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Crensch ago


Yeah, she was hot. At least I didn't send dick pics to her, kev.

AR47 ago

That’s it own that shit.

I don’t get how your admission to acknowledging a females attractiveness makes you a duck.


Crensch ago

Eh, I wasn't joking. She was absolutely the phenotype I'm attracted to. White as the driven snow.

AR47 ago

Well hey that is great for you.

Least you admit it.

Also notice how srayzie said for kevdude to look that the MALE strippers she was posting? Maybe she knew something we didn’t?

Crensch ago

You might be onto something.

AR47 ago

The tone of the message seems like “girl talk”

I don’t know either way.

Main thing here is that at the end of the day you are the owner of this subverse and as such you deem what is suitable for the continued growth of the sub.

Kevdude ain’t got shit to say that will mean a fuck anyways. Until puttitout makes this a system sub everyone can go fuck a rake. It is yours to do with as you please.

Sure take a poll of your community for ideas. However make sure they are indeed a part of your community before you take their advice.

Personally I think all this Q shit is stupid. That is me, and even with all that your sub doesn’t bother me as much. Now from time to time I will comment on some outlandish bullshit headline within the post.

I usually get downvoted and I move on unless someone wants to engage with me and actually have a dialogue then sure let’s do that.

I know I won’t change my mind, but I won’t be an asshole. I don’t submit shitposts to the sub because I am not a part of it. Besides what does that accomplish anyways?

You can keep going back and fourth with them all you want, and maybe you will alienate a large portion of the user base and your own subscribers. That what you really want?

Them to pick a side? So they stay within the confines of this sub alone? I mean that seems pretty fucked up.

They will choose a side too. Everyone does.

I chose my side when I deleted my old account.

My side, but I removed myself from all the subs I had at that time, and then deleted my account.

You can’t do that. These people sadly need leadership and well it looks like that is you, but to weaponize them is pretty shitty I think.

Crensch ago

I guarantee 99.9% of GA has no idea any of this is happening. I don't need them weaponized here.

I wanted them to choose their own way forward. I wanted to de-fang some of the other "goats" that had an issue with them not choosing what I was telling them I chose for the subverse.

Now his staunchest supporters outside of the shitposters have nothing at all they can say bad about me.

Err, BOOM! ... I guess.

AR47 ago

You might be right about them not knowing because it’s your house. I don’t come here really.

At least I don’t look for shit to bitch about. I see it on the front page....then sometimes I click on it.

I know what I see. Post and post of people bitching back and fourth like niggers over the last piece of watermelon.

You have to know that it will just make more join in because they are just bored with their own misery and feel that someone else needs some as well?

I was like that for a time.

Dude when my back was hurt and for a year I couldn’t even mow my lawn for fear of losing my court case. They were watching me at the goddamn grocery store and shit.

I couldn’t work and had to rely on the state.

This place is where I spent around 5 hours a day. Well this and playing ARK on Xbox.

Selling LEGO where I could to make bills get paid. Unemployment wasn’t much. While I had it the short term disability helped, but soon after it was determined that surgery was an option I lost it and until I had it I couldn’t get long term disability.

So yeah I didn’t have anything to do really.

This place got me wrapped up in the drama it makes. Fuck man I would argue with people just because I could too. Lol

One thing I never did was make an alt that I used. I did make one one time to explain how to skip trace and ended up not doing it.

Other than that this and adhdferret were my only names here.

Crensch ago

Cheers to that.

Recent events have caused me to have to move mountains here.

I think I've played my hand fairly well.

And for what it's worth, I said some harsh things to you that you didn't deserve. Mea culpa.

AR47 ago

And for what it's worth, I said some harsh things to you that you didn't deserve. Mea culpa

Don’t be a bitch. Lol you meant it and felt it was worth saying. Leaders don’t apologize, they learn from their mistakes.