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Crensch ago

You summoned your goats after me for my modding. You never once tried to summon any against him.

Your selective targeting of users is probably your main problem, kev. And the classifications of subverses is a bunch of horseshit. Rules for thee... is all any mods of regular subverses see.

You could have left well enough alone. You could have left GA alone. You could have created some rationalization of why GA is to be left alone.

Nothing. You'll bend over backwards for the shitposters, but you won't budge an inch for those that want to have a serious conversation.

I wanted to find some reason to not go here, but you kept pushing.

I really wanted to find that reason. I knew where this was going from the beginning, and I was prepared to go down with the builderanon stuff if that's what voat wanted of me. You never had a chance, and I tried to make you see that.

GA is no longer under your control, they've declared themselves a monarchical shitposting subverse, so I can ban anyone and delete anything for any reason and you can't say shit about it.

What are you even doing anymore? You don't even have my modlog to stand on now; not that it ever made any difference to the majority of anyone paying attention that wasn't already part of your shitposting crew.

Why don't you search around and find some other people to drag through the mud that did nothing but fight back against zyklon? Maybe you can ask zyklon to pick some more victims to go after so you have more people to pick on, too?

You're a bully, kev.