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Vindicator ago

If I go make a kevdude account there right now and shitpost with it can I accuse you based on timestamps? I was pinged into the same anon thread you were.

The anon thread was posted hours after the fake account was made to make it look like I was lamely trying to divert attention from srayzie's alt. I told srayzie from day one not to use alts. I reiterated that after she deleted her account. It's gay.

The reason I got involved in this conversation is because I knew what had really gone on behind the scenes, I know how you operate, and I care about the people in v/pizzagate who are sitting ducks for the kind of fuckery that led to this whole mess. Your continued dishonesty and attempts to spin your way out of responsibility for your immoral behavior merely prove me correct. All of your dancing around is there, now, on the record for all to see.

SearchVoatBot ago

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