CheeseboogerHimself ago

You kicked his ass so bad that he should go hide his face

in @Srayz taco tittays ah ah ah

Rotteuxx ago

Well he's actively commenting on other threads right now but hasn't stepped foot inside this one even if searchvoat pinged him (yes, posting an archive of a voat comment sends out a ping now. ) as well as Rutherford.

Maybe I'm like @whiteronin now, too much of a hassle to interact with.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

He skeert

sinclair ago

Reminder that /v/QRV is the only official Q sub. All others are trying to divide them.

Rotteuxx ago

Reminder of @Srayzie's concern fagging for /v/QRV

sinclair ago

Oh, I blocked that sub. Sorry. Those are just Q fanboys/girls. There is only one official channel for Q.

Corpse_washer ago

Ah. The flowering beauty of memetics.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I don't know what you're trying to say here. @Crensch knows what's going on and has the intelligence to not have an emotional knee jerk response and not support Israel based not the fact that one doesn't like Jews. @Crensch did nothing wrong. Obviously, supporting zionism for the wrong reasons is still better than pedophilia. Supporting zionism for the right reasons is obviously better than pedophilia.

Weak argument dude. Try using your head sometimes.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Crensch is a jew boy and a zionist supporter. He is essentially Voat's Ben Shapiro. fagit

Le_Squish ago

Obviously, you have not been the victim of a hysterical crensch essay.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I have no idea what you guys are talking about....

CheeseboogerHimself ago

ah ah ah Its a badge of honor. If he did one on you then it means you made his little jewish pussy itch.

Rotteuxx ago

It's a badge of honor for standing up to a delusional powermod.

Le_Squish ago

Everytime I look at this mess and I'm reminded why we can't have nice things.

Beta males just need a fleeting promise of titties and they abandon all their morals and we decided to let them vote.

Rotteuxx ago

Heck, you had me cucked when you said you might go up against @trigglypuff for a sexiest legs of voat contest !

Le_Squish ago

You too can have sexy legs. Just walk a lot.

Rotteuxx ago

A sad thing with moving to the country is having to park my road bike, it's way too dangerous to go cycling on the highway.

I need a mountain bike but priorities aren't on buying that right now :/

Le_Squish ago

Homeless people stole my Mt. Bike. Grrrr.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm glad we don't have those around here. Seriously, I haven't spotted one vagrant since moving here.

Le_Squish ago

They are worse than niggers because not only do they steal and are violent, they shit everywhere.

Rotteuxx ago

I almost forgot

and has the intelligence to not have an emotional knee jerk response

Bwahahahahahahaha !

See all his tantrum subs and hissy fits.

Rotteuxx ago

Try using your head sometimes.


Obviously, supporting zionism for the wrong reasons is still better than pedophilia. Supporting zionism for the right reasons is obviously better than pedophilia.

Zionists are an integral part of a worldwide pedophilia rings, they all run to Israel when the heat is put on them.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I never said otherwise.

Rotteuxx ago

Supporting zionism for the right reasons is obviously better than pedophilia.