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Vindicator ago

You see what's happening here, right @Kevdue? @Peaceseeker?

All the appeals to Reason in the world are pointless when injustice piles up to the point where people can't stomach another bite as it's being crammed down their throats. Good people who care, by definition, are not robots. They have a breaking point.

All it takes is one weak moment for someone like @Crensch or srayzie in charge of subverse with serious enemies and it is used against them as if it's the only thing they have ever contributed. The enemies of freedom know this, and are playing everyone here like puppets. It's fucking sad.

ExpertShitposter ago

Crensch is the one who prides him self as a person who "gasses jews on voat till there is a tombstone on their account". Had an entire sub dedicated to his debate till gassed antics. So don't paint him as some potential victim. Also sryz killed her account because she chose attention whoring instead of listening to the advice of me and triggs. Story here:

Vindicator ago

I never claimed anyone was a victim, Shitposter, but thanks for trying to put words into my mouth.

thewebofslime ago

It isn't a single moment of weakness, it is a long existing pattern of false accusations, false outrage and pointless circle jerks of insults. If you are going to moderate a sub that is supposed to have legal impact, then having a modicum of professionalism is tantamount to your credibility. Of course, you know that I feel you have no credibility and you know why and you should reflect on your behavior that lead to that conclusion and the fact that the people who aligned with you in that moment are experiencing the logical conclusion of acting in that manner as mods.

I just picked through a number of histories of people who were accused of being shills by you and your firends and the list of people singled out is pretty long and, ultimately, have little or no evidence to support the claims. Remember when Jen died? Every single one of you were insistent that there was no evidence. She died. You were all wrong.

/v/Pizzagate has a stupid concern troll post stickied about someone who may or may not be a shill complete with exclamation marks. Sure they use multiple accounts, but they aren't worthy of 5 months of being stickied. This constant dedication to exuding drama is bringing you all down one by one and it isn't because of everyone else. /v/GreatAwakening has been all consumed by concern troll behavior. Look at the stickies. Look at what you want your communities to focus on, rather than the actual truth.

This is all happening because this is the path you and your mod friends chose. You all chose to be insulting, childish and false accusers and the common thread between all those people you attack is that they do not believe in Q. This has happened so many times, that it has now officially become obvious to everyone, including your friends who have defended all of you.

Remember when I spoke of honesty traps and you lied about me being a sleeper shill and acting like one of David Brock's minions? You failed the honesty trap. You additionally failed the credibility test when you let all the negativity decide your words for you.

If you aren't shills, then it is high time you started acting like it. Unless, of course, this is all by design. I officially am not engaging politically and I have barely checked in with Voat in the last month. I plan on coming back when things finally get interesting, but I have turned off nearly all my scripts and stopped reading the news. For now, I'm out. I don't see why any arrests would happen until next year because of the political currency it will come with that needs to be fresh in voters' minds for 2020.

Now that I'm caught up on the soap opera, I'm taking the time to say that, "I told you so." Not only did I tell you so, it looks like dozens of people, at least, have been telling you moderators a similar message since the arrival of Q. Over and over again, I see a year and a half of people telling you moderators that you are off the rails in your behavior and it is not justified. You should be hunting pedophiles not hunting Voat users.

Everyone's time has been thoroughly wasted on a lot of insulting and brigading when people should just downvote and move on. Imagine what would happen if everyone was allowed to focus on research and pumping that research out into the world, beyond the echo chamber that has been created, here. Imagine if instead of making enemies all day long for two years, you all had been trying to build bridges and make friends... or at least remained neutral. Most of the enemies you've made are not shills and they aren't going away. They were here before Q and Pizzagate and they will be here after those communities have fallen into obsolescence.

If you play stupid games, you will win stupid prizes. That is a hard life lesson that most people learn by their twenties. That is why most people looking at this dumpster fire are no longer affording credibility to your group of moderators.

Is your legacy going to be as a builder or a destroyer? Are you going to align with other builders or will you be friends with destroyers? Will you allow yourself to be sucked into a negative groupthink feedback loop? Or are you ready for the next step in your own intellectual evolution? Good luck on whatever you decide.

The bottom line is that the current outcome was inevitable. It was not a momentary lapse of reason. I hope that serves to help you make better decisions, in the future and not follow the lead of accounts that are primarily occupied with acting like concern trolls.

Vindicator ago

@Crensch @Sandhog @Peaceseeker @think- @MadWorld Check this out^^^ this is the guy who tried to take me out a few weeks back with fake claims I was DDoSing his website after I removed rule breaking posts. He uses bots to push his content on Voat. He tried to get Voaters to spam MSM members he doxxed with pizzagate content.

I reported all this at the time. Why is he still on Voat? Why is a known subversive like this allowed to post in "ProtectVoat" without some kind of warning on his username?

This is a coordinated attack. All the right people are showing up to support you, @Kevdude. Sketchy as fuck.

thewebofslime ago

First, I never, once, claimed anyone DDoS'd my site. My site was probed, initially, by basic address bar commands by a person who manually typed them in from two different computers, then by a number of SQL injections run by an automated service. So, I'm confused at your attempt to make false claims. I've shared the logs all over the Internet, so it isn't exactly a secret.

I challenge you to find a single "bot" post from me. I've made like two submissions in /v/guitar, and that's about it. I had a family member shot in combat and Melania Trump posted a picture of them together, the other day. My IRL is busy, as a result. Check Melania's Instagram, if you don't believe me. It is a miracle he survived four bullets, but it seems that they must have been poorly manufactured because, instead of ripping his body apart, they merely lodged themselves a few inches into his body. Point being, there is a lot more going on for me, than your little Internet drama and, as I said, I've turned off nearly all of my automation that collects news in RSS feeds.

I don't manipulate Voat. So, your accusations are, again, false. Since you are lying, you are creating the problem for yourself where people now know that I have been telling the truth. Since you have made false accusations and you are inextricably tied to a number of others who repeatedly make false accusation, you have managed to discredit yourself and your friends. You are now guilty by association in the eyes of many, many Voat users.

I'm showing up to support @kevdude because he is right and I am certainly far from the only person who thinks so. Also, he made me mod of one of his subverses like over a year ago or something, so he would be especially aware if I had been abusing Voat, in some way. Now that I look, I see that I was removed.

You all see shills everywhere and use it as a defense, but the truth is that this all hit the front page.

I haven't even been checking my inbox.

So, the assertions you just made are incorrect. You chose an ad hominem response that was almost entirely dishonest and you called all of your cohorts to converge to create a false consensus against me, but the truth is that I've done nothing wrong.


I never saw this, thank you.

thewebofslime ago

In fact, I never claimed my site was DDoS'd. My site was probed, initially, by basic address bar commands by a person who manually typed them in from two different computers, then by a number of SQL injections run by an automated service. I shared the logs with many people to ensure what I was interpreting from events was accurate. This happened shortly after I was PM'd that @vindicator was going to ban me, and @think- admitted that he was one of the people who thought that was going to happen. So, my version of events is factual and I am happy to address it, if anyone had concerns. Mostly, I am just taking a break from the Internet. I don't plan on addressing anything political for a while, unless things get interesting.

@Vindicator stated that my post, which was very well received was "self aggrandizing" and an attempt to "baffle with bullshit", said I was behaving like a David Brock shill, even though I posted a detailed plan on how to combat David Brock, then called me a "sleeper shill" or something. So, he made a number of false accusations that are patently false. Make of that what you will. I refuse to engage in the exchange of insults, but his tactic has been to rely on ad hominems because he is unable to address the evidence.

Crensch ago

Noticed that myself. freshmeat, cheesebooger, WoS... helluva lineup. All the little faggots come marching in.

Look at beatlesarmy modlist, too. They're trying to make a show of force by burning usernames.

KosherHiveKicker ago


This is an organized bridge of the main crew of Brony_Fags from SBBH and the shit-stained subverses it has spawned.

RockmanRaiden ago

The return of Cheesebooger is noteworthy. This was a long time coming. Voat has finally been legitimately defeated.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You're full of shit. I love Voat and have stated such many times. Its why I didn't hand crensch his shill ass the first time I called out srayzie when she first came here. I didn't want a war to tear Voat apart, and that's what it would've been had I engaged. I never swung back at crensch. I did label him as a jew shill zionist and today its 100% accurate. Just for the record....I never left. I dont even know who you are but you're talking outta your ass

RockmanRaiden ago

I went by McBitches before.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Don't remember you

Voat is the greatest site on the web. I've always said that. I want to see it thrive, not die. You got me all wrong, faggot. You believed crensch's jew shill bullshit. He had many people here fooled. Not anymore.

RockmanRaiden ago

Alright. Link the proof.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Its irrelevant here. I was just sayin'

SandHog ago

You forgot Dial.

Crensch ago

I wasn't sure he ever left. Apologies.

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