MudPuddlePie ago

These people are pathetic.

Hang in there GA mods.

grace8 ago

They have no choice. They are on the outside looking in. Things people will do to pay their mortgage no matter how undemocratic suppressing political process is.

MudPuddlePie ago


I just read thru the comments on the other board with all the mods and others (Kevdude post about GA censorship) talking about what to do about us, GA. Frankly, I'm exhausted. I don't know how Crensch, Srayzie and the other mods do it. I would have dumped the drama a long time ago.

What I don't understand is why "they" think they have a right to control and impose their will on who we put our trust in to Mod...or to control how we clean our house? You want porn, gore and hate, fine. Go to those subs. We don't want it.

GA mods need a gold metal for perseverance or something.

Oh, and btw, I thought your comments were great there.

grace8 ago

I'm outraged like you that they used multiple alts to control us and our mods in a planned and orchestrated attack for years. Crensch laid it all out on protect voat. they were even co-ordinating with Reddit. I find it very suspicious that when v/GA locks them out suddenly Reddit makes moves toward banning r/thedonald. You have a system in place to disrupt right wing subs and no right wing sub to disrupt and suddenly they move to make the Donald come here (where else can they go).

Do they just enjoy power and enjoy the extra money or, like us, do they fear our world is nearing apocolyptic disaster and think the only hope is suppressing Trump and the right?

glad you took the time to look around on Meta. Protectvoat, Soapboxbanhammer and beatletroll army are at times shocking. All the same people. When you check someone's post history and see these subs you know your dealing with a disruptor. How much is real and how much is what they call "shitposting", I don't know.

I have found your comments great too. Appreciate seeing others willing to standup to them. Amazing that their numbers are so reduced that we can stand up to them when just 3 weeks ago to do so would have called down harassment upon harassment. Thanks to Crensch they are a pale remnant of their former glory. (plus the fact the David brock/clinton Foundation types aren't funding them much anymore.

Here's to the day when we all can agree on who the good guys and bad guys are. And to the fight that is before us to get there.

MudPuddlePie ago

Amen...our mods are amazing.

grace8 ago

I know! Those drama posts are exhausting!

PacaGoat ago

Voat is supposed to be free speech. The problem is without standards of any kind free speech as it is termed by libtarded fags soon sinks into chaos. It has always been that th2re are limits to free speech, i.e. crying fire in a theater, defamation and gross vulgarity. If setting standards and removing comments whose sole purpose is to disrupt and take over a verse, then maybe voat is not the place we truly need.

Not saying leave but protect voat should look at what is truly going on.

grace8 ago

Hi Paca, To me what is really going on is that protectvoat is a shill organization that co-ordinates with Reddit to control subs and keep them weak. Crensch is a whistle blower and exposed all this in posts last 2 weeks. Then the mods polled us and we all agreed to free our mods form protect voats control by changing our status to a shitposting sub. Knowing Crensch's history we put our faith in him because we trust that he has flipped. The mods then got out the ban hammer and banned people after 1 warning banned all the known shills and their many alts. PUTT has been helpful but allows them to operate despite clear evidence of brigading, multiple alts. v/ga is on topic and humming along. They are n the outside looking in and basically out of work. Then reddit starts to move against The donald. Interesting timing right? Their work force has lost control of a major part of their work. So they will bring the donald here to give them some fresh sub to control. Till the Donald gets here the only thing they can do is try to regain what they lost.

See Crenschs posts over the past 3 weeks for proof of all I have said. He has pretty much destroyed the protect voat army and now they are just a skeleton crew. Most people were helping them just because they thought they really were for free speech and protecting voat. Once they realized they were working to control social media in collaboration with Reddit by keeping mods weak so that subs were off topic an often toxic they walked away.

PacaGoat ago

Thx for the summary. I have loosely followed all this. Other fish to fry here many days. The best thing we can do is not replying to them only down vote and slid their posts.

Stand as one. MAGA

grace8 ago

whats slid or slide mean?

PacaGoat ago

Post comments and slide their comments to the next page or two back. Be relevant dont spam.

grace8 ago

How do you do that?

PacaGoat ago

When you post, it pushes the one before you down one to the bottom so that many new posts will push down the offending shilltard posts and no one sees them. Simple.

grace8 ago

I see. Thank you! Ive heard that expression but no idea what it meant. I'mnot sure these guys are going away anytime soon. They act like employees who need a paycheck.

PacaGoat ago

Something to be aware of. Someone is playing with the url data. Going to greatawakening/new for instance the url changes to greatawakeningMeta/new. Shills are trying to stop the sliding. So if you see that in your address box at the top, just erase the Meta and let it load.

It maybe an attack.

grace8 ago

I thought they might move on once the Donald gets banned and lands on the shores here. a new sub to screw with that doesnt know their names/ways. But Crensch started a shitposting sub for them v/teflondon, making him the man the destroy in order to get to us and them. Between these two subs we will be the majority of users. So they are desperate to kill him off. I am working on just supporting him by down voting them when they post on meta and even on protect voat. He's powerful but if they can make it look like he isn't supported they can take that to Putt. Thanks for the help.

Really dislike people who try to suppress political process,


sosat_menya_reddit ago

Crensch is only there because he reeealy wants to insert his pathetic phallus in your last leader’s septic vagina.

Great example you guys set wanting an adulteress and wannabe adulterer as your mods

grace8 ago

Actions speak louder than words. Crensch is doing exactly what we want-getting rid of people there to disrupt the sub because they think Q is a LARP. What a way to be involved in democracy. Suppress others views rather than lifting up your candidate. What does that say abut you and your friends?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I’m only telling you that maybe your new mod has ulterior motives and is not the white knight he pretends to be.

As for their adultery I don’t care personally but it doesn’t seem to be something that is widely condoned by the members of your sub or Qanon followers in general.

BadPenny ago

She's "suzi" so many accounts, she gets confused. She will answer. It's a sick obsession with drama. She lives for attention negative and positive. I like the posts that are about Q, but this never ending drama is counter productive to the /v. Maybe it should be anon. QRV isn't as bad as 8ch. Pussies here can't hack it.

grace8 ago

Crensh's history is there for all of us to see and he has told us himself about it. Strayzie trusted he has decided to change sides. His actions in the past month speak louder than any words you could say. If things change then we will start a new sub and move on without him or move on the awakening. There is no life and death need for us to do anything right now. The fact that people who have harassed us are unhappy with Crensh speaks volumes to us. We are not blind.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

You're all a bunch of petulant children.

grace8 ago

Then why are you here? Exactly how should we respond when you talk about banning a mod who is clearing shills off the sub. We all see what happened to v/QRV and no one was held accountable there. But no on is posting about that on protectvoat. Over 200 comments on a post about banning Crensch and taking modship away from the existing mods other than Crensch and making v/all the mod. But no one here should be concerned???

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Both sides can go fuck themselves, but especially you qtard faggots.

grace8 ago

So why are you here? Why do you have anything to say about what we do?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I don’t need a reason to shit on retards.

grace8 ago

So we are the retards but you can't find anything better to do than haunt our sites? Okay!

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Your sites? Nigger you don’t own shit.

grace8 ago

Thanks for pointing out the very obvious.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Well, I was just guessing that you were a nigger, but thanks for clarifying.

grace8 ago

Better things to do.....

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I doubt it.

Crensch ago

There is no threat.

I promised I would take care of this sub. I intend to do exactly that.

grace8 ago

I am glad to hear that, but still hope people will stop by protect voat and use their votes to let them know how thy feel about suggestions that ga be moded by /all. What is that! Hoping you agree.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No one is trying to come after GA. Crensch is a hardcore racist anti-semite and shouldn't be involved with the Q movement. You guys deserve better.

BadPenny ago

They deserve what they got. Honestly grace8, suzie by whatever name just need to get room and get off the boards.

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

If you created a special term for someone that doesn't like you ("anti-Semite") they are probably not the problem. Don't like Mexicans-> racist. Don't like blacks ->racist. Hate Asians->racist... Have a less than positive thought about Jews-> oy vey, Simon and Garfunkel, they must be the anti-Semite.

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

Oy Vey, I got the down vote because I hurt someone's feelings.

grace8 ago

If Crensch abuses v/GA user have 2 other v/subs to migrate to. We don't need others to decide for us if Crensch is good or bad. v/protectvoat seems to be obsessed with v/ga. None of them believe Q is legit. None of them respect v/ga.

We are happy with our mods and their actions. Discussing taking the sub and having it be moderated by v/all is a threat. You can call it what you want but changing our mods when no one on v/ga is unhappy with our mods is wrong.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You are guilty by association with a known hardcore racist anti-semite and Q would not want that. It hurts the movement. All are welcome in the Q movement.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Jews aren't welcome in the Q movement?

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

I have no problem with Jews being part of anything UNTIL they start whining about the evil "anti-Semites" if someone looks at them funny. I have a problem with all the bullshit happening with the government pushing that it is OK that white people are demonized for their skin color but if ANYONE says ANYTHING not 100% positive about Jews the dual loyalty fuckers demand that the world comes to a fucking screeching halt until everyone cries about the poor Jews that might have had their feelings hurt. That shit is as bad as the sharia bullshit.

Other than that I have no problem with a person that happens to be Jewish. Act like a person first. Do the Jewish thing on your own time. I'd have a problem with any other group that behaved that way.

grace8 ago

Oh dear, and v/ga has never had any posting of an anti semetic nature from the SBBH and protectvoat crowd???? With Crensch incharge those posts have reduced greatly. And are you telling me that if yu all get your way it wont go back to how it was with plenty of anti semetic crap.

IF AND WHEN that happens the users of V/greatawakening will deal with Crensch. Again, if anyone is unhappy at v/ga there are 2 other subs that crensch has no involvement in. If he is a problem for v/ga, v/ga will die off.

This argument seems counter to the usual voat free speech mantra.

Crensch ago

They don't see their own hypocrisy.

Crensch ago

All are welcome in the Q movement

But not me?