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Srayz ago

What are you talking about?

heygeorge ago

Whoops, upvotes not downvotes. Begging for upvotes gets downvotes.

Srayz ago

Whatever. Do what your gonna do.

Redcobra ago

I’m actually quite curious as to why you didn’t go w/ a name that is let’s say not exactly like the old one and lay low for a bit?

MrPim ago

She made an entire post saying she was returning and Please leave her alone. Thread complete w new users names and all. It goes beyond a username almost exactly the same.

Redcobra ago

Can I get a link or point in right direction thanks btw.

Redcobra ago

Thanks again

Qtiepie ago

Thank you @MrPim

MrPim ago

And I didnt dv you for the record.

MrPim ago

I dont know why youre thanking me. Id like you, kevdude,Crenche,zyklon and his entire troll army to at the very least delete all your accounts and fuck off. Or kill yourselves. I wasnt joking. Youll do humanity a favor if you can get all of you in an airplane and drive it full boar into the side of a mountain. None of you have anything of value to offer to any actual thinking human.

Qtiepie ago

Alrighty then 😂