SearchVoatBot ago

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njm156 ago

Is this entire site just racist anti-semitic white nationalist white knight conspiracy theorists?

thewebofslime ago

New shill wave. It'll die. Fake consensus, atm.

bitxbitxbitcoin ago

What do you think of the Web of Trust?

thewebofslime ago

That's a good one for when they finally take all my social media down. They just stole my /r/FBIWatch subreddit and made it pro FBI and anti Trump.

StevenAllen ago

It has been a while that I have also been searching for a place which is more open for discussion. A couple of years back I was hooked up with Hubpages forums and I believe they were really good at that time. I enjoyed people from diverse communities coming together to discuss a wide array to topics and even the controversial ones which you shall avoid in usual circumstances. I myself joined hubpages and then squidoo to share my views with the world but soon there was a certain censorship everywhere. I even tried Reddit and a couple of other forums but never felt like before. Recently I have been indulged in writing for kids on meebily. I intend to broaden up my writing skills to more adult topics, however unlike you I haven't faced censorship in true sense but I have surely seen it happen. I am more of the guy who loves reading about interesting stuff and its even hard to explain it specifically. Recently even started using Quora and I guess I liked it very much, considering the fact it contains topics from every path of life. I am new here and I am hoping to see you around more :)

Anonochex ago

Welcome new goat. Your writing here is profuse. Speaking the truth in a time of universal deceit is a revolutionary act. I saw that at Fellowshipoftheminds. Funny they censord me there and shortly after Wordpress shut them down. They have since started again. They are lockstep Roman Catholic so if you not RC don't expect freedom of speech. Carry on.

Mumbleberry ago

Why did you leave out your reddit acct?

thewebofslime ago

Not sure. Fixed.

HoppeanAncap ago


cthulhu69 ago

STFU, kike lover

DogWithAKeyboard ago

Greetings fine people,

I'd like to introduce myself - I'm a dog with a keyboard and I can't wait to be able to start posting content to my new favorite subs including politics and news!

I was going to create an introduction post, but I haven't gained enough CCP for that yet...

NosebergShekelman ago

Welcome niggerfaggotkike. Israel and my fellow jews did 911. Nigger crime stats do not lie. Asians vote Democrat.

thewebofslime ago

NosebergShekelman ago

I wouldn't click on that link even if your wife's black boyfriend begged me to.

thewebofslime ago

There are no black people where I live. Some of my neighbors joke that it is "White People Paradise."

But if you don't know about Laughing Horse, maybe it's something you should look into.

NumbDigger ago

This post is a million words. Good content though.

Thaytan ago

"My curiosity peaked in June 2013, when NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked to the world what we had feared since the dawn of the Internet: that our government has been extensively surveilling its own people with the help of major services we use everyday [Google, Facebook, Verizon, etc]."

I have a major problem with this.

Doesn't he mean;

"My curiosity piqued.?"

thewebofslime ago

piqued is correct.

Thaytan ago

? (OtisT) > ? | Sent: 2.1 hours ago on 2/20/2019 9:53:29 AM Comment /v/AnonAll/3048811/16902664 deleted

Your comment /v/AnonAll/3048811/16902664 has been deleted by: @OtisT on: 2/20/2019 9:53:29 AM

Description given: Rule Violation in v/AnonAll: Hating. ; Description: Nonsense Original Comment


reply source delete mark as read 

? (OtisT) > ? | Sent: 2.1 hours ago on 2/20/2019 9:52:05 AM Comment /v/AnonAll/3048809/16902671 deleted

Your comment /v/AnonAll/3048809/16902671 has been deleted by: @OtisT on: 2/20/2019 9:52:05 AM

Description given: Rule Violation in v/AnonAll: Hating. ; Description: A Original Comment

micropenis says 'huh'?

reply source delete mark as read

Astroqualia ago

We should get together and compare notes. Ive spent over a decade studying as many valid facets of truth as possible, leading me into several conspiracies, and the facts that point toward the conspiracy being the truth. Check my comment history if you want my views, and let me know if you're interested.

thewebofslime ago

Sure. Are you able to see this?

At any given moment, I have scripts collecting and pooling data and measuring velocity, so that good information comes to me, rather than me going out to find it. Something with too much velocity is artificial. There is a sweet spot where you can kind of tell that it is getting genuine human interest because it won't blast off within a minute of being posted.

That spreadsheet is the beginning of that process and I have hundreds of them for different things.

So, on any given subject, like when I am responding to someone in r/politics or writing an article, I have the best stuff right at my fingertips and all of the information.

Thaytan ago

Could you please rent a pet to articulate in homo sapien

Astroqualia ago

Interesting. I cant see it, it didnt make a link, due to http:// not being added, and I am on the mobile app. I dont have PC or home internet at the moment.

I am a researcher at heart, and tend to find the truthful narratives in conspiracy, and am informed about a lot, and want to help in some way make a youtube channel or something to spread specific truthful narratives that can be said a specific way to not get banned. There are many other conspiracies I could easily see being true, but lack enough connection to make a solid link to seriously promote.

Perhaps using code words that are somewhat obvious to those in the "know" [not requiring deciphering], kind of like the ((( and ))) tag, but more underground, for content to stay viable/shareable for longer before reported on more mainstream social media platforms.

thewebofslime ago

Google docs are a banned domain, here. So, you can't add the https://

The oldest way to do this is to write a play. In Shakespeare, young Hamlet hired a troupe to act out a play that showed his uncle killing his father in order to expose him.

Communication through metaphor has always been the highest form of art.

Marvel even showed everyone what was going on with a compromised CIA, when SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra.

Astroqualia ago

If you go that route, many will not understand the point unless they already know about the world situation we are in with Zionism. Are you wanting to echo chamber for truthers, or reach a new audience and convert them? My goal is mass awareness.

SandHog ago

I've always enjoyed your efforts to spread the truth here and other places. I had no idea you were quite this diligent about it. Nice work, man.

But... one person engaging isn't enough. So, get yourselves out there. I face censorship every single day in ways I never dreamed would have existed. I face insults and threats and, when you really find something good, they come at you with false praise.

Care to elaborate on the censorship bit a little? And how they try to slither in with false praise?

thewebofslime ago

Well, first there is just the outright banning. If you say something in the wrong way, you will get banned. This goes for almost anywhere. If I wanted to show you evidence of Marina Abramovic with naked little kids, there is no place to do that. Even if I doctor the photos and cover up the bad parts. Almost nowhere on the Internet are you allowed to show proof of the Pizzagate people with naked little kids even though it is out there.

I posted a bunch of the Collection #1 stuff to 8chan and it got deleted right away. Places that I don't expect censorship are extra annoying when I've found something important. The shill response to Collection #1 is "there is nothing there, the passwords don't work" which isn't true but also misses the fact that we get to see Black Rock investment employees with addresses, we get to track down James Alefantis' doings by searching for his alternate email addresses that were just exposed. Collection #1 is full of interesting stuff and #2 - #5 have hit the torrents.

Shilling is obviously another form of censorship, where they have canned and parroted responses to most issues. These are easy to spot, because I pride myself on digging past the Conservative view that liberal shills are trained to argue against. One easy example, "Uranium One was approved by BOTH parties." Yeah, dummy, both parties are corrupt; here is the money trail... where you then show how Russia launders it's money. I can practically do a thesis on money laundering, now, since I've caught people doing it and exposed them in court. That process gave me a lot of understanding on how to look at the problem.

But the shills are there to drown you out and most people in this community know how they work. What I look for are "artificial impressions" and they are really easy to spot on Voat. But. you can practically figure it out with basic arithmetic on a lot of posts. I LIKE when I get a very negative response from shills, because then I can dial up the exposure on the issue. But then you have certain things, like stuff on Laughing Horse, that they won't react to, at all. It will cause them to stop even commenting. They are sophisticated enough to know that even heavy down voting would expose the issue as weird. When you find something good even the shills won't touch, you know you are onto something. Sid Blumenthal's leaked contact list is one such example.

But yeah, then you will eventually get some weird high praise. I was raised by narcissists, so I don't take compliments well... though I do know the proper and polite responses that I am capable of using. But praise to the next level... like how great I am and I should be writing a book and I should be doing this and that, with heavy flirting means you've found someone who is tasked with finding out some information about you. If you ignore the women, they will try with men and attempt to generate personal conversations. I'm sure plenty of people know exactly who I am, by now, but it isn't a concern for me for a number of reasons. With that personal information, they try to harass you. Since I can be such a copy paste monster, I have even been harassed using information about other people. The type of harassment where accounts will just hit you non stop with insults. I once mentioned I was helping my kid with homework and they started going after how stupid my kids were. For days.

Right now, I'm playing with very basic essay writing scripts to respond back to shills to trigger their key words to call them. It takes one hot key for me to respond, but it creates work for them and other shills, especially if it is always original. It just has to ALMOST make sense and the shill is forced to engage, wasting time and money. Here is an example:

The leaders of the Resistance are women and people of color. In politics, we have Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Lieu, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker, John Lewis, to name a few. In media, we have Joy Reid, Charles Blow, Rachel Maddow, and other smaller publications and podcasts like those by Marcus Johnson, James Holder, Sarah Lerner, for example. And you have a whole army of women and people of color who are protesting, calling legislators, and speaking out in other ways to resist, including by simply using their voices to speak out on social media. You also have thousands of women who have now decided to run for office. In my town of Portland, Oregon, even the school board races were exciting, with women who had never been involved in politics winning races by running campaigns based on protecting students of color, immigrants, and Muslims.

Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi (born March 26, 1940) is a minority leader in the United States House of Representatives and is an American politician representing most of San Francisco in California, USA. Previously, she was the 52nd President of the Parliament in 2007-2011, and she was the only woman who was alone. For journalists, he has the highest political position among women politicians in American history. (Click on Read more. )

Still others want to tell Hilary Clinton to leave. Who wants to remove Nancy Pelosi? Who is thinking that Donna Brazile should be quiet. Three of Kirsten Gillibrand, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Duckworth, Kamala Harris, John Lewis, Elijah Cummings, Ted Lieu and Joaquin Castro have not made sufficient progress to guarantee our support.

Obama may leave but their dream of socialism in the European-style America continues. | just did not talk about the socialist Bernie Sanders. Nancy Pelosi, Kamalou Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Bill de Blassie, Andrew Kwomo, Cory number, Kate Ellison and Christopher Murphy. If that happens, you will know what will happen next. They may cut President Donald Trump's knee and release him from his office. They may make a second amendment to make the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and a few liberal judges may appeal to the court to eliminate their judicial independence.

Time gating is annoying for me, personally, because I like to do the news for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening and a little but while I work. I would like to pump out the top ten or so most reliable articles in the morning, update with anything big that develops, then go over the propaganda opinions about it all. That way, I have a chance to kind of research what isn't being talked about.

The more nuanced censorship is the most annoying., of all. Twitter is the #1 culprit. In this instance, you can see where showing how fake the Jussie Smollett affair was resulted in a shadowban.

They are banning people from even being able to search for you. What Twitter is doing is throttling truthful narratives. They aren't targeting conservatives as much as they are targeting information that exposes "the game" which mainly involves protecting the perceived legitimacy of entities like the FBI, whether that perceived legitimacy is deserved, or not. Obviously, I feel like they are a bunch of frauds at the FBI who have been prosecuting selectively since day 1.

You can be banned from showing up for certain people, too. Essentially, you fall into a groove where you and your followers are in an echo chamber, so if you start posting about Kamala Harris and her secret police, liberals won't see it, even if you were first to post.

The most annoying type of censorship on Twitter is the type you don't see.

I was the first to post on Kamala Harris' tweet just before she announced. Some music video. I was at the top for about five minutes, then they outright deleted my tweet, so I responded with a similar one to the new "approved" top comment, where they moved it way down the list, later. I can and do write scripts that make sure I'm the first to post on someone. If it is not controversial, the post will stay at the top. If it exposes something good, they will move it down or outright delete it without telling you.

Then, Twitter does things that are pretty in your face. Arun Rao of the DoJ was exposed as being friends with Alefantis. Twitter forced me to delete the Tweet before re-activating the account. In fact, they lock my account all the time.

The result is that there is a chilling effect on what I am or am not allowed to talk about it and I have to talk about things in s very specific way to get around their hoops. It is worse than 1984. They are forcing everyone's thoughts into a "groove" so that they can manipulate the voting chattle into 50/50 results every time in order to be able to sway elections with some last minute ballots.

As a result, I posit two primary missions for the American people. The first is to be actively pro-transparency. The second is to be actively anti-war. The best way to support our troops is to bring them home and not force them to fight in pointless wars. I don't have a problem with being heavy handed, when warranted, but we have unmanned and long range weaponry for that. We can kill anyone, anywhere, without putting troops there.

Whatever you do, keep engaging and drowning out the false narratives and keep asking questions.

SandHog ago

This has to be the most thorough and comprehensive reply to any question I've asked on the internet. Ever.

Well, first there is just the outright banning. If you say something in the wrong way, you will get banned. This goes for almost anywhere. If I wanted to show you evidence of Marina Abramovic with naked little kids, there is no place to do that. Even if I doctor the photos and cover up the bad parts. Almost nowhere on the Internet are you allowed to show proof of the Pizzagate people with naked little kids even though it is out there.

Yep. That is built into the system to prevent any real exposure of the power structure. You can only dig so deep before they censor it and if you dig any deeper than you become culpable for exposing the crimes of others and they can just lock you up and forget about you.

I LIKE when I get a very negative response from shills, because then I can dial up the exposure on the issue. But then you have certain things, like stuff on Laughing Horse, that they won't react to, at all. It will cause them to stop even commenting. They are sophisticated enough to know that even heavy down voting would expose the issue as weird. When you find something good even the shills won't touch, you know you are onto something. Sid Blumenthal's leaked contact list is one such example.

I have noticed this too. I've generally consigned myself to the comments most places I frequent but it is obvious when someone really strikes a nerve they go dead silent and the entire environment of a forum changes because the only people talking are real people with real concerns. A lot of people like to say 'if you are taking flack you are over target!' but that just isn't true. If you are taking flack it means they are already prepared to defend their position. I need to look into Laughing Horse because that is something I am unfamiliar with and I didn't realize Blumenthal's contact list was exposed. Good shit.

As far as the flattery goes that makes a ton of sense. Can't beat them, butter them up and get some hooks in.

Right now, I'm playing with very basic essay writing scripts to respond back to shills to trigger their key words to call them. It takes one hot key for me to respond, but it creates work for them and other shills, especially if it is always original. It just has to ALMOST make sense and the shill is forced to engage, wasting time and money. Here is an example:

This is pure genius. Great way to expose the bots too.

The more nuanced censorship is the most annoying., of all. Twitter is the #1 culprit. In this instance, you can see where showing how fake the Jussie Smollett affair was resulted in a shadowban.

Yeah, twitter is pure evil. I can't even make an account without them locking it and demanding a phone number (not giving them mine) within a matter of minutes. I've considered just getting a burner just for the sole purpose of activating an account but then all of the narrative steering that they do makes me wonder if the small cost is even worth it. It sounds like they actively monitor certain accounts and hashtags if they are censoring comments that efficiently. It's a bitch fighting an enemy on their home turf.

Then, Twitter does things that are pretty in your face. Arun Rao of the DoJ was exposed as being friends with Alefantis. Twitter forced me to delete the Tweet before re-activating the account. In fact, they lock my account all the time.

Ah yes, good old Arun. The perverted little fucker that is their pedo protecting piece of shit ace-in-the-hole.

The result is that there is a chilling effect on what I am or am not allowed to talk about it and I have to talk about things in s very specific way to get around their hoops. It is worse than 1984. They are forcing everyone's thoughts into a "groove" so that they can manipulate the voting chattle into 50/50 results every time in order to be able to sway elections with some last minute ballots.

It's fucking scary the lengths these people are willing to go to. If the general public even know a quarter of a quarter of the stuff that was going on they would be revolted and horrified. It's so goddamned devious and insipid. I've kind of focused on the pedo shit because that is the silver bullet but if you can't fire the fucking gun what good is the bullet? On top of that there are so many fraudsters and shills that even when you do figure it out you can't explain it efficiently. Or at least I haven't been able to. I don't know what the solution is but you are absolutely right in that the real info has to be disseminated to the general public. Problem is the leftists have dominated all of the major channels of communication. Everywhere else is just preaching to the choir and what good is the message if it isn't going to get to the people who most need to hear it?

It's an insidious system these pricks have built and they have been extremely clever in doing so. If there is anything I can do to help stem the tide of what is coming I'm in.