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heygeorge ago

She told me almost exactly the same thing. Although I do share that sentiment, I didn’t trust her with anything that would really give out my real world identity. OTOH, I trust @zyklon_b with all manner of personally identifying info. LOL! But it’s true.

While I have you on the line, I keep reading you mention that Beatle’s alleged address was previously publicly posted. But I don’t recall seeing that on Voat, nor anyone linking to it. Is this a double standard? Is srayz still being given a pussy pass to “get even”? What do you think of Voat tolerating this sort of behavior @crensch? (I presume your defense of it will be along the lines of ‘Wild West for thee but not for me’.)

TheBuddha ago

She was pretty keen to see my dick pic.

I'd be fucking baffled if she felt this was somehow compromising for me, or information she could use as leverage against me.

Once she saw it and had her fun for a few hours, with the other lady mod over there, it died down. Seeing my dick doesn't make her special. A surprisingly large number of people have seen my dick.

As for the drama, I've made it a point to keep away from it. The only winning move is not to play.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL they asked but i didnt send one, what the fuck would i do that for. its funny that you did though

TheBuddha ago

I posted my x ray and you could clearly see my dick in it.

Why? It was funny. It's just my dick, nothing serious.

Well, it also showed my smashed femur.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, every guys got one, no big deal to me

TheBuddha ago

I don't even have an estimate for how many folks have seen my penis. I'm not sure I can even estimate how many women it has been in.

crazy_eyes ago

as long as im not one of them i dont care

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure you're not on the list.

crazy_eyes ago

Im pretty sure I'm not going to be

TheBuddha ago

That seems like a reasonable assumption. I've been more than sixty years without sticking my dick in guys. I don't expect that to change.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL I would sure fucking hope not

TheBuddha ago

I can't think of a reason to change. Getting laid is not a problem.

crazy_eyes ago

No, getting paid is a problem, Remember I told you I was going to be working all week this week. Well that got cancelled at the hast minute and they are not going to compensate me at all for having that work on my schedule which meant I passed on other work that was available. Now the other jobs that were available for this week are of course taken by others. Its a fucked up situation. Im not happy about it. I did find one other job for today to install a router but when I got to the bank they had no router for me to install. And now the company doesnt want to pay me for that one either. Like what the fuck

TheBuddha ago

Maybe you might want to seek regular 9 to 5 shit? I dunno.

crazy_eyes ago

you must be out of your fucking mind

TheBuddha ago

No. I'm sane. I wish I were crazy, because then I'd have a good excuse.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont really like to make excuses, so, maybe I am crazy. I only get so much time to spend here on this planet and I'm going to spend as little time as possible doing things simply to make money. I'd rather spend my time with the people I love. So that's what I'm going to do. That's what I do, do. And I dont give a fuck what anyone thinks or says about me or what I do with my time and my life. I do what I want to do.

TheBuddha ago

That's all well and good, until you can't pay your mortgage! LOL

crazy_eyes ago

I dont have a mortgage, my home is all paid off. So there

TheBuddha ago

Well, that's a bonus. Do you still have beer and gas money?

crazy_eyes ago

of course, and we have electricity and running water and internet and food and weed

TheBuddha ago

Then why are ya bitching? Take the week off and get nookie every morning, after breakfast in bed!

crazy_eyes ago

I dont know why, I guess cause i could have made enough working all week to have all my bills paid for the rest of the summer and not have to worry about that, now i'm going to have to go to work sometimes to pay the bills.

TheBuddha ago

That would be nice. All my bills are paid, but I still have to work.

crazy_eyes ago

You singed the contract. At least it's work that you enjoy

TheBuddha ago

I do enjoy most of it, so there's that. It has gotten to the routine stage, where the performances all blend together. The only thing that changes are the venues.

There are parts I don't really care for, but it isn't easy to articulate. It's routine and even the audiences generally look pretty much the same.

crazy_eyes ago

Does changing up the set list help to make it more non-routine?

TheBuddha ago

Not very much.

The lights come up and I rock them until the lights go down. On either side of that is droll blandness and mindless waiting.

But, I do like it. Mostly.

Sometimes I just need to bitch about it, even though I have it pretty good. I didn't even go supervise them setting up the stage last time. Before I went on, someone had already put my guitars on the stage, in order. There was even a bar stool waiting if I needed it. I didn't even load the guitars back into my car. Those came home with EH and J.

crazy_eyes ago

It seems like its the waiting around thats the worst part of it

TheBuddha ago

But the band's on the bus
And they're ready to go
We've got to drive all night
and do a show in Chicago
Or Detroit, I don't know
We do so many shows in a row
And these towns all look the same
We just pass the time in the hotel rooms
And wander 'round backstage
Till those lights come up and we hear that crowd
And we remember why we came

That sums it up nicely, except we don't have a bus - yet. I do have my eyes open for a 17 passenger van.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah and most bands do the same show night after night, to the fans it's a special event, but to the band its just another night of the same thing as the night before and the night before that

TheBuddha ago

For many years, that's been one of my favorite songs.

crazy_eyes ago

what song is that and who is it by?

That ain't turn the page, which is similar, but i hate that song for some reason, it annoys me

crazy_eyes ago

Oh yeah, I remember this one

TheBuddha ago

It's actually two different songs. It's "Load Out" and "Stay." They run the two together.

It's kinda like Sugar Magnolia and Sunshine Day Dreams being considered a single song, or Eruption being played right into whatever it is, etc... (I'm kinda stoned so Mr. Short Term Memory isn't helpful.)

crazy_eyes ago

you really got me?!?

or like the mothers day song leads into she's a whore!

TheBuddha ago

That's the name of it!

Also like We Will Rock You and We Are The Champions.

crazy_eyes ago

good one!

No sugar tonight and new mother nature

TheBuddha ago


We need @cynicaloldfart. I bet he knows more of them.

crazy_eyes ago

I had to rack my brain pretty hard to come up with that last one

intruder and pretty woman!

TheBuddha ago

Are those normally played together as one song? I think I've always heard Pretty Woman as just a single.

I repeat the fact that I'm high as balls, just in case.

crazy_eyes ago

they blend together on the album i think the radio might have played them together back when they were new but not so much anymore

TheBuddha ago

I'd absolutely not trust my memory right now.

crazy_eyes ago

are you all fucked up today?

TheBuddha ago

I am. I've not consumed booze, but I'm high as balls.

crazy_eyes ago

nice! I been smoking weed too all day I came u with a cool riff but i forgot it

TheBuddha ago

I should write something.

crazy_eyes ago

hell yeah you should!!

TheBuddha ago

I have a mission, this week. So, it will have to wait or I'll have to share multiple tricks.

Also, I like how we just hijack random threads and post what we want. Fuck 'em, I'm a rock star!

crazy_eyes ago

by the time we get to this point of a conversation the page gets so skinny its unreadable anyways

TheBuddha ago

When it gets like that, I click link and start anew.

crazy_eyes ago

I did not know you could do that!

crazy_eyes ago

here i thought that you and I were the only ones who could actually read those messages in the inbox

TheBuddha ago

You can just click the link and the nested comments are readable again.

It comes in handy.

I also use the context link, but that's just because I smoke pot.

crazy_eyes ago

i have used the context one a lot, just cause i dont always look at the messages and dont know what they are about without it

cynicaloldfart ago

Just note that when you click context, you only see the two people involved. Like this thread, I replied to Buddha, but it doesn't show up when I clicked context on one of his comments. Sometimes they branch off and you don't see them.

crazy_eyes ago

i guess thats where that link one would be helpful maybe

cynicaloldfart ago

Nope. That just expands (makes wider) what the context does. You have to go back to the full thread and find the comment thread again to see it all (I think). Like in this thread, I could see your comments up to when I opened Buddhas ping, but from that point on context only shows him and me although you had a bunch of comments in between.

crazy_eyes ago

Oh ok, an idea for voat maybe. @puttitout

cynicaloldfart ago

Yeah, it would be nice to have a "start thread from this point" button. I also would really like an "expand all".

crazy_eyes ago

I agree, expand all would be great too, especially on those that are huge

cynicaloldfart ago

I thought Putt had quit his job and was doing Voat full time now. Wonder why everything seems to take so long. I'm sure there's a lot more than meets the eye, but he's been working on that Vote feature for over a year and done a few tests on the preview site, but it's still not here. Sometimes I wonder what is really going on behind the scenes but in the end it's a free site and I'm just glad to be able use it when I can.

crazy_eyes ago

Hey as long as the site stays up putt can be as slow as he needs to be.

It's been two weeks since he put up the wild west sticky post and he hasn't been active since. Maybe he took a vacation

cynicaloldfart ago

Oh, I'm sure the pressure is intense. I've spent my time as a youth championing causes and being enraged. This stuff now is even more intense and the "truth" is now available so easily to all. I need to stay up on most things for my kids but damn its tiring. That's why it's rare for me to comment on anything outside music, I just don't have the energy anymore to discuss stuff, I don't have much of anything new to offer, and my typing sucks. That's why I envision myself as "the fool on the hill sees the world spinning round."

crazy_eyes ago

there's a song in that saying! The world sure can get a man upset with the insanity of it, you got it right you just got to let it go

TheBuddha ago

That's a handy feature.

crazy_eyes ago

it sure is