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MolochHunter ago

dont like doxxing, but wouldnt permit Srayzie the tools to mitigate the efforts of doxxers

sguevar ago

Who doxxed her?

I think I can link this here:

MolochHunter ago

she had some agency in her own doxing, yes. Yet others were collaborating and encouraging each other to find personal information and post it, in the context that Srayzie was under death & rape threats

as I said to Kevdude, you being opposed to action until / unless it actually transpires is no different from an SJW saying to ignore Imams in Western mosques telling their muslim congregations to go out and destroy the infidels

sguevar ago

she had some agency in her own doxing, yes. Yet others were collaborating and encouraging each other to find personal information and post it, in the context that Srayzie was under death & rape threats

And my heart goes out to her but stating the false narrative that she got doxxed by triggly is true is beyond disingenuous.This is what you 3 are implying overlooking the fact that she made the links to her personal social media here at Voat and to her blog, herself. She made a mistake yes and she got in a lot of issues because of it specially because she had to fight two fronts but we never back out of supporting her at all and what you 3 are implying is very deceitful.

as I said to Kevdude, you being opposed to action until / unless it actually transpires is no different from an SJW saying to ignore Imams in Western mosques telling their muslim congregations to go out and destroy the infidels

No one is opposed to action. But action must be taken by following a due process and it has to be an objective one. The fact that you are unable to see and that you are willing to use convenience to trump Voat's principles makes you quite a questionable Mod to my eyes. And your analogy here is quite off because of the fact that in more than one occasion I have stood up for srayzie and shizy and they know it.

So quit with the virtue signaling and stop engaging in banhammering users just because you don't like what they have to say, man up (or woman up - i honestly couldn't give a fuck) and let's work together to get this prevented in the future. Otherwise step aside and let those that truly believe in Voat to work on it. Stop behaving like a faggot full of evasions and giving lame ass excuses like "you must be a white separatist to be accepted here". Like what the flying fuck does that even mean when you are addressing @cheeseboogerhimself when he got hit pieced by @Crensch even before you were here a mod on GA. Give me a break because I will certainly not support your undermining of the effort to get this resolved from any of the ones that have tried to make some sense out of this whole matter.

You will have to pardon my aggressiveness here but I am simply tired of this childish behavior from the part of people I truly respect and hope they do well both here at Voat and in their personal lives. So if you are going to keep going on with these faggot's excuses then move along we have a job to do here at Voat.