Anarchy99 ago

You should be able to block those who are down voting you. That would go a long way in self moderating the board.

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Tallest_Skil ago

the mod log of GA is concerning

Let the jewish shills do whatever they want. The more they ban, the more will learn the truth instead of following a proven hoax. Fuck Q-LARP. All its subs should be banned completely.

followthemoney ago

Preparing for when he gets exposed as an employee?

PatriotLady1 ago

Don't care about being banned. Both of those children need to grow up. Asking for upvoats is wrong and after lurking for a long time, I just got sick of the clique and the drama. @Srayzie is all out her not Q. This isn't her private party. I was told by that fucker @Crensch why don't I just stay on /awakening. I reported his upvoat farming, but doubt anything will be done. These immature assholes don't give one shit about our country. That's all I have to say and anyway I unsubscribed over there so his 'ban' was a joke. THOTS and their minions are annoying. Now I'm not going to comment further. But when that lil' bitch raises her head, I'll downvoat every comment, every submission. Fuck you @Crensch and @Srayzie....grow the fuck up.

PatriotLady1 ago

Mods at GA broke the rules by asking for upvoats.

PatriotLady1 ago

I wear my ban from GA with honor, the sub should be renamed Gag Anon.

ESOTERICshade ago

Disrespect? Is that for real? We are on a whole other level of dictatorship here then. That just goes to show you what a psychopath will do if you give him free reign. Once Putt fucked up and said the phrase "Wild West" the resident psychopath took the hammer and started to destroy immediately. It goes against everything Voat stands for. I realize Putt takes a hands off approach but there comes a time when battery acid needs to be cleaned up.

HIVchan ago

As opposed to winning with intellect or wit, you moronic, humorless vampires.

14Icemonkey88 ago

Man, all of the little girls needing tampons here sound like junior high in the cafeteria. JFC.

14Icemonkey88 ago

Don’t you have a job, or laundry to do? Sheesh mang.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh your other account makes an appearance! The one that I have blocked! Right on cue!

SearchVoatBot ago

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thewebofslime ago

Weird that they showed back up the day Q posted again and they both left around the time of the last Q post.

zyklon_b ago

i need u to pm me please?

kneo24 ago

She tried using that same thing against me. Apparently some retard who runs "hackforums" (whatever the fuck that is) banned some accounts that have marginally similar usernames to people here, so therefore that must be you, myself, @gabara, and a few other people.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

With friends like either of you jackasses, the other would be better off just killing themselves.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

There you go @puttitout, show us your principles again.

You ship is sinking.


AlphabeticalAnon ago

Why did Hack Forums ban you? There's a whole blog entry about you. Nigger kike faggot.


awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You were just sucking crensch cock, like five minutes ago. You're quite the vindictive little girl aren't you.

virge ago

You finally get it. I'm a fucking outsider to all this bullshit and was only sucked in because a bunch of literal retards spent days accusing me of being someone else.

I don't know shit about whats going on and want nothing to do with it.

theoldones ago


punish zyklon and the pedos and actual troublemakers, or shut the fuck up.

Gothamgirl ago

Fuck off you are a pedo @theoldones

theoldones ago

whats this i hear about you posting a video of someone getting their head run over?

Gothamgirl ago

If it's not a kid I doubt you would be interested pedo.


You mean like your husband who "fantasizes" about kids being sodomized?

You two are sick and no child is safe in your care!


Gothamgirl ago

It doesn't say that you psycho bitch.

theoldones ago

@zyklon_b wtf

HollaKost ago

That doesn’t mean he’s not intimate with his wife

Uh oh. Does @crensch know?

You're a sleaze!

Crensch ago

I think it's hilarious that the only one of them that sees beyond the flashy thing to what's really going on is the nigger, buddha.

SrayzQ ago

No he is an ass hole. And you let him troll you down to his level.

Go fuck yourself. She was upset. You know it. You know that months before that someone else was threatening to rape us and kill our kids. How dare you act like her getting upset and saying something she didn’t mean after weeks of threats was even compared to what that sick mother fucker Zyklon has done! A mother’s claws came out!

Recently he posted a picture of a murdered child and it sat for 24 hours. Nobody removed it. What did Zyklon say? Srayzie’s kids are next. FUCK YOU and everyone who stood up for him.

You’ve stooped so low and you continue to do so. You told people PERSONAL things about what happened to me. Now I see it posted all day long. Look Srayzie up under search. YOU are the cause of most of the drama now. Why? Because we didn’t mind Kevvy’s rules. We don’t have to! Bitch, get over it already. GreatAwakening is a private subverse. PERIOD. People are tired of your shit. Just leave us alone to run our fucking sub.

@Crensch @Shizie @MolochHunter @Vindicator @Argosciv

RockmanRaiden ago

Putt has let this rot fester. This continues, Voat is done. How many goats would enjoy this scenario play out with THEM in the spotlight?

ESOTERICshade ago

How many goats would enjoy this scenario play out with THEM in the spotlight?

Not many because their hide is not as thick as mine. You can thank @crensch the eternal narcissist for constantly singling people out and tormenting them. Right now crensh is getting a taste of his own medicine. He dun pissed off a LOT of people and they are sick and tired of his power grabbing no manners at all bullshit. His definition of a "Bad Goat" is anybody that dares disagree with him. Shit begets shit, and he is constantly starting shit. Well, he got what he created.

RockmanRaiden ago

Putt is complicit in letting this rot fester.

Rotteuxx ago

What do you want putt to do ?

Start micromanaging & policing drama started by the "victims" white knight cuck which backfired on them ?

Get real, @Crensch started this shit show, his degenerate whore and himself deserve all the flack they get. Especially since they're too stupid to just drop it and instead keep throwing oil on the fire by the gallon.

Crensch ago

The cuck doesn't even know who really started this shitshow. KEK

Rotteuxx ago

Let me remind you then, cuck.

You did with your hakf assed exposé on @Zyklon_b where you quoted jokes & trolls and fallaciously interpreted them as serious comments.

That was after your little princess ignored repeated warnings from various users to stop feeding the trolls. Of course being as utterly stupid as she is, she even used alts to stir shit up before crying victim.

Crensch ago

No, Zyklon did with his carpetshitting all over GA.

Nice try, though, faggot. I nailed his ass and he hates it. You all hate it because you're pedos just like he is.

Gothamgirl ago

You did worse to pizzagate..

Crensch ago

You did worse to my eyes when you shared that fucking pic of your face.

Then again, you and zyklon probably were always pedos, since he's the only logical one that could have put cp on your phone.

Rotteuxx ago

Prove I'm a pedo, i challenge you faggot.

Crensch ago

You associate with them. Can't imagine why any non-pedo would.

Rotteuxx ago

By that logic you're a Zionist supporter

Crensch ago

Ill take it over being a literal pedophile.

Rotteuxx ago

They're one and the same, kek

Crensch ago

No. One gets hard over children and the other wants Jews all in one place.

Rotteuxx ago

And the Jewish faith scripturally promotes pedophilia, therefore Zionists are pedophiles and by association so are you.

Crensch ago

No. Zionists want Jews all in one place. Supporting the zionists, which is what you likened me to, is supporting them all being in one place.

Sounds like a win to me.

You associate directly with pedophiles.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago


Crensch ago

All the excuses in the world for anyone BUT those that follow the rules. Kinda like what's happening to citizens of the white nations of the world.

Globalist, communist, scumsuckers. The lot of them.

HollaKost ago

No he is an ass hole. And you let him troll you down to his level.

Yeah. He harassed and threatened me daily for WEEKS! I had enough. We're not all autistic robots like you Kev. I snapped. I said that. I'm a mom with little kids. It's extremely shitty of you to use that against me that I snapped and made ONE comment!

HollaKost ago

Do you care to explain yourself for threatening someone's children based on their parents' actions?

It's really low that you keep this selective outrage up. I already explained that to you, but since you seem stuck on trying to make that one comment I made in a moment of duress afterWEEKS of DAILY death threats against me and my kids from zyklon_b into some big deal to knock me down then fine, I'll keep explaining it to you.

Zyklon_b made comments threatening me and my kids daily! Comments like this:

He made posts about men hunting my kids.

He pinged the pedos about my kids and that was the last straw

So I commented just like he did and pinged the pedos. I would never have given them the address, but I wouldn't need to since zyklon_b had already done it himself:

You don't have kids kevdude so you have no way of understanding how it is to get those threats for weeks, and not really know how much real life info this person has on you, and if they would actually make good on those threats. It wears you down.

I don't give a shit what you think, but I refuse to let you try to paint me as some abusive threatener of children by my reacting to the weeks of threats I was getting. I made ONE similar comment and you want to throw it in my face every chance you get. It was justifiable that I would snap after what was being done to me. If you want to keep bringing this up, I'll just keep providing proof of my harassment to show the full story!

Gothamgirl ago

Nobody wants you here. Your screenname was set up solicite money for floppy tit pics.

HollaKost ago

Nobody wants you here. Your screenname was set up solicite money for floppy tit pics.

What are you ranting about crazy tranny? I have done no such thing. You can provide it you lie, or I might get the name of anbery good Jew lawyer and sue you for your daily slandering.

Crensch ago

No he is an ass hole. And you let him troll you down to his level.

"Here is my token jab at zyklon, but YOU are the bad guy!"

You threatened to send pedophile rapists after a 14 year old girl who has nothing to do with any of this drama. That's you. You did that. Good job!

"You threatened rape but not killing, too? You're WORSE than zyklon!"

Gothamgirl ago

Sounds like just like lapdog shizie


The only pedo around here is your husband who "fantasizes" about boys being sodomozed!

That's just sick! He's probably only with you to have access to your son.

Gothamgirl ago

No it's you, predator.

HollaKost ago

Can't read bitch?

HollaKost ago

It's so transparent that he is trying to use anything he can to try and paint me as the bad guy!

He's acting like a woman!

Crensch ago


He's acting like a Jew.

The more they continue their shit, the more they look like globalist, communist, leftist, JEWS.

If you're unfamiliar, Jewish men wet themselves in life or death situations, and they're woman-like in almost every way.

HollaKost ago

Honestly, I haven't had much interactions with Jews. I only have ever really known two and they were women.

Jewish men wet themselves in life or death situations, and they're woman-like in almost every way.

Just from the looks of them, I believe this is true!

Crensch ago

Their army standard issue outfits have diapers.

Crensch ago

Friends don't leak PMs.


Do none of you communist Jew fucks know the difference between leaking info related only to Voat where VOTE MANIPULATION is concerned, and where serious SHILL behaviour is concerned, as opposed to personal information about yourself and your family?

Not one of you seems to have that kind of decency to you.

Then again, most of you hang out with both known pedophiles and almost-certainly pedophiles, so expecting much from you is a bit laughable, I guess.

Crensch ago

Friends don't leak PMs.

She sent those to me months ago, moron. She really did feel bad about it and didn't want me to use them against you if at all possible. That's why I tried to wake you up, but commies really aren't human, are they?

Uh oh. Does @crensch know?

Something shiny flashes in the left hand while the right hand works the real magic.

SrayzQ ago

@Vindicator didn’t give details. You did Faggot. I shared pics with @ESOTERICshade. I don’t give a fuck what he says. He’s a liar. I don’t even give a shit anymore if people know. You guys have just made me stronger. Just like BuilderAnon and Neon Revolt toughened me up, so did you and your troll army.

The rest of the troll army pissed me off. I’ll admit that I was hurt by you. I truly thought you were my friend and I confided in you. I’ve only confided in a handful of people and you were one of them. I trusted you. The important thing is that I learn and grow.

If you want to tell others about my past and my childhood, then go for it. Give my testimony. I’ve overcome a hell of a lot. I’m lucky to be alive. I’m drug and alcohol free now for over 5 years. My biggest crime is having a freaky side sexually. Big fricken deal. So do a lot of people. I wasn’t raised with a mom, didn’t grow up in a traditional household, and was being raped before the age I can remember. I only told that to a couple of people and not as an excuse so I don’t give a fuck if you believe me or not.

These jealous “traditional bitches” that want to judge me can go fuck themselves. I’ve been married for over 20 years and my kids all have the same father. I’ve been with him since I was 13. He knows what I’ve gone thru. He’s seen me at my lowest. He accepts me for me. To the ones that say my husband doesn’t fuck me... bullshit. All you niggers that can’t accept that can go suck a dick. I’m glad he turned to God. That doesn’t mean he’s not intimate with his wife. You didn’t walk in my shoes. My marriage and sex life is nobodies business.

Kevdude, I came here because of pizzagate. Then started a political forum that became successful. My personal life doesn’t change the fact that I love my country and want to take down corruption. I want my kids to have a better future. All you’re doing is making yourself look more shitty by the day. That’s on you.

@Crensch @Shizie @MolochHunter

Gothamgirl ago

Your a skank, and your husbands a loser. Nobody likes you. We all want you to leave.

HollaKost ago

And yet one of you own said this about you:

You're not just ugly, our picture is "torture material"! Hahahahah! So true!

Crensch ago

Really says a lot when all they have on you is your overactive sexual side, and they can keep this circlejerk of REEEEEE going for so long over it - even going after your kids over it.

You made something not a single one of them could ever hope to match.

They're envious of you, and they hate the fact that their best asset turned on them. Top fucking kek.

Gothamgirl ago

It's called liberal skank...

SrayzQ ago

I agree! Lol. 🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿

Crensch ago

Kevdude, I came here because of pizzagate. Then started a political forum that became successful.

And all he's done is promote communism for this forum. I bet he feels like he's accomplished something good.

Maybe he should unban Hojuruku or ESOTIERCshade again. Or maybe he should cry out for BuilderAnon to save him and help set him up as head mod of PV. Or maybe he should REEEEEE to putt about me some more. I hope putt shares those PMs some day.

SrayzQ ago

Right? He’s a hypocrite and will say you’re White Knighting me. His troll army defends him all the time. You know how Voat is. It’s not White Knighting if the one being defended is a guy.

sguevar ago

Since you pinged me I will dignify this with an answer:

  1. I don't mind that you are back. To me you were a good moderator and content curator. I hope you stay and you manage to find a different way than u/Crensch took to handle the problems you guys went through.

  2. I do have a problem with the use of alts for vote manipulation. On BOTH sides. It actually sickens me that users engage in that behavior. The decision is individual ofc but it always opens the door for dishonest behavior.

  3. I do have a problem with comment deletion. The comments shouldn't be deleted as it provides a way for your user base to fight back.

  4. Rules should be objectively applied. Clear and literally interpreted leaving no room for subjective consideration.

  5. I have a big problem with those that want to fight against their enemies using exactly the same tactics than their enemies. I find it to be a far worst offense when it is done by those that fall to their enemies' same level AND that then try to justify it in a way that they are free from responsibility: "They did it to me first".

  6. I do have a problem with people applying guilty by association rules.

  7. I am done with this drama. You people clearly won't engage in dialogue. You will attempt to character assassinate anyone that do not agrees with your approach. Even me that have called many times to open a way to dialogue out of this nonsense have been attacked by users that simply can't find a way to go past their own convenience to "win" their war without seeing how they are in fact compromising the integrity of the site.

  8. My unjust and uncalled for ban from v/GreatAwakening hasn't been taken off. This out of the pride of your owner:

  9. I honestly hope you guys can find a common ground, but I am done trying to find it for you. Both sides, and in this I have to include you @jkevdude, have let your emotions and pride rule your actions. I am done with this shit. I will keep my posture on maintaining an informative stance on v/ProtectVoat.

  10. To those users that talk about me behind my back (without pinging me for their slandering comments) You are simply proving how much full of shit you are, for the simple reason that you can't attack me in the open. I have proven my consistency and my honesty against your slanders so in that regard, thanks for proving me right. (u/virge and u/kestrel9).

Have a good one and Godspeed in your endeavours.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Fuck off, Beatle.

Qtiepie ago

Who are you calling Beatle?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Beatle = zyklon_b = This fake srayzie and fake shizy (note the spellings)

Qtiepie ago

No. It’s us. We made new usernames. We’re mods again. We are being downvote brigaded. I had to make 2 new ones. This is Srayzie.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Fuck you, Beatle.

Qtiepie ago

@Crensch will you tell Clammy?

Crensch ago

@clamhurt_legbeard it's them.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I know it's them, and they're losers who need to stop smoking meth.

Crensch ago

Not amused.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Neither am I.

Every fuckin' week this show keeps getting renewed for another season. Jumped the shark long ago, but those producers keep renewing.

Crensch ago

44 days since zyklon wouldn't stop shitting on other people's carpet and he wasn't banned for fear of kevdude and his SBBH army.

One is the instigator, and it's not right to expect the other to stay away in order to keep the peace you want.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I expect people to mean what they say.

Those without integrity are not worth believing.

Crensch ago

Then why do you have a shitposting subverse?

I find zero integrity with everyone on the other side of this. Exactly one side backs up their claims with links.

Mean what they say... about leaving? Yeah, It'd be tough for me to leave, too. I'd want to come back and say something.

But let's stop being vague, what is your real hangup here?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Shitposting is awesome. It's always jokes. If I declared to soapdox I was leaving forever it'd obviously be bullshit.

If I run a serious, respectable sub and declare I'm leaving forever, I can't come back two weeks later and say

just kidding guys


Srayzie confirmed for Beatle.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

oy vey shit posting shouldn't be allowed. Lets ban it!!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Srayzie raped Zyklon in 1990. That's why he's so butthurt.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

No no no....Srayzie kept attacking then brigading people and it finally came to a head. No one is "butt hurt" except for CrayzySrayzie and her incel army

clamhurt_legbeard ago

She doesn't have any army except the army of alts she uses to stir shit from both sides.

Srayzie is Beatle.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Come on now. She has an army. Remember when they brigaded me? You honestly think Srayzie is @Zyklon-b??

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No. But they're basically the same, so what does it matter?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

At this point what does it matter? Are you fo reals or are you trolling meh?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm not trolling. They're both dramatic losers. They aren't worth your time.

Certainly not worth mine.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm invested in thois. Remember what Srayzie & company did to me? They've done it to many. They think they are above criticism and being reddit power mods. Its unacceptable. They attack someone then silence them so they cant respond. You're trying to sit on a fence in a war. I'm just a shit poster at heart but I call out evil when I need to.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Both sides are retarded lol

I'm not joining sides in an autistic spazfest slap fight.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You chose sides. It isn't too late to make things right, though.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Which side did I choose? You said I'm still sitting on the fence.

Crensch ago

Helluva standard for behaviour you have there. They left because of the doxxing etc. Zyklon et al. didn't stop trying to dox or harassing.

Why not come back? Same thing is going to happen either way, it seems.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Why not come back? Same thing is going to happen either way, it seems.

Then why did she leave in the first place?

Crensch ago

Because she thought it would stop them from continuing on with their attacks on her?

kestrel9 ago

They lied when they told her it would stop if she left GA.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

She's actually doing the exact opposite of the advice given.

She's almost perfectly ignoring anything that would help...

Crensch ago

I don't really see how that can be held against her. Advice is advice, the choice is up to her.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Sure, except when multiple people she claims to trust are skill giving her advice and she follows NONE of it... It reminds me of a drug user. It reminds me of active sabotage.

Definitely makes me stop bothering.

Crensch ago

Sure, except when multiple people she claims to trust are skill giving her advice and she follows NONE of it...

The bullshit kevdude et al tell other users to keep them compliant? The things said over and over to shut people up and shut down any dissent? The things that are the Voat analog of shutting up nationalists with globalist propaganda and threats of attacks?

It reminds me of a drug user. It reminds me of active sabotage.

And they remind me of globalists, Jews, and everything else I pointed out that Zyklon was that none of them seem to care about.

Ask yourself why they're still going after srayzie when there are literal pedophiles in their mod list.

Definitely makes me stop bothering.


She's almost perfectly ignoring anything that would help...

Help who? Kevdude et al? Certainly didn't help her when zyklon KEPT SHITTING IN GA without any provocation from her at all. SHe's just supposed to shut up and take it, right?

She's actually doing the exact opposite of the advice given.

What happens when the advice you're given doesn't work CONSISTENTLY? You tend to do the opposite, don't you?

Then why did she leave in the first place?


Those without integrity are not worth believing.

They lack integrity from making a move, then realizing that move didn't get them anything they wanted, so they make a different one?

Wow. Such integrity. Much low.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Certainly didn't help her when zyklon KEPT SHITTING IN GA without any provocation

Of course. He's a troll and liked bothering her. He liked bothering me, too, and tried shitting up my sub just as bad. You know what I did? Deleted the shit, banned him, and ignored all his provocations. I told her to do just that. It worked great for me. She didn't listen, she kept having the same problem.

I saw the solution and it's clear it would have worked for her because it worked for me. She should've listened, I clearly know what I'm talking about.

It's specifically the opposite of just taking it. She had mod power. She didn't use it.

GA is a very tightly focussed sub that draws a lot of negative attention. It needs heavy-handed moderation, but srayzie want willing to be harsh enough.

Crensch ago

She wasn't willing due to the threats from kevdude/sbbh/me. I don't blame her too much for that.

Anyway, it'll be different this time around - I'll ban and delete anyone for any or no reason, or they can play nice and have those two ban and delete for rule-based reasons.

HIVchan ago

Wow, you are no more picky about who you band, than who you bend over for.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Sounds like she's uninvolved and we're all better off with you as mod, no?

Crensch ago

All right.

Shizie ago

Really Kev? You're gonna be a nitpicky poor sport? You sound like my kid brother when he was losing at monopoly!

You're such a fucking joke!

Check out his comment you guys. @srayzQ @crensch

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Did you send any nekked pics to anybody?

Shizie ago


Crensch ago

Yeah, he's desperate to get anything at all to stick. Spitballing. And his response, KEK "site mechanics". HAHAHAHA

God he is so butthurt.

Shizie ago

From where I sit you all threatened kids. (Hi @shizie)

You know full ficking well I wrote that after WEEKS of daily threats against MY children! Zyklon writing shit like this directed at me

And this

And many, many others!

As soon as I have enough and snap back at him, with a comment that wasn't even as bad as his, I'm the complete asshole who stepped over the line? Not him for his weeks of harassment, but ME for my one comment! Fuck you Kevin!

Gothamgirl ago

Shizie ago

She created it. She's an o. Eat a dick.

Crensch ago

I'm going to watch you the whole time when nothing like what you're wanting to happen happens.

And I'll be here making sure your carpetshitting buddies are removed from polite discussion.

Shizie ago

No. I just do my part to make sure that no one does. The power hungry never understand the motives of those who do not desire power

Nice try Kev! All you do is concoct schemes to gain and maintain your sense of power around here. The whole u/BuilderAnon account sharing is one fine example of the type of fuckery you engage in.

theoldones ago

kevdude what the fuck happened to turn you into a piece of shit like you are now?

Crensch ago

Crensch ago

Burns your ass, doesn't it?

Shizie ago

Look again Kevin, she's an O

SrayzQ ago

Does @Puttitout report to you?

You have taken part in downvote brigading me, you’ve lied about, said that I shared tit pics with a bunch of people, said that I tried controlling men with my body, you’ve allowed fake pictures and shit to be spread where people think it’s me, and told people about my childhood sex abuse. What kind of man are you?

We’re going to work the kinks out when it comes to bans and all. @Crensch stays where he’s at. The fact that YOU hate that is my main reason. Your pride is crushed because you were challenged. Someone had bigger balls than your pussy ass. It doesn’t matter if it’s me or Crensch, you lose Kev. You protected the wrong people even when our kids were threatened. Your troll army won’t come shit in our subverse.

I’m not worried about Crensch trying to keep the sub if we became enemies. He’s got integrity. You don’t. Now let me focus on running GreatAwakening. I’ll let you sit and pout as the defeated little bitch you are Kevvy.

@Vindicator @Shizie @MolochHunter

Shizie ago

He really is a pouty little cry baby!

Crensch ago

He'll never see the day where he wins this. Not ever.

And that makes me really fucking happy.

SrayzQ ago

RockmanRaiden ago

Holy shit. Kevdude is literally kvetching right now.

WhiteRonin ago

It’s not all that difficult probably.

It’s like flipping a switch in the DB. Delete the date stamp for when the user come back, flip the switch that says they are soft deleted and if user has old password then it should be ok.

I’d need to to see the DB structure and some demo code to say exactly what is needed.

He might even have an over rude function built in the admin panel.

I still question the anon posts are really anon statement. If they were then how do we get notifications from anon. Sure user ID maybe encrypted but you can use that 57:!37:!3 encryption to see the matching one. A pain but doable.

I need to get on github and really look at the old code again.

heygeorge ago

A pain but doable.

It’s an open secret that unmasking anon is possible in a painful way, but doable by admin. If I’m not mistaken, the idea was to make it obscure and difficult enough on a case by case basis to deter themselves even if tempted.

flip the switch that says they are soft deleted and if user has old password then it should be ok

This is my understanding, but I also recall putts saying it was simply not going to happen anymore. i.e. If you delete, he’s not going to manually reincorporate you ever again.

WhiteRonin ago

Shekels speak louder than words. So I’m on a wait and see to as what Putt will do.

platos_allegory ago

It's all about the benjamins.

heygeorge ago

Putts is busy working on new Voat and staying the fuck out of any drama

PuttsMum ago

He only did it because he had irrefutable proof it was really me and because we are mates.

He restored @Nsdeshda but I'm not sure how he did that.

Rotteuxx ago

Wasn't there a 3 month cool down thingamajig with @Nadeshda & anothet Vout user ?

Nadeshda ago

Yes @puttsmum my account, I think, I ran the whole 3 months to recover using an email address. I just kept trying, gave up and kept trying until one day it worked. I am not sure what happened as I never spoke to @puttitout about it, I mean I tried sending emails but he just never spoke back to me about it. So have no idea if the whole 3 months ran or he helped...

Defo time passed, defo email attached to account!

Rotteuxx ago

Didn't @Peaceseeker suffer the same fate at some point ?

Nadeshda ago

Yes, I thought of that as soon as stopped, duh but his was few months after, mick, gab and I did it all at the same time. Around the great port of 2017, lol

PuttsMum ago

Thank you for setting me straight on that.

Also double points to you for finding my comment after I typo'd your name! I just noticed lol

Nadeshda ago

Haha, @rotteuxx pinged me correctamaly! Yesh, that! :) so I shall ping him again as a thanks! and ping @gabara as his account was restored at the same time but also with an email address attached, you be definitely rather special you know this... pity you can’t remember the password still? Double lol...

PuttsMum ago

At this stage I find it's best just to blame Putt for everything :)

Nadeshda ago

I don’t know, he is a good egg. I couldn’t possibly blame him for everything but if you like... lol

I just don’t like the idea of him being played by shady characters that’s all. I have to step into testing again with him, it’s been a crazy busy week and I thought I would have time but honestly it filled up sooo quickly...

I think we need to help him not blame him but that has always been my outlook.

PuttsMum ago

I got sent an invite to the test site so I have just registered there. I'll keep an eye out for you.

Nadeshda ago

Yay, I will catch you over the weekend as we break stuff!!!! Mhuhahahaaaaah... this time I want all your stinking badges, m’kay? :)

PuttsMum ago

Hahaha, no you are not having my fucking badges! I am MicksBot at the test site btw.

Nadeshda ago

Sweet, me come nick some badges me thinks... watch out desh gonna be dachshunding them puppies... hold tight mister! I warned ya! :D

PuttsMum ago

See you in the FNGT if you get a chance to post in there and if I remember it's Friday in the US :)

Nadeshda ago

I’ll be late I have a function tonight... blurp... it happens, I’ll catch you, you are not the gingerbread man you know this... :)

PuttsMum ago

That could be it. Good call :)

SrayzQ ago

Look at this ridiculous suspicious behavior...

@Crensch @Shizie @MolochHunter @MadWorld @Vindicator

Shizie ago

Suspicious is synonymous with kevdude

Gothamgirl ago

HollaKost ago

It says ALL IS SATIRE dumb bitch!

Hahahahaha! That means it's ok according to your fat hoe logic!

He wrote this directed at me just before I left that comment

He wrote this directed at YOU months earlier

And he just wrote this a few days ago

Wow! He fantasizes about child sodomy.

Guess we know who the pedo and his enabling pedo loving hoe are!

PuttsMum ago

I kinda understand where he might be coming from, it's a pain in the ass situation. He's possibly hoping it resolves itself if he holds out long enough :)

SrayzQ ago

I don’t have to prove anything to you. It’s none of your business. You act like you own the place. But if you insist, verify.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Is your hunny mad?

SrayzQ ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

Has he been notified of the photo's you sent to incels here at Voat? @zyklon_b

zyklon_b ago

we must see

PuttsMum ago

Yes but that was some one-time fuckery putt had to do and he warned me he probably wouldn't do it again.

PuttsMum ago

I haven't been around much, what does putt have to say about this? Any word?

SrayzQ ago

Yes. I didn’t have an email account attached to it. You can only get it back with an email account. So, I had to make a new account. I’m verified.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Qtiepie.

Posted automatically (#50426) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@SrayzQ: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Qtiepie)

WhiteRonin ago

Bull shit!

Anybody with DB access can get your soft deleted account back. No way in hell you completely nuked your account fully.

WhiteRonin ago


Registration form doesn’t ask for an email address. I just checked.

WhiteRonin ago

Another ducking brigade alt. Just fuck off already!

Crensch ago

Aww, puddin'. Nothing but popcorn for me here; watching you whine about how I don't get demodded.

SrayzQ ago

I go over your head Kevdude. You aren’t my boss. You are JUST an O of PV. You do not own this website. I don’t report to you. I contacted admin before I left and before I came back. Go fuck yourself. You will not get GA. Your obsession with me, @Crensch, and GA is pathetic. Your true colors shine bright. You are not a good person.

Remember when you thought that if I left, you would get GA? I do. I have it all documented. I guess you’re mad that it didn’t go to you. You have lied about me. Fake pictures and screenshots are being spread. Well, I’m back now and can defend myself. I suggest you back off before you get burned.

@Shizie @MolochHunter @Kestrel9 @Vindicator

PS... I’ve been downvoted by Kevdude’s Troll Army so will have as many usernames as I need to have because I’m back and stronger than ever. Get used to it Kevin.

platos_allegory ago

I have a question. Who are the liars here? Because it's not apparent.

SrayzQ ago

Are you talking about something specifically? Or about me being myself? I proved it.

platos_allegory ago

Zyklon opposed you. Zyklon turned out to be a liar and a monster. That makes me think about what else he was lying about. Or are you both monsters?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Qtiepie.

Posted automatically (#50427) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@SrayzQ: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Qtiepie)

Gothamgirl ago

As you see by the downvotes alot of people want you gone skank.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

She thinks she can come back!!! @zyklon_b

zyklon_b ago

let her come back and live with the consequences of u and i and gg wrecking her ass

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Hell yiss.

zyklon_b ago

i need u to spam and get your troops to spam BTA with ANYTHING legal gore to comedy to music to porn.

@gabara fucked his wife with a gerbil in her bum bum

virge ago

That's how you've described it. You organize with no instruction and then think you're doing the bidding of someone else, with or without him ever asking you or commenting on the behavior.

You're right, that isn't even a hall monitor. It's the 80 year old woman that yells out of a balcony.

The colors finally being shown here are yours.

virge ago

This is how problem mods have always been handled. Users make a case and admin either acts or doesn't. This is how PV works.

So you're a glorified hall monitor? I'll piss without a pass, thanks.

virge ago

That looks like me flat out stating this is an admin call.

It is. What's wrong with it?

No one. I don't want to be "in charge". I just want to make sure that NO ONE is.

Only problem with that is someone is in charge, and there really isn't anything you can say or do to change that.

virge ago

TIL was determined to be too big to allow indiscriminate banning.

What is the relation to that precedence and this situation that leads you to presume you act in the place of Putt?

Yes, this is literally a "who died and put you in charge?" question.

HollaKost ago

But go ahead tell everyone what a bad guy you think I am.

Like @Dr_no already said, more and more people are realizing you're a snake and an infiltrator! You ARE a bad guy!

HollaKost ago

So since she's back your argument is dead.

Fuck off now and mind your own business voat police man!

HollaKost ago

You're such a bitch kevdude! This is why you wanted all along.

Well guess what? You don't make the rules and you don't run voat!

Srayz ago

That won’t work anyways Kevdude because I’m here and I created GreatAwakening


CheeseboogerHimself ago


WhiteRonin ago

What did you convince you cuckhold hubby that you won’t send any more pics and do the freak?

virge ago

Nah we're going to petition admin to make it into a system sub like he did v/TIL when Sanegoat was banning users for no stated reason and making a bunch of bullshit laws.

What exactly is the precedence you are using to make the determination of this outcome?

Srayz ago

You can thank @Gothamgirl. She said “We are making sure that screen name stays dead for eternity.”

They are coming after me anyways so fuck it. I’ve got protection.

WhiteRonin ago

The woman with a cuckhold husband is back!

Gothamgirl ago

You welcome. Shouldnt have went after my kids, whore.

Srayz ago

I didn’t go after your kids and I’m blocking you now.

WhiteRonin ago

Fuck you

Gothamgirl ago

PatriotLady1 ago

thanks I'll download that one

Srayz ago

You’ve got issues.

PatriotLady1 ago

You sent your titty pics. You have issues with being a whore.

Gothamgirl ago

You would be all of them.

Crensch ago

Your face is more of an issue, I'd think.

If you have all that money, you should probably get some plastic surgery on your everything.

Crensch ago


I'm so glad you said this. I'm going to laugh my ass off when nothing happens.

Like right now. I can tell it burns your ass.

HollaKost ago

Well at least he's finally able to acknowledge what he's wanted all along.

Crensch ago

Yeah. Communism.

argosciv ago

Nah we're going to petition admin to make it into a system sub manufacture a consensus using alts/unthinking-bandwagon-tagalongs and use that to try to convince @PuttItOut to do our bidding against our selected target srayzie Crensch v/GreatAwakening



Vindicator ago

Interesting. Mick just deleted his reply in agreement with my reply to you. I wonder why he would self-censor like that?

@PuttsMum, are you that afraid of pissing off Kevdude?

Vindicator ago

I really don't get the logic of declaring every subverse someone turns into a raging success a "system sub" and taking it away from the owner. How is that not Obama-style "you didn't build this" Communism?

HollaKost ago

@kevdude sounds like an Obama supporter with that "you didn't build that" bullshit!

@sray @InsaneGoatPosse

PuttsMum ago

I agree with this.

I don't think you and me have interacted in the past but I vaguely recall you're not a big fan of the sub I created, soapboxbanhammer. I would hate to have that sub taken off me just because it got big or popular and I feel the same way about any sub a user has created.

I mean, why fucking bother creating a sub if admin can just come and take your shit.

Vindicator ago

Actually, I have no problem with soapboxbanhammer. It's Voat's Locker Room. I think it's been subverted by those who would like to destroy Voat, however. See my comment here.

PuttsMum ago

Thank you for the link, i stand corrected on my recollection :)

WhiteRonin ago

Starting your white knight cuck brigade?

MolochHunter ago

wassa madda widdw White Wonin? You stiw all pissy wissy salty walty over being bannedy wandy from G/A ?


argosciv ago

The particularly ironic part, is that @Srayz was brigaded around the time that WR here was bitching/making accusations about white knighting and/or brigading...

WhiteRonin ago

Was she like that?

Srayz ago

WhiteRonin ago

More brogading?

Srayz ago

It’s staying a private sub. Mind your own business.

WhiteRonin ago

You started shit. Nobody is gonna their own business.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

unique skill - unlimited N word pass

InSaneGoatPosse ago

It’s a private sub. Allowed.

swinston79 ago

It's been over two years, the Mod logs might have something on it.

swinston79 ago

Hey @kevdude now he claims he does not remember doing anything on /v/niggers

Crensch ago

Lol, ping @dismember for that, too.

Even @Trigglypuff knows my memory for those things sucks.

Keep at it - I've got nothing to hide.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

People would make posts planning attacks. Those would be brought to your attention. You wanted them to wait for the offenders to come shit on their carpet, even after they were saying what time to meet.

swinston79 ago

It's cool,we tried to warn you all but... Just remind him and his bitches about /v/Googles /v/Googletown /v/VoatHistory

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The first voting test was only 8 months ago, and voting is only one of several major, entirely new features.

Aside from users voting to add new rules, moderators and transfer subs automatically, we'll have new stylesheet with javascript, the return of chat, and other smaller features like the return of instant New Message notification.

Biggest update voat has seen.

19397337? ago

"The SBBHer will always tell you what happened to him, but he won't tell you why" - Old Voat proverb.

You can't defend what @crensch is trying to do here so you just attack me.

Fuck Crensch, he worked overtime defending you, and took part in your raids against legit Voaters and their subs. That he woke up, only makes him slightly less retarded.

Anyone looking at this thing using critical thinking will note which party is trying to take control of major subverses and enact reddit style censorship.

Yes, and we came to the conclusion that it is you and your merry band of redditards.

Cry harder faggot.

Redditry from the redditor.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Nobody ever sends me tit pics sadface.jpg

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Typical jewish tactic to silence truth. I called it long ago about him and was right. He's just been lying in wait 'til he got his buddies Srayzie & friends over here. It may be time to call for his resignation because of his racist and anti-semitic views and send a link to each member at GA. It will be a job but one that many could pitch in and do. No one like him should be a mod for the Q movement because his ideaology is very different from theirs.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hmm. You mad?

What have you done to help finish the update?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

In the near future, users will be able to directly vote on who is moderator and what the rules are.

PuttsMum ago

That's us fucked, Clammy :p

zyklon_b ago

clammy deqd

clamhurt_legbeard ago


not when i got in on the ground floor of testing

this is how i take ultimate control lol

PuttsMum ago


I forgot my password for preview.voat so I see trouble in my future.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

uhhhooohhhhh lol

19397129? ago

The redditor Kevdude crying out in pain as he strikes Voaters.

Kev was recently outed as an infiltrator from reddit. Recently isn't quite exact, as plenty knew for years, but more and more of the people who used to cover for him, realized it too and turned on him. That explains the desperation in his writing.

Kev and his gang of retards are known here as SBBHers, due to their original upvote sub SoapBoxBanHammer. Some call them SDBHers, due to their second such sub: SoapDoxBanHammer. /v/realProtectVoat/ has a list in its sidebar with more subs, where subversive redditors give each other upvotes. It isn't complete, but the best available. If you see someone spout redditry or trying to undermine Voat, check if they are mods or posters in those redditor run subs.

For a good start, you could remember the names supporting him in this thread, as its almost only his squad of fellow redditors and he isn't likely to get new supporters.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Not happening Kevdude

swinston79 ago

We have been saying @Crensch is a fucking cunt since he and his fucking Jews tried to kill /v/niggers two years ago. Everyone stuck up for the faggot then.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


On the one hand, yeah. But how many people go in there on a daily basis just to stir up shit and talk trash?

If you have a buddy that every time he comes over he shits in your living room, how many times will you let that happen until you stop letting him in? Let them have their little retard party or whatever. If they bring their retardation into the world, yeah, let 'em have it. But how many times should a person be able to shit in their living room before they get booted?

</devil's advocate>

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Should you throw the friend of the friend of your friend out? That is what he is suggesting here. Guilt by association is usually reserved for dictatorships. Seems that is what is being promoted here a crensch dictatorship.

everlastingphelps ago

If there is someone who, everytime they come over, they bring a FOF who shits in my cheerios? He's out.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I have a curse that gives me a passive bonus of being immune to thots lol

Mumbleberry ago

Agreed, if the creator is still active, then exempted.

Crensch ago

What's funny is you just negated everything he just said because he claims to know she is still active. Searchvoat it

kestrel9 ago

I would opine that exempted status applies in the case where a creator stopped moderating a sub because of shitposting where the creator believed she was being doxed and her kids threatened and then chose someone she trusted to own the sub i.e. crensch. It wasn't as if she lost interest in running the sub. @puttitout

thewebofslime ago

Given that Media Matters just called for the quarantine and it happened ( I would be on the look out for any confluence of agenda between the group of people in question and what may be about to happen with an influx from reddit. (If it gets banned... we'll see.) Either way, we basically know that Media Matters gets to call the shots on Reddit. The only logical place for /r/the_donald users to go would be to Voat. Media Matters would be dumber than I thought if they weren't prepared to manage the containment.

Best case scenario, there is no containment plan and /r/The_Donald users sperg out on the entire Internet looking for a home like /b/ did when 4chan thought it was smart to try to get rid of them.

grace8 ago

It's almost like new that disruptors can't post on v/GA the powers that be pulled the trigger on The donald to give them a new project.

PatriotLady1 ago

Disruptor is a mod with a cock sucking habit and whom sends her naked pics to men online. She's a common attention seeking whore.

grace8 ago

Lets get real. IF Upvote farming was called for it was only necessary because they were brigading downvotes.

In a democracy, everyone has a voice, even "cocksucking mod whores". I don't care what you think of her. I don't care what she has or has not done. You can't exactly say there are innocent victims here. Trying to force her out is wrong. If she has bad content or off topic posts then she will get down votes. The same as everyone else. But a team of people acting in co-ordination to punish her for trying to defend herself and her sub from that same group of disruptors acting in co-ordination is bullshit.

Kevdude, Heygeorge, KrylonB and a host of others are not acting in a democratic way. They don't agree with Q and think we are wrong and so because they don't agree they have decided to try to limit the movement. Whether it's for pay or sick pleasure in torturing people, I don't know. But that is not how democracy works. Shouldn't we want voat to work as much like a democracy as it can? Instead they want it to be a fascist power driven monopoly where only their beliefs are free to be posted by any "attention seeking whore" on Voat. And they co-ordinate with Reddit and the overlord there. So no free speech anywhere. On Reddit my comments get deleted, etc. Strayzie tried to argue against them and that is where the conflict started. Power and control corrupt everything and it has corrupted everyone involved.

But by all means let's not focus on whats really going on here. Let's go back to calling her a "cock sucker". That's 2 words.

Your either for freedom or your not. You decide. If you continue down this road then you SIR, are no PATRIOT and you are certainly not a LADY!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we'll take them in if they come with our usual "friendliess" but they have other options if they can stomach them but 4chan and 8chan have been making troubling moves regarding their administration for years so outside of a few niche sites on the fringes voat is the best bet for saying what you like an not being punished by the administration for it

HollaKost ago

Everything I wrote about you is the absolute truth. Should I add in that you and u/BuilderAnon shared a password to that account? You sure do some shady shit kevdude!

WhiteRonin ago

Your twisting of truth is funny. The truth is your husband is a cuckhold.

HollaKost ago

Oh shut up! You're a damned fool for spending that shit around!

WhiteRonin ago

So you were cheating behind his back?

SuperDoobie ago

I felt reddited when the fags started deleting my comments they could not dispute.

thewebofslime ago

The behavior all makes sense if they knew ahead of time that /r/the_donald was going to get banned.

Astupidname69 ago

Lol it all makes sense now, @crensch's kike master must have told him in advance to get ready.

HollaKost ago

And they also told @puttitout to open registration? Sureeee

Corpse_washer ago

At least the registration was opened just in time for this soap opera. What a coincidence.

thewebofslime ago

I wasn't going to mention that... but there you have it.

Corpse_washer ago

Why not?

HollaKost ago

As a 6 month old user I wouldn't expect you to understand the history or the context. A lot of us have worked to prevent Voat from becoming a site where authoritarian mods get to decide what content users get to read.

Translation: I'm kevdude. I have authority on voat. I have worked really hard using sneaky tactics and an army of alts to maintain my relevance and overall control of voat! I am so used to being the one who decides what content users get to read that I'm throwing tantrums because @crensch is a big meanie who started questioning my deceptive tactics!


WhiteRonin ago

Translation: I’m Team Srayzie and I don’t want you to hover over the target!

HollaKost ago

Awwww, kevvie mad that he can't control everyone?

Hahahahahahaha! Go ask u/BuilderAnon to come back and help you!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Will them to me? I wanna see if your nipples are hooked ah ah

HollaKost ago

I wouldn't show you my dogs shit old man!

WhiteRonin ago

I don’t need him. I’ve already turned you from being sleazy srayzie to insane sleazy srayzie.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I think it could be argued that it is clinically insane sleazy srayzie

sosat_menya_reddit ago

All I got out of his diatribe is that @crensch is a despotic little prick with Napoleon syndrome. Using his position to single out particular users by name and all users associated with them should disqualify him from owning a sub, any sub. In fact if @puttitout finds his balls he should ban @crensch altogether because It is clear @crensch just took a fundamental stance against free speech

hollywood2020 ago

Kevin from Home Alone? Thanks for the ego check, I thought I was the only one who thought I was my hero.........fucking faggot

Battlefat ago

What are talking about doc, I’m just here for my annual

Everything’s fine

Diggernicks ago

Fph is the most niggerish sub

No contest

Mumbleberry ago

This is important, with the possible influx of newfags from r/the_donald (now quarantined)

WhiteRonin ago

If Crensch would have resisted the knee jerking and being bam happy, I wouldn’t support this.

No posts about Users. Lol, you can’t accuse the power mod of being a power mod.

I’m all for GA being a system sub.

Mumbleberry ago

Any sub with over say 10k subscribers should be

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You faggots are OK with reddit tier faggotry, as long as it's coming from you. Every one of you shitsticks was sucking crensch cock long and hard for years like five minutes ago.

PatriotLady1 ago

The entire drama started with the cock sucking mod sending her tits shots to a fellow goat.

WhiteRonin ago

I can see merit in that. Hmmmm

hollywood2020 ago

Union much?

WhiteRonin ago

Awww! Team Srayzie is crying because we are over the target!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Q got some tit pics from Srayzie then predicted his non-boner ah ah ah