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ruck_feddit ago

Is all this helping or hurting your cause? I don't think it's hurting kev or the cabal you keep mentioning.

Crensch ago

I don't consider your point of view to be a metric by which I'd judge success. No offense.

ruck_feddit ago

Yes, you're like srayzie. People are either 100% for you or 100% against you and anyone in between is also 100% against you. I didn't know her, but it doesn't look like anyone who didn't know her will ever get the chance, LMFAO.

I tried to be polite, and you were not. Now I'm enjoying the posts of you looking like a beta cuck and await with popcorn the trolling your group will inevitably receive.

Crensch ago

I don't really have anything against you, personally. I don't much care for people that still associate with zyklon.

I ripped him a new one and watched nothing happen but support curl around him by some I considered decent folk.

You can attack me all you want; I call it as I see it. Anyone with Zyklon is, by definition, not someone on my side of the line.

Crensch ago

Again. I get your motives.

If someone helped me not lose my mind but was online threatening to kill children while claiming to post depictions of CP on Voat, I probably would thank him and be on my merry way; at best not joining the side against him, but certainly not showing support.

Just my .02

ruck_feddit ago

at best not joining... him

Show me where I've participated in his antics? Show me where I threatened anyone? I, as Croat temporarily, was invited to a sub mod position while still banned on this account. Show me where the croat account did any of the above accusations? You can't.

I probably would thank him and be on my merry way; at best not joining the side against him, but certainly not showing support.

I would probably agree with you most of the time on this, but I don't care if he actually drove a seedy white van across the country doing the things he said he was doing, because it helped right what I saw as a wrong. Sometimes the ends do justify the means.

Crensch ago

I'm an ends-justify-the-means guy, but some things I just wouldn't support even if he saved my life.

As for what I can show - all I have is the modlist. Association at this point is my metric. I'm not going to go through each mod's history just to prove if they're innocent.

If you're not part of that, mea culpa. It's not a net I wanted to throw, but will have to in the near future either way. For my own sense of justice.

ruck_feddit ago

It's flattering to get pinged in one of your posts that isn't a brigade call to your followers.

Someday, when you're bored, you can verify what I said. Or don't, it doesn't change the truth.

I'll probably see you in 15 minutes somewhere else. Take care.