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Vindicator ago

It should be noted this is a disgruntled user who does not like the submission rules established by v/pizzagate, which probably interfere with his automated submission routine and machine generated articles.

When I asked him to edit his post yesterday, he went on the offense, leaving comments implying pizzagate moderators have ill intent, and creating this submission in his private subverse falsely claiming that I said he worked for David Brock.

He also sent me this cryptic DM.

Now he admits actively trying to dox me on Twitter, justifying it because he thinks I'm "a shill covering a criminal conspiracy."

"What do you really think I am after? I am after determining if /v/Pizzagate is operating as a limited hangout. The format is designed intentionally to operate as such and you may just be a pawn, but your recent interactions have raised some serious concerns. Because you raise the possibility you are a shill covering for a criminal conspiracy, I have archived everything I could on you on the Internet and I will be comparing it to my logs.

So, you accused me of being a shill, but I have a little mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot audit." I have a couple of lawyers going over what I've got and a computer science professor from the UC system to provide expert insight."

Sounds uber legit!

@Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @MadWorld @Sandhog

thewebofslime ago

I'm not disgruntled, I'm just trying to figure out what is going on.

Painting me as such...l even though I have been adhering to your requests and specifications seems a little dishonest, but I'm not here to talk about that.

Since everyone uses similar logins, names passwords and such, it is easy to track down outside information on a lot of users.

So, I have been running a comparison to what I am seeing.

If you guys have been paying attention, you know I have the data to back up what I am saying.

This isn't a disgruntlement.

I was insulted... not that I care... then my site was attacked within minutes of the angered person who gave this response designed to discredit me.

Of course, I am met with insults.

But, I am just looking into what is going on.

If you don't believe me... ask me anything. I've been super transparent.

Literally ask me anything you need to be convinced.

Vindicator ago

You made up a fake rule in an attempt to censor my post.

More lies.

Isn't it interesting you just pull these claims out of your ass, but link to nothing to support them? I wonder why that is...

thewebofslime ago

Look, I've got a lot going on.

And I addressed your rule interpretation when you made the claim. So, unless you are deleting posts, you should know exactly what I am talking about. There is no reason to start a duplication about it here. And, ultimately, I don't care if you delete my post or not. In two years... I never have complained even though they mostly get deleted.

What I am looking for is specific and I've been telling you and everyone else about it all along. It isn't a secret and I know you've read my posts.

We can talk about all of that, but I am looking to discuss how to present the technical details of my logs in the smartest way, because I'm not going to dump an entire log of thousands of attacks if it isn't going to be useful.

I started a thread in my completely ignored subverse, where we can hash out your words and my words and everything else.

So, if those are your concerns and your claims... lets go ahead and address those here. I'm trying to keep up, but I've got a lot on my plate. That's why I asked for help from three family members who don't even believe in Pizzagate to look at what it going on.

Vindicator ago

I see. You make a submission to ProtectVoat, which several users here alerted me to, claiming I am hacking your site broke the pizzagate submission rules. And I'm not supposed to respond to that bullshit here, but in your little hidey hole.


I'm trying to keep up, but I've got a lot on my plate.

Yeah, I'm sure all that scouring of my Twitter account is exhausting. ProTip: If you don't want to spend time on useless drama, stop creating useless drama.

thewebofslime ago

I updated my post in v/thewebofslime

Everyone is going to be watching your reaction.

Vindicator ago

The interesting thing about this whole operation you've been running is that, in fact, everyone is now watching YOU, including at least three users I respect who previously thought you were one of the good guys. They no longer think so, because this is not the behavior of a person on the up and up. You stepped on your own dick.

I've archived it all, too.

thewebofslime ago

I've got nothing to hide. I've been totally transparent. I've done nothing wrong except speak the truth. You have yet to say you didn't do it, either.