Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Jesus christ man, I barely even read replies to my own posts. Lighten up. Play more golf. Read a magazine. Go fishing. Thanks for making this place possible.

Grifter42 ago

I'm honestly convinced that Putt doesn't give a shit.

I used to fucking love this site. Now, it's turning into Reddit, but you can say nigger all you want, so that deeefinitely excuses the admin selling out and letting SRS take over.

Putt couldn't change things even if he wanted. They fucking own him.

PuttItOut ago

We both agree on the problem but I have no solution that doesn't involve censorship in some form.

If you have a solution then present it.

freshmeat ago

you can't please everyone so you need to choose a path. You could have a really good thing here if you took a stance against the type of behavior displayed from SBBH/PV, and a lot of support. I think you have a good sense of the future and know it's going to come to an ultimatum soon. I hope you turn out to be what I believed this site was when I first got here.

12182641? ago

We both agree on the problem but I have no solution that doesn't involve censorship in some form.

Is it censorship to remove a screaming baby from a cinema?

You could fix this problem in <15 minutes.

Grifter42 ago

Maybe stop being such a fucking pussy, and get rid of Beatle and his fucking ilk. You know, the same Beatle you let spam the chat so bad you "had to shut it down". Or are you gonna go back to blaming socket libraries or some other technobabble?

We all know who's in charge of this site, and it isn't you. You're just gonna wring your fuckin' hands, and say, "Gee! I wish I could figure out a solution, but...." and then you're gonna go back to just ignoring the fucking problem, because you ARE part of the problem. You're nothing but a figurehead, Putt. You couldn't fix this site if you even wanted to, because you don't have the authority. I doubt you're even the same fucking guy that started your account.

I've seen you do this so many times... You pretend you care, but you don't. Or if you do, you're unable to.

Something happened to you during that two month absence, and it wasn't good.

Dungles ago

One of the latest migrations that was run off were asking for help getting 10CCP so they could submit and were then downvoted up to -30 for doing that because the unwritten bully rule here is don't ask for upvotes. meanwhile the same hypocrites are upvoting every thing they fart out in the banhammer subs and asking for upvote brigades in this very thread.

Crensch ago

Oh, so holding new users accountable for acting like shits instead of earning the very SMALL amount of CCP needed is somehow a bad thing? "Hey, this limitation is here, how do we circumvent it?" Yeah, that's the kind of "user" we want here, and OH BOY are we just AWFUL GOATS for DOWNVOATING when people ASK FOR UPVOATS.

Do you even read what you type?

Grifter42 ago

Here's a hint: They control Putt. Every thread in VoatDev is heavily controlled by SBBH, and it's members, and they've either bought him out, or got him convinced they're his allies. If he isn't a sellout, he's a fucking idiot, and if he is, which is the more likely option, it's like talking to a brick wall. I mean, it ain't like we're gonna convince him to untake the shekels and get the site back to what it used to be, before they fucked it up.

adhdferret ago

Well easy solution to that. Just leave. You have zero effect upon what happens here anyways and I doubt you ever will.

Much like myself. I have offered my time and even my thoughts on how to control the alt creation. Nothing is done, and seems now peacekeeper answers questions directed towards puttitout.

This site is just to corral the undesirable types from Reddit and keep them away from it. Least it seems that way to me. Nothing is ever done here and when a subverse gains traction it is overthrown with new mods or someone fucks the userbase.

Happened with niggers, FPH, Chicago, Canada, and likely others. Treat this place as nothing more than a museum of what it could be if done correctly.

People don't want the answer. They want a bad guy to direct anger in their lives because of whatever turmoil they have. Easier to hate someone they can't see then do something of action.

Dungles ago

Stop the ability for banned users to vote in subs. I know they can create alts that can vote stealthily but 100 is a lot to get.

Stop the ability for users of long standing to be brigaded to restrictions. (This might have to wait until a spam volunteer is in place) The 10ccp thing is very effective for all but a few clever spammers though it restricts new members and helps the mob keep them from establishing themselves. The livestream spam is dead.

Allow mods to set the default view of a sub to new so brigading of a sub has no effect. New should be the default anyway because unless a good Samaritan comes along and upvotes its never seen. One downvote and you need two upvoters to counter it. This alone would give smaller subs a huge boost and help Voat tremendously.

Remove the terrible sticky from from v/introductions.Not sure why you haven't done that really if you are serious in saying you hate the welcome new users get. It's things like this that have people saying you talk a good talk but there actions don't match. maybe you have good reason though. I've tried hard to think of a good reason but can't see it.

There are some ideas that might not be too hard(or might be).

Crensch ago

Remove the terrible sticky from from v/introductions.

Why? So it'll be more difficult to direct them to useful information for the site? Instead of saying "go to the sticky" we have to give them a direct link?

Or do you think he should delete that submission?

Not sure why you haven't done that really if you are serious in saying you hate the welcome new users get.

Because it's a useless gesture?

It's things like this that have people saying you talk a good talk but there actions don't match. maybe you have good reason though. I've tried hard to think of a good reason but can't see it.


mralexson ago


dontforgetaboutevil ago

Well this fucking sucks. I wish you could just sack up to the idea that the moderators are always going to be a problem. That twisted shitty people will always try and use whatever cheap scam they can to shut people up. They get off on it. I'm willing to bet it gives them erections.

How the fuck does selecting a rule instead of making up some dumb bullshit on the fly make a difference? Most of these faggots are from reddit and they know all about citing their snowflake bullshit rules in bans.

Goddamnit get your head out of your asshole!

PuttItOut ago

You think too small to understand that information needs to be organized to be useful.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Information does need to be organized but until you can remove people with an axe to grind as the organizers of the data I would prefer total chaos.

What good is organizing information if people are allowed to hide it, destroy it or make it irrelevant?

Nerobot ago

We were talking about v/indentitarian and it's replacement that you now mod. I was using v/sports to show you never had any interest in removing spam before but now you do so you can shove the fact you are mod in the old mods faces. Are you just replying from your inbox and not reading any context? You know used to support you so you cant use spinning as an excuse when anyone has a valid criticism of you. You helped take down a sub and now are modding the replacement and your excuse is spam which you ever bothered with before today as the modlog of v/sports shows.

Nerobot ago

How much spam have you removed from v/sports? Do you even look at that sub? The modlog shows all. You are smart enough to know that if you instigated the takedown of a sub and suddenly appear as mod how its going to look. You are deflecting from that because you think you are above scrutiny. How much spam is that sub going to get anyway.I think you accepted it so you can gloat over the former mods. They were assholes but that doesn't make you squattiing on a sub for personal reasons right either.

Nerobot ago

Its a temp job you can have any time you want because of who the owner is above you. That owner doesn't care about pizzagate at all and hates the users because most of them are normies. It was a 100k userbase and look at it it now. You should be ashamed of that. That whole movement died under your rules. None of you are members of that community, all you care about is if the rules are followed.

sgx191316 ago

Yeah, just that and the mods of an "anti-censorship" sub using the sub stickies to attack users for their speech, brigading subs because you don't like their content, and generally using it as their own platform to stifle speech; and the image I posted of you banning a guy wasn't even me, it was middle_path. But yes, I care about people being banned for no reason, just like you claim to when it's not you doing the banning.

And hey, I thought you had some moronic point to make about replying? Guess you gave up on that?

sgx191316 ago

I was addressing your arguments, as weak as they were. Guess you've run out entirely now. Let me know if you've got anything more than an amazingly non-self-aware attempt to get the last word.

sgx191316 ago

None of those reasons contradict each other.

You should consider looking up "contradiction", because I don't think I have the patience to explain it to you any more clearly than just listing the contradictory reasons you gave again.

But I banned you from ROTR for half an hour. So which is it?

I never said you were smart. See above. And LOL at "half an hour".

sgx191316 ago

But I do not agree with censorship

Except you ban people. And you're happy to use protectvoat as a platform to attack speech. How many stickies were there attacking middle-path for what he said?

I did the ROTR ban to fuck with you.

LOL, first you did it because someone told me I was a jew, then you did it to fuck with me, and first to reverse it I had to post anti-jew stuff, then I had to say I wasn't a jew, then it was just temporary (nevermind there are users there right now that have been banned for almost a year), is there anything you won't lie about?

If I had wanted to censor you I would have deleted all your comments in the PV thread and banned you from that sub.

Then you couldn't whip up the userbase here, much of which genuinely is against censorship, to use as a weapon against subs and people you want to shut down. Like middle_path and frugal and basically anyone who's ever disagreed with crensch, and once putt makes these changes, the sky's the limit, right?

Or maybe you're mad that I'm an anti-semite and you can't have me arrested because I don't live in the EU?

We've got jew, we've got alt, now just call me a shill and I'll hit the "I don't have an argument but I'll just character assassinate you based on zero evidence" trifecta.

DietCokehead1 ago

@kevdude did nothing wrong.

sgx191316 ago

Thanks for sinking exactly as low as I knew you would.

sgx191316 ago

And you're a pro-censorship piece of shit whose only actual problem with reddit isn't that people were being censored, just that the wrong people were targeted.

freshmeat ago

Oh i post but not on voat. You think im going to hand you kikes free intel? lol

freshmeat ago

forum slide =/= exposing voat pedos

Diper ago

I've little to add to the actual discussion, but many thanks to all involved (Put + us goats) for the constructive discussion.

This, to me, is what makes this site function and form a great community.

freshmeat ago

Putt discredits himself when he compromises with you and SBBH. You act so butt hurt that most of the community doesn't want these changes that would hand over more power to cucks like yourself.

sgx191316 ago

How were you censored?

You banned me. Do you know what "banned" means?

you weren't banned from the sub you were actually commenting in.

That somehow makes it better? Bans that are based on literally nothing are good?

But keep whining about how you were "censored"

Protectvoat mod's official position: Banning isn't censorship.

See you in another few weeks when you use this account again.

Everyone who disagrees with you is an alt (no evidence needed), just like everyone who disagrees with Crensch is a jew (no evidence needed).

freshmeat ago

A lot of Voaters talk about how creepy it is that you like 13 year old girls.

Yeah just like I am also a juggalo right? Low effort SRS trolling for you to take things out of context and twist it to slander others. It's JIDF-101.

You still avoided the point because as others can see, im completely correct. I hope you have had your fun protecting pedos and trolling those who want them gone because karma is very real, Kevin.

adhdferret ago

Boss man is a good guy I think. Wants the best for this place. Just doesn't have the tools to.actually get ahead on this site.

adhdferret ago

In it with someone claiming to be sanegoatiswear. I don't get why I am associated with SBBH as I don't think I have posted but 5 times in there.

Also how you are just the censor Nazi.

freshmeat ago

and you are a pussy ass bitch who always dodges the point like some kind of faggot.

Look I can rag on you until im red in the face but I don't need to. Looks like a lot of Voaters are openly talking about how you fucked that sub up in efforts to kill the grassroots movement.

That's literally what ShareBlue and CTR did so what does that make you?

sgx191316 ago

No. Someone called you a jew. I banned you for that.

Right, I was posting exactly nowhere else on voat at the time, then I disagreed with your and crensch in protectvoat, and somehow within hours I was "a jew". Just like middle_path wasn't a jew, until Crensch broke out the pitchforks because middle_path said things he disagreed with, then suddenly he was a jew. I'm sure all these things are unrelated. Who is this "someone"?

You obviously have no sense of humor.

Right, censorship is funny. Unless it's in any subverse other than the ones you control.

freshmeat ago

Or is this one of those deals where you insinuate that I have some sort of malicious intent but have no actions to point to?

The fact that pizzagate is no longer a free sub is the malicious actions you engaged in. You literally turned it to reddit to protect pedophiles on Voat.

freshmeat ago

Fuckin full of shit

NotHereForPizza ago


I purposefully tend not to involve myself in these types of discussions. I don't come here as often as many. To plenty of people here, this is a leisure thing they do maybe every day, but likely at least a couple times per week. There are power users that are significantly more active than the rest, sure, but for the most part, I'm inclined to believe that the majority tends to visit semi-regularly, that is in comparison to the ones I'll refer to hereon out as power users.

Now that I've described the user base (although quite simply), let's talk about how one would likely infiltrate a platform such as Voat. I'd assume the most popular method would be that of majority spoofing. Now, that's not a real term, but since I just made it up, I'll go ahead and explain it.

In these environments, users tend to rally behind power users, or users that tend to be extremely active, well known by most participants, and also the ones that tend to keep as up to date as possible on a variety of different topics, largely embodying the most popular recent discussions occurring. With that being said, one with intent to infiltrate would likely look to pay off, absorb, or heavily influence a power user. Once that system is fueled and allowed to expand, we have what I've recently called majority spoofing, a scenario whereby actors can influence large groups of people by anchoring ethos to a given individual/idea/ideology/etc. What one then does is create, purchase, or flip users/accounts inside the majority, while subscribing and echoing the ideas coming from the enlisted power user.

I don't think I need to go any further. You're a smart guy, Putt. You can put the rest of what I'm saying together without any trouble, and I know that. What worries me is that other users here aren't privy to those methods, as well as the shill trends we're often exposed to.

Therefore, I want to expand upon why this matters, how this relates to you as the manager of this site, and how this could turn ugly.

The information I'm sharing is important because the system you've proposed would have the user base (maybe I'm wrong here, and if that's the case, certainly correct me) vote democratically (by the majority) on rules in given subs. The problem with that is that I've just proposed a method to circumvent the democratic process. If someone has the means, they could easily set out to adopt the system outlined above. Genuinely, all it takes is sheer dedication and likely a little bit of money. Considering the people we're up against, it can't surprise you that they would attempt something like what I've stated.

This relates to you, Putt, uniquely in that when things go wrong, people look for someone to blame. Anon came here to watch your Reddit clone (don't be so naive as to assume it wasn't on purpose, all that moved were loud about it, or that it was only migrations from reddit) and as a means of spreading information. Yes, anon used you. Pout about it if you want, but it happened and is by all means still happening. Those same people can simply leave. They have a place to go outside of here. However, what your site does is rather unique. It works as a bridge. Some of us are thankful for that, others are visibly in disagreement. Regardless, seeing you fall would be a blow felt across plenty of sites. You can't let that happen. Think of this as anon bringing you a message.

When I say it can turn ugly, this is serious. In fact, I'm of the opinion that some have already revealed themselves (much too early, I might add...). Basically, what I'm asserting is that a democratically based system wouldn't be that good of an idea because it can be so easily exploited. And, while I'm only really here and speaking right now to make it known that this is a problem, I'm a little less of a solutions kind of guy. If you would insist that I instead offer a solution rather than just criticizing, I'll say this: what you really want to do is take your oldest and most loyal Voat users that helped curate this and spread the word about voat in the beginning, gather their perspectives, and make your rules based on those ideas. Why is that? I'd say those that have the most invested here would be the most loyal. Again though, I didn't come here intending to offer solutions, but only really to alert you to issues. Come up with your own, better fix if you need to.

Free speech is imperative. Censorship is the last straw. That blow will be felt, I assure you.

freshmeat ago

Probably the best comment in this entire thread

paxNoctis ago

I strongly do not like this idea.

The ability to curate one's own space however one wants is, in my opinion, the key to reddit-style boards. A normal, old-school forum is objectively superior to a reddit-style one at everything except things like this. Creating 'super-moderation', wherein the moderators of their own, 'private' spaces are held to a particular set of rules (beyond the obvious like no CP or illegal shit) by empowered super moderators seems like the worst of both worlds to me.

Furthermore, it will encourage and empower the element on Voat who spend their time witch-hunting people (who mostly keep to their own subs, or have the audacity to post something that goes against the hive mind here). While the Shit Voat Says group (as I like to call them) does occasionally serve a useful purpose (like trolling @HenryCorp or getting rid of @she), I don't think they need any more empowering, their signal-to-noise ratio is already not particularly good.

I cannot find a philosophical or practical/technical justification for this. If you want moderators to all behave in a certain way (which sounds particularly 'reddity' to me) then get rid of the ability to create your own subverse and make all moderators serve Voat as a whole. Telling people, "you can make your own space here," in one breath, and then telling them that the SVS brigade will be watching their every moderation action and if the SVS brigade finds something they don't like there they will have justification within the rules of the site to destroy you is stupid and short sighted, in my opinion.

sgx191316 ago

All I had to do last time was disagree with you and crensch in /protectvoat.

OhBlindOne ago

I'm all for this, just so long as it doesn't apply to system subs.

System sub rules should be created and managed by the voat admins, with input from the user base. The admins (like you, Putt) should get the final say on system sub rules. The moderators of system subs should simply be there to carry out any of the rules in place.

/v/whatever should only be governed by site-wide rules (i.e. no CP).

sgx191316 ago

So yes, you do ban people from subs they've never participated in.

sgx191316 ago

Which alt of yours was it that banned me from /r/Showerthoughts without a single fuckin' post?

Are you claiming you've never banned people from subs they've never commented or posted to?

sgx191316 ago

Right, banning people from subs they've never even commented in is not abusing voat in any way.

Nerobot ago

But there you are moddng them both. Why?

Womb_Raider ago

I would be interested to see anytime I have talked about using alts.

You guys wouldn't risk this account for such things, this is your pride and joy handle. Those kind of sloppy actions are for gabara, beatle, expert... the "silly" accounts. The ones who act terribly towards everyone but you.

I also like how you are ok with moderator conduct.

Depends on the kind of conduct. I'm not okay with your misconduct in PV/Pizzagate, for example. I think you should be removed. You don't see me campaigning for it, though.

freshmeat ago

You are all about guilt by association so I am simply grouping you in with your group.

Then you are fucked you SBBH shareblue shill

freshmeat ago

I haven't attacked Putt, I'm being critical. Those are 2 entirely different things and the fact you perceive it as an attack is identical to how SJW's see hate-speech as violence.

Disappointed ago

PuttItOut perhaps that anon discussion feature you used some months ago might be a good idea for future discussions on this. As it is people are picking sides based on looking at people's profiles and handles rather than what they say.

@Xennios @Dancing_Queen read the OP and OP commentsin this thread and see here also(check the sub rules examples in the sidebar) https://preview.voat.co/v/voatdev/2135999

@knightwarrior41 I didn't forget ;)

knightwarrior41 ago

I didn't forget ;)

thank you buddy :)

Disappointed ago

That link above is a test site so you can check it out yourself and if you find bugs post them back in this sub as a submission.

knightwarrior41 ago

oh no wonder i didnt find any real changes to my subversse lol

anyways, you know that dancingqueen changed his name right? now he goes by dancing_queen

Disappointed ago

Yep, he's see this already.

knightwarrior41 ago

cool beans thanks! :)

Artofchoke ago

I'd be interested in seeing a one account per person policy implemented. I think it would resolve some issues. ♡

Broc_Lia ago

That would indeed be nice. How on earth would it be implemented?

littul_kitton ago

Planet-wide biometric ID cards and Internet access licenses.

I.e., it won't be implemented.

Artofchoke ago

He's paranoid. I wish we could help him, cause he's smart and funny, but he's become too paranoid to enjoy and support the site. He is suffering from trollception.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

lol i think he takes us serious and we are joking

lord_nougat ago

...or are we?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

yeah wr are

lord_nougat ago

Just kidding!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

ima ban @womb_raider soon

lord_nougat ago

Whoah, be careful there, Juicy! It'll RAID YOUR WOMB!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

I will raid @womb_raider ashole

Womb_Raider ago

Haha. It's hardly comparable, bucko. I'm not attacking moderators to remove them right and left, I'm not excusing alt abuse and botting like you faggots do. You use alts and brag about it half the time, it's a joke.

90849084sdfasdfasd ago

womb, they dont care about "real users" they want to allow a certain group to control content and police it.

unless you want to spend 17 hours plus on voat, you wont have a shot on getting anything through that they dont approve.

Womb_Raider ago

Haha. I highly doubt anyone legitimate criticizes what I bring attention to. That's a funny notion though.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't care what you think of me, voaters message me in private and they acknowledge the way you guys behave. They're afraid of being targeted by you.

Womb_Raider ago

Holding accountable is not the same as attacking, and I have nothing to do with those two. I even scolded grifter for being unreasonable, but it's not like you would ever give me objective credit for anything.

Cuckbot ago

People will be hesitant to comment here because of all the drama and shitposting. For some that might be the goal.

RabbiMohel ago

Hi obvious grifter42 alt!

Womb_Raider ago

I don't think you realize how obvious you guys are.

Womb_Raider ago

Hey Voat, when SBBH en masse endorse something, you know it's not a fucking good idea.

freshmeat ago

no substance

you really love to deflect like a kike 😂

Womb_Raider ago

He totally ignored your accusations without refutation. That's amazing.

totes_magotes ago

Which will do a fat lot of good if we still have to rely on an admin who is, as we are constantly told, to busy doing Dev work to actually admin. Don't think that the things you do aren't appreciated but it's the things you're not doing which is causing the current problems.

PuttItOut ago

Everything I am working on is to help resolve this.

You will soon see why we are working to have the community manage itself rather than rely on a centralized operator.

totes_magotes ago

I understand. I get it, I do. "But in the meantime" is a serious issue right now. Whenever there's an issue, we get told you're too busy. Which I get but, yeah, I'm (more than) a little sour about it because there are people who need supervision.

PuttItOut ago

I know! This place is full of kids.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

@adhdferret is functionally retarded. attempting meaningful discourse with it is like trying to fuck molten lava.

freshmeat ago

is like trying to fuck molten lava.

💀 im dead lmao

adhdferret ago

Boss..... Can I make a suggestion?

Ok we get that overall you are right, and being that you are right and the CEO.....maybe insulting the userbase without being specific to a person that you see like this ain't the best idea?

We all know Reddit is in it's last bit of life. That shit will go supernova any moment now. When it does people are going to want something familiar to them. Voat is that. Currently many migrations we have had a fucking lot of people are shuned away because they don't get how this place works.

Well you know how we are, but that doesn't mean you have to be like that. Do you want this place to be bigger? I know I do because faulty as it is we still don't have to worry about you going and banning people like admin on Reddit does.

We don't have you editing posts and saying moment of bad judgement. These are fundamental that Reddit has forgotten as they feel they are too big to fail.

Well they are not and at some point people will get sick of the AstroTurf in their lawn and want some unkept grass full of dog shit and mushy fruit to hit with a lawnmower.

Don't let this place Jade your view of the world, and don't let mother fuckers like the sanegoatiswear persona taint you either.

PuttItOut ago

Well 'kids' was a goat reference not an insult.

adhdferret ago

Lol no one can ever call you stupid can they?

If anything you avoid questions better than admin at Reddit. Come on boss. I am behind you either way as I have always been, but quite a lot of this bullshit needs addressed.

Now you can keep sweeping it under the rug and ignoring it with the promise of this or that feature behind the next bend, eventually people will just give up. They will give up because if anything the older guard of voat knows how to pick and choose our battles. We also know when to find something more constructive to do with our time outside a slap fight.

Look if your goal is to make a zone of confinement to house all the rejects of Reddit so be it. That is what this place will be. Currently that is where it is headed. Good discussion is being twarted even with this post. Look at fucks like grifter. We both know that is sanegoatiswear.

You know why people rallied behind atko?

It was because people could associate a face with him. Same can't be said about you, and at times I don't blame you for not interacting with this place on a personal level.

But boss that is what this place needs. It doesn't need a person to just take out the trash and ignore questions. It needs a person to interact with community and address problems so they know they have something to stand behind.

Hope you see this and think about it.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

@puttitout actually knows, ferret. i am not grifter. you, however, are quantifiably functionally retarded.

adhdferret ago

Who sanegoatiswear persona has switched their name too I am certain isn't on @puttitout list of shit to ponder about.

Speaking of sanegoatiswear it sure feels good to say I was right about my prediction so long ago.....I sure don't see that name existing much around here anymore.

I bet that stings to know that all the grooming and time wasted with that whole ordeal was predicted by a retard as you refer to me.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

i am sanegoat. you were wrong, by the way.

i still stand for free speech. i'm just not allowed to speak freely on voat because SBBH took over, ousted @atko and censored the site - - plus they spent a year harassing the main user base causing most long-time users to leave.

you didn't predict anything. i stood up against tyranny to make sure the userbase was aware of the hostile criminal shill takeover, and was successful. most that remain here are redditards and retards and shills. most content on voat is shill-posted and upvote brigaded.

of course, you don't understand that. petty revenge and cupcakes are all that float around your deranged tranny mind.

adhdferret ago

All this talk, and still don't see the sanegoatiswear screen name.....seems like I am winning there boy!

Maybe sanegoatiswear did have the right intentions, but they sure didn't know how to accomplish the goal now did they? No it was all about me me me. Never the focus on anyone else.

That is unless there was an insult to throw. Funny thing is that we beat that persona. They did it all on their own.

freshmeat ago

it's actually sane.

adhdferret ago

It actually doesn't fucking matter, and it won't until they bring out the name and make a comment. Otherwise it is just someone wanting to claim something without proof.

freshmeat ago

Wasn't her original account banned? Pretty sure it was. If you care ask her to confirm it on her Gab.

I'm telling you that is sane, though. And sane is right, you are a water head (and cross dresser on youtube kek)

adhdferret ago

Her? If the person(s) behind sanegoatiswear account it make sense it's a female. Just can't let shit go can they?

I see you have adopted the nigger method of sexual insults as your remedial brain is incapable of anything more.

freshmeat ago

I see you have adopted the nigger method of sexual insults as your remedial brain is incapable of anything more.

Where, exactly?

adhdferret ago

We are done here as I have a coffee to drink, and likely a shit to deposit in the septic tank....that is far more important than engaging you at this present moment.

freshmeat ago

that's what I thought boi

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you beat me so bad i'm still here wew lawd what a horrible beating! my sides!

on the other hand

fuzzywords deleted!

adhdferret ago

I didn't do a good man thing. Just put some words telling the future of the sanegoatiswear persona.

Can't accept any credit for the termination of an account.

Here is the deal if you are indeed the same person(s) as sanegoatiswear. You think this is a game to play when really we don't have to play as all you have is remedial insults to attack sexually much like a nigger does.

It is all you are good at....much like a nigger. See you have zero marketable skills in the world where as I do. I can connect with people on a personal level to a point where we become friends.

I doubt you have any of those really. Sure you might know some people, but you couldn't say hey life sucks and this is why....these people from here actually wanted me to come see them.

They wanted to buy the wife and I dinner, or have our son come over and spend the day with all of them. Hell one even has a wife that does accupuncture and offered her services free to me for my back.

These are real people that I know and if possible I will meet up with one day. I know for a fact I am going to go see @empress one day. If it wasn't impossible for me to enter Canada I would go see @rotteux but Canada denies me an entry visa.

Hell he even sent me maple candy. Candian gold that was shared with me.

You have zero to your social currency which if you were not such a bothersome troll people might want to help you. So go ahead and act like a nigger.

Call me a tranny or any of us others...make a false accusation to mine or others affiliated on Voat or whatever site. I don't care as all you are doing is making yourself more and more alone.

12082532? ago

He's definitely a bitter nigger.

PuttItOut ago

It was because people could associate a face with him. Same can't be said about you, and at times I don't blame you for not interacting with this place on a personal level.

Everyone wants something different from me. You want me to participate as a regular user (and have people tell me they want me to die and my children to be stillborn?). Some want less hands on, some want more. Grifter wants me to spend weeks analyzing data and banning manipulators. Others want scalability problems addressed. Others want merchandise. Others want me be atko. Other want me to stay who I am.

What isn't good enough for everyone is providing a site that is as hands off as possible. What isn't good enough is me spending my life constantly improving this site so people can tell me it isn't enough. What isn't good enough is everything and anything it seems.

My only commitment is trying to keep Voat alive when EVERYTHING is against us, our movement, and our community.

Voat is still up and I tell you this with 100% brutal honesty:

If it wasn't for me, Voat would have been shut down years ago. It's only because of my personal sacrifice that this site is still here, that is still up, that Voat still has any possibility of a future. Think about this for a moment when you think I'm not doing enough. I can walk away at any time I want. And since we are being honest here, I should. My life would be better without Voat in it. I only continue because I believe free speech is necessary for the future of mankind.

So, please tell me my shortcomings, It feels good to hear only the negatives.

cryptofreak ago

You seem to forget there were people that offered to help a long time ago in different areas. Atko ignored most people when they offered help and while you were interested at first, you dropped all contact for people that could have provided real value very early on.

Yes, you kept this place running, but a lot of your pain is self-inflicted.

Just sayin.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you openly ban users for legal speech

you openly ban users for upvoting other users

you openly lie to the userbase

you openly support militant criminal paid SJW shills, including support their criminal activities on voat

you silence free speakers on behalf of those criminal shills

you participated in the gagging and removing of atif colo as founder and head of voat

you stood by silently as jamie redgate @fuzzywords an openly transvestite autistic militant SJW became the biggest coder of voat, allowing it to overtly censor all voat users, and to essentially cut the arms off of all users' ability to speak.

since you (((took over))), "justin" voat has seen a population drop, most long-time users have left, the shills have taken over, voat has been majorly censored, and you've begun a voat era of lies and silence.

fuck you, i hope you die,



you are as bad for free speech as zuckerberg at this point.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

"My life would be better without Voat in it. I only continue because I believe free speech is necessary for the future of mankind."

The real trick is to find your own freedom and keep Voat at the same time - this is the challenge every entrepreneur faces and it is not an easy one to achieve. It is a natural part of the development of every advancing project. In essence, you are searching for the path to have your cake and eat it too.

I've been there myself:)

You might think you would be better off walking away, but that is not exactly true - right now what you are doing is important. What you do is making a difference. Not everyone in this world gets the chance to say that. Yes, the task is difficult, but you also seem to be particularly well suited to it.

"Self sustaining" is the concept you are looking for - the one that gives you freedom and Voat at the same time. Your ultimate goal should be that this place can carry itself while you go fishing:)

That is a doable thing.

PuttItOut ago

I appreciate your words and you are right. I've been working on Voat for. 3.5 years now and I still have a long long way to go.

Sometimes I just get a bit burned out and say things better left unsaid.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I've been through this process and it gets hectic as hell - it also gets hard to see the forest through the trees. Having gone through this, I thought you would like to know that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel - it's a long and rewarding journey - but more like a marathon than merely a race. Your epic journey - and in all good epics it is also important to remember that the hero always has allies - they can and will help you:) You are not alone.

"Go at it boldly, and you'll find unexpected forces closing round you and coming to your aid."[1] sometimes cited as "Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid." Basil King.

The level of flak that you are receiving is a good indicator of just how powerful an impact you really are having.

Sounds like platitudes from some introduction to business school manual, I know - but it also happens to be true. As your project grows, you reach a stage where you have to make the transition from individual to organization, simply because there is much more work than any one person can handle. You are exactly in this stage right now.

At this level you face a choice: You can continue to overwork, and inevitably burn out; you can reduce the size of the project to something more manageable, (not unlike a sole proprietor in a corner store;) or you can look to offload some of your workload onto others, trading some of your loss of control for continued growth in your project, keeping in mind you do not have to sail the whole ship to pilot the ship.

This is the forest I was referring to above:)

adhdferret ago

On your edit.

Hey nigger faggot I get you have a mountain of shit you deal with, and I have no clue what all of it is, but I offer you my services and time. You get pissed and you have to vent that in some way.

I don't take it personally as I can't otherwise I would have told you to go fuck yourself. I have been saying this since you became the CEO.


It is ok Superman you gotta sleep sometime lol.

Love you to.... definitely homo!

adhdferret ago

Look at you with that fire! That is good boss.

Do I want people to tell you those things? No I don't....I had it happen to me and you know what I did? I found that mother fucker and put his head in a reticle. I wanted to kill them, but I didn't. Instead I did the right thing and used the law to fuck his life over. That is the difference between you and I.

I don't take that shit boss, and you do. Instead you bottle it up and lash back at people that want the same as you because I don't mind the push back. There is nothing you have as a short coming I can speak of save your inablity to trust some of us just want the same goddamn thing as you.

I want this place to be the groundwork for a platform. A place I can say I was part of and we changed the world. We can't do that alone and neither can you.

If it wasn't for me, Voat would have been shut down years ago. It's only because of my personal sacrifice that this site is still here, that is still up, that Voat still has any possibility of a future. Think about this for a moment when you think I'm not doing enough. I can walk away at any time I want. And since we are being honest here, I should. My life would be better without Voat in it. I only continue because I believe free speech is necessary for the future of mankind.

That right there is why you are the boss. You could walk away at any fucking time. Same as any of us, and people are! Have you not noticed that? Where is @empress you seen how little she posts now?

She is a goddamn saint i have to say. She started something here and it hurts to see how little she is around now. It is because of the same shit you deal with. Imagine a pregnant woman first time too dealing with someone saying that horrific shit to her. She told me it happens and won't tell me who because well some of us need to be the guy they hate as well.

I will go after fucks and show them consequence for actions where others won't.

I respect your sacrifice to this endeavor I really do or I wouldn't have stayed as long as I have, but it is time to share some of that responsibility for the sake of growth in your idea.

I realized a long time ago in the Navy that at times my best just wasn't good enough. That is why we have friends or people that want to help us. You have that in spades. So many here want to help you and you know who they are. Trust some of them with responsibility for fucks sake.

Voat isn't going to go away as we have all seen.

Look at what you have accomplished so far.... I can't even begin to imagine all the technical shit behind this place, but I know you did that. I am grateful too. It is fucking amazing.

Another thing don't ever apologize for what you said here. That was real and it was glorious. You want to have an outburst like that good. Next time do it in a message and don't let others see you angry as they will use it against you as a weakness.

Be the leader you are and don't let them get to you.

This place saved my life once boss. It was by the act of random strangers from around the site we kept a roof over our heads. I owe this place something same as you and I want to repay that every goddamn day I am able to. Don't know how, but I will.

Womb_Raider ago

You're suggesting he let SBBH take administrative roles?

BaneGhostiSwear ago

yup, because at some point SBBH got to @adhdferret and put it on payroll.



Womb_Raider ago

I don't agree, Sane (if this is you). I think ferret is on the right side. He is standing up to Putt's new voting mechanism.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

sure. the paid shills have to put on a good show.

yeah nigger, it's me.

Womb_Raider ago

Well putting more power in the hands of SBBH et al is not the answer to voat's problem, if anything they are the cause of many.

Rosti ago

You've done an awesome job just as you are. Don't forget most of us are grateful. The makeup of this site is a lot of haters and they will always hate becaause they are unhappy. Thats their problem you cant do anything about it. But maybe spend a day or so modifying that app where you can give people a personl flair and mark them lost cause and ignore them that way, lol. For your own health just stop responding at all to them.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

wow what a cock-sucking brown-nosing faggot.

oh wait. 2.2 year account with nearly 1 week of activity! wow!

Rosti ago

Yes the internet to me is casual not a life to live. Haters gonna hate, like I said. Hope you get better soon, sincerely.

totes_magotes ago

I wasn't gonna say that. Speaking of, I think we need a slide or swingset here.

freshmeat ago

There never was a centralized operator, just an absentee landlord painting lipstick on a dead pig.

Fix the fuckin site before you try to "innovate"

BobGoblin ago

Da da dah

the invoatations are fixes dumass

freshmeat ago

you remember atko?

BobGoblin ago


freshmeat ago

that's right nigger. You don't know shit about what's going on with this site and these changes are not beneficial to general users, and also bad for retards like yourself.

BobGoblin ago

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEtards like you know better though huh?

PuttItOut ago

Let's see your todo list.

freshmeat ago

1) eliminate shills and manipulation

2) transparency

3) eliminate and take hard action against anyone who initiates and encourages brigading

4) remove pedophilia subverses and stop using the argument of free speech to push the line for sexualizing children

5) Find a path to create a supporter base outside of bitcoin

6) Speak to the community in other contexts aside from posts about updates no one asked for

7) look into those who exploit Voat (SBBH)

Oh wait that should be your to-do list. And I find it very intriguing that you responded to beatle in here, who is responsible for making you delete voat whateverchat, then subsequently tried to ruin our discord but didn't have any success.

my to do list:

1) Drink beer, roast nerds, and find me a good woman who loves me for who I am and what I believe in, and will leat me eat her ass.

NotHereForPizza ago


Can you respond to this? I'm starting to see less and less of a reason to praise you.

I hope by now you know I'll hold you to the flame, even as I stand here naked. I've already told you anon makes good use of this place. Should I take on a more active role here?

Nerobot ago


PuttItOut ago

Only updated on v/announcement posts, but it is still valid :)

Nerobot ago

Not that I care much myself but people were fidgety about it. Thanks.

Let people make their own subversusand do with them what they like, user have mobs and brigades descend on them because one power user is pushing no comment deletions. The reddit power mods here have been replaced with power userswho think they run voat and are perfectly willing to spend the time and energy to disrupt communities. They hve list of unwritten ules thy impose on nyone here wantig to just share some interests ad its only getting worse. You saw it happen on reddit. You saw it here with Sanegoat callig everyone shills. Now you have people like @crensch calling anyone who disagrees with him and doesnt want to torture jews a shill and this is the user you have a sticky of to greet users in https://voat.co/v/introductions/1350015 with a list of unwritten rules they have to abide by or have shoved down their throat(check out the politics section). How would you feel reading that if you were new? The users have no one but you and a few of us other to stick for them. Dont give too much power to the elite mob who runs out new communities coming here.

Crensch ago

2.1 years 119scp 938ccp

How irrelevant you are.

cyclops1771 ago

No True Scotsman!!!

Crensch ago

Quite the necrothread.

Nerobot ago

@PuttItOut this is the guy who welcomes new users to voat in the sticky in v/introductions. That's something you can do something about. How is he any different to a reddit power mod shitting on users? This is how he talks to the v/pizzagate users who have problems with his modding. This is the guy that runs off reddit migrations with threats and words like he used to me. People still trying to make head or tail of voat. This is the guy who is a mod of ProtectVoat.

I mean his opinion of me is his business, not mine but careful who you let influence you. Some one who needs to put others down to build themselves up should be welcoming people to Voat.

Womb_Raider ago

Lol what is this, a call to add him to some list of accounts to brigade?

freshmeat ago

Haha, we need Goat awards because you would win the most pathetic pedophile on this website. You would be the first in line to stand in front of the wall.

freshmeat ago

The fact you and Crensch took that sub over renders anything you say about it meaningless. It's a truth-prison where legitmate posts are removed because of the rules you implemented.

100% of the mods are compromised and likely yours and cresnch's alts so you can still have a public reputation that's not attached to your main.

I can;t prove what you are thinking, that's why we investigate. Due to the actions of the past, nothing you say is credible, and pizzagate is entirely subverted. I notice that the Voat pizzagate community is no where to be found in the larger scene as well so I suppose you have fooled a few people, but most of us have moved on.

Vindicator ago

100% of the mods are compromised and likely yours and cresnch's alts so you can still have a public reputation that's not attached to your main.

You are living in a fantasy. None of the mods in v/pizzagate but me have had much conversation with Crensch or kevdude ever. They were unknown to each other until the past few weeks. They were just regular users. And if you analyze commenting times, you will see that for kev or Crensch to BE millennial_falcon or me, they would have to be online 24/7/365. It's an idiotic claim.

Perhaps why you cannot provide any evidence of this:

It's a truth-prison where legitmate posts are removed because of the rules you implemented.

freshmeat ago

hah, I was wondering who would openly shill like you just did but it seems you are one of the mods in PG.

You are living in a fantasy. None of the mods in v/pizzagate but me have had much conversation with Crensch or kevdude ever.


They were unknown to each other until the past few weeks. They were just regular users.

Lmao, yeah kev and crench are just "regular users". I take it you don't venture far from the subversive sub you operate.

And if you analyze commenting times, you will see that for kev or Crensch to BE millennial_falcon or me, they would have to be online 24/7/365. It's an idiotic claim.

It doesn't matter who the exact individual is commenting or posting or censoring, they all have a structured group that follows guidelines, which you are a part of.

Perhaps why you cannot provide any evidence of this:

Looking back at deleted submissions going back over a year would seem to negate your claim. The rules were implemented by redditors, for redditors, to control and subvert the PG community because this is the closest we have ever gotten to ending the freedom pedophiles have online, and that includes the people you protect.

It's why there are 5 pizzagate subverses with split user base. It was intentional.

Just an FYI you cannot stop the impending prosecutions, and in fact putting yourself at the head of it by moderating only implicates you further. Karma is coming hard and quick for you child fuckers.

Vindicator ago

All the smearing, flimsy ad hominem flailing and inability to cite any actual evidence for your claims gives you away. Sad.

freshmeat ago

Yeah everyone is just hallucinating collectively and you are totally innocent.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


Vindicator ago



Again...no evidence. You should knock off the ganja before trying to debate. It's pathetic.

freshmeat ago

It's a dead thread, but you are right about one point; it should be shown and documented. That is the next post in rPV.

People need to be more aware that PG is compromised here on Voat. Everything aside, you are being defensive and persistent on the topic of pedophiles and guarding them. I know we all have to play the game by the rules here but the fact that this is even a scenario just shows how quickly things are moving. The internet will no longer be safe for you pedophiles soon.

Vindicator ago

Projection, much..."freshmeat"? LMAO

freshmeat ago

LMAO lelelelel

Yes im projecting my thoughts based upon pattern recognition. You sided with pedophiles, you already chose your fate.

think- ago

You sided with pedophiles

How so? I'm curious.

So far everyone who has accused @Vindicator of protecting pedophiles turned out to protect pedophiles.

Not saying you do, but before you go ad hominem like this, you should better be able to prove it.


think- ago

I'm currently reading your links, thanks.

think- ago

@freshmeat, I won't be able to read everything today, but I will get back to you the day after tomorrow (won't be here tomorrow), and will try to figure out what has caused your concerns.

freshmeat ago

it's not just my own personal concerns. PG is controlled opposition thanks to very users on this website.

freshmeat ago

because at this point they have already established control and any awareness to this fact is kept from view on Voat by SBBH and PG and PV, and even the admins.

you should better be able to prove it.

Play that out, how would I legally obtain all the information in private from the PG mods? What we do know is that ProtectVoat organized a raid against PG when it was gaining popularity and the mods were then replaced with known SRS users who are the same people who censor on reddit.

All we can prove is that it's compromised, the depths of what they do is hidden behind bits and numbers and legality so we have to assume the worst since this whole topic is revolved around raping children.

PG is the most censored and controlled subverse on this site and it's not because they want to remain credible, it's because the small group that now controls it also control the narrative and steers where gullible people go.


^that post right there shows exactly how it was done on reddit, the same thing has happened here with Pizzagate. The mods are beyond a doubt gatekeepers and preventative measures to protect the pedophiles on this very website.

https://voat.co/v/realProtectVoat/2368691 - this post gives you a better idea

Grifter42 ago

It's obvious you've got your eye on /v/PizzaGate, and /v/Gaming.

Nerobot ago

Hes already owner of v/pizzagate along with Crensch.

Grifter42 ago

Oh, fucking great.

SBBH is like a creeping cancer.

Nerobot ago

Two of the PV mods have left in the last week, one them over how they were acting on the pizzagate sub towards users.

Womb_Raider ago

Notice kevdude stopped replying to Grifter. He's been replying to me over the past hour. He is afraid to broach the subject now that you joined the discussion, Nero.

Nerobot ago

Its pretty obvious what they've done to everyone. I didn't even care until they sat on the Pizzagate sub and basically bought down the movement with theeir silly mod rules. Disappointed has left PV over it even and had to defend me when Crensch called me shill. Then on the other hand you have Sar with a stickied thread in realPV calling me SRS.

freshmeat ago

I said the same thing after i stickied that to Sar, because I thought Angmar wasn't a shill, but Sar has proof that he is from 1.8 years ago and it turned out to be true.

I don't know why Sar included you in there but I'm sure he had a reason, I am curious so I will ask him next time I talk to him. You might have done or said something in the past that he archived. He is usually accurate.

For what it's worth I personally think you are a fine voater. I unstickied that post.

Nerobot ago

I don't really care if people call me a shill I was just noting it. If I said something 1 year ago I meant it then but maybe I changed my mind. I am one of the people permabanned from SDBH for exposing fuzzy as a liar and fraud by bitch tits PMYA. Now the tide has shifted and its PV and crowd who have fallen for the lure of power so they are the ones I'm against.I don't want anyone controlling this site even if they are my former allies.

Womb_Raider ago

Disappointed left? I liked that guy. What a shame.

Nerobot ago

Probably because I mentioned volunteers. I was just pointing out he had plenty of offers but never accepted any.

Womb_Raider ago

Ah. Yeah, Sar is as wary as I am of change. We both acknowledge voat needs some, but it seems that Putt is swayed by SBBH and any change brought by them is a negative one.

Feels to me like this upcoming change very much favors them, and the site will never be the same. PeaceSeeker is assuring me that if the change is unpopular it will be removed, but SBBH uses alts to manufacture consensus so... I don't think it will ever revert.

Nerobot ago

I just think any of them believe that people spend 18 hours online on places like Voat and dare each other to do stupid shit even if it takes them a year because they know they will be here next year if the site is up. Getting the reqs met for system sub votes will be easy since they post everywhere with multiple alts.

Womb_Raider ago

Yep. I feel like they already manipulate consensus vocally, so this will allow them to do so on paper also. Very dangerous possibility.

ExpertShitposter ago


With @puttitout fully under our control for the small price of 666 SecretCryptoCoin we have managed to log @freshmeat 's activity and extract critical data. He has obtained a new girlfriend called @grifter42, and they made a video together.


See here: https://webmshare.com/6jorz ToTaL fUcKiNg DeGeNeRaCy!1!1!1!


Here at cabal HQ, despite our world control, we learned today that there are some secrets better left hidden. Also, don't forget to buy winrar license.

totes_magotes ago

Can I be part of your Cabal? I have plenty of condoms with holes in them.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hey every body, totes_magotes is not our secret informer. Not at all. Dont bother loitering here, nothing to see here. totes_magotes IS NOT our secret member, put on your tin foil hats conspirators.

totes_magotes ago

Hold up. How do I know that this is really you? I mean, everyone wants to be you so... where's the secret handshake?

ExpertShitposter ago

secret handshake?


totes_magotes ago

The things I do for you... I'll be in my bunk.

Womb_Raider ago

We all know you're fake sane, champ.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i seen @grifter42 eatin @freshmeat shit last nite

ExpertShitposter ago

@heygeorge @kevdude @gabara @Rotteuxx @lordbeatlejuicethe1 quickly!! Upvote brigade comment above before freshie and grifter screencap and expose @puttitout and our operation!!!!

This message will self destruct in 30 seconds!

Rotteuxx ago

Aye Aye Capt'n !

Starting alt account rotation immediately after mass PMing this permalink to them.

A very special Thank You to @Puttitout for incorporating the account rotation script into our exclusive Cabal PowerMod GUI.

But... we still have to talk about your viewing habits when online. I don't even want to imagine how you got a hold of that video.

ExpertShitposter ago

Haha, it was a "cringe webm" thread on 4chong.

gabara ago

But I'm not logged into Voat right now.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


this comment is fucking hilarious

ExpertShitposter ago

Oh shit, we didn't yet link voating into our secret under the hood of winrar software.

gabara ago

The important thing is we have kept winrar technology from falling into the hands of linux extremists!

ExpertShitposter ago

True. We must find out where that bandit @Kleyno and his gang are hiding out so we can activate option

gabara ago

Radio Shack?

ExpertShitposter ago

3% chance. Good enough, launch missiles.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

im on it

ExpertShitposter ago

Oh my GOD, i'm BRIGADING AS FAST AS I CAN HACK US NUKE SILOS. This mission is even more important than nuking Delaware, Texas and JewYork!

Grifter42 ago

Which alt of yours was it that banned me from /r/Showerthoughts without a single fuckin' post?

You can play dumb, but people are starting to see you for what you are.

freshmeat ago

SuperConductiveRabbi, his reddit account: https://voat.co/v/realProtectVoat/2373613

He banned a lot of people based upon a fake post he stickied in his brigading sub /v/ProtectVoat

Grifter42 ago

Now that's a fuckin' rabbithole.

Welp, if it wasn't obvious that Voat was controlled by the same people who coopted and infiltrated Reddit, it is now.

"LOL REDDIT IS SO FUCKIN' DUMB!"-SuperConductiveRabbi, reddit user for eight years with a hundred thousand karma, and mod of a bunch of subs.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Lol you making a boat out of foam.

Womb_Raider ago

Putt, where has @Cynabuns gone? Are they no longer part of your team? Why?

The Voat voting system... lots of people voiced fears of manipulation and abuse. Have you introduced clear systems to prevent anything of this nature? What preventative measures have been taken?

Will this apply to only system subverses, or will all sub-owners site-wide be at risk of losing their stake? Is it for high-traffic subs only? High sub counts?

Is this cow-towing to SBBH aspirations?

Cuckbot ago

Cynabuns just stopped posting much 5 months back. They just found other stuff that needed doing more, is my guess.

If you're reading Cynabuns we still love you.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm surprised they left so quietly, I kinda like Cyna. Seemed more genuine than Putt.

freshmeat ago

oh you killed that alt?

freshmeat ago


freshmeat ago

1) Which subverses are "mine" that do this?



then what the fuck is the point of the block button? You guys are wanting too much control. It's fine how it is.

go1dfish ago

I strongly oppose this feature particularly for @system subs.

Freedom of speech should be the default.

If people want more heavily curated spaces they are welcome to create one.

I have no desire to vote to restrict what others are allowed to say and may well abstain from these votes on general principle.

Please reconsider the scope of this feature.

anti_pedo ago

Hi Pedo!

RedditisPropaganda31 ago

Give them an inch of censorship and this site becomes rddit

SegFault ago

They can simply have the rule "do not post actual illegal (according to the laws of <this particular country>) content here". Those were never allowed to begin with and the rules can omit all civility requirements, for instance.

anti_pedo ago


Diggernicks ago

Take your witch hunt elsewhere nigger sperm enthusiast.

go1dfish ago

Do you have any evidence for this libelous claim?

PuttItOut ago

We won't be rolling out this feature without proper vetting. First we need to develop the feature and this feature is a big one, so we have a lot of testing yet to do.

Once we know it works and feel it's bugs are worked out we will decide how, where, and what to roll out.

I fully know that a feature such as this has to be used carefully.

What's that quote? With great ... comes great ... ?

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you have to be severely retarded... oh wait, you're a bunch of militant criminal SJWs hellbent on censoring voat users!!

no one in their right mind running a social network claiming it's for free speech would ever do such a stupid thing - - of course, i remember when you banned 100s of user accounts for upvoting me, even accounts that had only upvoted once, but when your criminal SJW shill buddies downvote brigaded me 20,000 points, you did nothing but ban more upvoters, and eventually even after claiming you wouldn't ban my @sanegoatiswear account, you did it anyway, and in a dirty way - - you derpy guy'd me so @sanegoatiswear doesn't show up in the banned users log.

"with great failure comes great suffering, @puttitout."

PuttItOut ago

I do love you trying to get to me. You're cute.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

we're talking about you. you should join. oh wait, you're shills.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

seriously. i would love to see voat free of censorship and shills and growing!

BaneGhostiSwear ago

want to have an actual discussion about voat or are you legally gagged from doing so?

allow me to comment freely on my original account (i wouldn't have this one if you didn't censor me.)

lol btw i'm not a group; i'm one person.

Disappointed ago

With great effort comes extra flushes?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

beatle is the hero voat needs

Disappointed ago

You'll have to wash your undies more often since superheros wear them on the outside. No one likes a hero with skidmarks.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

#me too

#never again

freshmeat ago

the people helping you vet it are the people who are going to abuse it. Stop thinking like a dev for a minute and be honest.

Samsquamch ago

You abuse alt accounts for upvoats and downvoats, not sure you should be telling others to be honest.

Pissant ago

Interesting, any proof? Or do you usually just regurgitate everything v/soapboxbanhammer claims?

Ever looked into @Fuzzywords the transsexual coder that has been working with Voat? Seems a lot like having a Jew coding for us, conflict of interest or something like that?

But yeah, what proof have you ever seen other than baseless accusations? Because I'm allegedly one of his alts. In fact anyone who disagrees with SBBH is an alt of SaneGoat, didnt you know that?

Just so you know Sam, those who are fooling you are laughing behind your back.

Califit ago

If you're right about him, if they dont abuse it, he will. So even if he does use alts is he is still right about it being open to abuse.

freshmeat ago

i don't use alts and I make my activity on this site very transparent, which I believe is why I haven't been banned because I haven't broken a single rule.

It will undoubtedly be abused and I'm against it's implementation

freshmeat ago

Bullshit, I've been against alts since my original account was brigaded into censorship. I would prefer the possibility of alts being used 0%

heygeorge ago

How many accounts have you made? How many accounts do you have right now? How many of them are moderating rPV?

freshmeat ago

how many are active?

Rotteuxx ago

I've been against alts since my original account was brigaded into censorship.

So you're full of shit since you just admitted to having sleeper alts

Pissant ago

I love how it's always the same group of people making these accusations.

Sbbh has no shame.

Samsquamch ago

When have I posted or been a part of sbbh?

Pissant ago

I already directly addressed you, Sam.


Samsquamch ago

That silly bait response?

Pissant ago

So you noticed Freshmeat using alt accounts? What are his alt accounts? Which threads did you notice them in?

Honestly man, correct me if I'm wrong; you're simply regurgitating the words that v/Soapboxbanhammer have put out there. Parroting their talking points.

Have an original thought, bud. I've specifically noticed you responding to SBBHs accusations, regurgitating their bullshit. I've actually called you out on it in the past. You gave me a hard time for naming ExpertShitposter as an instigator just last week? I notice you specifically because I'm also a fan of TPB, and there are very few people who parrot SBBHs talking points who aren't regular users of SBBH, so you stand out.

freshmeat ago


Ended up not having to do that.

go1dfish ago

Power and responsibility.

I don’t trust the user base here with the power to add rules to system subs.

Democracy has the effect of eliminating any sense of personal responsibility.

HACKhalo2 ago

I completely agree. The rules of System Subs should only be managed by Voat, because they are core subverses to the site. Any other subverse should be fair game.

go1dfish ago

Indeed, I’d actually like to see more curated subverses created on Voat, I think it could help to grow the site into something more sustainable and interesting.

But I absolutely don’t want this to take over the site, freedom should be the default and if someone wants to control/curate a community they are welcome to create their own.

Voat must retain prominent public uncensored defaults for generic topics.

Or at a very minimum /v/whatever should remain radically free.

HACKhalo2 ago

I completely agree. I enjoy the anarchy of voat, but I also know that the current system for managing rouge mods (aka waiting for putt) isnt working. It's also why I think only Putt should manage @system subs, and the community manages all the other ones. It makes it fair in my eyes

germanshepherd ago


Dudicles ago

If people want more heavily curated spaces they are welcome to create one.

Even those would be subject to whatever rules Putt decides they have to follow when curating content/users. I see no other real reason for this action other than what I posted elsewhere: it sounds like it's designed to allow for the "legitimate" removal of mods from subverses.

go1dfish ago

To be clearer I don’t think the rule feature and tying mod actions to rules is bad.

What I’m concerned about is the longer term plan to allow users to vote in new rules in @system sub verses and especially /v/whatever

If the voting aspect is limited to non system subs, and system sub rules are only sitewide + off topic then that could be a very good feature IMO.

But if allowed to subsume the site we will end up where Reddit did.

Another feature that might mitigate this is if non global rule violations result in moving a post to /v/whatever or some other catch all rather than removing the post as happens now.

captainstrange ago

and if someone wants to control/curate a community they are welcome to create their own.

This is the answer. As it stands the whole 'bad mods crisis' is a small minority of individuals gaming the system. I didn't know why at the time. I thought they were just shit-stirrers. Now I understand: They wanted to bring their alt-brigade 'democracy' to all subs--so the 'free market' and creating new subs will be pointless.

They'll game this to death. It'll be the death of free speech on voat. I'm not shitting you.

ChillyHellion ago

@PuttItOut, I'm with go1dfish on this one. I think tying bans to rules by forcing moderators to cite an existing rule to ban someone is an excellent improvement with no apparent downsides. But I can't think of a way to implement purely democratic rule systems without the system falling victim to witch hunts or knee-jerk community reactions.

And how would you prevent larger communities from taking a sudden interest in smaller community's rule "elections" and establishing rules the community doesn't want for itself?

It's one of those ideas where the possibility of success is so slim and the potential for abuse is so high that I'm not confident it's a step in the right direction, despite the spirit of the change.

however, I do want to emphasize that I think tying moderators' ban function to existing rules is a masterstroke. And it would provide for future filtering options, make it easier for users to parse and audit public mod logs.

Womb_Raider ago

Frankly, fish, I think this marks the point where a new website must be considered. We cannot trust him to bear the torch if his judgment falters despite overwhelming criticism when this idea was first announced.

We are going the way of reddit.

go1dfish ago

Yeah I’ve always said that there is no fundamental difference between this place and Reddit and that it was only a matter of time before it fell victim to similar problems.

I didn’t expect it quite so soon though.

I don’t know of any better alternatives at this point either.


PuttItOut ago

We are going the way of reddit.

Actually, it is the exact opposite direction.

Womb_Raider ago

So you'll reply to this comment but not the one I made directly responding to you? Don't feel like answering challenging questions? I'm not trying to be as divisive as Grifter. My criticisms of this proposed system are as valid as anyone else's.

go1dfish ago

Reddit’s redesign is adding removal rules and reasons and I’ve also heard they are exploring public mod logs.

Not aware of any plans for rule/mod voting.

The opposite direction of Reddit would be to make censorship impossible rather than easy.

Focusing on democratic censorship seems much more parallel to Reddit than the opposite of it.

Same destination, different path.

PuttItOut ago

Reddit has on more than one occasion implemented a current Voat feature so this doesn't surprise me.

We are viewing things from different perspectives concerning the vote code. Have you spent any time at the beta site and investigated this feature and it's capabilities?

Grifter42 ago

Hey, why'd you shut down Chat when your friend Beatle spammed it to death? Why didn't you just tell him to knock it the fuck off?

Oh, was it that you wanted an excuse to shut it down?

PuttItOut ago

I told you chat was dropped when we did the port because the socket libraries were not available. It will be back soon as their port is nearing completion.

Grifter42 ago

Bullshit. You shut down chat when it was spammed by Beatle, who was doing his fucking thing where he would make a name that was one letter off of other people, and use scripts to flood the chat with fucked up fetish shit. You said you were going to look into the people who did it, and then surprise surprise, you didn't. You entered into your absentee landlord mode, and fucked off for two whole months. What were you doing in those months? Are you even the same fucking person? I doubt it.

PuttItOut ago

I can't believe I don't block you... I don't have time to investigate like I'm the fbi. Chat was being raped, so I had to turn it off when it was being abused.

We tried to manage it and couldn't.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

lol screencap this voat! @puttitout just gave one reason

"socket libraries"

then changed the reason to

"chat was being raped, so i had to turn it off when it was being abused"

LOLOL @grifter42 you are wrecking this sjw nigger!

Grifter42 ago

It was your people that were flooding the chat! Also, what was it, chat being flooded, or the socket libraries? You're contradicting yourself.

You know what I think? I think you didn't like chat because people were asking too many questions.

PuttItOut ago

I have no people here any more. All my people left when r/niggles migrated. All I have now is my ideal to support free speech, and you should appreciate it because it's the only reason I haven't banned you.

Grifter42 ago

You ban me and you prove my point that you've been compromised. I've posted nothing against the rules of Voat. Revealing the abuse of the system that's going on isn't a fuckin' crime.

PuttItOut ago

This might be the only true statement your little fingers ever typed.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

@puttitout is being openly hostile towards people that stand for free speech.

hey @grifter42 if you haven't figured it out yet,

the @puttitout account is run by users like fuzzywords, disappointed, kevdude.

justin chastain and atif colo have 0 to do with voat now.

no no,

go find justin and atif.

i found atif and atif is literally not able to discuss voat AT ALL on any subject, not even to state that he can't talk about it.

Grifter42 ago

What happened to you?

Womb_Raider ago

To be fair, he's agreeing with you based on his comment, Grift. I don't trust him either but you're being overzealous.

Grifter42 ago

He's still a liar. Was it socket libraries, or chat flooding?

I know for a fact it was chat flooding, because I saw it first hand, and it was done by the same Beatlejuice that Putt was jovially talking with just a bit ago.

Womb_Raider ago

Voat has gotten weird ever since Atko and Putt disappeared for two months. It has not been the same since and I don't think it ever will be. I hope we start working to create an alternative platform, so that we can have a failsafe. I have lost faith in this one. It's the best we have. Is it the best we can do?

go1dfish ago

The redesign visually looks more like voat as well from what I’ve seen, but they’ve yet to re-adopt the most important features of Voat: freedom and transparency

I checked it out briefly but I have no desire to aid in the development or testing of the feature as you have described it so far.

The specific implementation details don’t matter much to me when the overall plan involves giving the community the power to institute censorship rules in @system subs.

Grifter42 ago

Yup. This is handing over the site to SBBH.

PuttItOut ago

I see your concern. We will figure it out.

heygeorge ago

A simple and practical solution to much of this would be to keep v/whatever just as it is. Untouchably whatever.

This subverse is a catch-all subverse. If you don't want to classify your submission or don't care about where it belongs, post it here. Anything goes.

Womb_Raider ago

Only having freedom of speech in one corner of an ocean is kind of lame. It's easy to forum slide one massive traffic subverse.

Competition is valuable. This system sounds sloppy, george.

heygeorge ago

It's an idea to start. What idea do you have outside of criticizing me for no reason other than openly speaking my mind?

Womb_Raider ago

What idea do I have? Keeping voat as-is is a better idea than what is being proposed. Your idea is worse than what we have now. Anything that makes manipulation easier is a bad option.

heygeorge ago

What idea do I have? Keeping voat as-is

Aren't you a proponent of the notion that Voat is compromised and run by the bogeyman SBBH? Yet suddenly the status quo seems appropriate to you. Go figure.

Womb_Raider ago

Yes, I am. If one leg is on fire, lighting the other is not a solution. If you cannot perceive that bad cannot become worse, you are as much a moron as you sound.

You are being manipulative.

Grifter42 ago

Go fuck yourself, Kevdude. Anyone with two braincells to rub together can see what you people are up to. You want this change because it means you can steal more default subverses.

freshmeat ago

If a mod is banning users and deleting comments cor nonspam/non-submission-rule reasons can that subverse be removed from v/all?

That includes some of your subs and /v/showerthoughts then as well

Grifter42 ago

The last fucking thing you motherfuckers need is more power. You pricks ruined Voat.

Chiefpacman ago

At least the community is starting to understand what these power hungry users are up to.

6 months ago kevdude wouldnt have that many downvoats

Grifter42 ago

You think I'm doing this for popularuty? Most of the votes here are artificial.

Chiefpacman ago

You think I'm doing this for popularuty?

No. But since you randomly brought that up, I think you’d like me to know you’re not. Nice

Most of the votes here are artificial.

Meh, unprovable. I think the community has shown a general disapproval of the meta users lately.

Crensch ago

Says the guy specifically named as a problem by the site owner.

Some cods you have there.

heygeorge ago

It'll be ready when it's done. :D

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

trufe deth to @grifter42

Dudicles ago

Thinking out loud here:

--What problem is this fixing?

--Is it necessary to enact more rules to fix the problem?

--What problem could this be creating?

--How does selecting a rule violation--opposed to typing a reason--eliminate a mod being subjective about banning?

--Mod rules can be added or removed subjectively by the mods, thus allowing for them to ban based on rules anyway.

--Why is it bad for a mod of a small, niche subverse to be subjective with whom they want to allow to post?

PuttItOut ago

This is about two things:

  1. Being able to respond quickly to user reports (rules are needed for this data processing where as a random "reason" can not be categorized.
  2. Associating actions with a clearly defined violation.

We are not adding more rules, we are cleaning up the entire deletion and reporting system which was designed poorly.

SexMachine ago

If you need a global volunteer to help clear reports, I'm on Voat daily.

Grifter42 ago

Because this is SBBH and Kevdude trying to gain control of the few subverses that they don't already have complete control of.

Broc_Lia ago

Sounds good. I manually type the reason in anyhow, but it's a good system for transparency and saves a bit of time.

Just to hijack: Any word on when advertising is coming back?

Grifter42 ago

Hey, remember when you sold us all out to ExpertShitposter?

I do.


***"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"***

ExpertShitposter ago

Have a love song before RWDS ride up on you for knowing too much.


heygeorge ago

ExpertShitposter ago

On it.

ZetaReticulan ago

Putt can you run subverse request?

totes_magotes ago

No. Haven't you heard? Putt is too busy doing Dev work to actually admin these days.

ZetaReticulan ago


PuttItOut ago

Stop spying on me

totes_magotes ago

But you're so interesting...

freshmeat ago

stop avoiding anyone who isn't a fuckin shill

gabara ago

Well he spoke to you.

freshmeat ago

after i made that comment

gabara ago

Congratulations, you're a shill. Me he hasn't spoken to. I are non-shill winner.

Rotteuxx ago

He hasn't replied to me either :(

Zi win tü !

chmod ago

I'll go test but I think I've only banned one person in 3 years and have never deleted a comment. What happens If I don't implement any rules? I have to suddenly make new rules if someone starts being a jagoff?

Womb_Raider ago

Who do you think would downvoat this comment?

PuttItOut ago

Voat is small right now and managing it is too time consuming as is (viewing reports, removing dox, removing illegal content, etc.). This rule feature is needed to help manage the chaos if Voat grows bigger.

By having a system like this we can create alerts that will help us respond quicker.

I've had dox content up on the site for days or sometimes weeks because things are so inefficient.

Angmar ago

How do you expect it to grow bigger when every sub that tries to come here from reddit is run off? You know what to do but youre scared to do it or just do know how bad its got. What's the worse that could happen? The bulk of the users here finally get a say and are able to speak free without people telling them what they have to do. Your content producers are being run off and targetted. Your possible donations are being run off. Downvotes should be to sort comments only not bury information or ideas ppl dont like. Work on that. I'm conservtive leaning but I want to be challenged not read the same perspective I agree with every day. Do that and I'll start posting again. You are allowing the mob to censor subs and people and ideas and I know you dont want that. 90 percent of us voaters are on your side but we're sick of the drama and brigades. The alt armies are dividing voat. Please help us get our free speech back we lost here. I wanted to make a new sub now im done with my finals last year but if I do I have to go by the mob rules or lock it away from v/all thats not fair.

SexMachine ago

This. No one wants to come to Voat if only one mindset is tolerated.

adhdferret ago

You ever thought of getting more people to help you assuming they volunteer to do so? I don't get the reason you still don't have a trusted circle of people to do this.

Surely there is a group of people you trust with limited access to things on this site?

The site isn't nor does it have to be just you boss. Delegation is what makes good leaders the greatest leaders. Don't really know how else to say this, but within the past year I have seen a great number of very visible users disappear.

I know that with me I had to just go away for a while. Certian key aspects of the site such as subverse request are just neglected and that bothers me.

With all the technical shit being messed with and so little actual interaction with users it is starting to feel like Reddit around here. That is something I really miss about this place.

How your or atko would often comment on threads or even just pop in to say hi. Now it is where you do a mass ban of shill accounts, or websites.

Just telling you from my side of downfalls that I am seeing. Something that I think would empower some of those users that were very productive for Voat.

Hope you try to see the good in people for the future of this site.

chmod ago


I'm not going to implement any rules. I have rules on some of my subs but I've never enforced them because that's not Voat. Now you are making me create 'official' rules.

I'm not sure about this.

That being said, I've told you and Atko repeatedly over the years to delegate your workload. And who the hell is "us?"

WakkoWarner ago

And who the hell is "us?"

The Southern Poverty Law Center... 🙊

Womb_Raider ago

And who the hell is "us?"

Don't expect a reply. Our transparent leader is opaque.

Nerobot ago

People offered to help.

PuttItOut ago

Actually we can take volunteers now. We coded in some administration features recently. Before this it was impossible for any help because everything had to be done at the database level.

475677 ago

I volunteer my time though my last ban was for calling korean gookanese and translating their text into english and then calling the mod a dog eater afterwards, which in all fairness they farm dogs like we do cattle, so being a huge believer in free speech I'm not likely to mod anything unless it's CP.

PuttItOut ago

I swear Voat users, you guys are so random it's hilarious.

adhdferret ago

What roles is it that need to be filled?

Let's start there boss. I mean this is your ship and ultimately it is your vision on where you want this to go.

Nerobot ago

They applied long ago thats the problem. A lot of them have lost heart. I did see one recently in v/reportspammers ping you but I wont speak for them.

Broc_Lia ago

Depends on the sub, if it's just for fucking around then I doubt anyone will mind you making a broad rule like "don't be a jagoff." If it's a bigger sub they might want you to be more specific.

Womb_Raider ago

inb4 this system gets abused by SBBH to sabotage subs

Rotteuxx ago

Too late, we're behind the implementation & subjective "testing" of this new feature.

It's FUBU !

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

lol @womb_raider will be benned soon

Womb_Raider ago

Keep dreaming.

Womb_Raider ago

Color me surprised.


fusir ago

Yeah. You give them a warning. You tell everyone you are about to institute a rule and why. If they continue then you ban them. This rarely has been needed on Voat but every time it has it's worked. The problem comes when people skip those steps. Even if people end up agreeing with you in the long run it stirs up a debate. Voat has an immune system and even if otherwise innocuous that is the equivelent of inducing anaphylactic shock.

heygeorge ago

Very cool, Puttsy! We just need a stinking badge!

Naow: Pls fix sticky bug and that other one where smail replies go to my self-named subverse. :D

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i want my badge to say @grifter42 raped and murdered a little boy in 1990

Artofchoke ago

LOL STOP THAT, you're turning him mental!

gabara ago

@heygeorge, what do? I not want be banned for not banning.

heygeorge ago

It is what must be done.

gabara ago

why we get down vote?

MadWorld ago

I smell fears... The features Putt is implementing must be a great thing, when used properly, to increase the efficiency of managing Voat.

ExpertShitposter ago

They hate you because you're beautiful.

gabara ago

Do I report directly to you or @PuttItOut

heygeorge ago

You needn't bother him with every little thing.

gabara ago

Ok, boss.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

yall better delete that shit befor @grifter42

capped logged archived like he did expie

freshmeat ago

Did anyone ask for these changes that wasn't SBBH?

Dudicles ago

Thinking about it more after I made my question post, it simply sounds like it's more to allow for the "legitimate" removal of mods from subverses, rather than doing anything to make Voat a better experience.

freshmeat ago

it's exactly what it is. There will be built in measures to allow SBBH to remove any mods they want. It's been attempted on /v/Frugal /v/Identitarian /v/Gaming /v/Mybordersmychoice and a few others.

It's alarming that effort is being put into this type of work instead of addressing much larger issues with the site.

Dudicles ago

I've tossed around the idea of creating a sub that I think some people would have posted in, but with the way certain users here like to...spray their graffiti, so to speak, around smaller subs and then cry foul and form brigades via /v/whatever, and with this new action that I can only see being used to coerce mods into toeing the line, I have decided against creating the sub.

freshmeat ago

Yep. This site is no longer for general users. It's for a small group to control the narrative for the right and emulate reddit's UI and voting.

Dudicles ago

When /v/dinnertable was basically destroyed a long while ago by people who didn't like the fact that regular posters there wanted to keep the language clean, that set the precedence for people being able to bully any sub they want into submission. This new action will allow for them to do it without any bullying.

PuttItOut ago

Are you talking about this rule feature or the new vote feature?

I don't quite understand what your comment is suggesting.

Nerobot ago

Theres a generalcproblem wth subs and users getting downvote brigaded for having the wrong type of free speech. That is the freedom not to have words like niggers shouted at you or hearing that jews should be killed. If you are one of the clique your subs and you are left alone. A lot of the clique here dont want new users at all so they try to run new subs off by shitpostig them.Then when they are banned they make threads on PV and v/whatever calling for brigades and mods heads. It happened to v/indentitarian and that was replaced with v/identitarians. So @kevdude insitigated the brigade against it and now is mod of the replacement sub. Same with pizzagate. This mob decides who gets a voice and they will spend time to takeover commuities they donnt like. Already SBBH has started posting in subs they never did before and making new alts all the time. You need to remove the power of downvotes to silence people and come up with other solutions for spammers, maybe a flagging system and someone like Cynabuns who will stick around to take out the trash. I'v seen others volunteer for it.

Grifter42 ago

Nope. And the fact that SBBH is here jerking that faggot admin off for helping them kill the site even more just highlights it.

Atko was a piece of shit, but he wasn't as big of a hypocritical cocksucker as Putt.

PuttItOut ago

I do love your passion and name calling. You make me laugh.

Grifter42 ago

You're nothing but a smug Spez wannabe. How much did they pay you to sell out? What was your price?

PuttItOut ago

Some free shirts and a fitted cap.

Grifter42 ago

You're not fuckin' funny, and it's obvious what you are.


***"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"***

Rotteuxx ago

Voat wouldn't feel the same without him.

ZetaReticulan ago

Your language turns me on.

Carry on!

Grifter42 ago


***"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"***

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


freshmeat ago

Show me who

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

that is private information and i am not one that will break someones trust

Grifter42 ago

Oh, look: I was hoping you had OD'ed, you junkie faggot.

You're the same retard that flooded chat until Putt "had" to shut it down, and now you're here acting thick as thieves. Fucking typical.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

very good and thank you

PuttItOut ago

I see

TheBuddha ago

You've got more patience than I have. Thanks for sticking it out.

Grifter42 ago

You fucking piece of shit. You really are just a fuckin' sell out. I highly doubt you're even still Justin Chaistain, or that there ever was a Justin Chastain to begin with.

You know, once, this site used to be something worth visiting. Now, you've just turned it into another SRS playground. Fuck you, Putt. I hope you fucking rot.

DieselBustersYes ago

SRS playground ??? wtf

Broc_Lia ago

If Putt were controlled by SRS I'm pretty sure this site would have been griefed long before now.

I agree democracy is a threat though.

freshmeat ago

If Putt were controlled by SRS I'm pretty sure this site would have been griefed long before now.

Logically that doesn't even make sense. Slow gradual changes to inhibit freedom is how SRS operates. They start shitposts to get it in the zeitgeist then keep pushing on it.

Grifter42 ago

It's not democracy when a bunch of SRS cunts larping as conservatives use bots to manipulate upvotes and downvotes to control the flow of information.

WhiteRonin ago

Call out those who using bots.

An open statement is a very liberal attack vector.

R u a liberal?

Grifter42 ago

No, I'm not a fucking liberal.

Liberals/SRS/(((Shitposters))) are the ones using the fucking bots. Look at /r/Politics. All a bunch of botted posts that hit /r/all.

Every day a dozen threads shitting on Trump are botted to the front page of Reddit.

Here, a bunch of power users either use alts, or bots to upvote their own posts and downvote others.

WhiteRonin ago

I don’t reddit. Fuck that shit.

I can see some of the power users doing that. The problem is that you only call out one side.

Maybe a solution is to vote on bans. But democracy doesn’t work.

Removing bans sounds like a good idea but we have spammers, sliders and shit posters. They can ruin a sub.

Getting banned after 1 post is wrong. So, we probably need a different mechanism to initiate a ban. How about 3 strikes? Each step gets an auto generated notice based on predefined selection choices. All questionable content gets fully locked so nobody can post and then if somebody wants to challenge a ban they get escalated to a higher committee or 30 day peer review with a poll.

So what are your suggestions?

Grifter42 ago

Voat was fine before you SRS faggots took over and ruined the place.

Voting on bans would just result in you motherfuckers brigading people out of the discussion, which you already do by the soft censorship of downvote brigading people into the negatives when they call your bullshit out.

You SRS cunts ARE the spammers, sliders, and to just claim it as "LOL, WE WUZ JUST SHITPOSTERS AND SHIIET" when you're actively acting like JIDF, and harassing your opponents off the site, trying to dox people, and acting like a bunch of thugs is just another of your bullshit tactics.

How about you fucking SBBH faggots go back to Reddit? That'd be nice.

It'd also be nice if Putt didn't act like a low-rent version of Spez.

WhiteRonin ago

Here try this:


I commented that I could read Korean in Japanese.

I got banned and commented deleted. I didn’t shit post. It was a joke but if I post in other subs like that I am not shit posting.

Just like I am responding to you. I am trying to have a debate/conversation and you are the one who has used potty mouth language. Yeah, I write fuck and shit all the time but not right now.

My idea of the peer review over 30 days would allow the public to perform in a democratic fashion. The vary same fashion you bash SBBH for. This is a very liberal method. No college votes. Just goats.

See the 30 days are enough that so that people can cool down. Also, the 3 strikes gives the offender more than enough chances to consider their actions.

Without 3 offenses in the sub, you can’t get banned. No feelz involved.

What is your solution. I have provided a solid one. What’s your’s?

Grifter42 ago

You people have banned me from SBBH without a single post in it.

You're just treading water, trying to filibuster around the fact that you people are no different from SRS.

WhiteRonin ago

I didn’t ban you.

You crew banned me from rPV. Fake sane is @tallest_skil . Fake because Sane was smarter. Mightyyetgentle is @freshmeat — several sources agree.

So what did we just prove?

Jack shit bro!

Look at my posts about the bans. Why don’t you be useful and provide constructive criticism or provide opinions instead of trying to argue about useless retarded shit!

Tallest_Skil ago

Fake sane is @tallest_skil.

Still waiting for proof of your libel, by the way. How’s that coming? I still don’t even know who this faggot is and at this point I don’t give a shit. I want you and your paid shill buddies to be executed for treason, and then I want your accounts banned for a laugh.

Why don’t you be useful and provide constructive criticism

Why don’t you be useful and actually refute anything I’ve said rather than screaming impotently that “HE’S MY BOOGEYMAN THEREFORE HE’S WRONG NOW BECAUSE I SAY SO!”

WhiteRonin ago

I said fake sane not sane. Learn to read.

How is what coming?

Which fagget?

You can get paid? How much?

Banned? You the one who bans people? I haven’t banned anybody. Irony is not your strong point!

Refute your point? I haven’t seen your sub protect much besides like 1 post. Let’s put your money where your mouth is.

Who screamed besides you?

Tallest_Skil ago

Still waiting for the proof.

WhiteRonin ago

That you are gay?

@lllllilllllllli pm’d me about it.

Besides you didn’t answer any of my questions. So why should I show you any courtesy?

Tallest_Skil ago

So when did you stop beating your wife?

WhiteRonin ago

I should have let her stick her dildo up your ass!

See how that works ;)

Broc_Lia ago

I don't see how that's not democracy, democracy is inherently vulnerable to takeover.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

indeed komrade indeed


DieselBustersYes ago