19135648? ago

I bet @kevdude is shitting his panties right now knowing at anytime his dick pic is probably gonna drop.

19135706? ago

@kevdude threw up in his mouth when he saw her tits. He never sent her dick pics.

19135782? ago

So @zyklon_b is clearly posting fake PMs and your response is "make shit up about @kevdude". It looks like you feel slighted that he didn't want to see your tits and he didn't send you dick pics. Did @Vindicator send you dick pics?

19135768? ago

Ok kevdude, no one believes you

19135814? ago

Nah after this I wouldn't put anything past you: http://archive.li/HYr0C

19135866? ago

It says all is satire stupid fuck! According to kevdude logic it's ok to say anything you want as long as you include that disclaimer!

So choke to death on a big fat nigger dick and die! All is satire so I don't really mean that ha ha ha ha!

19135919? ago

Do you hate heroin addicts like zyklon because of your mom?

All is satire. I'm just kidding. Why would I ask that? ha ha ha ha!

19136156? ago

I actually don't have a problem with heroin addicts. Out of the addict world, they're probably the most chill and easiest to deal with.

If you're having trouble finding that big fat nigger dick you should check out v/niggers. Oh, and kill yourself.

All is satire hahahahahaha!

19134823? ago

haha the guys white knighting srayzie didn't even respect her. Makes ya wonder what they were defending

19134727? ago

Inb4 it’s shopped

19134536? ago

Yikes @hollakost. Seriously. Your a fucking dirtbag per @crensch

19135161? ago


19135193? ago

Can I see those tit pics doe? I just want to judge for myself.

19135253? ago

Here ya go Gotham!


19135279? ago

No srayzie I’m a GA regular. Please send me a pick of your tits

19135306? ago

Not Srayzie you silly hoe! You done give yourself away every time since you can't move beyond 4th grade grammar!

19134421? ago

Does anyone have those srayzie tit pics? I’d be interested in seeing them

19135611? ago

@gothamgirl @trigglypuff @le_squish @thelma see parent. (Brought to you by @shizy who says pedophiles are A-OK)

19134408? ago

Way too much fucking drama over the internet.

I guess this is what happens when zion don and his q-psyop bullshit fails to deliver anything.

19134346? ago

Did you post this the other night? https://i.imgur.com/e9MqhbZ.png

19134168? ago

Wow. This is bad for GA and @crensch. What sad little cuck

19134166? ago

This is why they wanted to shut down free speech on Voat. Trying to keep this shit on the downlow.

19134030? ago

Pretty fucked fucked up of zyklon_b to post this!

19133976? ago

@gothamgirl looks like there's proof about crayzie being a cheating whore!

19134005? ago


19133970? ago

What the fuck? So this shit has been true all along?

19133948? ago

@kevdude was right

19134370? ago

Why didn't I get this ping?

19134449? ago

anon pings turned off?

19134176? ago

looks like it

19135176? ago

Looks like @crensch and @zyklon_b we're working together.

19135733? ago

What a load of BS.

19135757? ago

Why would crensch say such a thing to him privately when they were publically feuding?

19136133? ago

Well, he wouldn't. It's clearly fake.

It's also not how Crensch talks. Zyklon and Triggly changed the CSS to make it look like srayzie and shizy were posting. I'm sure they could easily create a fake PM.

19135296? ago

they hated her and wanted her gone

19135327? ago

I'm in shock

19135713? ago


19135763? ago

Wasn't expecting the double cross

19135791? ago

Oh kissandtell crensch was sneaky wasn't he?

19135815? ago

Yeah, that's fucked

19135857? ago

Yep totally

19133943? ago

I her crensch only likes men though.

Or ladies with penises.

19134042? ago

