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SrayzQ ago

@Vindicator didn’t give details. You did Faggot. I shared pics with @ESOTERICshade. I don’t give a fuck what he says. He’s a liar. I don’t even give a shit anymore if people know. You guys have just made me stronger. Just like BuilderAnon and Neon Revolt toughened me up, so did you and your troll army.

The rest of the troll army pissed me off. I’ll admit that I was hurt by you. I truly thought you were my friend and I confided in you. I’ve only confided in a handful of people and you were one of them. I trusted you. The important thing is that I learn and grow.

If you want to tell others about my past and my childhood, then go for it. Give my testimony. I’ve overcome a hell of a lot. I’m lucky to be alive. I’m drug and alcohol free now for over 5 years. My biggest crime is having a freaky side sexually. Big fricken deal. So do a lot of people. I wasn’t raised with a mom, didn’t grow up in a traditional household, and was being raped before the age I can remember. I only told that to a couple of people and not as an excuse so I don’t give a fuck if you believe me or not.

These jealous “traditional bitches” that want to judge me can go fuck themselves. I’ve been married for over 20 years and my kids all have the same father. I’ve been with him since I was 13. He knows what I’ve gone thru. He’s seen me at my lowest. He accepts me for me. To the ones that say my husband doesn’t fuck me... bullshit. All you niggers that can’t accept that can go suck a dick. I’m glad he turned to God. That doesn’t mean he’s not intimate with his wife. You didn’t walk in my shoes. My marriage and sex life is nobodies business.

Kevdude, I came here because of pizzagate. Then started a political forum that became successful. My personal life doesn’t change the fact that I love my country and want to take down corruption. I want my kids to have a better future. All you’re doing is making yourself look more shitty by the day. That’s on you.

@Crensch @Shizie @MolochHunter

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Fuck off, Beatle.

Qtiepie ago

Who are you calling Beatle?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Beatle = zyklon_b = This fake srayzie and fake shizy (note the spellings)

Qtiepie ago

No. It’s us. We made new usernames. We’re mods again. We are being downvote brigaded. I had to make 2 new ones. This is Srayzie.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Fuck you, Beatle.

Qtiepie ago

@Crensch will you tell Clammy?

Crensch ago

@clamhurt_legbeard it's them.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I know it's them, and they're losers who need to stop smoking meth.

Crensch ago

Not amused.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Neither am I.

Every fuckin' week this show keeps getting renewed for another season. Jumped the shark long ago, but those producers keep renewing.

Crensch ago

44 days since zyklon wouldn't stop shitting on other people's carpet and he wasn't banned for fear of kevdude and his SBBH army.

One is the instigator, and it's not right to expect the other to stay away in order to keep the peace you want.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I expect people to mean what they say.

Those without integrity are not worth believing.

Crensch ago

Then why do you have a shitposting subverse?

I find zero integrity with everyone on the other side of this. Exactly one side backs up their claims with links.

Mean what they say... about leaving? Yeah, It'd be tough for me to leave, too. I'd want to come back and say something.

But let's stop being vague, what is your real hangup here?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Shitposting is awesome. It's always jokes. If I declared to soapdox I was leaving forever it'd obviously be bullshit.

If I run a serious, respectable sub and declare I'm leaving forever, I can't come back two weeks later and say

just kidding guys


Srayzie confirmed for Beatle.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

oy vey shit posting shouldn't be allowed. Lets ban it!!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Srayzie raped Zyklon in 1990. That's why he's so butthurt.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

No no no....Srayzie kept attacking then brigading people and it finally came to a head. No one is "butt hurt" except for CrayzySrayzie and her incel army

clamhurt_legbeard ago

She doesn't have any army except the army of alts she uses to stir shit from both sides.

Srayzie is Beatle.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Come on now. She has an army. Remember when they brigaded me? You honestly think Srayzie is @Zyklon-b??

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No. But they're basically the same, so what does it matter?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

At this point what does it matter? Are you fo reals or are you trolling meh?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm not trolling. They're both dramatic losers. They aren't worth your time.

Certainly not worth mine.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm invested in thois. Remember what Srayzie & company did to me? They've done it to many. They think they are above criticism and being reddit power mods. Its unacceptable. They attack someone then silence them so they cant respond. You're trying to sit on a fence in a war. I'm just a shit poster at heart but I call out evil when I need to.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Both sides are retarded lol

I'm not joining sides in an autistic spazfest slap fight.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You chose sides. It isn't too late to make things right, though.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Which side did I choose? You said I'm still sitting on the fence.

Crensch ago

Helluva standard for behaviour you have there. They left because of the doxxing etc. Zyklon et al. didn't stop trying to dox or harassing.

Why not come back? Same thing is going to happen either way, it seems.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Why not come back? Same thing is going to happen either way, it seems.

Then why did she leave in the first place?

Crensch ago

Because she thought it would stop them from continuing on with their attacks on her?

kestrel9 ago

They lied when they told her it would stop if she left GA.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

She's actually doing the exact opposite of the advice given.

She's almost perfectly ignoring anything that would help...

Crensch ago

I don't really see how that can be held against her. Advice is advice, the choice is up to her.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Sure, except when multiple people she claims to trust are skill giving her advice and she follows NONE of it... It reminds me of a drug user. It reminds me of active sabotage.

Definitely makes me stop bothering.

Crensch ago

Sure, except when multiple people she claims to trust are skill giving her advice and she follows NONE of it...

The bullshit kevdude et al tell other users to keep them compliant? The things said over and over to shut people up and shut down any dissent? The things that are the Voat analog of shutting up nationalists with globalist propaganda and threats of attacks?

It reminds me of a drug user. It reminds me of active sabotage.

And they remind me of globalists, Jews, and everything else I pointed out that Zyklon was that none of them seem to care about.

Ask yourself why they're still going after srayzie when there are literal pedophiles in their mod list.

Definitely makes me stop bothering.


She's almost perfectly ignoring anything that would help...

Help who? Kevdude et al? Certainly didn't help her when zyklon KEPT SHITTING IN GA without any provocation from her at all. SHe's just supposed to shut up and take it, right?

She's actually doing the exact opposite of the advice given.

What happens when the advice you're given doesn't work CONSISTENTLY? You tend to do the opposite, don't you?

Then why did she leave in the first place?


Those without integrity are not worth believing.

They lack integrity from making a move, then realizing that move didn't get them anything they wanted, so they make a different one?

Wow. Such integrity. Much low.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Certainly didn't help her when zyklon KEPT SHITTING IN GA without any provocation

Of course. He's a troll and liked bothering her. He liked bothering me, too, and tried shitting up my sub just as bad. You know what I did? Deleted the shit, banned him, and ignored all his provocations. I told her to do just that. It worked great for me. She didn't listen, she kept having the same problem.

I saw the solution and it's clear it would have worked for her because it worked for me. She should've listened, I clearly know what I'm talking about.

It's specifically the opposite of just taking it. She had mod power. She didn't use it.

GA is a very tightly focussed sub that draws a lot of negative attention. It needs heavy-handed moderation, but srayzie want willing to be harsh enough.

Crensch ago

She wasn't willing due to the threats from kevdude/sbbh/me. I don't blame her too much for that.

Anyway, it'll be different this time around - I'll ban and delete anyone for any or no reason, or they can play nice and have those two ban and delete for rule-based reasons.

HIVchan ago

Wow, you are no more picky about who you band, than who you bend over for.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Sounds like she's uninvolved and we're all better off with you as mod, no?

Crensch ago

All right.