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SrayzQ ago

@Vindicator didn’t give details. You did Faggot. I shared pics with @ESOTERICshade. I don’t give a fuck what he says. He’s a liar. I don’t even give a shit anymore if people know. You guys have just made me stronger. Just like BuilderAnon and Neon Revolt toughened me up, so did you and your troll army.

The rest of the troll army pissed me off. I’ll admit that I was hurt by you. I truly thought you were my friend and I confided in you. I’ve only confided in a handful of people and you were one of them. I trusted you. The important thing is that I learn and grow.

If you want to tell others about my past and my childhood, then go for it. Give my testimony. I’ve overcome a hell of a lot. I’m lucky to be alive. I’m drug and alcohol free now for over 5 years. My biggest crime is having a freaky side sexually. Big fricken deal. So do a lot of people. I wasn’t raised with a mom, didn’t grow up in a traditional household, and was being raped before the age I can remember. I only told that to a couple of people and not as an excuse so I don’t give a fuck if you believe me or not.

These jealous “traditional bitches” that want to judge me can go fuck themselves. I’ve been married for over 20 years and my kids all have the same father. I’ve been with him since I was 13. He knows what I’ve gone thru. He’s seen me at my lowest. He accepts me for me. To the ones that say my husband doesn’t fuck me... bullshit. All you niggers that can’t accept that can go suck a dick. I’m glad he turned to God. That doesn’t mean he’s not intimate with his wife. You didn’t walk in my shoes. My marriage and sex life is nobodies business.

Kevdude, I came here because of pizzagate. Then started a political forum that became successful. My personal life doesn’t change the fact that I love my country and want to take down corruption. I want my kids to have a better future. All you’re doing is making yourself look more shitty by the day. That’s on you.

@Crensch @Shizie @MolochHunter

sguevar ago

Since you pinged me I will dignify this with an answer:

  1. I don't mind that you are back. To me you were a good moderator and content curator. I hope you stay and you manage to find a different way than u/Crensch took to handle the problems you guys went through.

  2. I do have a problem with the use of alts for vote manipulation. On BOTH sides. It actually sickens me that users engage in that behavior. The decision is individual ofc but it always opens the door for dishonest behavior.

  3. I do have a problem with comment deletion. The comments shouldn't be deleted as it provides a way for your user base to fight back.

  4. Rules should be objectively applied. Clear and literally interpreted leaving no room for subjective consideration.

  5. I have a big problem with those that want to fight against their enemies using exactly the same tactics than their enemies. I find it to be a far worst offense when it is done by those that fall to their enemies' same level AND that then try to justify it in a way that they are free from responsibility: "They did it to me first".

  6. I do have a problem with people applying guilty by association rules.

  7. I am done with this drama. You people clearly won't engage in dialogue. You will attempt to character assassinate anyone that do not agrees with your approach. Even me that have called many times to open a way to dialogue out of this nonsense have been attacked by users that simply can't find a way to go past their own convenience to "win" their war without seeing how they are in fact compromising the integrity of the site.

  8. My unjust and uncalled for ban from v/GreatAwakening hasn't been taken off. This out of the pride of your owner:

  9. I honestly hope you guys can find a common ground, but I am done trying to find it for you. Both sides, and in this I have to include you @jkevdude, have let your emotions and pride rule your actions. I am done with this shit. I will keep my posture on maintaining an informative stance on v/ProtectVoat.

  10. To those users that talk about me behind my back (without pinging me for their slandering comments) You are simply proving how much full of shit you are, for the simple reason that you can't attack me in the open. I have proven my consistency and my honesty against your slanders so in that regard, thanks for proving me right. (u/virge and u/kestrel9).

Have a good one and Godspeed in your endeavours.