SearchVoatBot ago

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heygeorge ago

I don’t fully understand what your motive is to attempt to persuade someone to dox themselves with something as fully and singularly identifiable as a tattoo. @zyklon_b post your dik dated and signed w/ your username

SandHog ago

I'm just calling him a fraud and providing him the opportunity to prove me wrong. His pictures and even video of him have been posted a bunch of times on here by his woman so I don't see why he would take issue with this at all unless he was lying.

bopper ago

Always, well for a while, thought he was fake at best.

Broc_Lia ago

I don't care.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

zykolon has been awake for a long time. I think He's heard and seen it all and he is incredibly frustrated at the pace at which normies are waking to the truths of the world.What you are seeing is him taking out his frustrations.

zyklon_b ago

yea good call

bopper ago

Lol are you serious?

SandHog ago

Nice deflection. I'm acting right now. What about this don't you understand?

You seem to be a Secret King to me. That explains quite a lot actually. Spend mad time on Voat but pretend not to see the obvious problems with the dynamics that hinder and cripple Voat. Get sent titty pictures but gallantly refuse to look at them. Not to mention you lied about the source of said pics. Are you asexual or just gay?

sguevar ago

Get sent titty pictures but gallantly refuse to look at them. Not to mention you lied about the source of said pics. Are you asexual or just gay?

So because of his personal choice of not looking at the pictures you criticise his legitimacy and slander him to be asexual or gay?

In his position I wouldn't have either and would have expected anyone that is trying to pull a moral high ground on this discussion to act in the same way. What kind of hypocritical is this type of comment?

This goes below you Sandhog. I know it and you know it.

SandHog ago

So because of his personal choice of not looking at the pictures you criticise his legitimacy and slander him to be asexual or gay?

Nah, that was just a jab because he has been hypocritical in his enforcement of the 'rules' and anyone that's paying attention knows it.

sguevar ago

From my part there are priorities to deal with. The current actions taken by v/GA a sub that has over 13k subscribers have a higher priority than the subs handled by zb and his crew. Prioritizing matters is not being hypocritical.

Victimizing the fact that they have a higher priority because of how much relevant is that sub to Voat is not the right way to address the problem specially in the arbitrary and dictatorial form the owner of v/GA has engaged on.

SandHog ago

You can continue to ignore the root cause of all of this if you like. I won't. Treating the symptom isn't going to cure the disease. The very people causing the problems are the same people who are immune to the rules. Yet you continue to ignore this. You keep trying to convince me that a little transparency is bad. That v/GA is the problem and should be dealt with first. And you are wrong on both counts.

sguevar ago

The very people causing the problems are the same people who are immune to the rules.

Not if the rules were improved and reached by consensus and dialogue.

And you are wrong on both counts.

By your stance that may seem the case but it is your opinion. I know it is shared by many others but not by most of the community.

sguevar ago

The very people causing the problems are the same people who are immune to the rules.

They wouldn't if the rules were improved, achieving this through dialogue and consensus. Not dictatorial safe spaces instead of teaching the users how to responsibly deal with those faggots.

Personally I have been untouched by their faggotry because I don't care about them. Same as others that like to try to trigger me. I find it funny to be honest. So that was my personal approach. I decided not to trump on their rights and I didn't let them to trump on mines because I moved past them.

And you are wrong on both counts.

I hardly doubt it but we can only agree to disagree. I prefer to defend the anonymity of the users as much as they desire. And I prefer to prioritize cases that to me are more important. If for that you think I am wrong, that would only be your opinion, that I am sure is shared by others. But not by most.

SandHog ago

Shitpostings subs = free to ban

Research subs = free to ban

All else = not free to ban


sguevar ago


So for example, the unjust ban that I suffered on v/GA was part of this fix you are talking about? Comment deletion that equals to shutting down discussion is also part of this fix? What standards do this bans have to accommodate to be valid? Or is it just a subjective approach by the sole power of their mod teams?

SandHog ago

A ruleset that would allow moderators to deal with trolls and paid subversives on subs like pizzagate and greatawakening would be nice. It's probably a moot point at this juncture or will be soon. Given that Putt is working to push out his Vote system which would allow the members of the community to get rid of bad mods and seeing as that is the primary purpose of PV then what purpose does it serve at that point?

Perhaps if you weren't carrying water, whether it is intentional or not is irrelevant, for the subversive elements on Voat you wouldn't have been banned. I can't speak to that. Pizzagate and GA have been silenced in most places that is why they came here. To have their say. Yet how can they do that when you have subversive faggots barging into their meeting room and hooting and hollering and causing drama? How is it any different from this? It's the exact same fucking thing.

Blame the trolls like that nigger zyklon for their actions because censorship will always be the inevitable outcome from irresponsible faggots that abuse their rights at the expense of others. Every single time.

sguevar ago

A ruleset that would allow moderators to deal with trolls and paid subversives on subs like pizzagate and greatawakening would be nice.

I agree but it has be reached by consensus and not resort into an authoritarian manner.

Given that Putt is working to push out his Vote system which would allow the members of the community to get rid of bad mods and seeing as that is the primary purpose of PV then what purpose does it serve at that point?

My approach on PV was to modify that bad mods sole approach. And be a vigilant and informative sub.This is why I have changed the approach, or at least tried to with the different informative post I have made already. However denouncing unjust bans and defending false accusations should also be one of our modos. I firmly stand by this and will work on it myself.

Perhaps if you weren't carrying water, whether it is intentional or not is irrelevant, for the subversive elements on Voat you wouldn't have been banned.

That is applying guilty by association when my approach was to disarm a false narrative that was taking place atm. I stuck to the truth and only the truth. For that I was called an accomplice and enabler. Hate is part of the job. I take it. The Lord will judge my actions after.

Pizzagate and GA have been silenced in most places that is why they came here.

I know, but they were mostly silenced by power moderation. The shills will always come, the trolls will always come. We need a more effective way to deal with them but not through an authoritarian approach.

Yet how can they do that when you have subversive faggots barging into their meeting room and hooting and hollering and causing drama? How is it any different from this? It's the exact same fucking thing.

I see where you are coming from. But this is why a more informative approach from PV, a more proactive behavior from all the users and a better consensus on the rules would restrain those reckless behaviors. Authoritarian control is not the right way.

Blame the trolls like that nigger zyklon for their actions because censorship will always be the inevitable outcome from irresponsible faggots that abuse their rights at the expense of others. Every single time.

I do blame them. I don't like the faggot, before he made me laugh but I never interacted much with him. Because I never trusted him, much less now. But I can't behave like him. As I don't like him to abuse his rights to trump on others I can't abuse mines to trump on his. This is the point I am making. The end doesn't justifies the means. It only corrupts the cause at convenience of what we intent to achieve despite of the consequences it brings. To me it is not worth it to compromise my principles and beliefs to easily get rid of the faggot and his"troll army". Acting like him or similarly will only feed them and give them power over me and my cause, and then they can discredit it. Why? Because I allow them to have that power over me.

This is why I asked you not to leave PV. We need more users with different views, and different perspectives but that can accommodate to a dialogue and reach an agreement. It may be foolishly optimistic from my part. But that is my belief. We need more mods than can help decentralise the priorities of the cases so in that way all or most situations are taken care of.

Again it may be seen as "phylosophical vomiting" like the owner of v/GA has put it or seen as "being dishonest and spit poison" like his supporters have stated. But those are my beliefs. You can make of them what you want. I won't compromise them.

SandHog ago

Perceptions of bias are completely unavoidable in situations like this, I think. It's gonna happen on one side or the other of any disagreement if not both sides at times when someone is trying to arbitrate. In regards to free speech the trolls clearly don't care about anyone else's aside from their own. A lot of the users on here don't seem to care all that much because they are some combination of being short-sighted, unaware or they just chalk it all up to drama. The small number of people who do care can't seem to agree on how best to address the problems. Or even what the root cause of the problem is. It is my opinion that had the standards of PV been equally applied to both power mods and power users things probably would have not degenerated this far as those are two sides of the same coin. Perhaps not. There's really no way to know and we seem to have passed the event horizon at this point and people are solidly entrenched in their positions. Seems like a stalemate to me.

Ultimately, it's up to @PuttItout and what he wants to do going forward. I do think that the community having the ability to police itself and get rid of power mods, if necessary, is a really good thing and should solve a lot of the problems that we have been wrestling with and I'm real curious to see what he comes up with on that front. The Community Vote feature (or whatever it's called) is coming and I think a lot of the discussion revolving around this stuff is kind of pointless until we learn the details of it. I'm sure that there are positives and negatives to it but until we know the details all we can do is speculate and that isn't very useful. So I'm content to wait and see what comes on that front. As far as the current situation regarding GA it seems the users want @Crensch to do what he is doing and support him in his efforts. Without knowing the details of the Community Vote feature I suspect the result would be the same once that is implemented so, again, the discussion seems moot until we know more.

sguevar ago

Well I will keep the informative part of the sub as a duty that I commited.

Thanks for the convo.

SandHog ago

Sure thing.

kestrel9 ago

You seem to be a Secret King to me.

Apparently @kevdude prides himself on deflection and lies to hide his culpability in creating chaos on voat. He mentioned he was concerned about the 2020 election coming up because with @crensch as owner, that would mean having GA out of range for @kevdude's 'teaching moments' (aka trolling) and his impromptu messages as High Scepter of PV, warning users to leave GA and move to QRV. I believe he engages with subversive actions aimed at narrative manipulation just as Media Matters and ShareBlue etc also engage in. He relies on groups of trolls to help him carry this out. This likens to a Soros form of suppressing speech.

SandHog ago

Show me a third option then.

SandHog ago

Blocking him and those like him accomplishes nothing. Because what he does is not about what I see. It's about what everyone else sees and how they are influenced by it. To disregard that is either sheer stupidity or complicity. So which is it?

SandHog ago

I haven't fully formed my opinion of you. I do think you have been a hypocrite in the way you approach mods based on who they are and what they represent while at the same time ignoring others who have flaunted the rules by a wider margin. Whether or not that is because you are short-sighted or malicious I have not yet determined. I also think you are thin-skinned and resort to personally attacking people who dare question your opinions. I also think that you make good points in regards to censorship and the slippery slope yet your actions only enable the worst elements on Voat.

As for pysklon_b, I think he is a fake. He belongs to an indian tribe so the fact that he agitates for some sort of white ethnostate is humorous but also disingenuous as he isn't entirely white.

So as I shout this from the sidelines, as you put it, it's your turn.

kestrel9 ago

Like @crensch said, you're a bully who lords it over Voat via PV policy you invoke for your own agendas, and now a lot of people know it, and they're sick of it.

I never said discussions should be censored and neither did the people you're railing against. Shitposters don't engage in research or have debates/discussions over research. You didn't think it was discussion you were trying to avoid have happen on GA when you asked @zyklon_b and friends to go shitpost somewhere else because they were "hitting srayzie so hard"?

@crensch @Dismember @peaceseeker

SandHog ago

You'll probably just reinforce @Kestrel9's opinion if you continue on the way you have been. I'm more interested in your thought's on psyklon_b's hyjinx.

kestrel9 ago

Videos of Monster Trucks raging through mud?

kestrel9 ago

I'm surprised he was quiet during @Kevdude's dragging himself through the mud.

Broc_Lia ago

What happened to kevdude?

SandHog ago

Curious, ain't it?

kestrel9 ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/aboutVoat submission by @DarkRaven.

Posted automatically (#47628) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@SandHog: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @DarkRaven)

Scroobius ago

I don't know enough about him to comment. But, I do recognize his name when I see it and I know he makes me laugh sometimes. So until further proof @zyklon_b is a fren

zyklon_b ago

wanna join my army?

Scroobius ago

What's our mission statement?

zyklon_b ago


SandHog ago

I find it odd that @Gothamgirl has such repulsion for nazis in that she wishes they go to hell yet, still, she married one. Anyone else find that weird? I do.

I find inconsistency in all things weird, though. Maybe it's just me.

Gothamgirl ago

It was one Nazi, and that was before I knew the truth. We don't have all the same beliefs about everything.

SandHog ago

Fucked up the title so pinging some people.

@zyklon_b @Crensch @kevdude @Gothamgirl @VicariousJambi