SearchVoatBot ago

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swordfish69 ago

And this is the same woman who knows Tony Podesta and was an "inspiration" for the opening of Comet Ping Pong. Notice too that Marina is inspecting the eye of that person in that photo. Are you fucking kidding me? Are they alluding to the same Coloboma eye condition that Madeline McCann had?

Also, important to note that Oprah, Naomi Campbell and Geffen are all linked and who else but Liberian warlord Charles Taylor is connected to all these people. Remember that when Campbell was caught with Taylor's diamond, they managed to put the blame back on him and exonerate Naomi Campbell. The whole Blood Diamonds thing was a stunt pulled by Hollywood to SELL diamonds to them through the use of a demonic movie that glorified the violence and smuggling of goods. Leo DiCaprio himself is tied to the Zhuvok Ukrainian blood diamond smuggling ring through Dasha Zhukova, another art collector who knows Geffen and Abramovic et al.

septimasexta ago

Could you do a post on this? Are the diamonds used as an alternative for money? John of God used EMERALDS.

MolochHunter ago

y'all notice this sick shit at the 55 second mark ?

also the final tag "when you have Faith there is no pain" great ideology for denying the damage done through your Satanic shit, bitch

anomRandom ago


think- ago

Please read my post about John of God and the allegations against him:

Brazilian 'Healer' John De Deus Allegedly Held Underage Girls As Sex Slaves And Sold Their Babies. Allegedly, The Girls Were Killed.

He also raped at least 600 women who came to his 'Casa' (healing centre).

think- ago

Please read @9217's excellent Steemit article they did last year about Marina Abramovic's visit to Brazil:

And her other post about Marina Abramovic's interaction with John of God in Brazil:

sore_ass_losers ago

Very interesting articles.

I read a lot of Gurdjieff when younger. Not sure to make of it then, and now. He worked with sacred dances, from an ancient tradition, and I think some of his work involved just stopping your movement and becoming aware of yourself. Seems a far cry from bloody Abramovic.

Article mentions Gurdjieff was seen as a spy. H.P. Blavatsky, who essentially founded the New Age movement was also said to be an intelligence operative.

It's interesting that JdD/JoG's operation supposedly used white clothing as a symbol of purity, but the second article points out white clothes are used in rituals when blood is involved.

think- ago

It's interesting that JdD/JoG's operation supposedly used white clothing as a symbol of purity, but the second article points out white clothes are used in rituals when blood is involved.

White and black are used in occult rituals since they are 'non-colours'. Some cults (of the child rape variety) wear black, others white.

sore_ass_losers ago

With Jog, Abramovic, et. al. the white clothes serve to emphasize the red blood. Red and black also used in the occult.

flyingcuttlefish ago

great find!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @ASolo.

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ASolo ago

Oprah Abramovic Geffen and John of God and sex slave and mkultra operative Naomi Campbell I mean how many obvious and rock solid connections does one need before the reality sets in that these people are all pure evil?

dundundunnnnn ago

Naomi Campbell has supported the following charities listed:

21st Century Leaders



American Foundation for AIDS Research

Breast Cancer Care


Diamond Empowerment Fund

Global Citizen

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation

Live Earth

Millennium Promise

Small Steps Project

Whatever It Takes

White Ribbon Alliance

think- ago

Thanks. Source?

think- ago

The Geffen part is merely speculation, and since it turned out that Sabrina Bittencourt didn't die in Barcelona, as Enty's blind implied, but in Lebanon, I am sure that this part was made up.

ASolo ago

It is easy to get confused by entylawyer and it does seem like some of the blinds contradict each other. He prints any ol thing that comes his way. There are quite a few peculiarities with this personality and his Himmmms that I've noticed and have been keeping a close eye on. I got into a discussion with one of them who it seemed was getting mighty close to Jeffrey Epstein's purchased sex slave from Slovakia Nadia Marcinkova who goes by the twitter handle @FlyGlobalGirl and they told me to "back off" from exposing her as being associated with a Himmmm because she was 'helping' them - when it's obvious months later there has been no revelations from Himmmm about Epstein or anything else for that matter. There are some strange things going on in entyland and one day someone is going to get to the bottom of it.

think- ago

@SandHog: please see comment above re Enty / CDAN. Thanks.

SandHog ago

I don't trust enty either given his relationship with AOS. Enty posts about all sorts of horrible things that 'happen' around hollywood but nothing ever happens to these people. That site is also perfect for spreading disinfo. All he has to do is get enough stuff correct (normal hollywood gossip shit) to lead people to think all the other stuff he says has some level of legitimacy. I've been ignoring him for a while now after seeing the close relationship he has to AOS. That twitter account is interesting though.

As to the user who posted that I think I made it clear that I do not appreciate him sliding threads with unrelated anti-Trump garbage sourced from trash blogs for the express purpose of pushing a narrative. He knew exactly what he was doing and so does everyone who read that thread.

think- ago

All he has to do is get enough stuff correct (normal hollywood gossip shit) to lead people to think all the other stuff he says has some level of legitimacy.

Exactly. Also, I suspect they use him when they decided to axe someone behind the scenes. People like Weinstein (although he wasn't called out by Enty IIRC), they might want to throw under the bus for entirely different reasons. (Not saying that Weinstein isn't a pig, he surely is, and has deserved it.)

SandHog ago

I think you are probably spot on with that. It would also be a useful tool for keeping people in line. Someone thinking about stepping out of line? A gossip item gets pushed out. Everyone else thinks it's just gossip except for the person it's aimed at.

think- ago

Interesting, thanks.

permindex ago

Geffen? According to who?

think- ago

According to a CDAN blind. But this is merely speculation.

SandHog ago

That came from CDAN and probably should be taken with a large grain of salt.