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AR47 ago

Do what I did and compile the post and comments about you that were of a threatened tone, and report them to ice3 which is cyber crimes division of FBI. Trust me they care and will investigate all claims.

Free speech is fine, and hey you can call someone anything you want, but that line gets crossed with death threats or anything with violence attached to it.

This back and fourth makes shit look as if it’s manufactured for lulz. Be done with it and pray that these people resist arrest. I assure you with some of the shit that is said about child rape and torture the police will have no issues killing them in self defense.

Qtiepie ago

Thank you. Oh I would love it if they resisted arrest.

19426417? ago

Thanks for the ping.

Sad to see another victim of the low lifes from SBBH, reddit's embassy on Voat. You have my sympathy.

Kev/SBBH dont fight for Voat or free speech, they fight for the right to spam, circlejerk and ruin subs. They fight for the babies' right to scream in the cinema, they consider free speech a challenge. Good to see people fighting them, but there is exactly one person who can do anything about this: @Puttitout

The poor guy spent all his upgrade points becoming a great techie, then inherited the job of dealing with the social stuff too. Unfortunately he has insisted on appeasement, at least used to think he could code his way out of this problem. Now that it has become obvious that SBBH are better at finding loopholes, all I can hope for, is that some evening he has a strong moment, goes to straight mass ban the idiots. No talk, diplomacy or anything, just remembers it is his place and he got every right to remove the idiots. Would be a few days of new accounts/alts crying and whining, if he doesn't turn invite-only on first, but the retards are already whining, so not much of a difference.

The rest of Voat would see the average age and IQ increase, and if some of the not-awful users left too, the next wave of users would make up for it, since there wouldn't be any here to drive them away.

Seeing this shit go down + the huge effort to run The_Donald off the site for the second time, maybe could be what drives him over the edge. Till then, I swing by here to poach stories for the site I moved to, maybe throw a complimentary wrench in SBBHs gearboxes.

Anyway, Putt, best of luck. I like you, like I like giving you shit for letting this fester for so long. We both know what the problem is, so if you need an executioner, I'm interested in the job. Thank you for doing an awesome job building the site, but it's high time to make Voat great again, and we will have to smash some eggs.

Qtiepie ago

Thank you. I don’t know you but I saw that we shared a lot of the same views.

19427185? ago

Yeah, I try to stay out of the meta stuff, but it's impossible to be a Voater without growing resentment towards Kev and his gang of redditors. They have ruined a lot and driven many good, constructive Voaters off the site. Too bad.

Stay strong, do your thing.

Qtiepie ago

Thank you. I appreciate it!

Vindicator ago

Isn't it ironic that the gang of Redditors reeeees the loudest abut Reddit? WTF?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

haha I cant believe that you'd even show your whore face here again hahahahahahaha

Vindicator ago

I hope you haven't passed on your DNA

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

as I told @crensch I'm still going to take a hard pass on the interpersonal drama imo we should turn all the subverses anon if there's going to be this kinda stuff, I would however still like your side of the story since I missed the precipitating event and asked other people. Simply for the record and in case this all gets more out of control so please PM me an answer to the following;

could you read me in on the doxxing allegation? what PMs were leaked, what they contained in so far as personal, who leaked them, and what it lead to (i.e. credible threats, swatting, life disruption like losing a job) etc.? I asked crensh on one of the drama posts he pinged me on and he didn't answer me

@Srayz and @SrayzQ

Qtiepie ago

Yeah, I will PM you probably in a few hours.

heygeorge ago

I’d like to hear your rundown if you don’t mind sharing.

Qtiepie ago

Ok I’ll send to both

NotHereForPizza ago

Damn I wonder what that's like... That must suck.

Qtiepie ago

You don’t run a sub asshole and I also saw your ass trying to worm your way in with lies. I’m sure you’re not happy to see me. Just stay out of our way.

NotHereForPizza ago

I don't care if you come to this site. I care that you negatively influence things I watch.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Just stay out of our way.

hahahahahahaha @zyklon_b

You are about to get rekt, skank


Warmoose76 ago

Holy shit, get your popcorn patriots, because this drama is the real show. I have never experienced this much of a soap opera situation on an internet forum before. Watching this unfold is so bizarre with many twists and turns!

Qtiepie ago

grace8 ago

Thanks for the ping. No words to say.

Qtiepie ago

Thank you so much for your advice. I wish it were that easy. I don’t think Kev can do that. We’ll see. Very excited that Q posted!

grace8 ago

It looks like we are all going to get a time out to consider what happens next, if this Gematria decode of trump is correct. According to this Q post all internet browsers will be killed once Trump team drops intell.

Without a browser window to plug an internet window into you can't access any site, even if the site is still up, right? Man my yard work and house work are going to get all caught up, if this comes true. See my comment in this post.

grace8 ago

Last chance to patch things up for a few days.

grace8 ago

There are 3reasons why either party would not not stop. Proving the other guy is really the bad guy to save ego, I already said. The other is power and control. Here we are getting into some real personality problems if its the second.

Then there is the 3rd. If one or the other is a paid employee who cant stop without loosing a weeks pay.

Vindicator ago

I do believe he said "Patriots Fight" ;-)

Qtiepie ago

Did you notice that he didn’t post on QResearch Board?

grace8 ago

Yes linked to the place holders for declass, OIG, and arrests. I imagine trump will have a stronger negotiating position at G20 if he has released the evidence that the globalists did execute an attempted coup. The world seems to be waiting to choose sides based on if he is in a strong enough position to destroy them or not. Him releasing something tomorrow morning might convince them he is. But Wray is still in charge of the FBI so perhaps that will slow things down still.

So I will not interpret Q, so that others can say q promised what ever I interpret and then that he failed again. We have all done that dance way to many times.

Vindicator ago

The world seems to be waiting to choose sides based on if he is in a strong enough position to destroy them or not.

I believe in Game Theory this is called the "Tipping Point."

Popcorn at the ready. :-)

grace8 ago

I really hope your right!

Vindicator ago

Me too!

MrPim ago

I have an alternative I dont think you guys have considered. Every last one of you could kill yourselves in shame. You should. None of you have Voats best interest at heart. All of you have gone out of your way to shit up the front page over the gayest load of bullshit. Q is bullshit. Your high school drama is the faggiest load of crap on the internet. Kill yourselves, all of you.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

If only. Qtards are the most pathetic group of cult members I have ever ran into.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Fucking killed it.

Crensch ago

I'll definitely let them run their sub how they like, provided I don't perceive their behaviour to be unduly influenced by PV/SBBH bullying.

ESOTERICshade ago

provided I don't perceive their behaviour to be unduly influenced by PV/SBBH bullying.

I....I...I...Me...Me....Me...Me....Crensch....Crensch....Crensch....Its all me, Craption Crensch, all day, just me....I....I<<

She TEMPORARILY trusted you with it. Safe keeping. Your keeping duties need to over with. And don't give me this "I have to protect her" bullshit because its just the internet and you still have a connection to it and you can do that without squatting on here "O" designation. She will get tired of your fat handed big ego and want you gone before long and you will refuse to leave. We are all waiting on that one to happen.

No nigger you need to get your black ass out of her sub and let srayzie have her sub back. We are getting ready to see just how big of a cock sucker you can truly be here before long I'm sure.

Crensch ago

Sounds like you need a refresher course on what a nigger you are to this website.

ESOTERICshade ago

Sounds like you need a refresher course on what a nigger you are to this website.

Whats wrong you scared you gonna lose control over people? She is ready to come back. You need to let srayzie be the owner and make you a mod so that she can kick your can down the road when she gets ready. If she decides to leave again she can either leave the O in her name or give it away again. She built that sub not you. Give her her sub back. Lets see if you are a real man. She built it, and she deserves it. There is nothing you can do for her as the O that you can't do as an M. I don't know what you have told her to convince her that she should not take ownership back but whatever it was its just more of your bullshit.

The bastard is gonna steal srayzie site. What a fucking shock you asswipe.

Vindicator ago

Oh no, ES. Both @Qtiepie and I are relieved to have @Crensch guard the doors or our respective establishments. Every great pub needs a Bouncer. Especially in Putt's Wild West.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok PAYtriots. It all makes more sense now. Yall's merch site explains how viciously you defend the obvious ruse known as Q. I always figured you couldn't be dense enough to believe it.

ESOTERICshade ago

correction, it is

I should have took a screen shot of it. Don't remember but I think the site went down after all hell broke loose.

Yall have sunk to a new low. Now you guys are tagging people as pedos that disagree with you. Have fun shredding what is left of Voat that you have not already destroyed. Instead of posting content that I posted, that is supposed to be pedo, your henchmen are just making shit up. You people are fucking disgusting. No wonder the goats have been barbecuing your hides. You deserve it.

Vindicator ago

Evidence of this? What "merch site"? You are so full of shit.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't know if its still up but its been well talked about on Voat. I think it might be down now. I saw it the other day at

Qtiepie ago

I love the way you described that lol.

HIVchan ago

You don't need a refresher on butt sex. You are an expert at spreading your cheeks.

carlip ago

Muh bullying. Better setup a safe space faggot. I always knew you were with SRS queers.

NotHereForPizza ago

Is it because I've been telling you that for two years?... Or are you really this slow?

dindu-nufffin ago

hey did kevdude get you banned for merely protecting himself and some others against downvote brigades? and not just one, but 13 other accounts as he rubs his hands together in glee?

you know, I cannot have a "main" account because as soon as they find out its me they (the goon squad) mass downvote my ass to make it unusable. So cry me a FUCKING river, because I've lost countless accounts to them fuckers.

The rest of what you wrote is just your own personal fucking drama. cry harder


Qtiepie ago

You’re a drunk that doesn’t run a political platform. Who gives a fuck?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

and you are a jewess whore who uses sex pics t influence incels.

Warmoose76 ago

Nancy pelosi pulls off being a drunk and she's the speaker of the house, truly inspiring, if only she wasn't a total cunt though.

dindu-nufffin ago

Oh and your so innocent, here is Srayzie voting stats, downvote by more than half. I wouldn't doubt now that you are goon squad. You deserve every bit

Comments: This user has upvoted 2819 and downvoted 1688 comments.

dindu-nufffin ago

im actually straight sober, you shit alt... oh I mean cam whore... here let me put it in your language so you can understand more clearly.

ding ding ding vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbbbbbbbbbbbbb

have you considered selling lifetime snapchats? It could be another source of income for you, just trying to help out.


Warmoose76 ago


dindu-nufffin ago

Since the troll army is downvote brigading me, I am limited on how many comments

Hmmmmmmm, wow this sounds exactly like something I would say... oh vey


Armpit_and_Ass ago

Not really clear on what I have to do with any of this.

Qtiepie ago

Nothing really. I just saw you commenting on a thread and you seemed to have some of the same thoughts I had on some issues if I remember correctly.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

I see. Anything's possible, I guess, though I usually stay away from drama unless I'm telling people how retarded and gay they are for engaging in it. This person doesn't like that person. This board does things to that board. Some mod did something and now Voat is outraged - OUTRAGED! - and is calling for his sub to be made a system sub. Yawn.

I truly don't give a shit about any of that. I'm here to hate on kikes, niggers, spics, ragheads, and to download funny memes and pictures of cats. Truth be told, unless we keep talking, by this time tomorrow I will have forgotten entirely who you are unless you remind me if/when we bump into each other again.

Qtiepie ago

Ok I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.

sguevar ago

I already stated my official position on this whole matter.

Until I do not see any of the big issues I saw from the group supporting you worked on I have no interest in engaging in any further discussion on the matter.

I appreciate the tag but all I can do at this point is wish you well.

From my experience on this whole matter people within the group that supports you do not know friend from foe and some take advantage of the drama to manipulate others with the sole purpose of character assassinate users that don't agree with their approach.

Good luck.

Qtiepie ago

Just keeping you in the loop

sguevar ago

fair enough

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Mind adding me to the list of people you tag? I’d like to be in the loop, and welcome back.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Hey @dindu-nufffin, why’d you delete your high quality posts? All those fake upvotes, wasted.

Qtiepie ago

Sure! Thank you.

dindu-nufffin ago

shit alt

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Dumb fuck.

dindu-nufffin ago

hi quality comment you shit alt

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Likewise ya dumb fuck.

dindu-nufffin ago


Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

The exact response I expected from you.

dindu-nufffin ago

it was directed at you, like a ventriloquist. Because you are a fucking puppet, you dumb fuck

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

So... you’re projecting?