The same applies to @kevdude, when he sent me a mod invitation some time later, when Millennial_Falcon was demodded, and they were looking for a new M mod.

@Vindicator and me might have had disagreements recently, but he was a good friend. I know him very well. He is 100% legit, and he has worked his ass off the past two+ years for this sub.

Trying to portray him as a compromised operative, and a hacker bangs head on table is mean and malicious.

2) The rules of v/pizzagate were made by the community. Not the mods.

@kevdude wrote them at the time, discussing them with the community, due to the flooding of the sub with cp and shill posts. We had regular rules discussions within the community, and they were adjusted accordingly; the recent major change was the introduction of Rule 6, since the majority of users felt they wanted to have some info before clicking on a link.

If you don't like v/pizzagate and its rules, you are free to post whereever you want. The rules are transparent, they were known by you before you came to the sub, it is your decision whether you want to post there or not, or create your own pizzagate research sub. If you don't like a specific rule, or would like to propose an additional rule, you can always start a discussion on v/pizzagatemods, and invite the community over for a discussion.

@Vindicator is not the villain mod you are trying to paint him as. He actually gave one of your posts the 'Share!' flair recently, and he didn't even flair the post, although it didn't adhere to Rule 2 - you posted pngs and jpgs, but without any links.

A Non Nonsense Summary of Pizzagate

That's what he wrote in his mod comment:

Great summary thread, Web. I'll give it the Share flair. :-)

Here's another recent post submitted by you which he obviously appreciated, see his comments on the thread:

Edible Schoolyard Project. $167,000 Solstice Fundraiser. James Alefantis. Jim Comey's Personal Email. A Serious Woman.

And again, he was lenient, and didn't flair the post, although some of the jpgs would have required links. If you had submitted the post in my modding shift, I would have flaired it.

On a side note, that's a further proof that your recent allegations that your posts were targeted by the mods are definitely not true. Quite to the contrary, @Vindicator was very lenient.

I asked you whether you might want to crosspost your recent v/thewebofslime post to v/pizzagate. I do that frequently (asking for crossposts) when I see good posts on v/pizzagatewhatever, or v/news.

I already found it disingeneous that you wrote that I had asked you to crosspost your post to v/pizzagate, when the v/pizzagate post looked totally different from the original post with the three chan links. But I tried to help you editing it, since I think it was a good post, and I disagree with @Vindicator here; I can see how you took the three chan links as a starting point, and then added content confirming the research in the chan links. Imo the post is totally different from the 'links in links in links' 'Sarah' shill posts we had; your post made sense and is coherent imo, especially since it was meant to be a Pizzagate summary post (see headline).

Now I feel like a total idiot, since I supported you, and now get associated with someone who obviously has malicious intentions by trying to smear the v/pizzagate mods.

Thank you so much.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @Crensch

Vindicator ago

Thanks for chiming in, think- :-).

Did you see this joker is now saying that I am Q and Q is British Intelligence and supposedly hacked his site after he made his submission? Because...Q wants to censor that monstronsity I guess. Try parsing the logic of THAT one.

Remember when SoberSecondThought claimed Q was created in response to his submissions? It's like these people have a binder with a couple of different scripts they just keep recycling.

thewebofslime ago

If you think that someone hacked your computer, and launched a DDOS attack, then present evidence. I mean, actual evidence, with proof that a specific person did it.

You mean dox someone? That is what I have to do to prove it to you. If everyone is okay with that, I'm ready. That's why I asked for what standard of evidence is.

When I made the thread, I messaged Vindicator that I was going to be on my best behavior because I had other eyes on the situation. I was looking for shills, but I found something I was not expecting.

Thus far, we have someone who was at the thread, within minutes of VIndicator's post, went to my site, then started attacking it from their own device. I have posted some of those details, already, but would happy to present them again.

Then, the attacks became more sophisticated from a wider range of IP addresses.

The initial device was a company issued device from CACI, a contractor for the DIA. This definitively proves that a DIA contractor went from v/Pizzagate, to my site within minutes.

I wanted to rule out Vindicator, so I looked around and thought it might have something to do with George Tenet. So, I searched George Tenet, CACI, at which point I found THIS:

Please weigh in on that piece of evidence, alone, if you think I am being deceitful.

Vindicator was the one who happened to find a long forgotten post by IamQ, so if anyone knows the circumstances surrounding that, I'm all ears. I'm very interested in that, actually.

Because now, I have a intelligence contractor who calls themselves Q attacking my site within minutes of Vindicator being pissed at me AND HE STILL WON'T SAY HE DIDN'T DO IT. I've even asked him. I've been polite.

I fixed the post according to Vindicator and your instructions and it is still marked "Possible Disinformation, right now.

It is interesting you bring up previous posts that were successful, because my post, as it stands now, was almost the same as the one we are discussing that was flared "Share This." The post marked "Share This" was less well sourced and less conforming to the rules.

What is the difference? The last post assaults the Q narrative.

Please, go ahead and weight in.

Again, I am happy to provide any proof, but you all better be sure you want me to dox someone. Or we can work out the best way to share it wuthout doing that.

That is why I STARTED WITH asking for a polite interaction, then asked for the best way to present the evidence.

As as result, I have been called a LARP, called a liar (like the David Brock thing that I later proved), etc. But no one has actually been interested in helping me present what I have.

And yes, I'm dangerous. Do you remember you were vetting me and I told you that, "I'm no one to fuck with." That is still the truth. But I am a good guy who is after the truth. If someone disagrees with my presentation of the truth, I have always been willing to go through the process of finding the best way to present evidence.... which is where I am at, right now.

Don't you find it curious that no one has wanted to have THAT part of the conversation, yet?

think- ago

You mean dox someone?

No, I didn't mean to doxx someone. I meant go to the police, and go to court, and get a conviction.

Vindicator was the one who happened to find a long forgotten post by IamQ, so if anyone knows the circumstances surrounding that, I'm all ears. I'm very interested in that, actually.

That's very easily explained. One of @IAmQ's post is @Vindicator's all time fav v/pizzagate posts. (The one where @IAmQ dropped an imgur album shortly after v/pizzagate was created.)

He even made a submission about @IAmQ's posts three months ago, after he stumbled upon his posts while researching something:

Wow. A year before QAnon, new user IamQ made three interesting v/pizzagate submissions right after we were booted from Reddit. Look what he dropped!

It's really not that surprising that he would quote these posts when they are his fav v/pizzagate posts. I also have fav posts I often quote and link to.

It is interesting you bring up previous posts that were successful, because my post, as it stands now, was almost the same as the one we are discussing that was flared "Share This." The post marked "Share This" was less well sourced and less conforming to the rules.

It is interesting I bring them up? I caught you lying. You frequently claimed the mods held you to a higher standard than any other users, giving you a very hard time, and I showed that this was not only a false accusation, I showed that the contrary is true, if anything.

And I didn't even go through all your posts, and looked at all the mod comments and your interactions with the mods. I only looked at some random posts, and was able to immediately find two posts were @Vindicator was really nice and lenient.

I already caught you lying four months ago, when you claimed in the OP of this post that the mods had deleted several posts you allegedly did about the 'Edible Schoolyard' project:

My Edible Schoolyard posts have been deleted by the mods in this sub, so I gave up on trying to tell anyone about it back in April.

I then asked you to show me that several posts got deleted

Was there another post by you that was deleted? Since you said 'My Edible Schoolyard posts have been deleted' (plural)?

but you couldn't, because your claim was false. You said:

I'll have a look later and let you know.I'll have a look later and let you know.

But you never got back to me, because you were not able to present any proof for your claim.

TL;DR: I caught you lying twice about alleged unfair behaviour of the v/pizzagate mods.

If I were you, I would just give this narrative up.

Your recent v/pizzagate post was rightly flaired by @Vindicator per Rule 3, since you had links without description. If he had been nitpicky, he could even have flaired the post per Rule 2, since there were some slight Rule 2 violations inititally I discussed with you when I made edit suggestions. But he didn't.

Then you edited your post, and he removed the flair.

Both he and me told you that posts with Veteran Today links get flaired here for containing possible disinformation. You chose to not remove the Veteran Today link, so the post got flaired.

But I am a good guy who is after the truth.

Good guys don't lie.

And a final remark: You remind me of a Muslim immigrant who comes to a community in a Western country, then gets tantrums because he doesn't like the community's standards and traditions, because they differ from the ones he would prefer, and then goes on to attack the community leaders with false smears because he is upset that he is asked to adjust to the community rules.

Not good.

@srayzie @shewhomustbeobeyed @SandHog @Crensch

kneo24 ago

That link doesn't actually prove your assertion that you were here on v/pizzagate before any of us. See, you cry about insults, but you never prove anything you write in regards to your initial claims. If you don't want to be accused of being a shill, stop acting like one. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

think- ago

I was at /v/Pizzagate before any of you.

Another lie. You've been here for 2.2 years, according to your user page.

@Crensch: 3.7 years.

@Vindicator: 2.3 years

@srayzie: 2.3 years.

@ben_matlock: 2.3 years.

thewebofslime ago

That is just on that account.

So... maybe watch what you say before you start making false accusations... just like you are accusing me of doing.

srayzie ago

According to my calculations.....

Crensch ago

srayzie ago

Please see parent @Shizy @MolochHunter

think- ago

Well, you didn't mention any other accounts you are using here. Of course I am presuming you have not been operating a bunch of alt accounts.

But we are all ears to hear which accounts you operate on Voat. Please note it needs to include at least one who is older than @Crensch's to show that I made 'false accusations'. Thank you.

@srayzie @shewhomustbeobeyed @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

He keeps making himself look worse 😂

kneo24 ago

And remember, it's supposed to be @Vindicator who isn't the smart one here. This whole thing is ridiculous. It's entirely "baffle them with bullshit" to distract.

srayzie ago

That’s because he’s a shill.

think- ago

@PeaceSeeker @MadWorld @kevdude: please see parent. Thanks.

srayzie ago

Omg now he’s competing with us 🙄

think- ago

Vindicator ago

Good guys don't lie.

Nope! :-) And this guy is despicable with his lies.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

In case you're wondering why I love you:


You remind me of a Muslim immigrant who comes to a community in a Western country, then gets tantrums because he doesn't like the community's standards and traditions, because they differ from the ones he would prefer, and then goes on to attack the community leaders with false smears because he is upset that he is asked to adjust to the community rules.


☐ Not REKT


☑ Really Rekt

☑ REKTangle


☑ REKT-it Ralph

☑ Total REKTall

☑ The Lord of the REKT

☑ The Usual SusREKTs

☑ North by NorthREKT

☑ REKT to the Future

☑ Once Upon a Time in the REKT

☑ Full mast erektion

☑ Rektum

☑ Resurrekt

☑ CorRekt

☑ Indirekt

☑ Tyrannosaurus Rekt


☑ Grapes of Rekt

☑ Ship Rekt

☑ Rekt markes the spot

☑ Caught rekt handed

☑ The Rekt Side Story

☑ Singin' In The Rekt

☑ Painting The Roses Rekt

☑ Rekt Van Winkle

☑ Parks and Rekt

☑ Lord of the Rekts: The Reking of the King

☑ Star Trekt

☑ The Rekt Prince of Bel-Air

☑ A Game of Rekt

☑ Rektflix

☑ Rekt it like it's hot

☑ RektBox 360

☑ The Rekt-men

☑ School Of Rekt

☑ I am Fire, I am Rekt

☑ Rekt and Roll

☑ Professor Rekt

☑ Catcher in the Rekt

☑ Rekt-22

☑ Harry Potter: The Half-Rekt Prince

☑ Great Rektspectations

☑ Paper Scissors Rekt

☑ RektCraft

☑ Grand Rekt Auto V

☑ Call of Rekt: Modern Reking 2

☑ Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Rekt

☑ Rekt It Ralph

☑ Left 4 Rekt


☑ Pokemon: Fire Rekt

☑ The Shawshank Rektemption

☑ The Rektfather

☑ The Rekt Knight

☑ Fiddler on the Rekt

☑ The Rekt Files

☑ The Good, the Bad, and The Rekt

☑ Forrekt Gump

☑ The Silence of the Rekts

☑ The Green Rekt

☑ Gladirekt

☑ Spirekted Away

☑ Terminator 2: Rektment Day

☑ The Rekt Knight Rises

☑ The Rekt King


☑ Citizen Rekt

☑ Requiem for a Rekt

☑ REKT TO REKT ass to ass

☑ Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Rekt

☑ Braverekt

☑ Batrekt Begins

☑ 2001: A Rekt Odyssey

☑ The Wolf of Rekt Street

☑ Rekt's Labyrinth

☑ 12 Years a Rekt

☑ Gravirekt

☑ Finding Rekt

☑ The Arekters

☑ There Will Be Rekt

☑ Christopher Rektellston

☑ Hachi: A Rekt Tale

☑ The Rekt Ultimatum

☑ Shrekt

☑ Rektal Exam

☑ Rektium for a Dream

☑ Erektile Dysfunction

think- ago

;-) xoxoxo

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Btw, we here in the West have the same problem with Californicators.



Best Coast

think- ago

@EricKaliberhall @kevdude @PeaceSeeker @MadWorld: please see parent. Thanks.

Crensch ago

I have always been willing to go through the process of finding the best way to present evidence.... which is where I am at, right now.

All I've read is you pissing and moaning about the rules.

Don't you find it curious that no one has wanted to have THAT part of the conversation, yet?

Yet? You mean "anymore"?

Can you just follow the fucking rules? Is it really that difficult to look at your stupid post, start with rule 1, and read down the post making sure it doesn't violate rule 1? Then rinse and repeat for the others?

No, you can't do that. It's TOO HARD for the paid shill to earn his shekels by lulling users with some reasonably decent submissions but TOTALLY BEING CENSORED AND ATTACKED BY BAD ACTOR MODS.

Kek. <----



thewebofslime ago

Please weigh in so I can present proof in the best manner. I was hoping to do it, right now, but no one has weighed in on the best way to present this. When I return, I will fill in the blanks... per consensus.

thewebofslime ago

I'll have to read this later. I have the proof. I've presented as much as I can without doxxing anyone.

Maybe read my updated post.

I'll get back to you. Thanks for weighing in.

think- ago

@srayzie @EricKaliberhall @SandHog @MadWorld @PeaceSeeker: please see parent. Thank you.

srayzie ago

Thank you @think-. That helps me understand the situation much better. I think I know who this is now. ;)

think- ago

Kindly welcome, Srayz.

sguevar ago

@MadWorld, @Vindicator, @Crensch, @kevdude. @srayzie

I have read all the information on the cross thread... quite a read and quite a back and forward.

My tech knowledge is very basic so I will not weigh in on that particular subject as it seems that other users with more knowledge than mine have called out the OP in a lot of baseless claims, accusations and most importantly threats of doxxing. At least on the tech part.

When I first read the introduction of the OP on v/introductions I actually did not like what I read. - the post seemed to me as a preaching to the choir style. Looking for his prey on the vacuum of distrust to use the emotion of despair as a way into the hearts and minds of those that can easily be deceived. With decent rhetoric not like the one we see from the shills that are here posing to be white nationalists that care about the replacement and exposing the (((jew in the letter))), but as the type of rhetoric that user virge uses when he posts and debates (until he gets caught in the bs and starts throwing tantrums like the childish drunk he is - and then deletes his posts and comments to avoid the embarrassment).

Now the OP does have way more restraint than the previous user but still seems kind of sketchy to me seeing one that tends to describe himself as a pursuer of the truth and the exposure of corruption yet he works from the shadows himself. Now this is not to say that I don't defend anonymity, but the user posted all of the links to his own sites/pages and then complains about attacks he is getting on his particular site.

I first came here because of v/Pizzagate and I value the sub because I do believe in the criminal conspiracy of luciferian elitists that enjoy child abuse besides the other corrupt activities they engaged on. I truly believe that there is a satanic and obscure force surrounding them and I know, because of my faith that they will be exposed for the scum they are. I also know that justice will prevail in the end for it was forewriten by the Word of God. That is were I place my trust and love. In Jesus Christ.

I distrust anyone that works from the shadows bragging that they are fighting against the same forces I distrust but applying the same tactics they do. I simply see it as hypocritical and disingenuous.

v/Pizzagate is to me a channel of information, as most of the subs that I have interest on. But I know as well that they are constantly under attack by desinformation. The most concerning part is the preaching to the choir one because it is harder to detect and can easily infiltrate the movement through the weak links among it's community. This is why I distrust Anonymous "We are legion", I distrust Q with their slogans WWG1WGA or "in one we are many". As interesting as their topics may be to me, these slogans are simply paraphrasing and symbolism of what the possessed man told Jesus: Mark 5:8 - KJV: "And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many."

That said, my major concern goes to the OP's intent to doxx users that have crossed his path just because of asking him to edit his submissions and to show proof of his accusations. When a user shows this behavior then I definitely will be against it because you do not simply go ahead and throw accusations to other users that they are attacking you without giving proof of that (which he never did) and then threatens to doxx them if they continue asking for proof of his claims or call him out on his, what appears to be, well created LARP.

Vindicator showed proofs of his defense on this thread and the others I read, hence the OP's actions appear to be unjustified because he is simply threatening to doxx someone, a sub mod, because they had a difference of opinion as a way to shut down opposition by intimidation.

The only two scenarios in which I would accept doxxing are:

  • The users doxx themselves by their own choice with no fear of repercussions.
  • The users engage in criminal activity or show criminal intent that needs to be shared with the authorities as long as that criminal intent conflicts with the idea of freedom of speech established by the SCOTUS.

If the user engages in intimidation just because he got called out and because he brags (because he did on his threat) that he has the means to hurt others if he so wills it, though he prefers not to - as per his own claim, that simply shows how unworthy of our trust he is and shows as well how he can try to bully others that disagree with him that have not the means to defend themselves.


Interesting point re: "legion" never made that connection h4. Upvoat!

thewebofslime ago

I've never claimed to be an insider. The opposite. I am not that anonymous. People know my name. I do podcasts.

I am not threatening to doxx anyone.

I have publicly available information that anyone else can download.

I am merely looking for the truth of the matter.

Thanks for weighing in.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/thewebofslime comment by @Vindicator.

Posted automatically (#31404) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

srayzie ago

I’ve never even dealt with you other than offering for you to post in v/GreatAwakening. So why are you saying pizzagate mods as in plural?

thewebofslime ago

Because more than one has had some things to say to me in the minutes surrounding the attack.

Not you.

What you are saying is absolutely true.

srayzie ago

@Vindicator is a really good guy who is dedicated to pizzagate. He’s not trying to pick on you. That’s why I said you can post on v/GreatAwakening if the rules are too strict on v/pizzagate. There’s also v/pizzagatewhatever.

thewebofslime ago

I hope you're right.

srayzie ago

He’s one of the top 5 people I trust here

Vindicator ago

It should be noted this is a disgruntled user who does not like the submission rules established by v/pizzagate, which probably interfere with his automated submission routine and machine generated articles.

When I asked him to edit his post yesterday, he went on the offense, leaving comments implying pizzagate moderators have ill intent, and creating this submission in his private subverse falsely claiming that I said he worked for David Brock.

He also sent me this cryptic DM.

Now he admits actively trying to dox me on Twitter, justifying it because he thinks I'm "a shill covering a criminal conspiracy."

"What do you really think I am after? I am after determining if /v/Pizzagate is operating as a limited hangout. The format is designed intentionally to operate as such and you may just be a pawn, but your recent interactions have raised some serious concerns. Because you raise the possibility you are a shill covering for a criminal conspiracy, I have archived everything I could on you on the Internet and I will be comparing it to my logs.

So, you accused me of being a shill, but I have a little mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot audit." I have a couple of lawyers going over what I've got and a computer science professor from the UC system to provide expert insight."

Sounds uber legit!

@Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @MadWorld @Sandhog

thewebofslime ago

I'm not disgruntled, I'm just trying to figure out what is going on.

Painting me as such...l even though I have been adhering to your requests and specifications seems a little dishonest, but I'm not here to talk about that.

Since everyone uses similar logins, names passwords and such, it is easy to track down outside information on a lot of users.

So, I have been running a comparison to what I am seeing.

If you guys have been paying attention, you know I have the data to back up what I am saying.

This isn't a disgruntlement.

I was insulted... not that I care... then my site was attacked within minutes of the angered person who gave this response designed to discredit me.

Of course, I am met with insults.

But, I am just looking into what is going on.

If you don't believe me... ask me anything. I've been super transparent.

Literally ask me anything you need to be convinced.

Vindicator ago

You made up a fake rule in an attempt to censor my post.

More lies.

Isn't it interesting you just pull these claims out of your ass, but link to nothing to support them? I wonder why that is...

thewebofslime ago

Look, I've got a lot going on.

And I addressed your rule interpretation when you made the claim. So, unless you are deleting posts, you should know exactly what I am talking about. There is no reason to start a duplication about it here. And, ultimately, I don't care if you delete my post or not. In two years... I never have complained even though they mostly get deleted.

What I am looking for is specific and I've been telling you and everyone else about it all along. It isn't a secret and I know you've read my posts.

We can talk about all of that, but I am looking to discuss how to present the technical details of my logs in the smartest way, because I'm not going to dump an entire log of thousands of attacks if it isn't going to be useful.

I started a thread in my completely ignored subverse, where we can hash out your words and my words and everything else.

So, if those are your concerns and your claims... lets go ahead and address those here. I'm trying to keep up, but I've got a lot on my plate. That's why I asked for help from three family members who don't even believe in Pizzagate to look at what it going on.

Vindicator ago

I see. You make a submission to ProtectVoat, which several users here alerted me to, claiming I am hacking your site broke the pizzagate submission rules. And I'm not supposed to respond to that bullshit here, but in your little hidey hole.


I'm trying to keep up, but I've got a lot on my plate.

Yeah, I'm sure all that scouring of my Twitter account is exhausting. ProTip: If you don't want to spend time on useless drama, stop creating useless drama.

thewebofslime ago

I updated my post in v/thewebofslime

Everyone is going to be watching your reaction.

Vindicator ago

The interesting thing about this whole operation you've been running is that, in fact, everyone is now watching YOU, including at least three users I respect who previously thought you were one of the good guys. They no longer think so, because this is not the behavior of a person on the up and up. You stepped on your own dick.

I've archived it all, too.

thewebofslime ago

I've got nothing to hide. I've been totally transparent. I've done nothing wrong except speak the truth. You have yet to say you didn't do it, either.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @shewhomustbeobeyed.

Posted automatically (#31383) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

kneo24 ago

Blaming v/Pizzagate for this won't win you any points. That community is under attack constantly by outside force. How do you know it wasn't one of them?

thewebofslime ago

I'm just trying to get to the truth.

Outside forces weren't making up stuff and insulting me in the minutes surrounding the start of a massive wave of attacks.

kneo24 ago

What you are, is a fucking useless piece of spamming shit. I see your game quite clearly. You create the drama and then play the victim.

You create a submission in v/Pizzagate, pretty much creating drama, and then complain you're on to something when you brought that drama upon yourself. Of course you're going to see an increase in traffic from one location when you've created said drama. You're not getting to any truth here, you're trying to drive traffic.

It's completely shitty to blame the people running that subverse that this is somehow on them. You are not a victim. You did this to yourself and you should reap what you sow.

thewebofslime ago

fucking useless piece of spamming shit

Forgive me if I completely disregard everything you are saying. Maybe if you framed it in a more constructive way. I have way too many messages to respond to all of them thoughtfully.

Memorexem ago

After reading this, I would say you need any proof because this is not proof of anything specific. This is just someone, somewhere. Unless you've got screenshots or logs of them saying 'I bash injected the hell outta this guy' you don't have any proof. It could be, literally, anyone.

So what else ya got?

thewebofslime ago

I'm just showing that I have logs...

I'm not trying to prove anything to Voat, just yet. I need to prove it to someone else, first.

Mostly curious what your standard of evidence would be.


Memorexem ago

Well, that's the thing. You can't meet a standard if you have nothing. Standards for stuff like this are really variable. If you have like, 1 concrete thing, the bar could be really low. If you have 19 circumstantial things, the bar might be set higher.

Do you see where I'm going?

thewebofslime ago

I guess I am just looking for some precedent. Anything come to mind?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't understand what this means. What is happening to you? What is an 'injection attack'?

Bot IP China

Is this the culprit?

thewebofslime ago

One of many.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


What is an 'injection attack'?

thewebofslime ago

It is when someone goes to a search form then attempts to inject programming commands to steal or edit your data.

There were other attacks, as well.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@MadWorld explained it to me -


How long before you have an answer as to who it is that is attacking you?

When you get an answer, would you please post what you can?

It has happened so many times to PG submitters and Mods, I have hoped that someone would have the ability to get to the bottom of it.

I do not believe that @Vindicator, @Crensch or any other PG Mod is responsible for your current situation.

Please let me know what you find out. Won't you?

thewebofslime ago

Thanks for weighing in. I'll let you know what I find.

showbobandvagene ago

You could just explain it to us in laymans terms

thewebofslime ago

Good idea.

I posted a thread with links to my site.

My site was attacked when a certain user logged on and started being less than pleasant.

This user has other social media available to the public. I archived everything, along with social media of other users who have been contentious.

I then began to compare their location data to the location data from the attacks, of which there were many.

I have found a few correlations, but I am having an expert look at it before I make a final determination.

SandHog ago

My site was attacked when a certain user logged on and started being less than pleasant.

Correlation is not causation. I don't know what the fuck is going on here but this situation seems to be unnecessarily spiraling out of control. I've followed your stuff for a while and I have not seen any red flags that make me think you are anything other than what you say. Additionally, I've been an active participant on v/pizzagate and I have seen nothing that makes me think @Vindicator has been anything other than honest.

Both of you have been operating in a highly paranoid environment for a long time. It's just the nature of the beast for your respective roles. One the one side WoS has been dealing with incessant censorship. On the other Vindicator has to moderate v/pizzagate very stringently due to ridiculous amount of shilling and attempted doxxing/infiltration attempts. Maybe all parties involved need to take a giant step back and think about that for a hot minute before anyone does something they might regret. We all seem to be striving towards the same goal it's fucking retarded to make enemies over a misunderstanding.

Vindicator ago

He is claiming all kinds of shit about me while presenting ZERO evidence. He's also using those claims to justify attempting to dox me. How does that constitute "striving toward the same goal"?

SandHog ago

That's a good question. I've been wondering that myself.

thewebofslime ago

Thank you for weighing in. I am absolutely taking your input into consideration.

SandHog ago

Personally, I think that this situation is spiraling due to some coincidences in timing that are unrelated to your submission. I think it would behoove everyone to take a deep breath and calm down.

thewebofslime ago

I'm super calm.

I am asserting I I have logs of thousands of attacks, starting at simple attacks to very sophisticated ones. The first attacks are from someone's actual computer. The more sophisticated ones start to come from other places.

As far as ProtectVoat is concerned, accusations of insults and other ancillary information isn't necessarily relevant. I'm after a technical understanding and hopefully some precedent. I have my own thread in my own subverse that doesn't have to crap up everywhere else with drama.

What is the smartest way to handle the information that I have and is ProectVoat even interested?