PatriotLady1 ago

Edible schoolyard? Can they be any more obvious?


The first tweet that mentions the term "edible schoolyard - a celebrity chef; the future king of England and Alice Water

septimasexta ago

"A few weeks ago, I invited Alice Waters for Shabbat.

The legendary chef-owner of Chez Panisse in Berkeley, a longtime friend, was in town to work with me on a fundraiser for Martha’s Table and DC Central Kitchen, two organizations that feed the less fortunate in Washington, D.C., where I live. It seemed only natural to invite Alice and the other visiting chefs to my home for a Shabbat dinner—a meal I’ve prepared my whole adult life...."

thewebofslime ago

It was a great time to live there and I got to know culinary luminaries like Alice Waters and James Beard.

Soulbrotha2 ago

Odd how JA is on the board for ES, but does not like kids "at all"

pizzaequalspedo ago

These people are so sick. Every single one of them needs to be hanging.

carmencita ago

Who thought up that horrid name? Double Meaning? Edible and Schoolyard. What's in a schoolyard but Children. Oh yeah well they will say they are growing gardens in them . To them Children are Edible and Delectable. Disgusting. Alice Waters has been linked with JA many times on here. She is the guru of growing veggie gardens with Children.

Vindicator ago

I would like to know if Horace Mann was mentioned anywhere in the time just before that in Pizzagate circles because, if not, it means Edible Schoolyard was the source of the irritation.

Okay, I did a little grubbing in our research hoard. I found a comment referencing sex abuse at the school, made on 1/21/2017:

**casshole 2 points (+2|-0) 1.8 years ago **

I have been working the last few weeks on gathering information to create a timeline of all times pedophile rings, and the like of being busted, with whisperings of high powered people being involved. I now have over two thousand words, but don't know how to get it on here in one piece. I would like for people to be able to use it, to get people to wake up and actually look at this information before they just discount it. Is there a way to attach a document? Here is a little of it, I skipped my letter part and gave a sample of the meat, so you could see what I was talking about, there is much more.

1962-1996: Horace Mann School, In New York City. This is a school for wealthy privileged children; the alumni include Eliot Spitzer, and Jack Kerouac. The school settled one lawsuit for millions of dollars, as well as several smaller law suits.

This predates the March 2017 "serious woman" email. :-)

ASolo ago


Roy Cohn attended the Horace Mann school.

Vindicator ago


thewebofslime ago

Ah yes, I am aware of that story. Different Horace Mann school, the namesake being a famous education reformer, meaning lots of Horace Mann schools.

What I am seeing is that the source of the irritation was probably not from Voat.

Vindicator ago

The subreddit ban of TheGreatAwakening was the result of Maggie Nixon posts.

You don't say?! That is very interesting, because Voat was shut down in April for three days right after we exposed Maggie Nixon here, as well, and Q affirmed the shut down was pizzagate-related. I did a post on this.

thewebofslime ago

I should also mention that...u/maurice found two schools. Horace Mann and Grace Episcopal Day School. I would imagine there are a couple more possibilities out there.

I started with this post, that talks about the Monarch Academy sharing the same building as the Capital Gazette shooting a couple of months after the email, suggesting that a cover up may have happened at the school under the guise of the shooting. It's a stretch, maybe, but there are definitely some curiosities, there.

derram ago :

C'mon Sleepyhead, we will see you over... - Horace Mann Elementary School - DC | Facebook :

TODAY is our "Horace Mann School Benefit... - Horace Mann Elementary School - DC | Facebook

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